History Reapeats Itself

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"Wel, if we have a girl, I'd love to call her either Clover or Isaure." Zayn Jr smiled happily at the thought. "And if it is a boy.... Des, or Zuhebh." He grinned widely.

Jeremy raised an eyebrow at the last name, "What the hell did that last name come from?"
Nick looked at him and raised his eyebrow. "Well it's good to know you have some names" he said smiling and laughed. "That last name is pretty weird, where did you get it from?"

Chloe looked at Jr and smiled. "Well you have it easy, me and Jer took sometime to pick Elvira's name" she said and heard the name. "It might be muslim? or just a randome name he picked"
"It's Arabic, and it means clever minded. If it's a baby boy, it'll definitely be clever, because one of his daddies will be a fashion genius, and his other dad will be studying at college." Zayn Jr retorted with a grin. "And how could picking a name for El be so difficult? It's our mum's name!"
Chloe smiled at him and nodded. "I thought it would be Arabic or Muslim, one of them at least" she said smiling before shrugging. "Jeremy was the one who picked it and then Sophie was name we both liked"

Nick smiled at what Jr said and gave his cheek a kiss. "Of course he will be smart, your family is smart and so is mine" he said smiling.
Jeremy checked his watch, and groaned as he hauled himself off the sofa. "Babe, we better get back now, otherwise traffic is going to be hell to get through and we won't get back by midnight." He carefully helped Chloe up, and turned to the other two, "See you both at some point tomorrow, probably, and yes, Jr, if Chloe goes into early labour, you'll be the first one to know." He knew what his best mate was about to say, before he even opened his mouth.

Zayn Jr rolled his eyes. "Why does everyone always predict what I'm going to say or do?" He huffed.
Chloe looked at Jeremy as he got himself off the sofa and she looked at the time herself and nodded. "I think we had better go then" she said smiling and thanked Jeremy when he helped her up and nodded. "We will see you soon, or i'll text you" she said smiling and looked at Jeremy, "Please don't say that or knowing luck i will go into labour early tomorrow morning or tonight" she said to him and went over to her brother and gave him a hug. "Because you are easy to tell"

Nick laughed and kissed his boyfriends cheek. "If it makes you feel better, i didn't know you would say that, well sort of anyway" he said smiling.
Elvira curled up on her bed beside Niall, and smiled. "You know, it's actually better sleeping up here, because all the heat from the house drifts up here, so it's really warm, and when it gets too warm, I have air conditioning here. Also, it's really cosy." While she spoke, she texted Chloe, There's someone here at the house whom I want you to be nice to, alright - Mum xx
Niall held onto her as he laid with her. He chuckled at what she said and played with her hair and smiled. "Mmhmm but i guess you moved out the room because it reminded you of me right?" he asked her and kissed her head. "This room is good for Edward to sleep in with you anyway because of the warmth"

Chloe looked at her phone and furrowed her eyebrows and realised it must be Niall. Mum, you really expect me to be nice to him when he left you! how can you expect me to do that Mum- Chloe. She sent it and didn't even put kisses on the end as she was now pretty annoyed.
Zayn Jr caught sight of his sister's expression, and asked, "Chlo, what's up? Who texted you?" He worried probably too much, but he couldn't help it.
Chloe looked at Jr. "Is Mum stupid or what?" she asked him and put her phone back in her pocket. "Niall's back thats what up" she said to her twin and shook her head. "I can't believe he would leave and then have the guts to come back"
His eyes widened with surprise, but he understood. "Chlo, what would you do if Jeremy did the same thing? If he left you? You'd do the same thing as Mum, and so would I for that matter. Love makes people do crazy things." A soft smile spread across his face and he gently touched his side where the date tattoo was.
Chloe shook her head at what he said and sighed. "Jr, i don't care do you know how bad he hurt Mum, hurt Bronagh from leaving and you know fully well what it done to both of them, sure i would take Jeremy back but that would depend on what it was over"
"Look, I trust Mum, alright? And if Mum trusts Niall and wants him back, then I'm not going to stand in the way." Zayn Jr sighed. "I'm close to Niall, and I know that he is a good person. Besides, people make mistakes, but they move on and learn from those mistakes. Mum's not stupid - she's one of the smartest people I know - so if she thinks Niall is good to come back, then I'm supporting her choice, and you should too."
Chloe looked at him and shrugged. "Jr you can do what you want but i still don't like the fact that Niall's back after what he's done, call me stubborn or hormonal but i really don't care" she said to him. "You can support her choice, i'm not" she said. "I'll give you a call anyway Jr, i don't want to talk about this anymore because it will just annoy me even more" she said to him and when she got home, she most likely wouldn't talk to Niall or her Mum.
Zayn Jr sighed as they left, and he lay back on the sofa, closing his eyes. "Stubborn and hormonal." He muttered to himself exasperatedly. "Seriously though, if it was you that had left me, I would still have taken you back without a second thought, because I'm in love, the same way Mum is with Niall."
Nick watched as they left and looked at Jr and gave him a nudge. "Jr she's going to be this hormonal because she's pregnant if she wasn't then she might of accepted that he's back" he said to him and kissed his head. "And i would do the same as your Mum Jr but like i said, she's hormonal and stubborn anyway"
(your turn in the zianourry one btw)

"Well, it's up to her. Now, what will we do?" Zayn Jr opened his eyes again with a grin, and cheekily straddled Nick's hips, kissing up his neck. He was majorly turned on right then, and loved every moment they were together like this.
(it's because i had coursework and i couldn't get to it last night, i'll do it in a bit :)

Nick nodded his head with a smile. "Mmhmm it is up to her but now, i don't know" he said to him and raised his eyebrow as his waist was straddled and he put his hands on Jr's tighs and rubbed them and moaned a tiny bit as he kissed up his neck.
When they got back to the house, Jeremy glanced at Chloe as they headed to the front door. "Do you not think that maybe your brother has a point? I mean, what if I did the exact same thing? What if I left you? Would you still take me back?"
Chloe looked at Jeremy and stopped at the front door. "Jeremy i already said i don't want to talk about it" she snapped at him and opened the front door. "If you done the same thing maybe i would take you back or maybe i wouldn't" she said to him annoyed. "Talk to me when you have something better to talk about" she said and went upstairs and slammed the bedroom door shut.
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