Host Club (OOC) (Currently Closed)

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How should we start?

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:raining:It's always so quiet around this time of day... cursed time zones! >:(

I love writing Kaede, though. XD

"It would be cruel of me to torment the ladies with my absence any longer."
Im awake... Kind of. I'm on my phone and I can't sleep because my tummy hurts TTnTT It's 4:47am here.
Im awake... Kind of. I'm on my phone and I can't sleep because my tummy hurts TTnTT It's 4:47am here.

YOU SHOULDN'T BE AWAKE! But Awwws, poor you. ;_; *snuggles* take some pain killers?
YOU SHOULDN'T BE AWAKE! But Awwws, poor you. ;_; *snuggles* take some pain killers?
TTnTT if I could I'd be sleeping like a baby XD
XD *snuggles back* thanks
We don't have any right now TTnTT
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TTnTT if I could I'd be sleeping like a baby XD
XD *snuggles back* thanks
We don't have any right now TTnTT

Awwwws. X3 *sends healing power*
*spazes* yaaay thank youuu XD <3
You're welcome. ^^

Ah German, it's such a beautiful language. <3 Mom's reading a book for me in German right now, because we do that from time to time. It's super nice and cozy. >:3
You're welcome. ^^

Ah German, it's such a beautiful language. <3 Mom's reading a book for me in German right now, because we do that from time to time. It's super nice and cozy. >:3
Aww thats sweet XD.
Aww thats sweet XD.

The book feels like it could be a shoujo manga. A good shoujo manga. The male love interest is totally tsundere. >:3 XD
The book feels like it could be a shoujo manga. A good shoujo manga. The male love interest is totally tsundere. >:3 XD
Ooooooh sounds interesting what is the book called?
Ooooooh sounds interesting what is the book called?

Yay, that's great! ^^
And... the German title of the book is 'Zurück Mack Holly Hill', though I'm not sure if there is an English translation (the original is in German). If there is one, I would think it's called 'Back to Holly Hill' or something of the like, since that's what the German title means. X3
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Yay, that's great! ^^
And... the German title of the book is 'Zurück Mack Holly Hill', though I'm not sure if there is an English translation (the original is in German). If there is one, I would think it's called 'Back to Holly Hill' or something of the like, since that's what the German title means. X3
Thank youuuu and thank you XD
Meh, waiting for Ket to post before I post for both Ren and Aya... and waiting for anyone else to post before I post Keade. X3 ;_; Where is everyone?
Same and I have no idea XD
I just posted tagging both @Gladis and @Sashakiki so Kaede can be officially born and, who knows, maybe Ben could interfere, if he wants. Of course it's totally a free action but I tagged both just in case :P
I just posted tagging both @Gladis and @Sashakiki so Kaede can be officially born and, who knows, maybe Ben could interfere, if he wants. Of course it's totally a free action but I tagged both just in case :P

You did a perfect job with that post! Exactly what I needed! >:3 I'll post my reply tomorrow in the morning! *is trying to sleep*
I'm semi alive. I ended up having to work 10 hours in the end, so, I'm hungry and tired, and annoyed at the world. And I swear to god if i hear a phone ring in the next 2 hours, I'mma disconnect it.
Bright side, I'm home! And I will post before I go to sleep. I'm just trying to see if Vio still wanted to hang out today. x.x And my boyfriend is coming over. But I can post regardless of how long he stays.
Anyway, thank you all for giving time between your posts. I really do appreciate it. <3 I'd give you all cookies if I could.
Sorry for being dead, im still here. I promise to get a post up soon.
Finally posted Kaede! ^^

I'm semi alive. I ended up having to work 10 hours in the end, so, I'm hungry and tired, and annoyed at the world. And I swear to god if i hear a phone ring in the next 2 hours, I'mma disconnect it.
Bright side, I'm home! And I will post before I go to sleep. I'm just trying to see if Vio still wanted to hang out today. x.x And my boyfriend is coming over. But I can post regardless of how long he stays.
Anyway, thank you all for giving time between your posts. I really do appreciate it. <3 I'd give you all cookies if I could.

Awwws! >.> That doesn't sound too terribly good. *huggles* Take your time and relax a little, you sound like you need it. o.o Hope things get a little less stressful for you eventually. X3

And heehee, I'm looking forward to your posts! ^^
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*Crawls on the floor* Finally ... ready ... to start ... working ... on Ouran. (I'm so sorry for the delay! Other commitments kept me away!)
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