Hoods & Capes Signups/OOC

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@Elle Joyner I like the sound of that. I just want to write something today xD It could also be a good way to introduce them, if they've had some prior relationship however brief. I'm still reading through the posts, and I got a sick kid I need to go shopping for, chicken noodle soup to make, andddd D&D at 3, but we could probably start something tonight.
Yeah. Just hit me up on discord if you wanna talk through an idea!
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It's so nice not having work for a month. I finally have time to write again!! :D I want Mobs I MEAN BOSS to get his other roleplay up so I can play a curmudgeon wizard.
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@Chile Do you know how mentally unstable I have to be to even consider starting up another RP? I feel insulted.
Stares at your idea list. Yeah man she's drowning XD
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Hell no. X'D
It's okay. I think we're all mentally unstable :D That's why we're here!! <3

I've been thinking of an rp idea lately too... GAHH BUT I SHOULDN'T!!
Theres an idea list? :V
Hides my list. Sweats. N.... N-no?
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>:O New character ideas or plot bunnies? :U
Uhhhh, what if I said a little bit of both lmao! I've got a few ideas for this RP (mostly involves torturing Iron Nerd, so nothing new there), but I also just have several Group RP ideas gathering dust in my Google Docs. I refuse to touch them though, cuz I'm in a loooot of RPs already. X'D
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@Seductress I relate to that on a spiritually level.
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Honestly, one power nap is equivalent to a miniature hibernation
Hope everyones night is going well!!
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First off Seductress Id kill for egghead second off ow
I fucking hope that hurt, I hope Jem feels like a dumbass because the box troll officially outsmarted him and got the upper hand.
....that son of a bitch threatened him and his sister, he's in shock on top of being a dumbass XD