His name is...

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Joseph heard Darius little story and started to wonder.
-"Well, I don't know but it isn't impossible, I just feel like, since Ignis and Glacies is brothers, shouldn't the other city also be a little effected? Or perhaps, thier strong believes to the time lord is probably greater, or maybe they share the stories about glacies and the time lord?" Joseph started to wonder and got into a deep thought as Andarius was smiling.
-"Well, if it was in my case, I think I'd go for the time lord. Because... he's controlling time, thus, also control the lifes of the gods and their time. So in a way... isn't the Time lord, like a father or god greater than the others?" Andarius then asked and started to grumble about the question himself, true. Time lord have the control of the time and therefore it should make sense if he have the control of everything, but is that really true? Thinking more into the mystery of the man controlling time itself was only going to get you a headache and Andarius just ended with the conclusion that he probably is the most strongest god of them all, but then again, is he really a god? Agh! Stop thinking, Andarius! He thought to himself.
When they encountered the door with the guards Joseph then whispered to Andarius.
-"We can talk about him later." He said and Andarius agreed, now they had to help Noah. When the guards was questioning them, since they had to follow their rules and work, Joseph stepped forward and showed the letter he got from William as they nodded and let them in.
-"You've the permission to go into the city." They said as the big red door opened and inside the world of life, noise and heat was getting to them. It was like the opposite to the other city where everyone prefers to stay inside and the streets were calm and quiet with only some people here and there, in this city thought, life was everywhere, children running and playing, people trading and some sitting outside pubs while drinking their beer. Joseph was smiling as he saw the pub with two windows at the second floor with red cloth handing outside as decorations as the people was sitting on wooden chairs by wooden tables and flowers growing beside the buildings and in the small thin vases. Everything seemed more, lively here. But now was not the time to relax, no, they had to go to the palace where the leader of Venella city was waiting and get his aid to help Noah.

When they got outside the center of the lively city, they reached the temple or palace of some sort, to get there you had to go up to a long stairway build with the same stone as the buildings, yet more shaped and thiner to walk on. After what felt like an eternity going up the stairs they finally reached the temple. The first sign was some sort of red gate infront of the temple, like a huge door. Then there was the temple with the same sort of roof, but bigger and the roof on the top was flat, but it was a big, a really big place. The odd thing however were that there was no guards standing outside, it was empty and it was quite scary compared to all the life in the city, this temple was dead with people.Or so they thought.
When stepping forward and only some inches from the door, they heard a scream saying "Halt!" The group turned around and wondered who it was screaming as they saw a young man, or rather some sort of teenager, standing on the red gate with the accessories with gold. The young little fella' didn't seem older than 16 and he had clothes over clothes, very thin layers with different colours and prints, many colours were orange, gold, red and white as the very short black hair not even touching the eyebrows was laying on his head, like they just had cut of all his hair and it was now growing. If he didn't have any hair he'd look like some sort of young monk but with white skin. On his forehead though, it looked like to be some sort of golden coin glued to his skin since it had no support and was only sitting there in the middle between his eyes and there, was the interesting part, the eyes. The boy had light green eyes and the pupils that was supposed to be black, was going towards gray, but you could still see them but green colour and the little darker gray pupils made him look like he was blind but he was looking right at them as if he knew where they where, was he really blind? And who is the boy?
-"I said halt!" The boy then said with a serious tone, though his light boy-ish voice made it hard to take him serious rather than a man with a very deep voice. Was he perhaps the leaders youngster? Or someone working for him? Before they could ask the boy interrupted them as he took out a golden rod, it was thin and looked light to the skinny fella' and it's shine with the sun really made it hard to look at. The only thing was, that the gold looking rod was only a straight pole, nothing on top of it, neither at the end, just straight cut off as the edges, yeah, a golden pole it was. He was then pointing at the group with his pole as he screamed out.
-"I knew you'd come here, adventures!" He shouted with a smile as Andarius called out.
-"How, and who are you? Where can we meet the leader?!" He shouted as the boy smiled.
-"Why? My..., I'm Iriya, the leader of this city of course!! Aahahaha!!" He laughed out loud as Andarius looked shocked, this little 16 year old boy... was the leader of Venella city?
The lively city was somewhat a pleasure to the eyes - not that the festival was much calmer. But they knew that was not the common life of the place, but just a moment; there, in Venella, the life was constantly agitated. Darius usually preferred the calm and quietness, but had to admit the place was happy and beautiful, as one should expect from a place blessed by Ignis. If she or her family were indeed respected there, was still a mystery. Some people would look at them, as they formed a strange group, but no one tried to stop them, until they reached the temple. It really inspired a lot of respect, and reminded the ex-angel of his homeland, where he lived with his father and brother before everything went in a downward spiral...

With the appearance of Iriya, all the group seemed to share the surprise - except maybe for Joseph, who had his ways to know about things. Darius looked at Pandora, as if waiting for an explanation, but she just shrugged. The name of Iriya was familiar to her, but hot who he was. She never met him, or heard anything about him among the commoners, during the short stays in Venella. She could not say if he was talking the truth or not. But considering his garments and confident attitude, it was not impossible.

Darius knew about young monks who were considered 'chosen' to serve in temples as leaders of some sorts, the chief of a cult or something like that. But never met a political leader - as the leader of Venella should be - at this age. Considering he was indeed as young as he seemed... "If you know we would come, then maybe you know we need help with one of our companions." he said, showing Noah. "Please, that's our only intention. Then we will continue our journey."
Iriya looked down at the little group as he jumped down and landed on his feet together with his pole as a support, then slowly stood before them and as expected but still a bit of a suprise, he was very short. His head was about under Darius chest or around that area and he noticed how they all stared and got angry. But the anger went away fast as he looked at Noah in Darius arms.
-"Ah, yes the little snowflake, Noah. Was it?" Iriya said as he then passed them and was looking at the big door into the temple.
-"I'll help you but in one condition." He said as Andarius reacted fast as espected of him.
-"What is it?!" He almost screamed as Iriya turned around, looking at them with his light green eyes as he smiled.
-"You've to stay for my birthday party of course!" He said and smiled even bigger than before as Andarius only answer was.
-"....Eh?" He looked confused, maybe they all did, except for Joseph whom had a stone face, just watching and listening. The boy however pouted and took his nose up high to the skies as he took his hand on his chest.
-"Why, everyone who gets into the city, living here or not, is invited to my birthday of course! And they have to come!" He said out loud as Andarius looked at the others.
-"Uhm... Fine, I don't know what the others think but... if we go to your birthday party, can you help us - Her then?" Andarius asked, pointing towards Noah as Iriya started to smile.
-"Alright! Then... you can sleep over here!" He then shouted as he was walking towards the door but Andarius shouted as he stopped.
-"W-wait, sleep over?" He asked. Irya turned around.
-"Why, my birthday party is tomorrow. I'll be 17! One year closer to manhood! Ahahaa!!" He said smiling. Andarius looked at him, thinking; Man...hood?
Pandora quickly came back from the first shock after hearing what they should do to get the help they needed. With a charming smile and shinning eyes, she replied "That will be an honor, take part in your birthday party. We're fortunate for being here at the right time!" She said quickly following the young Iriya and entering the large temple. Even if her enthusiasm was a bit strange, one could notice she was in fact very alert and attentive to what was happening.

Darius hesitated a little longer; it seemed very strange to invite complete strangers - possibly dangerous ones - to the place where you live (Does he really live in this temple? he asked himself), and to your birthday party. Yet, it seemed something a lively 16 years old boy would do, if not being very wise... Or if he was really confident in himself to take care of any danger. Anyway, Darius preferred to stay alert, for they had no more options, and really needed the help for Noah. He was pretty sure their group could deal with a lot of trouble... and the place seemed calm enough. There were no dangerous presences inside the temple, so they would not be facing enemies so soon. Shrugging to the others, he also followed Iriya inside.

The place was beautiful, and with that strong energy so frequent in temples, but also with the luxury beauty of most palaces. With his good memory, the ex-angel started to analyze the place and discover its pathways, so he could move there more freely if necessary. Meanwhile, Pandora was closer to their curious host. "Since when you started to rule the city of Venella? I can't remember your birthdays parties from my last visits... and they are surely memorable if all the city is invited. Also... where will we stay? We don't want to be a nuisance for you." she talked, with that gentle voice and delicate face. The idea os passing a whole day there was not a problem to the young girl.

But the other had the intuition something was too out of place. He approached Joseph quietly. "Can you say if he's telling the truth? And how could he know about us?"
When Pandora asked Irya about information as to when he became the leader he got quiet and just walked forward, he did seem to lower his head though, as if not wanting to tell for a specific reason so it was understandable he was quiet. The temple inside was very white with the stones and also a lot of light came in through the windows. There were hanging curtains of some sort that was red and had a golden symbol, it was Ignis symbol, a beautiful flower in golden powder stretched on the red soft cloth, they where hanging almost everywhere, by the stairs, by the windows, everywhere. The entrence was huge and on the end of the hall were stairs to the other floor, two to be exact. One on the left side and the other on the right and in the middle to make it more symetrical for the eye was a huge red door.
-"I've actually made some of this and as expected of me, everything is perfect! Symetrical and perfect!" Iriya said and sounded very proud, he seemed to be the type who loves everything to be symetrical and it was shown very clearly how the symbols was exact and how the cloth was hanging by the windows and by the stairs. Everything was put there in order to be perfect, Iriya had really thought it through.
-"I actually like to renovate, I did it a lot when I was smaller and I would always fix the shoes so they would be symetrical with each others and-" As Iriya was talking to Pandora about his childhood Darius, Joseph and Andarius was walking together, or well, Andarius was a little ahead of them.
-"Of course he's telling the truth, Iriya can see the future and the past of everyones lives. Didn't you know that?" Joseph said as he smiled.
-"Why else would he take this position at this age?" He asked as he watched the leader's small back rushing forwards to the big red door, all excited.
Pandora noticed how the young leader was reluctant to give the reasons for his early prominent position, and didn't insist on the subject, even if her curiosity was only bigger, in fact. She preferred to follow the new subject, while her attentive ears heard Joseph's comment about his immense ability of seeing both past and future. "Oh, I like the sense of harmony coming from this symetry. The balance has an amazing beauty." she said, yet it was hard to talk with Iriya when he was feeling enthusiastic. "You did an incredible job here, this place is wonderful! Well, should I call it a Temple or a Palace? Where are going to make your party? Do you have rooms for guests?"

Darius was getting used to the foreseeable pattern of the place, for wherever was a specific adornment, there would be a perfect pair for it, unless it was at the perfect center, like the door between the stairs. The symbol and colors brought to his memory the image of Ignis, and also her brother, Glacies. The twins were similar in many traits, yet they also had absolute differences between them. He could see the small girl, vivid and 'fiery' in more than one sense of the word; sometimes she would seem a normal girl, if it wasn't her stron givine aura. Being a Seraph, he was naturally inclined to the fire element, but, he also had sympathy for Glacies. The young god, when seeing him for the first time, said: "You're blue!", and that made him smile.

Joseph's revelations caught him offguard. Surprise was the most constant feeling for him since the group left the other city. "How can a mortal deal with this effort? With the power of knowing the life of everyone around?" He could not even consider this burden, knowing every blessing and tragedy in all lives until the very end. How can someone live without surprises, expectations, uncertainties... Most would be crazy very soon.

A shiver ran through his body. "Does he know what will happen with everyone of us?" His eyes were wide. "Did he saw Arthur? I must ask him!"
Iryia turned as he closed to the huge door but didn't open it.
-"Of course you've rooms, it'll be on the second floor. My servants will show you around later and you'll be able to do your sightseeing more at the party tomorrow." Iriya seemed very excited about the party, could it be because of something special and why invite the little group? Have he perhaps seen their future and it was important for them to stay? Nobody knows until he himself could tell them with his words.
-"He seems to be able to control the powers, maybe he've learned how to only use it when he wants to. Maybe he can choose what people he want to see. But I don't know, he must tell himself what he sees for I can not see them." Joseph said as he looked at the young man by the big door, smiling. Joseph then looked at Darius, his emotions for his brother is strong, yet...
When the door opened Iriya went inside as the other followed, inside was a huge room with pilars holding up the roof and as everything else, they were standing with perfect space between each others and on the end of the room was a chair for the leader to sit in, it was in red carpet and the feets in gold, it looked very comfortable and at the same time really expensive. By the chair were 6 men sitting 3 and 3 on each side, most of them were old, some fat, others not. They all greeted the young leader as Iriya sat on his chair and then pointed at them with his golden pole.
-"These people here are invited to the party tomorrow. I want to make sure they have it comfortable here and also get doctor Leon here as well to help the little snowflake there." He then said and pointed towards Noah. Then suddenly Joseph stepped forward and started to bow before the leader as he looked down to the floor.
-"It's an honor to be here and I'm sure the people of Ignis have the right power to help someone in need." He said as he looked at Iriya who looked quite chocked and the men beside him, not very pleased. Joseph was now smiling but something about the rooms aura was... off. Andarius was one of them who could feel it. Andarius looked at Joseph as he took a step beside him and started to bow.
-"Yes, so long my sister can be saved, I'm more than greatful."
Darius was still impressed by Iryia powers, and that such responsibility were in such young shoulders; with no doubts something happened to create this situation. On the past, he was more skilled to find out the truth under the layers of illusion or lies, but now he could be easily fooled... and that disgusted him. His impression only got stronger when he followed the young boy with his eyes until his "throne", and he assumed his position with all the properly pomp. Pandora, by her side, was enchanted by the constant beauty of the place, and her smart eyes wandered everywhere, before returning the the young leader.

"Thank you for your hospitality and your invitation." Pandora made a short curtsy, crossing her legs like a lady and inclining her head. She quickly returned to full vigilant mode after Joseph's words, sensitive enough to notice the change on the surroundings and the disturbed reaction of the old men beside Iryia. I must be attentive with him. I still cannot trust you, Joseph. Darius unwittingly moved his wings forward, as if trying to protect Noah. After a moment, he also stepped forward, staying beside Joseph and Andarius and, unable to bow with the little child in his arms, he only inclined his head and stretched his wings in front of his body, touching their tips on the ground with a graceful movement in arch. His eyes locked in Iryia and the men in their chairs, shinning very serious.

"I am also grateful for your help. And even if I don't have the right to do so... I'd like to ask one more thing, if it's not an abuse of your generosity, young master. I want to know about Arthur, if you have any news about him. I'm afraid we are all in danger if he keeps with his madness and this constant search for power. I need to meet him and stop him before one of us... lose all the control over ourselves." He said in a calm and confident tone, even if his message was somewhat sad and very worrying. "I am willing to pay for this information working for you in a task, if that is fair. This will keep things in balance, a just exchange."
Iriya looked at Darius and then glanced over at Joseph and Andarius whom now stood beside him.
-"Since I can see into the past and future I knew you guys would arrive here and you also Darius in search for you brother but sadly enough..." Iriya took a small break as to think through his words and then looked at him with a bit sadness in his eyes.
-"I know as much about him as you for I've never met Arthur in person and I don't know why, even though I've tried, I just can't see much through him, only a dark place. Maybe a cave, I don't know. But something is preventing me to see him." Iriya explained as one of the men then spoke.
-"Iriya, the leader of Venella City should not even consider something pity as this, we understand that the situation is tough and as for this... Arthur type, we cannot do much and the city is in need for the young master's powers." The man in a gray mustache said and looked at Darius with deep brown eyes. The other men agreed as Iriya made a nod.
-"But if you help me fill in some information later, perhaps I can try and help you." He asked as he looked at the others, rised from his chair and then clapped his hands as the doors opened and young maidens came, they had also layers and layers with thin cloth and their hair in a similar type of bun decorated with a golden flower. They made a bow to the leader as he called out to them.
-"Help these special guests to their rooms and if they need something, do help them with that or give them whatever they want. I want them to have a nice atmosphere here and also a good day before and during my birthday party tomorrow! And make sure to bring the doctor to help the little one!" The maiden made a bow as they walked to the group, asking them kindly if they could follow them to their seperate rooms.
-"Darius, we can talk later." Iriya then called out as he looked at them, the men also with strict and cold expressions. Joseph made a small glance at the little crew sitting by their young master as he then followed Andarius and the others.

-"Seperate rooms?" Andarius then said when they once were out of the huge hall and the big red door was closed. One of the maiden with a little more brown skin than the others whom also had shining blue eyes answered.
-"Yes, the girls and the boys are seperated but there is a meeting room for the quests to be in and also a library, we've many rooms but for now... We'll escourt you to your rooms."
-"Can't I stay with Noah? She's my sister, please. I beg of you." Andarius then said as the maiden then looked a bit unsure, she wanted to help them but she didn't want to not follow the young masters orders.
-"Well..." She then said and seemed to be in a tight position since she was not the one to make the decisions, she then took a glance at Pandora.
-"...I can't break masters orders but I'm sure that the we and surely the young lady over there will have a close watch on her, we'll also call for the doctor. He's the very best in Venella and have all the best sorts of herbs-"
-"I don't care, I'm the only one who is close enough Noah and can't you make en exception?" Andarius then said as he interrupted the maiden but she got quiet.
It was clear for Darius that his request was considered unimportant to the elders around Iryia, making him slightly irritated, but he also knew it was not the time to explain everything in details. He should not test the patience of these powerful men because it would be wiser to keep them as allies. Yet, he knew that if they insisted too much in this, he would have to take a different course of action. You have no idea... He could be an adversary that could easily put this city in danger, especially if he can escape Iryia's power of foreknowledge. But he got reassured when the young leader confirmed to talk with him and help later, so he simply followed with the others, guided by the maidens through the corridors of the palace.


Pandora pursed her lips, touched by Andarius worries about his sister. She could also understand the fragile position of the maid, for she could not counterwork the palace's rules. Maybe it was even a dangerous thing for the girl to do, since they didn't know what kind of punishment she would face in that case.
"I'm sorry, but that would be..." the girl insisted, unable to look at Andarius right at his eyes.

Pandora approached the two resting a calming hand on the girl's shoulder, as if to give her strength. "Yes, I can take care of her and wait for the doctor. There is no need for creating problems." she said, before turning her eyes to Andarius. "Please, trust me." she asked him, and only to him her eyes were passing a second message. Just wait a little, please.

"Please, show us the rooms." she turned again to the maid, now seeming much more relaxed, nodding with a faint smile. They followed through one of the stairs, getting to the second floor where a central corridor would meet a large area, like a comfortable living room, before continuing straight; another corridor was crossing the building from side to side, making that place like the center of a large cross, with an opening on each wall. "This is the meeting room for the guests. The rooms for the men are those at the right, and for the girls, to the left." The maiden with blue eyes explained, while others approached to guide both groups to the large doors. Darius went with Pandora "I'll just bring Noah to the bed." he said, and the girl confirmed.

The doors were large and decorated in gold like most thing within the Palace, and the rooms were big, lucid, with solid and ancient furniture. The curtains were red, like the pillows and sheets of the imposing beds. The servant adjusted one of them, pulling the blanket for a moment so Darius could lie the little body of Noah with all care. Soon she was warm and protected. "Take an eye on her." he said to Pandora, serious.
"I will." she replied with an enigmatic smile.

"Do we have permission to visit the library?" Darius asked another maiden, one with black hair and oblique eyes.
"Yes. Most of the books are free to everyone, but you need special authorization from the master to visit the restricted area."
"I understand. If there is only one library... I presume it's on the end of this corridor, right at the center of the place? Otherwise it would be necessary two, one on each side..."
The girl laughed, before answering. "That's right. There is only one large library, going this way."
"Thank you." Darius said before taking his way there.

Meanwhile, in the girls room, Pandora made sure she was alone with Noah before picking her necklace inside the neckline of her blouse. The long and delicate chain had three little keys in it. The agile fingers picked the black one, while the girl walked towards the large wardrobe of the room, stopping and kneeling before one of the heavy wooden doors.
The black key entered the keyhole on the door with ease, like it was just made for that. Pandora breathed slowly, closing her eyes, before turning the key with a fragile click. When she opened the wardrobe door, it was completely blak inside, like a blackhole, where she entered with a smile.

Just after that, when the boys were already alone in their room with no maidens around, someone knocked their wardrobe door from inside. "Hey, it's me. I'm gonna open, guys." Pandora's voice sounded behind it, and soon she appeared in front of them. "Andarius, now you can visit your sister if you want. Just don't get caught. Come back if someones coming." She stepped to the side and right behind her was the girls' room, like there was nothing between them but a thin wall, what was certainly impossible.
The suprise of Pandora coming out of the closet was sure something new they haven't seen and that on the other side was the girls room, either way Andarius didn't seem to mind as he walked to the other side and checked Noah as he touched his hand on her little round rosy cheeks. Joseph smiled at the sight as he looked at the door were the maiden had stepped outside.
-"A library, huh?" He talked to himself loud as he then turned to Darius and Pandora.
-"Well, I wanna check it out but..." He turned his sight to Andarius.
-"Can we leave him be? What if the maidens would get inside the room? I understand that he could get inside the closet but... what about you pandora, I mean... Wouldn't it be weird if you got outside the guys territory? Or... are you going to stay here?" Joseph asked as he leaved his black coat by one of the beds and fixed his suit.
-"You guys can go, I want to stay by Noah for a little while, if they will get inside or I hear them, I'll just go inside the closet." Andarius then said to them, standing inside the closet between the two rooms and since the closet wasn't made for people but for clothes and Andarius was quite tall, he had to squat a little to fit inside.
Pandora smiled to Joseph. "Don't worry. This passage will be open for him to come back and forth between the rooms. He's quick, and will be able to escape if necessary, even being this big. Consider these closets like a portal. Just don't let the maidens discover. About Iryia... if he can really see the future, he already knows about this. And still left me do it." she shrugged. "I think it's not that bad. It's only until we're sure Noah is fine. We didn't bring these many clothes, anyway! We don't need this closet door."

The girl walked back to the girls room. "You guys can check the library if you want. I'll be waiting here for now."
Meanwhile, Darius was making his way to the end of the corridor, where he found the large place he was expecting. He always liked libraries, including their smell of old paper and their mysterious atmosphere. He searched through the countless shelves the different subjects, picking up a book talking about the city of Venella and its origin, and also about the family of leader through the centuries; he was not sure if it went until Iriyas relatives, or stopped in his ancestors. He also found one about the gods and mythology... he wanted to know if there was any real information about the family of deities he knew from so long...

Finally, he picked up one about magic, more especifically about time magic, and the Time Lord. He was not sure why... but he remembered, for example, when that strange guy called Sythe seemed able to stop time and immobilize the others, or at least their bodies. Something was really wrong with this.

With these three books, Darius got to the large stuffed chair beside a wide table. He made his wings disappear, so he could sit comfortably. But when he was going to open the first book, a mysterious voice sounded from behind him.
"It's weird to find an angel so worried about a mortal..."
Andarius was quiet as he looked down at Noah, checking her body temperature time by time and then looked around, it didn't seem to be any fire around except for the guest room where you could meet and talk but it still felt odd to use it in a weather like this. He sighs as he hears the dook knock and stands up as a voice spoke.
-"Don't worry, Iriya have told me everything." A man said as he opened the door and smiled gently towards the two, he had gray hair and looked quiet old but still seemed energic by the look of his body as he walked towards them and then looked at Noah.
-"So this is the little one in trouble, hm?" He asked and even though it was obvious, he squated down and checked her temperature first with his hand and then looked at Andarius with a questioning expression.
-"Is... something the matter?" Andarius asked as the man stood up.
-"No, nothing at all. It's just... it's not easy when I don't know what sort of creature you are since it's obvious you're not human. So I don't know how to help you, since I don't know your methods."
-"Ah... Well, the only thing is that she need her temper to go up or else she'll..." It seemed difficult for Andarius to say just those words but the doctor understood as he opened his bag and took out some sort of metallic box and opened it, inside was some sort of coral from the sea and it was glowing red.
-"If you can check if this is fine, then she could eat it." He said as Andarius looked at it.
-"What... is it?" He asked.
-"Well.. When I went to the cold north, to the Ungdulla sea I met some fish people."
-"Fish people?"
-"Yes, fish people and by my suprise they seemed to be sick and get very cold easily. Sadly, many died but then I discovered that many of these people started to eat this red coral and then turned better as they explained that this coral is very hot and can make your body temperature go back and as curious as I was, I asked them if I could take some with me for research. Appearently it's called Ong'dal Opctus and is-" Before the doctor could tell his story furthermore that seemed to be very fun for him to explain Andarius took the coral and broke it to a smaller piece. By the doctors suprise, Andarius didn't seem to get any burns as he almost shouted.
-"Oh, gracious! If a human would touch this they'd get a burn mark just going near the coral and the fish people could only get it because it was surrounded in ice since the roots was colder but the tops hotter." And as the doctor spoke, he was very interested at what he saw as Andarius took the little piece of coral he had broken and put it into Noah's mouth and let her swallow it.
-"Now what?" Andarius asked as he put the coral back into the odd metall box, not showing any signs of any burn marks as the doctor looked intesily at his hand and then woke up.
-"Oh, uhm... Well, we'll just have to wait for a moment, if the little piece wasn't enough we could probably give her more."


-"It's weird to find an angel so worried about a mortal..." A man walked towards Darius and had a dull face expression, he looked old and was one of the men sitting beside Iriya. He looked at the man and then introduced himself.
-"I'm Voll Gyuk and have served Iriyas grandfather and father, I've also been a part of this temple for long. I apologize for the behavior the other men showed before, it was perhaps a bit unpleasant but they're very protective towards Iriya since he's young and if something happens to him, no one can take after him since he don't have an heir." He closed up as the huge windows lit up half of his face and showed the greenery around the temple. Joseph stepped forward, already have found some books himself as he smiled towards him.
-"Voll, it was quite some time now since we've met." Joseph said as he put down the books and Voll nodded.
-"Yes, how is the pub going?" He asked.
-"Oh, it's good. But I've shut it down for now since... well, I'm going with Darius here to help him with a... mission, if I could put it that way." As Voll heard that he made a nod and a short "I understand" answer and then looked at Darius.
-"And this... mission. Is it about this Arthur you were talking about before?"
Pandora followed the doctor with her eyes, interested not only in more knowledge about the arts of cure, but also with the hope of discovering more about Noah and Andarius' people after the proper examinations. It was kind of disappointing when this knowledge escaped her, still unrevealed... but at least this coral was indeed interesting.

She was also very surprised when the man touched it without being burned while she could feel the hot temperature even from somewhat far. The good part is that Noah was not even slightly hurt, despite having this scorching hot coral inside her little mouth. "How long should we wait to see if she's getting any better? And you still don't have any idea about what caused this to her, Andarius? Was this the first time it happened?" she frowned to the other.


Darius got up when the other man talked to him, his presence not surprising the other. "It's a pleasure to know you, Mr. Gyuk. I'm Darius Montenegro, or at least that's my name since I was born here for this last time." He inclined his head in a swift bow. "Don't worry, I can understand their behavior and the importance of the young master Iryia." he said, serious. But they won't stop me from doing anything necessary if we meet an emmergency; he thought to himself.

Raising slightly the brows, he heard the short conversation between Voll and Joseph, who seemed to have friends and acquaintances everywhere. He faced the older man again when he was questioned about Arthur. "Yes, I fear." he answered, not minding much about keeping it a secret for the moment. Sooner or later he would be found by Arthur, because he was part of his plans, probably. He just wanted to find him first, before things could go too far. "I'm afraid he's becoming insane, and too dangerous for everyone else. And I feel it's my responsibility to prevent this."
The doctor took his hand upon the little girl's cheek and waited a moment.
-"Hmm. She is started to get better though..." He felt for a longer time to be really sure so they wouldn't rush things over and then looked över at Andarius.
-"Perhaps she need more." And with that Andarius took another piece of the coral and made sure Noah ate it and little by little she started to get better but she was still in a deep sleep.
-"Hmm, well..." The doctor started to mumble to himself as Andarius looked over at him with a curious look.
-"She seems fine now, she just needs to rest a little more, maybe we have to get more blankets? Anyway, do not worry. I'll stay with her and I'll also have a watch on her when the party is starting tomorrow, if she haven't woken up by then." He said as Andarius made a nod.
-"Well... Maybe I should go tell the others about Noah condition." Andarius said with a relieved body and a not so worried look anymore, he seemed to be glad that Noah's condition have gotten better and with that he went inside the closet since he couldn't go outside the room if the maidens were there as he disappeared from sight.
-"Mysterious indeed." The doctor mumbled low as he looked at the little one.
-"White as snow but in the desperate need of heat..."


Gyuk listened tensly at Darius explenation and then closed his eyes as to think or going through his thoughts.
-"I see." He said.
-"And how do you plan to stop him?" He asked as he saw the worry in Darius eyes and also, something else hiding deep within.
-"We do not know where he is, nor what his intentions are. I think it's better for now to wait and see." He explained and then looked down at Darius' books.
-"Taking an interest in the gods, I see?" He said as Joseph took one of the books and opened it as if he knew that Gyuk would take the book.
-"Well, who isn't interested in the lifes of gods?" As he said that a paper flew out from the book as Joseph took it up, it was yellow, a little brown and old, like it has been in a fire. With curiousity Joseph opened it as his eyes widen and a smile came forward.
-"And speaking of interesting." Joseph said as he showed the two the paper. With a golden frame that was about to fall off any minute and a little blurry black ink text with a nice handwriting it said on the top. "A secret war in the land of gods?" Appereantly an unknown scientist with his name blurried out of the paper have wrote about a possebility that there was a war in the other world of the gods. Joseph looked at the paper again as he read out loud.
-"With a lot of talk with other believers and monks, I've studied years and years about the lifes of the gods. I remind you that this is not an absolute certainty that this event exaclty happened but with the papers I hold and what my ears have heard, I can say this; something we humans do not know have happened between the gods."
-"Is he talking about the fight between Glacies and Ignis?" Gyuk asked as Joseph kept reading.
-"We all know about the family of seasons, the grandfather Arialos, the father Gòn, mother Mathaa and the children Ignis and Glacies. Together they form the weather and nature we all know of and with the twins fight, season have changed forever. But what about the other gods? I went to the neighbourhood city Eramon and apparently Glacies is almost never spoken about because of one man called The Lord of Time. What I've heard, he's a god of time and for millions of years ago, fought in a war against a mysterious creature.
From what I've heard, this black mist-like creature was also told in the tale about Ignis and Glacies parents Gòn and Mathaa before the children were born, apparently they also fought a monster like that in their tales but it was of course a different matter. In the old texts it's also written about a mysterious hooded man, almost looking like the time lord pictured in Eramon but why is he only some man and not the god Eramon knows of? There are a lot of questions but in the Deserts of Naiya, the Time Lord is an enemy to the people, they absolutely hate him because in their story he hurt their god in order to take the credits of beating this monster and also that the Time Lord turned time so the greenery in the deserted lands disappeared, while in Eramon, he's the only one they can think of.

But what interested me the most if that in one paper it is said that the gods was going to go against this hooded man or now known as the Time Lord. The different gods saw the man as "too powerful" and that he would probably "cut them off from existence". But in another paper I found here in this very library in Venella, it says that not all gods were going against this man, but they sided against each others. But why so much different feelings about this hooded man? Is it that he can control the time itself and maybe have a control in the gods life as well? Or it is a hidden hate against the people and not the gods? I decided to search for information about this hooded man but there were nothing new, not even the people in Eramon knew much about him, only about the ancient story that're being told in the old clockwork church. The only thing I've found is the hate and love about him and also that he lives in a 4th dimension, though, it seems to be all in vain to search even futher.

The war goes like this; one of the gods, Aphillies, a raindeer known to send messages and run across the lands to watch on all the people, got hurt and started to bleed really badly. His friend Un, a beautiful woman who is said to have made him and was the original messanger tried to heal him but it was already too late and in a desperate need, she plead if he could tell her who it was who did that to him. Aphillies last words was "he in a hooded figure, hurted... me."
The other gods who saw this event got upset and decided to search for this hooded man but easy was it not. For only a god could kill a god and there were no such man existing in a hooded figure. Or so they thought. More and more gods died as the fear started to take over, they hid, they even killed someone else, blamed it on the others as the event with the black misted monster happened. The monster is said to have eaten almost the whole universe and was soon going further and further closer to their lands, it even ate the other gods, the stars and planets. It was horrible but then, out of nowhere a hooded figure came forward and it is said that he killed of the mist but it wasn't done there. The gods, confused, relieved and angry after helping with the battle against the mist were now going against the hooded man for even the gods, didn't knew about the Time Lord's existence. It is here were the different stories are told, one were all the gods were after him and the other were some gods tried to settle this by helping the hooded man. Now the tale gets blurry for there are no clue about whether the gods succeeded or not nor what happened after that since the tale gets cut in different perspectives depending on what god you may believe in and also the stories that are being changed.

But from what I've read, heard and found, there was a war going on but no one knows how long or how it ended, there may even have ended in smaller wars or the Time Lord could've won with his powers, does he even exist? The Time Lord will remain and is still, a mystery."

(Story tiiiime!!~~ I made the text white and orange so your eyes wont get confused.)
Pandora opened the other doors of the large wardrobe, until she could find all the blankets she wanted. She made a little fortress around Noah, now looking like a little white bird in a soft nest, sleeping deeply.
"I'll keep an eye on her too, at least until the party starts, or her brother returns. I'll also visit this library later." she said, closing the door with the portal between the two rooms.
"Oh my, I was not expecting to be invited to a party of this magnitude! I need to find a proper dress." She walked to the door, looking to both sides of the corridor. As she expected, soon one of the ladies passed nearby, and she called out, gesturing.
"How can I help you?" she asked, politely.
"Do you know where I can find a beautiful party dress?" Pandora asked.
"Yes. There are a few options. It depends on your taste and... how rich you want the decorations..."
"You mean how much money I have to pay for the clothes, but you're too kind to say that." Pandora helped, smiling. The other girl laughed, a bit embarrassed.
"Well, yes, that's important, too."
"Tell me the different places you know. I'll see my possibilities later."
The girl gave her the instructions and directions with all the details. Pandora thanked her, glad to make a friend so quickly. She turned to the doctor, who was still at the room. "Now, mister, could you be so gentle to tell me everything you know about vampires?"


When asked about how he would stop Arthur, Darius inhaled slowly. "I have my ways of dealing with this situation, when I find him. But yes, for now, I must wait. I just don't wait to do this until it's too late."

The man was slightly surprised by the ancient paper falling from the book, but this faint feeling grew much more intense as Joseph kept reading its content out loud. When he finished telling the document, his mind was full of questions and suppositions.
"I've known this divine family for very long. Even though the actual fight surprised me, maybe it could be predictable. But... here comes the Time Lord again. He's not spoken among the circles of the gods. It's like... a taboo, I believe." he frowned, trying to search through his prodigious memory any hint of this mysterious figure being mentioned, commented. He could not find a single word.

"I can understand the other gods were scared of him. When he had his full powers... he could easily nullify most of their abilities. He would be a terrible enemy. If he really attacked another deity, it would sound pretty much like a declaration of war. This started the chaos... Yet, I can't believe entirely those were his intentions... someone must be trying to put the gods against themselves. Other gods certainly think the same, and that's why they are not against him. And now, the Time lord has lost most of his powers, making him much less threatening, yet unreachable in his dimention..."

Darius was pretty much talking to himself now, trying to line his thoughts into coherent hypothesis. He walked in circles, his mind getting heated, as well as his body. One could feel the air around him was getting hotter. "Thinking that this creature of black mist was dangerous even to the Time Lord when he still possessed all his powers is very troublesome. It was a creature of chaos, and not a natural part of any world, nor even a demon. We're not sure where it came from. It was a hard work to recreate some of the things it destroyed. And all these stories are avoided in the Heavens. It's not safe to talk about this. Maybe... Vesa know something more about this. But she certainly doesn't have the permission to talk about the subject."

Why was this paper inside one of the books he just picked up to read? It seemed more than coincidence. There were thousands of books, and this documents was just where it should be to be seen. The ex-seraph turned to Gyuk. "I believe your master doesn't have the power to see the future of the immortals?"
The doctor waited as he then heard the other girl speak to him and turned.
-"Vampires?" He said wondering, fixing his hair and started to think.
-"Well, there are different species but are you thinking about those who can't handle the sun and need to drink blood? Because there are those who've evolved through the years and don't need blood but of course that has a prise as in itself and as well for those who can handle the sun. And why, you might wonder? Well, sure they get stronger but they will also turn weaker for the "real" vampires or as we call them. Purebloods. There are also vampires who can live for many many years but they aren't too well known since there aren't a lot of them existing and most of them are hiding. But I did talk to one, kind old man who've lived for 3,000 years or something like that but sadly, he was also growing weak, just like us the age was going for him but he was rather young." He then started to talk about the different kinds of vampires, that at first, they were humans but then evolved like how humans weren't a human before.
-"Oh, sorry. Seems I went a bit out of it." The old man said and smiled.
-"What did you want to know again?"


Gyuk and Joseph listened to Darius while he kept going in circles, wondering and pondering his thoughts together as the mystery about the Time Lord and the black mist kept getting more into a mystery. Joseph looked at him and then at the paper.
-"I don't know what the young master can see or not... but if he can see your future, Angel Darius, doesn't it mean he can see more than just humans?"
-"He did say that he saw his past and future and also spoke about Arthur but how much he knows, is another question." Joseph said with a glint in his dark green eyes as the light from the window hit half of his face.
-"Sadly I do not know were this document came from, nor can we say who this person was who wrote this either since the name is blurried out. But if his speculation is true than there should be other papers here, writing about the war. See?" He said and pointed at the part that said "But in another paper I found here in this very library in Venella, it says that not all gods were going against this man."
Pandora listened very focused to what the doctor was saying about vampires. Her interest on the subject would seem strange to the others. Her face was expressing her concentration. "Is there a way to tell apart these different kinds of vampires? For example, if you always meet this vampire at night, is probable that he's the kind that can't resist the sun... but maybe he indeed can resist, and just avoids the crowd during the day. I'm sure we're talking about a powerful vampire, one that lived for at least 400 years, but probably much, much more. Too wise... and full of knowledge, the kind you only acquire when you live... well, vampires are not exactly 'alive', but he's been existing for centuries."

She was looking away, through the window, to the vast and beautiful area around the palace. Some workers were down there, doing their activities. "A vampire with dark red eyes, looking young, but talking like an elder. Pale skin, and no fangs showing all the time. I don't know if you know him. He was very quiet and discrete all the time. I want to know how we can attract a vampire... and defeat them if they are really powerful." she finished, looking a bit ferocious. Whatever was on her mind, she seemed pretty determinated.


Darius listened to Gyuk's answer, but only shook his head. "Maybe your master can see my past and future because I was born a human as a punishment for my actions as an Angel. This is not my first life as a human, to be honest." He went silent for a moment. But probably will be the last. "Even this name, 'Darius', is mine only during this life. After this... I don't know. I don't have an angelic name now. But this temporary humanity can help your master to see my future..."

A terrible thought occurred to Darius, and his body tensed. "Maybe... Iryia can't see Arthur because he's no more human. Or else... he found another way of blurring the vision of him."

His thoughts returned to the Time Lord. "I can't avoid the thought that maybe we will find a connection between these situations... the Time Lord, the gods and what he's planning." suddenly, he turned his head to Joseph. "Remember the man at the pub? Sythe? When Andarius tried to attack him, he stopped his moves and the snow from falling. Almost like stopping the time. Maybe it's a hint... to where the lost Time powers are. If I am right, you used something to help us track him if necessary; does it still works? If positive, we have two possible actions: go after him - what is dangerous, but certainly useful - or search more at the library to find more documents like these."
He looked at her with ease and then turned his eyes towars her determined face, the more she talked, the more it seemed she was talking about someone rather than vampires.
-"Well, it depends because new vampires is easily recognized by their teeth since they're still growing and the older ones or pureblood vampires have very long and pointy teeth, others are more pale or looks more human. But this particular vampire you're talking about should have pointy teeth meaning he can eat his victim very easily and also a pureblood since he can hide his fangs." He looked at Noah whom was still sleeping deeply, what is she dreaming?
-"And how to attract vampires...." He walked towards her and looked outside the very same window down at the people taking care of the green garden and fixing decorations for the party.
-"...Is fear." Suddenly, the aura changed, it somehow got heavier, like the air was pushing you down, was it perhaps his sudden change of voice and seriousness or the very part of fear itself?
-"Have you ever feel a sudden change when you met this vampire? Maybe there were too much emotion to just tell out the fear? Or maybe you don't know the meaning behinde it? Whatever the case, a vampire always hunts it's weak opponent and by doing so, they search for those in fear. It can be as much as the person would faint or as little so the person could fight without knowing they're feeling it." The doctor looked up at the blue sky and then over at the horizon were the remaining of Glacies is shown by the darkness and the gray clouds never moving its way.
-"But if this vampire you're talking about, really is a pureblood. It'll be hard to destroy him, a pureblood vampire is very strong and only someone in the same level as him can destroy him. But that doesn't mean you can not hurt him."


Gyuk could only look down and answer.
-"Yes, I see. Well, we can't be sure until we ask Iriya himself." Then when Darius went to Joseph he smiled and took out the glass plate with a shining dot still blinking in a spot.
-"I'm always ready, though..." He looked at the books and then around the library, to the books who reflected the light from the window and the sun to the shadows surrounding far away back in this huge room.
-"I would like to read and learn more about this enemy. If he indeed have the powers of the time lord, wouldn't it be the best to know you enemy instead of running blind?" He looked at his plate that would reflect the floor as the blue dot wouldn't move an inch. Sythe have been moving around a lot lately, he's likely to confuse us but this is all we have... Joseph thought to himself but would leave that matter aside.
-"Also, didn't he say something like this before?" He remembered the scene in the cold winter weather, snow was falling and a heavy aura was falling upon the group and Sythe, looked at Joseph with hawk eyes, they wouldn't let go of each other, perhaps they know something but that wouldn't be a suprise. I think I can guess of what he already knows. Joseph thought quiet for himself and then looked up at Darius from the glass plate.
-"If you want a name, I give you one. I have many! Call me Sythe, if you like it. And I work for the name of God! (Page 8) Wasn't this the words of the man? Perhaps this God is the Time lord? Or... is he talking about someone else... Maybe Arthur?" Now Joseph was talking to himself, he knew something, he was far ahead of the others when it was about information though, right now he still didn't have enough to confront the truth. Gyuk looked at Joseph and smiled to himself. Joseph hasn't change one bit, has he?


The water was dripping and everytime it landed, the drops was like a bomb and echoed throughout the bathroom. The light from the window was almost overwhelming compared to Eramon were darkness always stayed, his hands were resting on the gray cut stone that rest by the window as decoration. Andarius felt his body getting hot, almost too much for him. He took up his shaking hand and looked at it.
-"I hope my shell can make it, please don't go down on me now. Hold out a little longer..." His shaking hand went back to rest on the cold stone and made it into a fist.
-"Noah... If you disappear... What should I tell them?" He talked quietly to himself and made a sigh, no. Noah is fine, she can do it. She's strong, almost too strong for her body to take it. The door slammed opened and Andarius turned, almost frightened to death but then relaxed his body when he saw one of the maidens coming inside.
-"Oh, sorry! I was just going to-" She started to panic but Andarius smiled.
-"No, no. Do not worry, I'm done here anyway." He said and walked outside, the maiden nodded as she saw the handsome young man walking outside the bathroom and then turned back to where he stood by the window and by her suprise, there were a hand mark on the stone, like it has melted in the touch of his hand and now turned cold and stuck at its place.
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Pandora was not really worried about hiding her intentions; in fact she was satisfied to know that the doctor was a smart man, and could deduce more information about the little clues she left in her talks. "I believe he's indeed very powerful, but not directly aggressive." she stood up, fighting back the heavy enery with courage. Despite being young and delicate in her forms, she had an absurd amount of strength inside. Maybe enough to fight a powerful vampire, or the others enemies that would certainly be in their way.

"I never feared him. But maybe because he never wanted to drink my blood. I have no idea about his reasons. He just visited many times, interested about something I'm not yet absolutely sure... But then he disappeared." She walked back from the window, sitting in a chair to be by Noah's side. A gentle hand played with her white hair, like they were friends for a long time, or even sisters. "I need to find him. But I also need to know how to destroy him. It doesn't mean I'll do it; only if it's really necessary. Yet I want him to know that I can do it and that I will, except if he can play the right cards at the right moments."

She crossed her legs, looking back at the doctor, and she seemed more dangerous than before. Something powerful was hidden inside that beautiful girl. "If you can give me more informations, I'm all ears. But if not, I'll find other sources, even this library, sooner or later. I always get what I want." she smiled.


Darius listened to Joseph's hypothesis with concern. "Those were the exact words." He could easily recall the scene, and even the face of the man while talking. "If he was talking about the Time Lord... why would he attack the pub? I can't think of a good reason for a god wanting to attack this place. He was helping the hunter after Mikail, and that golem... it seems unlikely. He could be indeed talking about Arthur... and that means that, or this man is completely crazy, and thinks Arthur is a real god... or that Arthur is far more powerful than we think, now."

He took a moment to read Gyuk and Joseph's expression, the former seeming admired by Joseph's concentration, the latter hiding something while probably still forming another plan or possibility.
"He could also be mentioning another God, like the Creator, the first one, the same the other man was serving while trying to destroy Mikail. And his powers were only a way to accomplish his goals. But this is just unlikely, too. It's too strange to find a man with time-control powers."

He started to wander around, looking for more promising books about the subjects they were dealing with. "If we should study, let's do it the best we can until Iryia's party. We need to find Sythe or Arthur when we're prepared, and the sooner, the better." he stopped talking when the sound of steps echoed just behind the door. "I believe Andarius is arriving. I hope Noah is already getting better."
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