Horizon Demon Hunter Academy (IC)

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"Why can't I do it for your sake?" Sarah asked as she took a step towards him smirking.

"He's not interested!" Sheridan said with a glare.

Coal just facepalmed with a groan. His sister obviously didn't see that the angel didn't like demons.
"Drag on? What do you mean?! We just played two separate games, and now we are playing a third! How would they drag on!?" Ariel messed with Frey the entire time he searched, until finally he found them. By the time he did though it was getting rather late. "Welp! Seems its time to head back and call it a day.
First mission of the year's tomorrow. Need to make an impression on the Newbies. Well, I'll be sure to play with you again sometime Frey!"

"Hey, it's getting late. We should probably head in for today. We have our first mission tomorrow." Yosuke waved off his new acquaintance and headed back to his dorm. He had not seen his dorm mate, this year. However, he was feeling tired and wanted to be in his best shape tomorrow. He went straight to sleep. He would have time to meet them later.

------Next Morning------
"Settle down please. We will soon be announcing the forty squads leaders for the first mission of the year. As this is a very special mission, we will personally place students into each group. All first years will be going. However, not all returning students shall be attending. I am very sorry for those who will not be going, but our Arms Instructors, Skills Specialists, and Demon Tamers will all be at your disposal today, so there will be plenty to keep you occupied. The Dueling Arena is also opened, so if given the opportunity, see if you can win your house any points. Now I hand the mic to the Head of House Gaia."

"Alright, now listen up, I'm only saying this once. This will be your first time experiencing something like this for many of you. Now there will be Twenty Squadrons. Each Squadron will have two leaders. One for Gaia, and one for Aether. Gaia leaders, you have a special job. You must help those without demon partners find one. With out their power, we humans don't stand a chance. First years, Demons are cunning. You must be more so to befriend them. Some may want to spar, others may want a kiss. Truth is we don't know what they will want. So be on your toes. This is supposed to be an easy mission, so no one would die. However, like I said, we can't know for sure. If something bad happens, I want all of you retreating immediately. Though the leaders of each group are experienced, your top priority is the safety of the Newbies.

Now. I am going to call out the leaders of each squadron. For Squadron 1..." Luka continued down the list as students until he reached the 15 and 16 squad. "Leader of Squadron 15, Gaia: Yosuke Kirigawa. Leader of Squadron 15, Aether: Saria Rubim. Leader of Squadron 16, Gaia: Isaac Traverz. Leader of Squadron 16, Aether: Davin Theldaven." He finished up his speech then turned to the leaders, handing them a folder, and a video communicator. "These folders have the students who will be accompanying you, as well as their grade. It also has a briefing of your mission. Now head to your designated area, and wait for your students to come to you, as the staff tells them where they were assigned."

Squad 13, 14, 15, and 16 were all heading to Fort Bismark. However each had a different mission.

Squad 15
Right outside the eastern side wall, of the Fort is a gang of Goblins that has been causing a ruckus and many are afraid to use that exit, as they are afraid of these Demons. It is causing quite a bit of trouble, as they have no way of reaching the ores that lie in the mine not far from there. We would like you to check out the Eastern Wall, and eliminate this band of goblins, as well as check the mine to make sure it has not become infested.

Squad 16
Northwest from the Fort is a lake. This lake is Fort Bismark's main water supply comes from. However, water from this lake seems to be contaminated. Water coming from there is a strange, murky brownish green color. It does not seem like a normal animal. The Fort has enough water from other sources to last them a while, but it is only a matter of time, before there is a problem. Please check this out.

(Squad 15: Kia, Irruis, If Phoenix shows up definetly Si-u. Until then I will play an NPC first year.)

(Squad 16: Ariel, Sheridan, Frey, NPC first year if any one wants to)
Kia groaned, her night was okay. Her dorm-mate was a little odd. And maybe immature. But it was enjoyable to have such a odd dorm-mate. She had started reading her little assignment she had been told to do. Her squad mates where not known to her, looks like the school had actually kept to there tradition. Her mission was odd, dealing with goblins...not the easiest, but not the hardest. But why goblins, they were so physical, and rough. Something she was hoping she wouldn't have to deal with. But oh well. She then decided to meet up with the rest of her squad. Flying towards her leader with her large wings.
By the time Frey reached his assigned dorm, he didn't even look to pay attention as to who his roommate would be. Hell, he doesn't even know if the bastard's there at all. All he thought about is how pissed off and exhausted he was because of Ariel's little games. He genuinely didn't care about who his roommate would be, so long as he is quiet, he is a good person. If his roommate was there at all, he'd practically see the same scene from Frey, regardless of his mood. He was pissed off and exhausted, but he would still slump to his bed as if he would if he was happy and energetic. And if you were wondering, yes, he slept with the headphones on. They don't break, and Frey had the ability to stick the headphones to his head like superglue. He just didn't do that little trick a while ago when Ariel took it from him, since it was day one and there's no reason to be on guard all the time. Frey learned an important lesson, that as long as Ariel breathes, one must never let their guard down. Ever.

He woke up at about four in the morning to sneak off in the courtyard again. Making sure that absolutely no annoying angel was there, he started practicing again. He did this almost every day for most of the previous year, and not a single person knows of this. Except maybe the crazy fangirls. He plays his music a maximum of one hour, before sneaking back to his dorm room to sleep, or sometimes just pretend to. This day was no exception, so he would go back to his dorm after an hour of playing. It might look like dilly-dallying to others, but by practicing his music, he actually becomes stronger. Perfecting his music enables him to control the sound waves more precisely, the courtyard being his testing grounds. Basically, he uses the sound waves to control his environment, trying to carry certain objects without breaking them, controlling the wind, cutting the grass millimeter by millimeter, or whatever takes full concentration. He's actually very serious about his training, though he may not look like it.

Next came the morning routines. This day, the students are finally given missions, and each squad leader is assigned. Frey really didn't mind going to missions or not. In fact, he gets along with most people, though his idea of "getting along" is not having to interact with any of his squadmates except in strategy meetings. If people learn how to shut up around him, he can act harmoniously with them in his own way. Though, it is not to say he acts on his own when he feels like it. He definitely tries to work as a team, despite not forming bonds with them. He awaited his squad leader to call for him.
Sarah's pass at Davin didn't fully register in his head until after he bid Sheridan good night and he got back to his room. Which was probably for the best, else she would have seen the confused mix of shock and revulsion. The idea that a demon would be attracted to him made him extremely uncomfortable, more so than even the prospect of having one rip his intestines out. As a result, he only gave Irrius a brief greeting when he met him in their room and went to bed. Try as he might, though, he didn't sleep very well and woke the next morning feeling somewhat groggy and irritable. Still, he awoke at the crack of dawn, the same as Frey, and found his own area to run through his training regimen with his weapons. Davin gave Frey plenty of distance out of respect for his training, and made sure he wouldn't prove to be a distraction.

By the time the mission briefing came around, Davin had the blood flowing so he could shrug off his weariness for the time being. He perked up when he heard himself named squad leader and accepted the folder handed to him. He turned to Isaac with a nod and led the way to their briefing location, and called out the names of his teammates, one by one. As fate would have it, Sheridan was one of his squad mates. That gave him some relief, knowing he could keep an eye on the first year girl and help ease her into things. As for Sarah, he just hoped she managed to restrain herself while on mission. The last thing he needed was having a demon girl hitting on him while they tried to fight. To make matters worse, however, he also had Ariel on his team. He resisted the urge to groan and hold his head in his hand. But then, maybe she would actually take this seriously.

Maybe... Hopefully.

Once all of his teammates assembled, he started off the briefing himself and said, "We're investigating a contaminated lake near Fort Bismark, a vital water supply to the area. As of now, we don't know for sure what's causing it, so we will proceed with caution and reconnoiter the site from a safe distance before moving in." He gave Ariel a pointed look and said, "Ariel, you and I will serve as eyes in the sky, and give forewarning of any danger." He turned to Frey next and said, "You will stay with the ground squad, whether on the ground or low in the air, I leave to your discretion and judgement. You've done this song and dance before." Hopefully, he wouldn't have to tell two second years not to run off by themselves. But once in the air, he would be sure to mention that to Ariel anyway.

At this point, he deferred to Isaac, to let him speak next and give his suggestions or orders. "What do you think?"
Saria accepted the folder and phone before Kirigawa could, flipping the briefing open to begin skimming. It contained a lot of unnecessary complaining, so she picked out what the mission was and who she would be watching. Then she handed it over to Kirigawa so he could read it. She didn't show anything like concern--this was simply an assignment to Saria, a piece of homework to finish for credit. Rather than worry about pointless things, she was busy thinking about possible approaches.

Kia and Irrius. Saria wasn't sure if Maser Samuel was putting a lot of trust in her or just trying to mess with her. She could admit that an extermination was the right mission for Irrius, but fighting a large group would require a plan and teamwork. If Irrius flew off on his own, he'd be endangering not only his life, but everyone else as well. Kia was better; as long as she stayed focused, the blue angel performed well. Kirigawa would be responsible for the first-year, so Saria didn't have to concern herself there. Then assuming Saria could get everyone to keep it together, this would be another notch.

She muttered a small prayer anyway.


Isaac walked alongside Davin and held the folder between them, both able to pour over it at the same time. His brow furrowed as he learned the details; Fort Bismark needed that freshwater source if they were to last the year. The sooner they could find the source of contamination, the better off the people living there would be.

He read through the names of people in his squad even as they began to appear. Ariel Liber. Sheridan Granger. Frey Otonashi. Wait, Ariel and Frey in the same group? Apparently the Heads hadn't heard about yesterday yet; Frey had come home furious, the aura around him strong enough to draw Isaac's attention away from his book even before the door opened. The girl would be a wild card. Frey would be... come to think of it, Isaac had never fought with Frey before. He'd have to ask about the angel's abilities during travel. Sheridan was an unfamiliar name--understandable since this was her first year--but the fact that she already had two demons was a strong indicator that she had skill.

All-in-all, Isaac thought as Davin finished the briefing, this was a good mission to start off with. Investigations were less dangerous on average, and this would give him a chance to gauge Sheridan's abilities. When Davin deferred to him, Isaac took a step forward and pushed his shoulders back, straightening to his full height. "We can assume demons are involved, so be on your guard and expect small skirmishes. Remember, though, that our first priority is cleaning the water. The people of Fort Bismark need our help if they're going to live through the winter. Our goal is the source of contamination; do not let yourselves be drawn away in pointless battles." Isaac held a stern glare for a few moments, then let his face soften into a smile. "That said, keep a running count of the demons you neutralize. The winner gets treated to dinner off-campus."
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Sighing as the briefing ended, he began looking around for wherever he was supposed to be. The faculty had told him he was with squad 15, so he directed himself over to their area and began pushing through the crowd. Jostled from every side by elbows as people tried to force through, he groaned. Hopefully it wouldn't take him so long to get to his squad that the mission started without him.

Finally freeing himself from the confines of the crowd, he gave a small smile and a wave "Sorry it took me so long. Was on the opposite side, and if I can phase through people, I haven't figured out how to work it yet."
"Woo! First mission!" Sheridan said in excitement as she headed out towards where they needed to go,her hand on her machete and Coal walking behind her and Sarah walking at her side,sparks already in her hands incase they came across hostile demons.

"I'm wondering what's messing up the water." Coal said as he looked around to spot the lake.

"I'm guessing demons that want the human population down in the area. Messing up the water would be a smart move. No water means no surviving this winter." Sheridan said as she ran her fingers over one of the knives strapped to her legs.
Saria accepted the folder and phone before Kirigawa could, flipping the briefing open to begin skimming. It contained a lot of unnecessary complaining, so she picked out what the mission was and who she would be watching. Then she handed it over to Kirigawa so he could read it. She didn't show anything like concern--this was simply an assignment to Saria, a piece of homework to finish for credit. Rather than worry about pointless things, she was busy thinking about possible approaches.

Kia and Irrius. Saria wasn't sure if Maser Samuel was putting a lot of trust in her or just trying to mess with her. She could admit that an extermination was the right mission for Irrius, but fighting a large group would require a plan and teamwork. If Irrius flew off on his own, he'd be endangering not only his life, but everyone else as well. Kia was better; as long as she stayed focused, the blue angel performed well. Kirigawa would be responsible for the first-year, so Saria didn't have to concern herself there. Then assuming Saria could get everyone to keep it together, this would be another notch.

She muttered a small prayer anyway.


Isaac walked alongside Davin and held the folder between them, both able to pour over it at the same time. His brow furrowed as he learned the details; Fort Bismark needed that freshwater source if they were to last the year. The sooner they could find the source of contamination, the better off the people living there would be.

He read through the names of people in his squad even as they began to appear. Ariel Liber. Sheridan Granger. Frey Otonashi. Wait, Ariel and Frey in the same group? Apparently the Heads hadn't heard about yesterday yet; Frey had come home furious, the aura around him strong enough to draw Isaac's attention away from his book even before the door opened. The girl would be a wild card. Frey would be... come to think of it, Isaac had never fought with Frey before. He'd have to ask about the angel's abilities during travel. Sheridan was an unfamiliar name--understandable since this was her first year--but the fact that she already had two demons was a strong indicator that she had skill.

All-in-all, Isaac thought as Davin finished the briefing, this was a good mission to start off with. Investigations were less dangerous on average, and this would give him a chance to gauge Sheridan's abilities. When Davin deferred to him, Isaac took a step forward and pushed his shoulders back, straightening to his full height. "We can assume demons are involved, so be on your guard and expect small skirmishes. Remember, though, that our first priority is cleaning the water. The people of Fort Bismark need our help if they're going to live through the winter. Our goal is the source of contamination; do not let yourselves be drawn away in pointless battles." Isaac held a stern glare for a few moments, then let his face soften into a smile. "That said, keep a running count of the demons you neutralize. The winner gets treated to dinner off-campus."

Once Kia had spotted out her squad leader, she flew down from the air on her position. She landed a few feet in front of saria and waved hello before walking up. She hadn't really gotten to know saria, only have seen her around campus here and there. But this mission was going to call teamwork, hopefully saria could plan that out. "Um...so your the squad leader. Lucky... Oh well. So what's the plan boss?"
"You excited you two?" Ariel asked Davin and Frey before entering the transporter.

Hm... Not all surprising he was leader. He never liked admitting it, but he was one of the better hunters in the school. he made sure all his team had gathered before he called them, over. Right before he started though, a boy, no older than 14 had stepped up to him.

"Hey! I'm John Alder. I thought it would be important to tell you that I don't actually have a demon yet. Seeing as how that is where Humans get their power to fight demons, I thought it would be important to tell you."

The boy had a long sword with him. It seemed almost a bit too big. But he was probably stronger than he looked. Yosuke smiled at him. "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get yourself a partner. Chances are though, is that it is going to be a Goblin." Yosuke cleared his head, and imagined that he was speaking to one single person. A guy so that he didn't say anything awkward. He is good at public speaking, and speaking to large groups. But one on one, he is a bumbling idiot.

"Alright, listen up! We are heading to the Eastern Wall of Fort Bismark. This area has been overrun with Goblins. Though they aren't particularly dangerous, they travel in large groups and will attempt to overwhelm. There may be some Goblin Mages. If that is the case, all first years avoid them. Returners will target these first. I will be providing support, along side my Demons, Ambrosia and Thunderbolt, however this is a chance for experience, so I will try to leave the fighting to you. If you get in trouble, holler. One of the returners will help. After we clear the goblins we will discuss the mines. Anything you would like to add Saria?"

Each group waited for their turn to be transported to the drop point. Group 15 started inside the Eastern Wall, group 16 the northern wall. There was a good amount of land separating the two groups. Fort Bismark is a gigantic fort, four stories tall, which was the first point to be recovered from the Demons. The Fort serves as a major technology research station, so it is critical to the war. The entire fourth floor is dedicated to this research. There are many large machines, though they are all crude in design, however each gets the job done.

Yosuke waited for his group to reassemble and made sure everyone was there.

(Add whatever you wanted to add then move to the transporting room and on fort bismark, so we can move the story.)
Davin nodded along with Isaac's words and clasped his shoulder before he followed Ariel into the transporter, along with Sheridan and her demons. He stepped out of the beam of light at Fort Bismark. He gestured to Ariel and said, "Let's go. We'll keep in radio contact with the rest of you, and warn you if we see any trouble." He spared Sheridan a glance and gave her a curt nod.

His wings appeared, sliding out of holes that appeared in his uniform, and spread to nearly double his height, loose feathers fluttering through the air. At the same time, his armor materialized over his uniform and settled into place with dry rasps. Davin took a moment to adjust his body to make sure everything had settled into place and kicked off from the ground. He flapped his wings a few times before he caught a ride on a wind stream that carried him higher up and the ground dropped away, until the others looked like ants and the landscape sprawled out as far as the eye could see. They couldn't see the lake yet even from this high, but he knew from the briefing it wouldn't be much farther before they gained a visual.

With a tap to his microphone, Davin tested to make sure everyone could hear him and announced, "Beginning aerial reconnaissance."
"You should know,that was awesome." Sheridan said into her radio thing as she set off on foot with Coal and Sarah. When he had done that she had been watching wide eyed while from behind her Sarah watched him take off with a smirk and a hand on her hip. He really had been awe inspiring to her the moment his wings appeared. Though once he was high in the air she snapped out of it and took off on foot.
"This isn't a vacation. Stay focused. Don't die. Now move!" That's all Saria had to say. She needed to see the battlefield before she could prepare a strategy. She did take the time to send an angry thought at the Heads for not giving her a day to prepare; being sent in blind was an easy way to get killed. She had never had the chance to lead before, but if it was like this every time then she wasn't happy with it. They should have given out these briefings to the captains yesterday, giving them ample time to study the terrain, plan for the weather, and prepare for the demons in that area.

She pushed those negative thoughts aside for now. Saria took a deep breath, cleared her mind, and stepped up to the portal. Divine light enveloped her and those around her. It was a sensation of falling, and rising, and feeling comfortably warm as though wrapped in a blanket. Saria let her breath out slowly, counting down from ten.

She reached zero. Reality snapped back into rigid place. She opened her eyes, not sure when she had closed them, and looked around the new room. She recognized the place from a previous mission here: Fort Bismark, East Wall, Arrivals. She stepped down and out to the hall, standing beside Kirigawa and letting the others assemble in front of them once again.

"Nobody leaves the ground without permission. The last thing we need is Goblins that know angels are hunting them. Ichimoto, you're with Kirigawa and Alder. Alorven, you're with me. Never lose sight of your partners. Do not engage until we know how many there are. Kirigawa?"
Saria turned to allow him to add his input. Again because of the lack of planning, they hadn't agreed upon any sort of plan. She doubted they would clash--Kirigawa was a nice, awkward person--but even an hour to prepare would have been enough to end any worries.

Master Samuel had to be pulling her leg.


"Roger. Safe flying, Red Leader. Rogue Squadron, let's move out!" Isaac was feeling happy. Stepping out at the head of the ground forces, he felt the dirt crunch under his boots. He took a deep breath of thick, unrecycled air, let it back out, and drew another. After a month in the hospital and another two stuck on Horizon for rehab, finally returning to the surface felt wonderful. It was no surprise to him that people wanted to retake this world, their home in times past: Earth was beautiful.

"Ms. Granger, I think we're going to take the scenic route. Were you born on Earth?"
"Yeah I was born here. And don't call me miss Granger,it sounds weird." Sheridan said chuckling as she looked over at Issac. "Call me Sheridan,I don't like formal stuff like that." She really didn't,it made her feel all awkward and made her want to squirm and whine. Coal stood at her side,looking around and staying alert. Sarah however? She was slouching where she stood with the most bored look ever on her face.
"Okay, Sheridan. I'm Isaac Traverz, and I go by Isaac. I specialize in hand-to-hand and out-dated references. To be honest, I'm out-dated by most people; but my love life probably isn't something you're interested in. I'm a Horizon brat, so forgive me if I get a little weird about being down here."

"He says that, but if you ask me he's just trading one kind of weird for another." The voice came from behind Isaac, a humanoid figure a foot tall soon appearing on Isaac's shoulder. He had a pair of horns and a pointed tail that made his species unmistakeable, but other than that he could have been a red-headed boy that had been shrunk. He also had a large grin on his face.

Isaac wasn't fazed in the least. "This is Gale, an Umezawa native."

"A pleasure to meet you, milady,"
the imp said with a bow. "My, but you have two beautiful eyes; they sparkle like stars in the night skies. Your lips as well look impossibly sweet. Might you kindly grant me a treat?"
"One,why is he rhyming. Two,why is he asking to kiss me?" Sheridan asked Issac as she blinked. She didn't get him. She thought the rhyming was funny but the kiss thing just confused her. No one ever asked to kiss her.

Coal however,snarled at the imp when he asked Sheridan for a kiss. He did not appreciate anyone he didn't approve of getting close to her. He definetly didn't want mischievous little imps kissing her.
"Oh, the lady does wound my heart! She speaks as though I'm not a part." Gale dropped off the back of Isaac's shoulder dramatically, only to reappear after a moment as though it had never happened.

"He read that women are weak to poetry, and I won't let him kiss a girl without her consent. He doesn't mean anything harmful by it, he just likes kissing girls. Most girls aren't okay with that, though, so I've set out some rules for him."

"I go ninety, you go ten, and thus our lips meet, Sheridan!"
His big grin was back in full force.

"Gale's abilities are completely unrelated to kisses or arousal, so I don't stop his game as long as he doesn't upset anyone. Though your boyfriend seems to mind in this case. What are your names, my good sir and lady?" Isaac asked the demons. That single question broke three Aether taboos (Saria had scolded him for it in year one), but Isaac did see contracted demons as people. Gaia was much more lenient in that regard.
"He is not my boyfriend! Coal and I are just best friends!" Sheridan protested wide eyed as her cheeks flamed red before crouching down. "And you can have one kiss little guy." She said to the imp with a chuckle. "Only because the rhyming is funny."

"I'm Coal" said to Issac as he crossed his arms over his chest,annoyed that she was going to give the imp a kiss.

"I'm Sarah,Coal's sister." Sarah said as she stepped forward and towards Issac,a smirk on her face. Sarah had a delusion that she could date an angel if she flirted with them enough.
"Aye, Aye captain!" Ariel followed Davin in the air

Yosuke nodded. It was a little irritating not being able to discuss the proper course of action. However like any first mission, they knew little from the start, they could not pick their team, and they did not know what the Newbies could do. He ordered everyone through the gate. They moved a few miles in, before Yosuke stopped them. Suddenly a small greenish yellow creature came flying out. By the sound of his yelling, it was not on his own free will. With any hesitation, Yosuke slammed his scythe blade into the ground, the goblin in between the blade and the dirt. "They're here! Everyone be on guard! Ambrosia, Thunderbolt, provide the Newbies support!"

(Squad 16 feel free to reach your destination. I will now send the Leaders a note about what they are fighting.)
Kia didn't like the sudden orders, she didn't even get to speak. She then had to follow yosuke with the other newbie. She didn't like the idea of entering such a big fort. They had no intel of how many, where were they holding up. Nothing...besides that they were goblins. But she couldn't linger on angry thoughts. She had to keep a cool head so she wouldn't lose focus in battle. Once that litte creature went flying, she unsheathed her katana and held it with both hands down at her waist, she was in a offensive stand incase of attackers. But she wondered if a defensive stance was a better tactic for this. "Oh great...."
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