Hoods & Capes Signups/OOC

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The imp has gone his whole life being underestimated be like..everyone, so it's nice to finally gain the upper hand on someone for once.
Update: I'm working on my reply for the main plot, but I'm very distracted because my boyfriend keeps sending me play by play updates about how his company truck is caught in the snow right now, because now that we're mid blizzard they've moved him from grounds keeping team leader to snow removal team leader, and he's so frustrated because he actually can't get his truck out of the snow. He might not see it the way I do, but it's such a good night.
Me: *gets comfy with my tea and popcorn.* Go to town, Anselle!
  • Haha
Reactions: Ragamoofin
Conner's one liner followed by a sip of coffee was an obscure reference to you and your tea, believe it or not.
  • Haha
Reactions: Mobley Eats
HA! Wow, I'm highly honored. X'DDD
  • Love
Reactions: Seductress
Also--Conner's prediction is very correct. Poking Nellie's cheek is not the way to make her smile, but a sure fire way to get your finger chomped off lol! Or a death glare, at the very least.
Some people get immortalized with a statue. Mobley gets immortalized with a sassy beverage sip.
  • Thank You
Reactions: Mobley Eats
Wouldn't have it any other way. Pretty sure that's my signature thing everywhere I go lmao!

Me: *Hears something spicy or dramatic unfolding in the distance... Gently slides on over with my tea at the ready, smiling.*

And yes, Conner is a smart man, he knows Nellie's reactions at this point. But, then again, it doesn't take rocket science to figure out that she's 50% salt, 50% dork, 100% affection starved.
Conner's going to get through to her, one way or another. He's the kind of guy who ends up showing faar too much affection, however. He's found a way to fabricate his own happiness over the last three years, and he wants to spread that love and happiness. That's his true super power.
  • Sweet
Reactions: Mobley Eats
D'aww... bless his heart. Hurts to know that he has to fabricate his own happiness, especially after the Christmas tragedy, but I'm glad he's coping. Somehow. I'm sure he and a few others in Nellie's life will get through to her, she's just got a skull thicker than her own suit lol. She has literally programmed herself to believe that she's far too much of a bloodthirsty monster to deserve that kind of treatment and in turn has adopted this aloof, distant persona. Of course, she can't let go of her dorkiness that easily, but it's nowhere near like it used to be.

Either way, definitely looking forward to Conner spreading the love.
@Ragamoofin Anselle has my full permission to take out all three of the robbers.
Me: *gets comfy with my tea and popcorn.* Go to town, Anselle!

Is this a bad time Anselle hasn't set any real ground rules for Synergizer?

Synergizer: I thought you we stopped bad people?

Anselle: stop doesnt mean they get admitted to the ICU!!!

Synergizer: The lucky ones.
  • Haha
Reactions: Mobley Eats
I'm finally caught up. Can Solsona be the cook in the back of the diner? xD I like to think he works kitchen jobs.
The moment you make him the cook, that's the moment everyone is all tied in seamlessly and integrated into the story. If you want, Solsona and Conner could have a pre-established relationship. Since Conner comes into the diner nightly, they could have had some sort of friendship. It could be anything from swapping pie recipes, to betting on football games, to cracking criminal skulls together from time to time. Just an idea, of course! Feel free to have him employed as the cook!
Omg, I love that 😄 who needs to take orders if you can just get a feel for what they're craving!
Well I'm thinking Solsona would be a new hire. Like he's seen Connor and any other who frequent the diner before, but he's only been there like two weeks. He's vagrant-ish and wanders from place to place.
  • Spicy
Reactions: Ragamoofin