Henry Story: What Happens Next Will Shock You

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why does the title read like a Gawker headline xD
Because I couldn't think of a good title, and was originally going to name it something like "Henry story WITH A TWIST" but decided it was too lame. So eventually I decided to make fun of Gawker/Buzzfeed-esque clickbaity headlines (bonus points for Awkwardly Capitalizing The First Letter Of Every Single Word), firstly because it's always nice to make fun of Gawker/Buzzfeed-esque headlines, and secondly because people are so numb to those clickbaity titles now that no one will expect an actual surprise at the end. :P
Because I couldn't think of a good title, and was originally going to name it something like "Henry story WITH A TWIST" but decided it was too lame. So eventually I decided to make fun of Gawker/Buzzfeed-esque clickbaity headlines (bonus points for Awkwardly Capitalizing The First Letter Of Every Single Word), firstly because it's always nice to make fun of Gawker/Buzzfeed-esque headlines, and secondly because people are so numb to those clickbaity titles now that no one will expect an actual surprise at the end. :P

10 Henry Pictures You Won't Believe!(Picture #7 Shocked Me The Most!)
So @Kaga-kun

We still need to know, are you two having a threesome or is this you coming out as a man?
Reading the title of this thread reminded me of this:


Shhh, kaga is only referring to himself in third person. Don't worry about it. The ship still sails. Kaga just had a sudden sex change. Eeeeverything's fine.
Nothing will sink our ship!
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