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Heroes in the Making OOC Discussion

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As I've mentioned before, Clara powers are focus based. However going forward I should make more of an effort to make that clear. The more complicated and just large the item she creates is the more 'tunnel vision' she gets.
Namely if she summoned a car (it wouldn't move or do anything but roll kinda) Clara would be so focused on the car that it would be unlikely for her to move or even hear people talking to her.
for the gun tolerance I'll move it so that she's less attentive the more bullets she loads in.
And of course it's gonna be iffy for the bullet thing. That doesn't mean she's not gonna try. also fail a lot but hey I'm egil. ovo
Yay for exceptions to limitations!!! :D

But seriously, she can't control it so if she's internally injured, it's gonna suck balls.
Yup! It's automatic, and he can force healing as well, but he gains a super appetite for it. Especially for meat, among other things. He actually has a mental thresh-hold too. His nerves still work, and he can't control them yet, so as you can imagine, a transformation would cause... extreme pain. He passed out from that.
um...yeah.... using body morphing to manually knit tissue together is one thing, but automatic healing would be a another power, healing factor. Everyone is supposed to have one power remember? If you want it to be automatic me and @Coca-Korra are going to have to discuss it and approve it. Also remember conservation of mass. If he's replacing 3/4 of his blood, all that new blood has to come from somewhere inside his body.
My power is simple but the limitations on it are what makes it complicated to explain. I can open portals, but only when the sun and moon are in line with the 5th star of kuronia.

Oh and im holding my breath.
In case it is not clear I am asking Rain_Dash if I can post the above and move her caracter (at least temporarily) into the room with Crys and have her say and do things from the First Aid Text book.
The problem with is that Clara isn't in the right now for that right now. The last I left her she was watching Germain and practicing her vanishing skills.
If anything this might be Alice yelling, but the most Clara'll do is swat Keith away with a ball and tell him to get towels.
If you want what I can do is write that part instead and nobody gets slighted that way.
well aparently your the only one with first aid skills so it kind of makes sense, but i dont care.
Alice also has first aid skills, and is currently in more control of the situation.
Also Clara hasn't seen Crys yet so she suggested that she wait it out with Germain to make sure he's okay. Clara has some basic knowledge and techniques, but hasn't really needed to apply them before now.
Alice does, Clara does, won't say for Sig or Keith though. Anyways, a few big rules that must be addressed so we can all have a nice, fun roleplay.

  1. There are two GMs. If you have a GM question, please include both of them in the conversation. That way, there won't be any miscommunication between all the parties.
  2. Do not, I repeat, do NOT move another person's character without their permission or the GM's permission. There is no reason to be moving anyone's character because in all honesty, it's disrespectful to the character's creator. So please, don't do it without permission.
  3. Please be open to collabs. We will primarily need them for fight scenes so don't go having a collab for every post you do. You really don't need it.
  4. In the event that you are unavailable to post for a few days, please inform the GMs. We would like to have your permission to move your character during your absence and set up a few rules and guidelines on what we should do with your character.
  5. In the event that you are unavailable but do NOT inform the GMs, after 2 days of no reply or response, we will have to move your character to move along the roleplay. We will keep movement to a minimum and try not to have them speak unless absolutely necessary.
That's it. Any questions?
So are we bringing up the "everyone is supposed to post once a day" thing mentioned when I asked about joining this; or was that just something said?
I'll be posting for you all soon, probably tomorrow, as, it's late here.
I made my post longer so I could discover my powers. This post is for anyone who already read my original post.
For if anyone asks:
Keith Lives down the street from Germain, 5 houses down, on the other side of the road.
If anybody asks, germain thinks Keith's house is gaudy and oversized
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