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Original poster
IN A TIME WHERE racial discrimination is rampant and the Cold War is at its height, an ominous force looms over the wizarding world. Despite efforts to keep them apart, the magical and the mundane nonetheless overlap and bleed influence into each other. Muggles grapple with political and military disarray, while the wizarding community is faced with an enemy so formidable it is only ever mentioned in whispers: they call him the Dark Lord, and his followers, the Death Eaters.

Such is the influence of this rising group of supremacists that even Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, rumoured to be one of the safest places in the world next to Gringotts, cannot remain unperturbed for long. A new academic year has begun, and as students both young and old pour into the school's ancient halls, whispers of an unspeakable terror reigning within campus grounds abound. A group of pureblood supremacists, armed with dark intentions and even darker magic, now stand at the helm of the school. The well-being of half-breeds and muggle-borns alike hang in the balance.

Hogwarts is no longer safe.
Current Event -- Chapter 3: A Day in Detention
Flashback: Tuesday, September 2, 1975

THE FIRST DAY of the new school year had certainly been an eventful one. Thanks to the Weasel and his henchmen, friendships had begun to tear apart, carefully woven masks had shown their cracks, and reputations so tightly safeguarded were now blemished. Yet, the day went past in a quick flick of a wand. Now that classes were wrapped up for the day, it seemed that the worst was finally over.

However, matters such as last night's senior party would always somehow make it back to the professors, regardless of how hard students try to cover it up or how many protective charms they cast on each other to ensure the secret stays hidden. As such, when the clock struck five and all four houses poured into the Great Hall for the night's feast, an announcement from Professor Dumbledore awaited them there.

The Headmaster had quite a few choice things to say about the students' disregard of the school rules and had made a note, albeit in his usual expertly calm demeanor, about how they had set a poor example to the lower years. In what seemed to be an off-topic remark, he mused about how the castle had been standing for however many long years, and that various parts of it would need some thorough cleaning. He gazed down upon the Seventh Years through his half-moon spectacles, just before flashing them a cheeky smile.

It was thus decided that the Seniors would be spending an entire Saturday cleaning the castle and the areas surrounding it. The catch, of course, is that it would all be manual labor, and all wands would remain confiscated until the evening of that day. Whether this punishment would teach the Seventh Years a lesson, however, is another matter entirely.

Saturday, September 6, 1975
Starting Point: Detention

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY it was! There was not a cloud in sight and the sun was shining brightly through the castle windows when the students stirred from their slumber that morning. It would have been the perfect end to a long week—a chance to unwind and explore the school grounds, if only detention didn't await the Seventh Years that day.

While the lower years discussed what they would do on this fine day of freedom amongst each other, the seniors were merely filled with dread over what was to come. A listing of detention duties and groups had been put up in each of the four common rooms. It read as follows:

Asher Fay
Emrys Jernigan
Joan Lambert
Kyler Summers
Raina Summers

Kassandra Castillo
Henry Chen
Lauren Harrison
Sebastian Kissinger
Christopher Williams
August Yilmaz

Anastasia Fitzgerald
Jabari Asim
Pedro Govanni
Deborah Johnson
Felix Sloan

: Persephone Gaunt
Heather Clarke
Morrigan Quinn
Oswin Ravenwood
Garaile Scriven
Millicent Thomson

Alistair Blackbourne
Zedekiah Blackbourne
Seraphim Brimm
Melinda Geralds
Giselle Rosier

Whoever decided on this list must have done so deliberately and with less-than-noble intentions, because with such conveniently mismatched groups, conflict is almost certain to arise!
Write-up by FieryCold | Coding by FieryCold | © Art by Andrew Davidson

SU / 1 / 2 / 3

Emrys 'Ambrose' Jernigan

Early in the morning, after a late night an evil soul decided that it was high time for all to wake up...

The Hufflepuff tried his best in ignoring the sounds around him, stirring a little in the stiff bed he had chosen. He was very aware of where he was, and that he was in the same room as Joan. However, the boy tried to catch whatever wink he could get diligently.

'Now please shut up,' he snapped at the voices. All of them equally as awful as they cursed and talked and continued to disturb him.

What else could he expect from someone related to Raina? It was almost a surprise Joan wasn't family.

When a pungent smell filled the room Emrys couldn't lay still any longer. Rising up he glared at the trio with a devastating look before he stomped himself out of his bed to give extra measure to his displeasure. It was his non-verbal 'fuck you', something the girls in the room would approve of him saying out loud.

If he ever would.

Instead he shuffled his hair a little and splashed a little water into his face at the sink. Considering himself done he then went for the door, slamming it shut as he went out and slamming it open just as fast.

'You better hurry for breakfast,' he signaled to them all before slamming the door shut again.

Last night had been eventful. After that Joan made a remark about his babyface the bartender had refused to give him anything afterwards, thus ending Emrys's night as one of the few sober. He didn't hold it against her, but the drunk Gryffindor managed to get into a squabble and actually punched someone. Which led to her getting thrown out of the bar and Emrys having to silence her before sneaking her back into the room.

Of course this also meant a bed less and Emrys wasn't going to sleep on the floor, or share his. So, he put her in Raina's, who was too pissed to notice anyway.

And here the story came at full. With a rude awakening and little sleep they all had to rush their way to school. Emrys just hoped that Asher got his message in time.

'Or otherwise...'
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Cormorant Garamond

Henry Chen
Henry hadn't had a proper supper the previous night, and so he awoke with a slight ache deep in his stomach. He very vaguely heard a voice, to which he simply responded with a neutral grunt and a growling stomach.

There was something poking at his side which sent him rolling off the bed, and he would have ended up face down on the floor if it hadn't been for the mention of breakfast. Somehow, hearing that had him immediately standing upright on his feet. Absent-mindedly wiping the drool off his chin with the back of his hand, Henry made for the door, looking every bit like a dementor had just taken his soul.

Eyes half closed, he stopped at the door frame and looked over his shoulder at August.

"Hurry up, slowpoke," he drawled mid-yawn as he dragged his feet into the hallway.

Raina made a noise of disgust when Lambert promptly decided to empty out her stomach contents, and brought on her own wave of nausea. It was worth it though to see the usual expression of apathy on Kyle's face break away to surprise and then a cringe when he realized someone of it got on his pant legs and shoes. "And too think I had the overwhelming urge to wear my fanciest suit here," he remarked dryly, fishing out his wand from his jacket pocket and using the vanishing charm to clean up the mess.

It wasn't until more movement from the opposite side of the room caught his attention did the fifth yesr notice a third occupant. He caught off guard once more when he used sign language to tell them off before storming angrily around the room and then out the door. "Who was that?" he asked.

"Emrys Jernigan, or some shit like that," Raina grumbled as she shoved passed to follow after the grumpy mute. Kyler tagged along.

"Wait, is he your frie-- Are you her-- You have friends???" His head might as well have been on a swivel the way he looked between Jernigan and Lambert, and finally Raina.

"No. We have classes together. Outside of that I barely know them." For her it was the truth. The fact that only two thirds of their usual trio was present last night was probably why they were stuck with Raina.

"Emrys," Kyler repeated. He glanced back the other chick curiously. "You don't happen to be Joan Lambert do you? Some guy is looking for you both."

Tags: Kyler - NPC, @FieryCold - Joan Lambert, @Somnium - Emrys Jerigan
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For the first time in almost seven years Henry actually woke up immediately. With an unknown grace the male landed on his feet before stretching himself. No sign was there of a hangover, just an usual sluggish Henry that hated the morning with every fiber of his being. Perplexed August watched how Henry Chen, the boy who wouldn't wake up even if you threw him into the Dark Lake, told him to hurry.

"I should spike your drinks," August mumbled to himself, annoyed at the command to hurry, but also at how easy it was to get the Hufflepuff out of bed. What about the past six years? Did the male actually hear him all this time but remain a log to fool him? The Ravenclaw was thoroughly confused, but didn't question it further as he chased after his friend.

"Henry, wait, the stairs!" he called after the Hufflepuff, earning groans from other waking students who couldn't appreciate the sound of his warning. August didn't care, however. By some miracle Henry Chen woke up after one try. Unprecedented it was and as such the Ravenclaw wasn't going to hope for more miracles to happen today.

Today is going to be a good day--or so Asher thought. No sooner had he taken a seat at the Slytherin table had an owl swooped in dropping a note on the empty plate before him. It was from Emrys, asking--or rather, ordering--him to sneak them back into the castle. Much as he was tempted to ignore the message, he knew he couldn't leave his friends hanging like that. Besides, the wrath of Emrys was one he feared. Now if it was Joan who'd sent the note, then maybe he would've ignored it.

Asher left the Great Hall without so much as a bite, after all, if he was going to get them back on time, he had to act quick. Lucky for them, Asher knew of a passageway they could use to get back in. He had Heather to thank for that he supposed.

Sneaking out of the castle was definitely not how he had imagined he would be spending his morning. He took great caution as he headed to the statue of Gregory the Smarmy. The last thing he wanted was to get caught by a professor or even a fellow student. The halls were thankfully clear with most students in the Great Hall for breakfast.

Just as he was about to enter the passageway, someone stepped out. Asher took a step back in surprise. For a moment, he thought this was it, a teacher had caught him sneaking out. It took him a few seconds to realise that the person before him was no professor, it was a fellow student--a fellow Slytherin in fact. It was none other than Giselle Rosier.

"Bloody hell, Fay! You almost gave me a heart attack!" the blonde dramatically exclaimed, pressing a hand to her chest as she did. Almost as if she'd just realised who it was she was talking to, Giselle narrowed her eyes at him. "Wait a minute. What are you doing here?" Before Asher could even open his mouth to answer, Giselle raised a hand to cut him off. "You know what, I don't care." She then walked off leaving Asher both perplexed and relieved.

He shrugged off what just happened and went through the passageway. Soon enough, he was the Three Broomsticks looking a certain loud Gryffindor and two Hufflepuffs.

Zedekiah Blackbourne
Location Great Hall

Melinda Geralds

Zed groaned as he woke up from the floor of his room. His entire body ached, sore from discomfort. He wasn't quite sure how he ended up there, last he remembered was him drinking at the senior party with Ali and Mel. He could recall a ginger cat being involved as well, and Percy? Was Percy even there? Zed wasn't sure. Last night was all foggy for him. It didn't help that he had a weird dream about the party as well.

Picking himself up from the floor, he made a beeline to the bathroom to freshen up before heading off to the Great Hall for breakfast.

A vast majority of those in the Great Hall seemed to be either hungover from last night or engrossed in reading the paper. Paying no attention to the rest, Zed headed straight to where Mel sat and plopped down beside her.

"I had the weirdest dream last night," he started off as he began filling his plate with food. With a jovial tone he continued, "You and that half-giant scum were having a moment, it was riddiculous! As if you would ever, right?" Zed turned to look at her and was taken aback by the look on her face. It was as if she'd just been spooked. Any signs of cheeriness he had a few moments ago was gone and was replaced by concern. "Are you alright? Did something happen?"

Persephone Gaunt
Seventh Year, Slytherin
Percy awoke with a sense of dread that next morning, the overbearing feeling of something terrible was waiting to stare her in the face. After the festivities got a little much for Persephone last night, she found herself taking a stroll through the quieting Hogsmeade. Taking in all the different vibrate colours the place had to offer. It wasn't all the time she had moments like these, to calmly reflect on things. Look back at her decisions for the night. Early hours of the morning she found herself sitting in front of the Mirror of Erised.

That's where she also woke up early morning. Faintly rubbed her eyes, not noticing the dust that had settled on her clothing and beautiful almost white blonde hair. Shivering at the cold stone beneath her, Percy wondered how long it had been before she fell asleep looking at the image of the dead who haunted her. Swallowing back, she closed her eyes bitterly, along few tears to fall since she was on her own. Wiping her eyes she stood once more, dusting her clothing off finally.

Quietly sneaking back to her rooms, she washed and freshened herself up. Dressing in her uniform, carefully smoothing down the smallest wrinkles on her white shirt. Pinching the bridge of her nose, Percy wondered how she managed to stumble across the mirror in the time where she wanted her family the most. Maybe the butterbeer had its run on her also, because she seemed to remember doors appearing in the passageway, when she was heading back to the dorms.

Some part of her semi-tipsy mind stuck on the thought, magical door must explore. Shutting the door, Percy found a lone mirror and faces she didn't think she'd ever see again.

How odd it was... She thought as she braided her hair, then pinned it into a beautiful bun. Finally ready for the day, Percy walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Noticing a couple of faces of people she cared about, Persephone smiled softly glad they made it safely. She had been quite worried about leaving the Three Broomsticks mainly because of them. Scared on how'd they get on.

Happy to see some positive results, even if few of them looked hung over. Percy took her seat at the Slytherin table, eyes skimming over the newspaper's front page. The young adult's eyebrows knitting together in disgust. Not for the article about Mel, in the sense of blood status. But because the whole front page was slander and degrading. Picking up the newspaper, and dumping in on the floor coldly for people to walk on it. Using her actions to show that the newspaper was trash.


Lauren Harrison
Seventh Year Hufflepuff

Lauren woke up in a pile of drool on the counter of the Three Broomsticks. Stretching slightly, she sat up from the counter wiping her mouth and chin. Long beautiful auburn hair, came up in fluffs, bedhead filled with dust. Eyelids puffed slightly due to becoming an emotional drunk that started to sob after her second drink. Now, she really regarded those life decisions. Smiling at the bartender waving slightly.

"Morning... Sorry... I kinda drooled all over the counter top." Lauren giggled nervously getting up, excusing herself dashing for the door. Skipping out the door, happily minding her own business. Heading back to the school as quickly as possible. So she could fill the empty pit of her stomach with the best breakfast.



SOMETHING ABOUT Raina's sure statement rubbed Joan the wrong way. Feeling insulted, but also not quite the type to resort to mawkish confrontations, she promptly jostled Raina on the shoulder. Joan regarded her with a look of indifference, as though having just noticed her presence, then proceeded to shrug it off as a mere accident.

"Oops," she said simply, before acknowledging Kyler with squinted red eyes—vestiges of her inebriety. Her head pounded with a dull ache as she tried to register his words. "Some guy? The fuck you on about?"

As if in answer to her question, for the man couldn't have had a more impeccable timing, Asher appeared before them, looking just as punchable as when she had last seen him.

"Bastard," Joan muttered as she strutted ahead of the group, looking every bit like she was going to jump down his throat. Her hands balled up into fists and she gave him a good thwack on the shoulder. A customary greeting to the likes of Joan Lambert. "Where the heck were you last night, asshole?"

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interacted With:
Asher Fay @darkflames13
Emrys Jernigan @Nemopedia
Kyler Summers @Noctis the Devious
Raina Summers @Noctis the Devious
Cormorant Garamond

Henry Chen
Some sort of spell was broken the moment August warned Henry about the stairs, for the boy found himself promptly losing his already precarious balance. He slipped, stumbled, grasped for a railing, rolled, rolled, and rolled. When his limp body finally found the landing, he was knocked out of his breath, the sting of his bruises was the last thing on his barely conscious mind as he was yet again overcome by the overwhelming urge to sleep.

"I'm alright, I'm alright!" he shouted to no one in particular as he tried to push himself back up onto his feet. It was useless, however, and the boy found the cold wooden tiles to be suddenly comfortable. "10 more minutes," he drawled, hardly comprehensible, as his eyes fluttered closed.


Emrys 'Ambrose' Jernigan

Through the door Emrys heard Raina and her brother talking, the younger sibling inquiring on who everyone was. Raina's responses stabbed, but the mute wondered what exactly he had been expecting. Friends? Raina Summers didn't do friends and Emrys Jernigan was a loser no one wanted to befriend.

He wouldn't befriend a mute either. Too much silence to fill up.

Just then the group came out of the room, joining the Hufflepuff outside just as Asher arrived to pick them up. Letting go of a sigh the boy watched Joan manhandle the other before stomping over himself. Raina and her brother were left ignored, he would deal with them later, when he was more in the mood.

Shaking the arms of both friends (were they really? The boy wasn't sure anymore) Emrys waved his hands frantically, signing at how they were running out of time. They had to hurry.
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Perhaps he was to blame for calling Henry. Or maybe the miracles surrounding Henry Chen had truly run out for the day— year. However, what August feared truly did happen. The boy fell down the stairs and—

Well, perhaps he worried more than he should as familiar words rang through the air. Ten more minutes his ass, neither could afford that and August would sooner leave Henry out in a blizzard than have himself be late for the first day of school. Maybe.

He really needed his morning coffee. Pronto.

Scratching the back of his head he heard a group of students behind him. Turning around he saw the trio of Emrys, Joan, and Asher including Raina and her brother. Sensible faces, finally. Hopefully.

"Planning on joining Lambert's in her school ritual?" August joked at the Hufflepuff female. The Gryffindor was quite famous for getting detention with the first step she takes into Hogwarts. Never malicious, of course. The female was just a brute, but one with a good heart he could tell.

That still didn't mean he felt the urge to join her, however. And he doubted that Raina was eager to do the same, or anyone at all.
Raina shot Lambert a dirty look when she jostled her shoulder. Touched starved as she was, sudden touches were like warm water on freezing skin; the suddenness of it registering as discomfort. If Hogwarts taught her anything, it was how to navigate crowds with minimal contact. But they weren't in a crowd, they were in a sparsely populated hall where there was plenty of space! She grumbled and fought the urge to rub at her shoulder, instead turning in on herself more noticeably than she would like. Her head hurts okay? Her threshold for "bullshit she was willing to put up with" wasn't as up to par.

"Someguy? The fuck you on about?"

Kyler made a sound in his throat and scratched at his head as if Lambert asked him the answer to a NEWT level question. It was odd to think Kyler didn't know the guy and odder still, to watch him try to dredge up some way to describe him. He was usually pretty good with names and faces. "Well he looks like--" and then Fay popped up as if summoned by their conversation. "Well that. That's the guy." And Raina understood and would have snickered if she was in a better mood; Kyler was trying to be nice but there was really only word to describe someone like Asher Fay.

Her eyes drifted to Jernigan but something in his demeanor had changed. It was subtle, too subtle for Raina to pin point exactly, but she was nothing if not perceptive enough to pick up on it. She shifted her weight and glanced at Joan, who had so rudely pushed by her. They are hungover, Raina reminded herself, but why did that reason seem to fall short? No something shifted in the air--

Was this only because she didn't consider them friends? Did they consider her their friend? Since when?! How well did they even know each other? Raina never bothered to get to know them, not on a personal level anyhow (she blamed the way she picked up on their small tellings on her paranoia, it was better to defend herself if she knew where the threat was coming from). She definitely knew she didn't reveal anything personal to either of them. Summers and relationships didn't mix! In fact the only one of them who could lay claim to a healthy relationship was Selene, but seeing as her lover was both of the same sex and of lower blood status that relationship was underwraps. Declan would come a close second but he would actually have to have a relationship to even qualify.

Raina herself? She didn't want to think about the last platonic relationship she had. She knew it was pathetic to get up on something that happened several years ago, but it still... She shook her head (and winced at the action). Nope, not dwelling on that!

She looked to Lambert and Jernigan trying to piece together whatever the fuck was between them, because something must have given them the impression there was something between them, but came up blank. Was talking on a fairly regular basis something to build a relationship on? In that case there was a lot of people she talked to! How many "friends" did she have? There was last night, but Raina was still convinced they were only with her because Fay wasn't present (only confirmed when Lambert punched Fay in the arm and demanded his whereabouts). She shifted her weight again as something like unease settled in her stomach. What did they want from her?

Did it matter?

No. Raina had enough on her plate. Trying to navigate relationships, her trust issues, and paranoia would only end them worse off than they were now. Maybe it was better for them to understand now that no, Raina was not their friend, and her family always came first. She pulled ahead of them then, shoving her hands in the pockets of her jacket and made her way down stairs. She didn't get too far before what met her at the bottom of the stairs had her hesitating.

Honestly the scene that greeted her should have been unexpected, yet she remain unsurprised as she glanced between August and her collapsed Captain. "Planning on joining Lambert's in her school ritual?"

"Speak for yourself," she grumbled, barely tossing him a glance as she pointedly stepped on Chen and continued her way out the exit. "Leave him August, you and I both know you'll have better luck coaxing an Iceberg into faster action than him." If her words weren't teasing and accompanied by her signature smirk, they were irritated. Yet the words she spoke just now were flat. August had always been the only one she called by first name and that was only because his last name was too easy for her to butcher, but how close were they?

Unease continued to roll in her gut and decided she was too hungover to deal with this.

Tags: Kyler - NPC, @FieryCold - Joan Lambert, Henry Chen @Somnium - Emrys Jerigan, August Yilmaz
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Dancing Script;

Melinda Geralds
Her day just got a little worse as Zed plopped down next to her and related to her the events of last night. To her childhood friend it was so ridiculous that it couldn't be anything else but a dream. To Melinda it was as if her life had turned into a nightmare, with the paper, Zed's story, and her memories supporting the truth.

Were those eyes judging her from across the table? Melinda chewed her lip again before she quickly poured in some tea for herself. Act normal. Be normal. Stay normal.

"R--ridiculous, yes," the female stammered, hoping that Zed wouldn't notice. That he had forgotten about the event and written it off as a dream was good, better even. Melinda was sure that she would get an earful from her friend if he remembered how he had to step between and pry the Gryffindor away. However, lying didn't feel good either. If Zed were to find out it was real...

The girl didn't want to think of what would happen, how he would react. That would be worse than...

Shaking her head she quickly took a sip of her tea. Too fast, as the water was still hot and she burnt her lips. "Ah," she yelped, before placing the cup down. "Ridiculous, yes," she repeated herself again, flushing red as she realised that she already said that once.

"How are you feeling?" she quickly tried to change the subject by turning her attention to her friend. Surely Zed would feel some pounding in the head, right? With how much he drank. Melinda felt surprisingly fine, not hungover, but still queasy because of a combination of factors.

She hid the article underneath her hand, covering up the cursed event away from the eyes of her friend.
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Heather Clarke

"Good morning, Heather~" sang an all too familiar voice as they plopped down beside her. Heather barely acknowledged them, not even sparing a glance as she continued on with reading today's paper. She didn't have to look to know who it was. "Good morning to you too, Giselle," Heather finally responded with in a monotonous voice. The girl beside her rolled her eyes at the tone.

"Looks like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed." A smirk slowly formed on Giselle's face as a thought came to mind. She leaned in closer to her fellow pureblood and whispered, "Or perhaps you got up on the completely wrong bed." Heather closed the paper she was reading and lightly shoved the pureblood witch back. Giselle chuckled at her reaction. "So what's on the paper today? Something juicy no doubt?"

"Nothing much. The party was pretty tame after all." She said as she handed Giselle the paper she'd been reading. This earned her a scoff from her companion and in an accusatory tone she responded, "How would you know? You didn't even come inside. Not only that, you left early as well."

Heather shrugged. "Clearly my decision to do so was correct. Didn't miss much from the looks of things."

Giselle rolled her eyes. "Why are you so sour this morning? Hangover?"

She smirked at her housemate. "Let's be real, Giselle. When am I ever not sour?"

"When you were with Fay."

The smirk faded from her face at the answer that instantly came. Heather pursed her lips into a flat line. Giselle may be right, but that didn't mean that Heather was going to admit it. Instead, she quietly drank her cup of coffee.

"You know, speaking of Fay, I actually ran into him on my way here."

"What do you mean?" she asked, unable to keep the interest out of her voice.

The glee in her fellow pureblood's eyes wordlessly teased her as she answered, "He was by the entrance of one of the secret passageways to Hogsmeade. Seemed like he was trying to sneak out."

Her brows knitted together in confusion. "Doesn't sound like something he would do."

Giselle's eyes only shone brighter, clearly amused by Heather's reaction to it all. "My, my. Aren't you awfully concerned about him?"

Heather scoffed at her words. "I don't. I'm just thinking..." she trailed off, remembering how she saw Asher leave in such a rush just a while ago.

"Sounds to me like you're thinking too much about it. I thought you've grown bored of him already?" The pureblood raised a brow and mumbled incoherently as she reached a particular part of the paper. Something about scandalous purebloods was all she could gather. Heather could only roll her eyes thinking the girl beside her fit into that category as well.

"Was Lambert at the party last night?" she asked, ignoring the pureblood's previous statement. The groan she received was enough of an answer.

"Yes. The loud blood traitor was there." Giselle folded the gossip rag, uncertain if she was satisfied with the amount of drama printed or not.

A devious smile crept up on Heather's face as the pieces of the puzzle began to connect in her mind. "Sounds like Lambert is due for some trouble. Care to help me out?"

colour: #398c40

Asher braced himself as he saw Joan heading towards him with a menacing look on her face. He knew her long enough to know what was coming.

And there it was.

Soon as she was within range she gave him a smack on the shoulder. Although he knew it was simply how his friend greeted people (mainly him, as far as he was aware of), it didn't mean that he was immune to the pain. Joan's punches had always been harder side, even when she held back.

"Oww. Morning to you too, Jo."

Before he could go on with answering her question of his whereabouts last night, he spotted Em heading towards them. It seemed like their mute friend was not in a good mood, not that he could blame him. From what he saw at the Great Hall earlier, it seemed like everyone was having a rough morning after last night's celebrations. Part of him was kind of glad he wasn't able to make it.

He watched as Em frantically waved his hands around and nodded in understanding. "Right. Got to hurry. Gotcha." He turned back to the raven-haired Gryffindor and said, "We can talk about my absence later, right now Em is right, we need to hurry back."

Asher began to make his way out when he noticed a block in their path. Someone seemed to be sleeping at the bottom of the stairs. He frowned and looked to the Ravenclaw that was standing nearby for answers.

"Is he alright?"



ONCE ALISTAIR HAD his fill of breakfast—which took no more than a few spoonfuls, as he didn't have much of an appetite to begin with—he picked his way to the Gryffindor table where he believed his brother awaited him.

As he sauntered along, he was greeted with some barely concealed snickering from his fellow seventh years and curious glances from the lowerclassmen. Alistair stared them all down and adjusted the badge on his chest for the tenth time that morning—a gesture of self-assurance. It gleamed bronze and green, proudly announcing in bold engraved letters his role as the Slytherin Head Boy, and therefore his authority to give detention or deduct House points if he so pleased.

But he was not one to abuse his authority, and for the most part, he ignored the jeers and laughter and went about his way. From this distance, he could already make out the familiar dark mop of hair that was his brother's and, dwarfed in the former's presence, his fiancée Melinda. They seemed to be in the middle of a discussion.

It was at this moment that Alistair's attention was drawn to the clomp of someone's heavy feet. He suddenly found himself falling into step with someone of a much larger build. Looking up, he recognized Maurice, who seemed to be going the same way gauging from how he kept glancing in Melinda's direction.

Sweat settled on the half-breed's brow, as though something as simple as walking exhausted him to the core. Perhaps it did, Alistair thought derisively. After all, don't giants have heavier weights to pull? And yet, being much bigger and thus endowed with longer strides, Maurice reached Melinda and Zed sooner than Alistair could, although the latter was not too far behind. He was just within hearing range when the half-breed began to speak.

"Mel," Maurice stuttered, the Weasel's newspaper in a near-crumpled state between his clammy hands. "I'm sorry... about yesterday," his eyes remained fixed on his feet as he said this, but then he dared for a split second to look up, gaze falling on Zed. Fear crossed his face and he hung his head low again, muttering yet another apology.

Alistair stood in shock for several long seconds, until he could no longer ignore the crippling sense of betrayal that overwhelmed him. His migraine and already sour mood only served to make it worse.

"What's going on here?" He interrupted, with slightly a bit more force than was necessary. His voice was just barely calm as he snatched the newspaper out of the half-breed scum's hands. "Am I to think you've been seeing this beast behind my back?" Jaw visibly clenching, he all but nearly shoved the scandalous newspaper in Melinda's face.

- Location:
The Great Hall, Hogwarts
- Interactions:
Zedekiah Blackbourne @darkflames13
Melinda Geralds @Nemopedia
Maurice (NPC)

Colour tag: #339966

Lauren Harrison
Seventh Year Hufflepuff

Running towards the hidden passageways back into Hogwarts, the small girl with auburn hair huffed. Thinking twice about not exercising enough of the school break. Her hair was now a mess, drool still stained her chin, but that could wait! I have to get to Hogwarts before breakfast is over, all the finest foods there to eat! It would be a shame to miss that on the first day of classes, the bubbly young Hufflepuff thought in a light manner. Ever loud rumble of her stomach making itself known upon reaching one of the hidden passageways into Hogwarts.

Pulling herself into the common room of Hufflepuff, she searched around the room. Before proceeding towards the dorms. Climbing up the stairs, happily brushing the mess of feathers, dust, spiderwebs and leaves from her hair as she walked. Beautiful orbs of blue eyes searched through her luggage, pulling out a old looking uniform her family bought from the a wizarding family after their children no longer needed the uniforms. The only differences was that Laurie had put a Hufflepuff patch on the cloak and sweater.

Standing in front of the mirror, the girl looked at herself pulling goofy smiles and faces for a moment. Before giggling pulling her hair up into twin braids, then placing a pin in her hair. Stepping out into the somewhat quiet halls Laurie began to giggle joyfully at the thought of food. "Food foood foooooood! So excited for you to go into my tum-tums..." Laurie walked with a light sway, the butterbeer still making her tummy dance from the night before.

Last edited:

Anastasia 'Annie' Fitzgerald
Seventh Year Ravenclaw

Taking light sips from the cup of herbal brew, Anastasia sighed softly at the thoughts she on the train yesterday. How good it would be to start the Hogwarts year without any dramas, Annie had thought quietly to herself the day before. While watching her best friend and almost sister Laurie, waffle on about the holidays, and how much she missed Annie's company. She only hoped for no drama to start the year so she could relax, though that had all changed clearly after the party at The Three Broomsticks.

Too many people got plastered made fools of themselves, and some even turned into little pricks. Annie looked over the star sign part of the newspaper, lightly taking a sip of the bitter goodness. Allowing it to settle her very upset stomach after tasting an alcoholic beverage for the first time. Laurie was evil in making me try that disgusting pint of piss... Anastasia thought bitterly groaning at the wavering headache she had. Placing the tea cup down rubbing her temples lightly, before gazing around the hall.

There was a bitter tension in the air of the Great Hall, from what Annie could gather. Watching few late comers venture in through the large doors, in the hope to fill their stomachs. A pit of worry settled in Annie's stomach when she hadn't seen the 'human vacuum' Lauren Harrison walk through the doors. Did the little muggle-born actually drink herself into an early grave? It wouldn't be half-surprising with that shit they had there! Annie thought lightly nipping into her nicely polished finger nails.

Anastasia slowly turned back to her cup of tea, allowing herself to drink a little more to calm her nerves. Lightly nipping into her chapped lips, holding the warm porcelain in her hands. This autumn morning was a bit nippy in feeling, at chill that still held to her bones from waking up in the morning.



EMRYS WAS WAVING at them like a madman, and Joan, in her post-inebriation, was slow to realize that he wasn't just being overly enthusiastic about Asher's arrival, but rather gesturing for them to hurry.

Asher was in agreement, informing Joan in his ever-cordial demeanour that he would answer her obviously rhetorical question another time. Joan did not really care for an answer, so she simply gave a dismissive shrug at his reply, promptly pushing past the others to reach the staircase. It was there that she sighted August hovering over a certain Henry Chen, who lay sprawled onto the landing with a dopey smile adorning his sleeping face.

"Planning on joining Lambert in her school ritual?" August quipped at Raina in lieu of a good morning.

"Speak for yourself," Raina commented.

"Oh, shut your hole... whatever your name is," Joan squinted at the Turkish boy. One would think that she'd know his name by now, and she did, but for whatever reason Joan liked to pretend otherwise.

"Leave him August, you and I both know you'll have better luck coaxing an iceberg into faster action than him," Raina continued. Almost unfazed by this sudden obstacle in their path, she marched on, treating the poor Hufflepuff as but a mere doormat. Joan at least had the decency to tiptoe around the boy, though in the end it didn't matter, because she ended up tripping on his outstretched arm instead. Joan didn't have time to swear. For the second time that day, her face acquainted itself with the cold wooden floor, only this time it left a souvenir in the form of a scraped chin.

- Location:
The Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade
- Interacted With:
August Yilmaz @Nemopedia
Asher Fay @darkflames13
Emrys Jernigan @Nemopedia
Henry Chen (Myself)
Kyler Summers @Noctis the Devious
Raina Summers @Noctis the Devious