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Okay! I'm getting another post for Ingrid up, and then with that post I'll put Eva up as well.
That's the obvious part Dramma. There is more that I'm gonna try to integrate into her character when this whole situation with Ingrid settles.

That's the obvious part Dramma. There is more that I'm gonna try to integrate into her character when this whole situation with Ingrid settles.

Well Ingrid up and out from there cause of Iris..and something else which cannot be told what it is. The fact that she holds a string of her mental thought when she's in werewolf form?
Not that either, haha.

I'll let you keep guessing until I reveal it. :B

If you get it right I'll click that cookie button haha.
Not that either, haha.

I'll let you keep guessing until I reveal it. :B

If you get it right I'll click that cookie button haha.

I am thinking Iris' ancestors subjected Lauren's ancestors to fire branding and now she is a bit upset by the presence of Iris' necklace?
I am thinking Iris' ancestors subjected Lauren's ancestors to fire branding and now she is a bit upset by the presence of Iris' necklace?

That's is an interesting concept, hmm... It's not what I'm planning but I might see if @Shayla wants to work something out.
Super sorry for the delay in my posts guys!
To be honest, I didn't even know you guys posted until @Darkagn decided to hit me up.
I will think up a post ASAP. So sorry for the wait.
From what I've read, I think I might be posting a long one.
~ Well @Huntress you always know where to find me if you want to work something out :)

Iris though I am not going to make into a Villain just because she is powerful... Will be interesting what I reveal down the road with her though.
I'm ok with it so long as we can tie it into the story neatly. We are in a kinda sticky situation right now...
I'm working on a post riiight now!
Sorry for my inactivity.
School sucks man.
-Stomps feet in frustration.-
-Breaks a foot.-
If it's too much trouble, then I don't mind. I understand ^^ It just seems like a pretty active RP, is all, so I was curious. Be sure to let me know if you guys find a way to include a new character or two :P
I think once we advance passed the current IC situation it'll be easier for people to come in. I think two more characters is a good idea. No more than that though.

It'll be good to have some active people to bounce ideas with.
I am not officially bouncing up and down and the hope to actually get to do this because this is awesome because its based of Witches of East End!
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