Hisakawa Koukou - The Anime High School

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[fieldbox="Mirabelle Orand, gold, solid, 10, Georgia"]xxxx"It's nice to meet you, Yuki!" Mira exclaimed. She noticed that Yuki was looking at Sabine and decided to introduce her as well. "And that's Sabine. She's my maid. She's just here to help me move my things in." Her smile grew in intensity when Yuki gave her permission to use the balcony. "Thank you so much! I'm glad; it's the best place for my kids after all." She smiled fondly at the plants in her arms, and hurriedly set them down in the sunlight. She'd have to find some strategic spots for them as soon as she got the time. "Of course I don't mind," Mira chirped when Yuki spoke again. "It's only fair you get as much space as I do. I'm so happy we even have a balcony, my previous dorm didn't have one..." She trailed off and hopped out of Yuki's way as the other girl headed for the door. "Oh, um, goodbye! Thank you for the advice." However, Yuki was already out of the room.
xxxx"She was quite blunt, no?" Sabine said. Mira giggled nervously.
xxxx"I'm sure she's a kind person. After all, she's letting me use the balcony. She's very polite."
xxxxSabine still looked skeptical, but she suddenly reached out to hug Mira, who squeaked in surprise. "Miss Yuki was right. Your classes will be starting soon. I'll retrieve the rest of your possessions so you can unpack at your leisure." After a short pause, she added, "I'll miss you, Madame."
xxxx"Oh, Sabine!" Mira felt tears flood her eyes. She realized she wouldn't see her maid, tutor, and caretaker again for at least another year, probably longer. "I'll miss you too." After their tearful (on Mira's part) goodbye, Sabine sent her on her way. Mira shouldered her bag and made her way to Philosophy.[/fieldbox]

[fieldbox="Hirabayashi Hiraku, lightgreen, solid, 10, Georgia"]xxxx"My sincere apologies for my clumsiness," Hiraku called after the girl. She was wearing cat ears, strangely enough. "I'm quite alright," he answered Senpai. "It's not everyday that I run into people like that." He jerked a thumb over his shoulder in the direction that the girl had just wandered off in. "Wasn't she that chuunibyou girl?"

Imogen Keyrair


"Sure. So, you read the Pandora Hearts manga?" She asked, beaming slightly when he mentioned Pandora Hearts. Okay, she was fully willing to admit that Pandora hearts..may have been one of her favorite Anime/Manga series. She couldn't help loving the series though. She loved the characters, the story, and the Anime's music-which was done by Yuki Kajura.

As they walked towards the boys dorms, Imogen nervously inhaled. She was also willing to admit she had never been on the boy's side of the dorms before. And it made her...somewhat nervous. Her nervousness came to a halt when Robert mentioned about being in America before, but not at a convention.

"H-Have you ever been to a convention?" She asked, hoping the question did not upset him and ruin the pleasant air between the two. 'Although I can't help it. This is the longest time I've talked to a guy..I don't want to screw things up now...' She thought, her grip on Robert's luggage tightening.​
[fieldbox=Robert West, blue, solid]

Robert had to admit, he enjoyed Pandora Hearts. He'd only watched the anime but found the ending underwhelming and so had always wanted to read the manga. Imogen seemed to really enjoy her media, something he rarely found among people. It was more common to meet people with interests in manga since coming to Japan than in England but still, the girl seemed passionate.

Walking along the path to the dorms, the two buildings were in sight. Along the route, a collection of blossoming sakura trees paved the way with flittering pink petals covering the concrete walkway. "I've been to a couple of conventions. Though, none recently. I think the last time I went to one was when I was just going into secondary school," Robert responded with a nostalgic smile.

@Moe Maid (♥◕‿◕♥)

Imogen Keyrair


"So pretty~" Imogen cooed with wonder and while listening to Robert talk about going to a couple of conventions, however none were recent. "That's nice to hear." She commented with a smile, stopping in her tracks for a moments and pulled off her bag that was on her back and stuffed some pink petals in a small pocket that was on her bag.

"Sorry..I just felt like collecting some for a thing I got over break. I want to fill it up with these." She said, closing the small pocket with that had a button and snapped it closed and put her bag back onto her back and picked up the bags again. "Let's continue on right?" She asked, now back by Robert's side.
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[fieldbox=Robert West, blue, solid]

Robert watched with a smile as he saw Imogen fall behind to collect a few petals. With her hair blowing in the gentle breeze, the sensation that he was witnessing a scene from a cheesy manga only intensified. Still, it was nice. As she caught up, explaining herself and picking the bags up again, Robert cocked his head to the side with curiosity before beginning to walk again.

"I've never seen someone collect sakura petals before," he commented with a warm smile. He had to admit that he was intrigued.

@Moe Maid (♥◕‿◕♥)

Imogen Keyrair


"I love them. Since I came here I've always wanted to take a few with me and put them in a jar since they bring me hope...but I never really had the chance too." Imogen explained herself, feeling as if the sight of her picking up cherry blossom petals in front of Robert was a bit...odd. "Sorry if it was odd." She apologized with a small chuckle and overhead a rather 'Feminne' chuckle

"You two look adorable together. Has anyone told you that?" A voice replied as Imogen turned around to be greeted by a "Female" in girls clothes and short chin-lengthed hair. "N-Navi-San?"

Adrian Vaughn


"Yep. Enjoying your time with West-Kun Keyrair-Chan?." Aria teased with a small smiled as Imogen sputtered. "Something wrong honey?" She asked as Imogen cleared her words towards "her" "N-Navi-San.." She stuttered, blushing whole new shades of red from her ask.

"Alright then~ If that's the case then I'll leave you too alone then. See you later~" She said, dismissing herself from the two and leaving A embarrassed Imogen with Robert.

Adrian chuckled while he walked away, happy to see Imogen interacting for once. 'It takes her forever just to open up..he must be talking about Anime that sparked her interest.' He thought, looking upwards and felt the breeze around him and smiled. 'Well, whatever. As long as Imogen is happy then it's fine. Just as Long as Robert doesn't do something regrets.' He thought, his hands balling up at the thought in anger.
[fieldbox=Robert West, blue, solid]

Robert listened intently to her explanation. He didn't find it strange, it was just something he hadn't seen before. He'd always enjoyed meeting new people and discovering their quirks, seeing with his own eyes the little things what made them who they were. When she apologised, his heart skipped a beat. If there's one thing he didn't want to do, it was to make her feel weird or awkward.

"You don't have to be sorry," he reassured, "I think it's nice." The smile on his face was one of sincerity and it only widened when she giggled.

Hearing an unfamiliar voice took Robert off-guard slightly. What took him even more off guard was the comment that the voice made. Turning, the source of the voice was revealed to be a girl with short hair and a weirdly familiar face - even the voice reminded him of someone he knew. No, it can't be, he dismissed in his own head as he watched the brief conversation unfold between the two girls. Robert blushed a little bit at this Navi-san's teasing and seeing Imogen's reaction to it only embarrassed him more. He raised his hand and delivered an unsteady wave as the girl bid her goodbye and walked away, not sure on how to process what had just happened.

"So," Robert spoke in an embarrassed tone, trying to calm down his flustered face - his pale skin only making it more evident. "Shall we keep moving?"

@Moe Maid (♥◕‿◕♥)
Imogen Keyrair


"Uh..Y-Yeah.." She nodded, trying to hide her own embarrassment. 'Stupid Vaughn doing that to me..is he trying to reveal my feelings for Senpai?' She thought, remembering Adrian-as Aria-teasing her for liking Robert. This wasn't the first time. Well, it was with Robert in front of them, but nonetheless.

When Adrian and Imogen met last year, Imogen told him about her feelings for Robert. After that Adrian-and Aria-would constantly tease her about her crush. "I'm sorry about that..Navi-San's..well..can be a teaser sometimes.." She said, biting her lip. 'Your apologizing again?' She asked herself, and Imogen hanged her head. 'Sorry..I'll try to stop..' She told herself, looking down at the ground.
[fieldbox=Robert West, blue, solid]

Both Robert and Imogen seemed tense after Navi's teasing. After all, Robert never was good with being put on the spot, especially on such a tender topic. Imogen's eyes were glued to the floor beneath them as the two continued on to the boys dorms and despite Robert trying to allay her concerns the atmosphere between the two was still tense.

Approaching the building before them, they had finally made it to their destination - the male dorms. A building identical in appearance to the nearby female dorms, it had multiple stories and was pretty much what you'd expect from halls of residence. With the front entrance before them, Robert shuffled the bags on his shoulders about before turning to Imogen with a grateful smile.

"Thank you for the help, Keyrair-san," he spoke warmly. "I don't know if I'd have made it here without you. I can handle the bags from here plus I'm sure you've got to be getting back to your dorms or class, right?" Taking the bags from Imogen, he slung one over his back and another around his neck, once again becoming a walking mound of luggage, his glowing face barely poking out from within them. "Arigatou ne!"

@Moe Maid (♥◕‿◕♥)
Imogen Keyrair


The atmosphere that started off as so calmly and sweet turned tense in a matter of seconds after Navi's teasing. From that point on the two didn't really talk much until they got to the boys dorms and Robert took the bags from her and thanked her for her help.

"Please be careful okay? Don't hurt yourself." She said with concern, seeing him sling one of his luggage around his neck. She nodded when he thanked her in Japanese. "Dōitashimashite. Jā mata ne." She said back in Japanese, waving and bidding Robert farewell.

She went back to the girls dorms, which wasn't too far away from the boys dorms. 'I guess for the time being before heading to class I'll fill up the cherry blossom petals In jar.' She thought, smiling at the thought.
[fieldbox=Robert West, blue, solid]

Struggling his way up the stairs to his room, Robert felt his stomach churn, that 'butterfly' sensation that everyone talks about taking over. He hadn't met his new roommate yet and was hopeful that they would get along. The sheet of paper he had received from the main hall gave the boy's name but little more in the way of useful information.

"Kadakawa Yuuto," he spoke to himself, sounding the words aloud. He sounds pretty Japanese, he thought, I hope my nihongo is still up to scratch. Reaching the door to the room, Robert delivered three sharp knocks. However, after extended silence he went with the assumption that nobody was in so unlocked the door with his own set of keys. The room was standard for the school, similar to the one he had inhabited for the first two years of his school life. It was clear Yuuto had already been and gone as his side of the room was already decorated with some of his possessions. "Well, I guess I've got the left side." Robert's side of the room was bare apart from the raised bed and the desk beneath it, a PC ready set-up from his old room. Time to make myself at home, I guess.

Robert spent the next few hours unpacking his things, but, after extensive labouring and a lot of blue-tac being expended, his side of the room had everything he needed for his home away from home. Checking the time, he noticed it was turning noon - lunch time, finally. He hadn't had any classes for his first day, opting to use the time to get settled back considering he was running a day behind schedule. He quickly jotted down a note for Yuuto and left it on his bed, should he return, and headed out for the cafeteria.

(Written in Japanese)


The cafeteria was bustling with students, all having their afternoon break from moving in or attending their first classes or whatever business they had. Still, after queuing, Robert had managed to acquire a chicken katsu curry dish and found a space on an empty table. Beginning to gulp down his dinner, licking his lips with pure, tantalizing anticipation, he passively surveyed the room - hoping to see someone he knew for company.


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[fieldbox=Tsubaki Ai, pink, solid]

Amongst the din of the clamouring crowd, a gentle melody leaving the humming lips of a young second year could be heard if one listened closely enough. Meandering her way through the gathered crowds, the purple haired girl clutched a piece of paper between her fingers, her eyes scanning its every detail. It was a wonder that she didn't bump into anyone. As the melody that she hummed along to reached its end, her eyes raised upwards to see the crystal blue sky above, the occasional sakura petal drifting across in the breeze. A contented sigh left her lips before she whispered something to no one else but herself.

"It's good to be back."

"Ai-chan!" a voice cried out, earning the girl's attention. Turning her head to face whomever approached, she cocked her head to the side curiously.

"Hisao-kun?" she responded, her voice delicate and diminished. Emerging from the crowds, a young freshman lad was waving enthusiastically. He had tussled brown hair, a wide face and strong features - he looked more like a third year to be honest. "Your entrance exams went well then?" she followed up, another question. When he reached her he nodded enthusiastically.

"Unn, I remember you telling me about this place and... well... it seemed like a good place to study," the boy answered. Hisao was a student in the year below Ai at their middle school and an old friend. He was right, she had let slip the existence of this place.

"What about Shizune-san?" she asked. Hisao's shoulders slouched a moment before a sigh escaped his lips.

"Ah... we broke up. I don't know. Without your guidance everything seemed to fall apart." She smiled sweetly at the compliment before raising a lecturing finger.

"Tsubaki-san is always right!" she teased, quoting an old acquaintance. "Anyway, I need to go move into my new room. It was good to see you again, Hisao-kun. I'll see you around." With that farewell, the two parted ways and Tsubaki headed off towards the dorms with a spring in her step. It was sad that Hisao had lost his girlfriend but she never thought the two were right for each other anyway. Still, on the topic of being alone, she wasn't sure she would have a roommate this year. Sad but she could always visit her friends and hang out there.

As the noise of the crowd faded to a distant ambience, Tsubaki's eyes traced the height of the structure before her. Repeating her words from earlier, 'good to be back', she headed inside and made for room 6. It was barren inside the room, not a sign of inhabitance about, just the lifeless furniture and beige plastered walls. She sighed slightly before taking a deep breath and stepping fully inside. "I'll need to move my things in!" she declared, "I wonder when my parents will drop them off, though..." Once more, a sigh let slip from her mouth. Clenching her fists, she headed out once more, locking the door behind her. "Immy-chan?" she questioned, seeing a familiar-looking girl walking down the corridor towards her room.

@NyanMoe - Stop making yourself impossible to tag with your funky symbols!

Just as Ayaka had finished unpacking her first figurine, another girl her own age walked into the room, then looked at her suspiciously. "I wasn't aware I was getting a new roommate. Are you sure you're in the correct place?" "Space deities never make mistakes! I was told room 6 and I am in room 6. I wonder why I didn't need to use my key to get in though?" "This... isn't room 6." The girl seemed to be a bit taken aback by Ayaka's... disposition. To this, Ayaka responded by blushing, returning the figurine to the box and quickly rushing out of the room and along the corridor, carrying one of her 3 packages. When she was at the actual room 6, she noticed a certain girl standing outside the door, looking very much like it was her room. Was it her actual dorm mate? She set the suitcase down, and addressed the girl, not noticing that she was interrupting a conversation. "Mortal girl, are you the current resident of Hisakawa female dormitory room 6?"
Katsumi Yukimura

"And so class , the most vital organ in a cold-blooded animal , namely the-" , was all Katsumi Yukimura heard before she tuned everything out . Not everything , but the teacher's voice , specifically . The icy-blue green eyed female turned her head slightly to look outside the window .

"So pretty ." , she murmured to herself . The brunette wanted to do one thing above everything else when she first came to this academy - Check out the pool . She could skip class , after all , there was only half an hour left till' her next one .

"Teacher ." .

The bubbly female who was teaching stopped in her lecture before looking the brunette's way . "Yes , Yukimura-chan ?" , she asked with a wide smile on her face . C-Chan ? , the brunette internally sighed before asking , "May I use the washroom , please ?" .

"Oh yes , go ahead , my dear ." , her Biology teacher said before continuing her lecture . Wasting no time , Katsumi walked out of the class with long strides before she found herself standing in front of the indoor pool . She hoped no one would bother coming here , not that she minded but she didn't want to answer too many questions .
Imogen Keyrair


"Sakura, Hirahira maiorite ochite.." Imogen sung quietly while walking back to her dorm room, which was close by now. Since the cherry blossoms were in bloom, she figured why not sing a song about it? She hummed quietly until hearing a familiar female voice.

She looked up ahead and saw a familiar girl and stopped in her tracks. "Ai-Chan?" She asked quietly, having realized she stopped right next to her room.
@VengefulPeanut (Sorry XD)
Yuuto living his clumsy life as usual, he is a major klutz but he thought it's for the best rather than being bullied around like he used to. His first lesson was a disaster, he play the wrong piece yet amazed everyone as the piece that he played was out of their league. His violin play was superb and flawless, there isn't any wrong note and the sound was so smooth that no one interrupted him. At the end of the class, Yuuto was swarmed by people and he felt really uncomfortable with it. It was lunch break, Yuuto went back to his room putting his violin back before going to the cafeteria. He saw a note in Japanese on his bed, it was his dorm room, Yuuto felt anxious and excited at the same time that he finally got someone to talk to. He then started running to the cafeteria while looking around the room, he took a bowl of curry and randomly sit next to a blond guy.

Johann Harrison

"Now you've really done it !" , a voice boomed out from the entrance of the Hisakawa Koukou Academy . A tall and blond teenager who almost resembled an adult made his way as quickly as possible towards the front doors of the academy . It did not help that he had woken up very late and was now arriving at his educational institute at lunch time . To add on to that , his tie was slung over his shoulder with the top few buttons of his shirt left undone . His hair was not being helpful today either .
"I need to get myself one of those explosive alarms ." , mumbled the blond incoherently as he made his way to the dorms , eager as to see whom he shall be sharing his room with .

Along the way , the smell of rice with curried meat and vegetables caught tingled his nose's senses and he was 'forced' to avert his directions to the cafeteria due to the rumbling of his stomach from the absence of a meal . Oh well , unpacking and room mate can wait .
"One of those please , Madam !" , Johann smiled his charming smile at the lunch lady before paying for his food .

Where to sit ? His eyes roam around the spacious room before his eyes set on two male students . One looked British and another Japanese . Might as well get to know other people , Johann told himself as he slide in the seat in front of the two males before grinning , "Hello there , lads . I'm Johann Harrison ." .

@VengefulPeanut @GreenSea
[fieldbox=Robert West, blue, solid]

Robert was taken something aback when an unknown fellow placed himself next to him. Not that he was averse to human interaction, but the boy seemed to come completely out of the blue. His light brown hair was swept back and he looked to be a senior. An awkward atmosphere settled as the seating came with no introduction so, doing the typical British thing, Robert sank into his cultural shyness and took another bite of his curry, not wanting to be the one to break the silence.

Conveniently enough, he didn't need to. Also coming as if from seemingly nowhere, another boy slid down and placed himself across the table from the two. His characteristics weren't so Japanese but heavily Nordic, strangely enough. The difference from the last arrival was that this one came with a small introduction. Swallowing the food in his mouth as quickly as he could, Robert smiled at the lad and nodded his head.

"Robert West," he responded, holding his hand out for him to shake, "Nice to meet you." Once he had finished his sentence, he realised his error, retracting his hand slightly. "Sorry, I forgot handshakes aren't big over here. Still used to Europe, I guess." He gave a short but awkward chuckle, a dismal attempt to cover up his embarrassment.

@Cookie And Cream~ @GreenSea

Johann Harrison

Johann merely chuckled lightly at the slightly embarrassed blond that was seated in front of him , before placing the spoon that was in his right hand down on the plate . He then raised his hand towards the boy before saying , "It's quite alright , my good man . I'm as well , not used to the Japanese culture ." .

After shaking the boy's hand , he returned to his comforting meal , "Is it alright if I call you Robert , Mr.West ? I must admit I am not very good with formalities , if not forced ." . The male with the pair of icy blue eyes then turned to the lad who had light brown hair , "What about you , good sir ? You seem like a man with a great deal of stories ." .

@VengefulPeanut @GreenSea
[fieldbox= Mayu Yorihase, green, solid]


Despite the craziness of the start of the day, Mayu was able to make good progress in the past couple of classes. The rush to make new friends amongst the freshman was strong. Edging in and finding their own place in any kind of group so that they may rid themselves of their 'individual' state as quickly as possible. Everyone was filled with energy, reciting the same flavors of greetings to each new person who paid attention to them, and heaving a joyous sigh of relief when the person they met one class ago was found again. Though Mayu liked to be around people, there was also certain limits. Right now, the lunch table was feeling a bit too crowded for her tastes.

"Hey Mayu-chan. Is this drink yours?"
"No, mines this one that hasn't been opened yet."
"Oh! That one's mine. Could you pass it over here please!"

The hand reaching from behind her brushed up against her beret. Though it carefully ensured the bottled drink wouldn't bit her in the face as it was pulled back out. Personal space right now was nonexistent. At this point, Mayu had expended much of her energy in the past couple of classes. Actively clumping groups of Freshmen together resulted in this big clump. All of them gathered with the mutual understanding that best friends where certainly to be found in such a big group of people.

What classes you have next. What does your schedule look like? You thinking about joining this sort of club? Indeed, after the names and introductory pleasantries are put aside it's straight down to business. All in all, everyone is looking for someone who they would see on a regular basis. This was of great importance, as that someone could be the person to get notes from, someone you can build a friendship with an count on being there when group work is assigned. The 'who is with who' right now was very volatile. The person you clung onto from first period might end up being a forgotten memory in the long run after you find someone with a more familiar schedule.

In fact, when you looked out it from the outside. The process of finding a lasting acquaintance at the start of a new school is cruelly objective. It was even taxing on Mayu, who had been mentally taking note of faces names and personalities of the people she was coming into contact with. As the week dragged on she would look to see who was settling into whose social circles, but at the moment, the most important thing was to find the most charismatic personalities out of the masses of students she was being introduced to. It was important to be acquainted with those types of people - known as the upper echelons of the Social Pyramid specified in Mayu's Middle School Paper.

The only respite Mayu got was her bottle of water still cold and waiting for her to consume, as well as the gossip already circulating amongst people at the table.

"She did WHAT in the bathrooms?"
"No, Seriously! She did!"
"Eeeek! Megumi-Sempai is such a gross out!"

The rumors surrounding Megumi Miyamoto, an Upperclassman with a bad reputation, were already getting stale in Mayu's ears. The horror stories regarding this girl where reiterated so often amongst the Freshman that it it could be considered entry level. Why not spice it up and add an extra dimension to this creepy effigy with... something? Mayu didn't care to try expanding on it. The this big conversation didn't need her to keep it going.

"...But then the question ocmes up. Who is more dangerous, Kadakawa-sempai or Megumi-sempai?"
"Is it even worth asking? You might as well ask if you'd choose a freak or a stalker."

Where the topics getting so dried out that it's just devolving into straight out mocking the upperclassmen? Such a dry approach wasn't all that interesting to Mayu at this point. Thus, it was time to edge the hive-mind a bit elsewhere. Mayu took out one of her suckers, aiming to gesture around with it to catch the blob's attention.

"You guys are making this place sound like a horror movie setting. I mean, what about the band, or the other rumored 'crazies' that make the school interesting."
"Well, we already saw one of our own being one of those crazies, right Mayu-chan?"
"Oh right. The violent one..."

The violent one, a certain freshman student who was throwing students in the hall, was an excellent icebreaker to talk about. Especially for the poor folks who personally got manhandled by him. Mayu personally saw this student burst into the Psychology class, dragging a teacher inside with him. He only 'left' after he was excused by the Psychology teacher. Presumably to go talk to the principle for bad conduct. Mayu didn't catch his name, however.

"I swear I saw him literally pick up a guy and toss him to the side like cardboard. It was so crazy!"
"I remember he said he just wanted to make it on class on time."
"Sure, it was pretty crowdsed in the hallways. But who goes throwing poeople aside like livestock just to get to class?"
"Yeah, I guess you're right. He might end up being even scarier than Miyamoto or Kadakawa."
"No way, Kadakawa's still a Judo Star, right? And Miyamoto would probably cast some evil hex and send him to the shadow realm!"

The comment warranted a good chuckle from the group.

"Shadow Realm, seriously?"

There were a good amount of characters amongst the upperclassmen. Thanks to that wonderful advent of social media, and the actions of a certain student on campus, some of the upperclassmen's reputations were easily decipherable to people who followed the school's pages. It was thanks to that, reputations such as those of Megumi Miyamoto and Yuuto Kadakawa were already up on the chopping block of a group of people who hadn't even been in the school as long as them.

"Oh well. If one of those two get thrown into jail first it'll probably be Miyamoto-sempai." Mayu said thoughtlessly. Simply saying something for the sake of having said something. The truth was that she was gracefully backing out of her place in that conversation without just going quiet. She still had the next two classes and her room and board situation to sort out later too. Mentally exhausted was the only appropriate words that could describe her at the moment.

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