Here Be Dragons

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"All sorts of 'em!" Triston says, beaming from ear to ear. "A little bit of rosemary, some cilantro - you've got a gorgeous wild patch over there - and some mushrooms." He scoops some stew into a bowl and holds it out to Lambi. "Hey, um . . ." He hesitates, clearing his throat and dropping his gaze. "About this morning, I . . . thanks. I really enjoyed getting to snuggle with, you know, a cute human. I hope your mom doesn't kill me for it," he adds with a light chuckle.

He pours another bowl of stew for himself and glances around. "Where is your mom, anyway? Wouldn't she normally be back by now?" he adds. He's so distracted that he doesn't notice Tide crane his head around and steal some stew from his bowl with his tongue.
Lambi was happy to accept the bowl handed to him before going to sit down nearby. "You're quite the cook, I'm a bit of a disaster when it comes to cooking I'm afraid. I always mess up," he laughed. As Triston thanked him for this morning his cheeks blushed bright pink. But he was glad the other enjoyed it nonetheless, made him feel less embarrassed. "I'm glad you enjoyed it...probably should've warned you I tend to hug anything nearby in my sleep," he laughed,"I don't think she'll be long as she doesn't find out which shouldn't be a problem." As he at his soup he listened to his question, looking up at the sky. "Yeah she should be...unless there's something on the islands she visited keeping her there.."
Triston chuckles when Lambi explains how bad he is at cooking. "A disaster, huh? Well, tell you what - if you want, I could teach you a few tricks. Might come in handy if you ever get stranded and need to make food." Then he smiles when Lambi says his mom won't find out about last night.

The smile fades, though, when his suspicions are confirmed. She should've been back by now. Triston pulls in a last gulp of stew and stands up. "Maybe we should go look for her. I know she can take care of herself, but that was a bad storm. If she's hurt or stuck somewhere she'll need help. Any idea which island she might be on?"
(sorry if I'm not as active, dealing with family shit is draining me energy wise >~<)

Lambi smiled when Triston offered to teach him a few things. "Hope you're fireproof," he teased,"I once caught my sleeves on fire once..."he laughed sheepishly. But it might be fun to try an learn to cook from Triston, the other did seem to be a good teacher. Mentioning his mom Lambi wouldn't lie, he was a bit worried. "It's possible the dragons on the island she visited had a problem. Usually we can handle getting one injured dragon back but anymore than we'd need to help each other. But she wouldn't have been able to get back in this storm..."once he was done eating he called for Luna, the dragon obediently coming running to him. "We have an order of which islands we visit so I'm pretty sure I know the one she's on," he tried to remember which dragons nested there,"It's mostly full of Hobblegrunts if I remember right..."
(No worries, friend ^^ Take all the time you need to rest and recover, I'll be here whenever you have the time :3 )

"Hobblegrunts . . . oh! Those dragons that can change colors?" Triston asks. "That'll be interesting to see a whole island full of them. Tide and I have only ever met one before." He whistles sharply, and Tide slithers beneath him and lifts him up into his saddle. "But more importantly, hopefully we'll find your mom. Let's go."

He and Tide take to the air, where Tide patiently hovers and glances over his shoulder, waiting for Luna and Lambi to lead the way.

"Oh! And don't worry," Triston adds, patting his saddle bag. "I've got some medical supplies in here in case she's hurt. Which way to the island?"
(thank you ❤️ I hate having sporadic replies but this shit with my dad has just put me in a constant loop of up and down)

Lambi nodded when he confirmed the dragon type. "Uh huh, there's a whole little colony there, kind of funny to see their colors changing when they interact with each other," he started working on getting Luna's Saddle on her. After it was on securely he hoped on before the light fury took off. She knew the way to islands pretty well so easily started flying in the right direction. "It's possible something happened to the island and she needed to stay, their island was in pretty rough shape the last we checked," he explained,"It had been raided awhile back by hunters and they destroyed a good portion of it."
(You're welcome ^^ )

Triston's eyes widen as the group starts flying across the sea, his hair whipping back and forth across his face. "You mean your mom can fix entire islands with just herself and her dragon? Gee! And I thought I was scared of her before!"

Tide gives a comforting rumble, which Triston rolls his eyes to.

"Okay, I'm not that scared of her. She just makes me nervous. That's all."
Lambi laughed a little at what he said before shaking his head. "Well we try and fix them but there's only so much we can do. Fixing collapsed caves, replanting trees, trying to stop the edges from corrosion. But sometimes when they're damaged enough we can't fix them and we have to move the dragons," he hated moving dragons from their home if they weren't injured," We were considering moving the hobblegrunts just weren't sure where to take them yet."
"Got it. Well, hopefully there's enough left of the island to salvage," Triston says at last. He falls quiet for most of the ride there, mostly because the soft sounds of the wind and the flap of his dragon's wings are lulling him to sleep.

Tide gives a soft, worried chirrup when he lands on the island. It's been hit hard by the storm. Multitudes of trees have been torn over. Rocks and logs are strewn across the windswept grass. Still, there's plenty of land to rebuild on; it doesn't look the hobblegrunts had to be evacuated.

Triston hesitantly dismounts and glances around before immediately drawing his sword. "It's quiet," he murmurs at last. "Luna? Can you find Lady Bluebell's scent?"
"Hopefully, I really hate moving dragons if we don't absolutely need to," he sighed as the ride went quiet. Luna matched her speed with tide not wanting to fly ahead. It wasn't long until they reached the island and landed. Lambi hopped off Luna and let her start smelling. "She should be towards the center, that's where most thes shelter is," he started walking towards the middle of the island. It wasn't long until rustling could be heard around them. "That's just them, they're probably suspicious of you, we've never had another person come here so theyre only used to us," he explained.
Triston jumps and whips around when he hears rustling sounds nearby. Tide, too, raises his fins, slithering closer to Triston and giving a few soft chuffs to announce his presence to the other dragons. Triston clears his throat and sheathes his sword. "So, how are their temperaments, normally? Do I need to be watching for an ambush?"
Lambi and Luna on the other hand didn't react to the rustling. There was rarely another dragon species in this islands. Occasionally a few would land but they didn't stay long when they saw it was claimed. At his question he thought for a minute. "Ahh well they're feelings are pretty easy to tell considering they change color and all. But for the most part they'll observe you, the like me and Luna do as long as they don't think you're hurting us they'll just watch from a distance," he explained,"The babies might be bold and try and bite you but it's like being bitten by a pillow so nothing to worry about." It wasn't long until they reached the center of the island where he immediately spotted grim. Only the dragons wing was bandaged up. " that's why she didn't come back," he knew his mom would be around so he decided to stay put,"Word of advice, don't try and help Grim. There's only one person he'll let touch him and that's my mom. Even if I try and help him he'd probably bite me." The dragon huffed gruffly as he turned to face away from them.
As the group comes upon the injured dragon, Triston's eyes go wide. "Awww. Poor guy," he murmurs softly. He rubs the back of his neck and huffs. "I don't suppose Grim would let Luna and Tide help him fly home? I mean, I'm sure this island is safe. But if your mom's anything like you she'll be worried about the dragons back home."

He leans against Tide and shrugs. "I mean, I could try and fill in until she and Grim get back. I'll need a lot of training, but I'd be willing to help," he adds with a lopsided smile.
Grim huffed as he avoided to two dragon riders. The dragon wasn't used to being injured and he could be quite huffy when he was. "I mean...we could try but he's pretty big," the mention of being carried had the dragon huffing louder. "Think Grim votes no on us even touching him," he laughed,"Only my mom is allowed near him, especially when he's injured. He's very particular about that." Despite being raised with Grim the dragon didn't let him get as close as his mother could. "He heals pretty fast so it would only be a couple of days and then we could get back to working on the bigger island," he wanted to get it ready as quick as he could and start moving dragons over there.
"Okay, so . . . should we try to find your mom so we can check in with her?" Timothy asks hesitantly. "I know the dragons need us, but I don't want to leave Lady Bluebell here without making sure she's okay."

Tide bobs his head and chirps in agreement. Then he turns toward Grim and ruffles his wings and tail at him, apparently trying to ask where Lambi's mother is.

Triston chuckles at first and shakes his head. But then he catches sight of something out of the corner of his eye. Slowly, he reaches out to grab Lambi's shoulder, and then he points. "Lambi. Do you recognize that ship coming towards here?"
(sorry again for being inactive >~< life stuff keeps going from being fine to stressful as hell)

Lambi thought about it before nodding,"Probably should find her just to let her know we've got the dragons back home covered..." He looked to tide and grim as the dragon tried to get a location out of the other. Grim looked at tide with slightly narrowed eyes before lifting his tail to point towards the cave entrance. Lambi laughed and was about to head inside when he heard the other's question. Immediately tense he turned to look out at the ship. "No...ive never seen that ship before, I've never even seen a ship come near this island before..."he immediately was nervous what the ship was planning to do.
(No worries, friend! It happens ^^ Here's hoping you'll have some peace in your life soon ^^)

Timothy sets his jaw. "Go warn your mother and then come join me and Tide in the sky. Something tells me we'd better sink that ship before they make it to shore." He hops onto Tide's back, and without hesitation, the pair fly up into the air to engage with the approaching ship.

By the time Lambi and Luna arrive, Timothy and Tide are already on board. Tide is cooled around the center mast and is squeezing it until it snaps. Timothy is on the deck, sword fighting with three of the crewmates while the rest of the crew scrambles to get to the cannons.
(God I hope so too unfortunately I don't think my dad will let it be that easy)

Lambi didn't hesitate to head into the cave with Luna staying with grim. After warning his mother she started gathering the wild dragons further into the caves to protect them. Hurrying outside he hopped on luna's back and took the the sky. He could see Triston already working on the ship so he went close to the water with Luna. She started shooting her plasma blasts at the lower parts of the ship. Making holes so that water could start to fill in. It wouldn't take long to sink the ship especially with the two of them. Lambi just hoped the people didn't swim towards the shore.
(I'm so sorry ;~; Let me know if there's any way I can help, all right? Like literally, I'm here for you)

(Also Lambi where else are those people going to swim to? XD)

The entire ship shakes with each plasma blast, sending crewmen stumbling and falling against the deck. Triston manages to keep his balance for the most part. At least until the mast finally snaps and plummets down, shoving him and a few other sailors beneath the deck with a scream.

His dragon squeaks an apology and darts his neck downward, yanking the mast back up and pulling it aside. But there's a problem. While most of the crew resurfaces and struggles toward shore, Triston doesn't. Tide chirps loudly and tilts his head. When there's still no response, he dives underwater and disappears inside the sinking ship.
(yeah idk I'm just stressed. More stressed the closer the first court date gets. And to make things worse the shotty fence my dad built for the horses is falling apart and my cat pees so much that I can't keep her box clean. I got her a new one but I haven't seen her use it yet and im worried she's peeing elsewhere)

(and idk hopefully drown 😂)

Lambi didn't quite see Triston on the deck until the boat was already sinking. He watched as tide dived, wanting to jump in but noticed that somehow the crew already swam to the shore. Hoping tide had it covered he flew towards the island, Luna shooting plasma blasts at any crew she saw, making sure none made it past the shore. Lambi could fight though he wasn't the best at it, he preferred to stay in the sky if at all possible.