Hellsing's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen OOC/Signups

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"A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class because it was a weapon of math disruption."
Oh dear. I will admit, that was clever.
I know several bad jokes, just don't tend to share em often.
Well, rough idea currently, medical and technical expert, purely human. Undergoes self inflicted surgery to overhaul adrenal and nervous systems to allow for inhuman levels of reaction time and speed, when used in conjunction. Rather friendly for a sociopathic doctor, with a rather intense dislike for hostile beasts. That is the current approach, in grossly simplified terms.
Well, rough idea currently, medical and technical expert, purely human. Undergoes self inflicted surgery to overhaul adrenal and nervous systems to allow for inhuman levels of reaction time and speed, when used in conjunction. Rather friendly for a sociopathic doctor, with a rather intense dislike for hostile beasts. That is the current approach, in grossly simplified terms.

A Mr. Hyde, maybe?
A Mr. Hyde, maybe?
That could be very possible, actually, granted, I am afraid the current design set up won't have him transforming so drastically. But a split personality alongside shifts when pushed into combat situations could create a Mr. Hyde set up, certainly.
I thought Anderson was essentially mr Hyde.
I thought Anderson was essentially mr Hyde.
Hmm, well, I could certainly pull a Nemo as well, since technology and overall genius are equal parts of my character's talents. I don't think anyone is filling that role yet?
Hmm, well, I could certainly pull a Nemo as well, since technology and overall genius are equal parts of my character's talents. I don't think anyone is filling that role yet?
You are correct. Nemo, Tom Sawyer and Dorian Gray themed characters are open.
I thought Anderson was essentially mr Hyde.

I maintain that Anderson shouldn't even be a part of the League. If not because he doesn't for a moment fit the character of Hyde, but because he's ISCARIOT. WE'RE ALL MONSTERS! We're literally his anathema!
Lol. Ninja posted.
Well, with the current progress, it wouldn't be hard to shift slightly for a more Nemo-esq or Hyde-esq feel, and I would be cool with either. I'll work from a Nemo perspective for now, just got to make some minor additions. Minor, relatively speaking.
I maintain that Anderson shouldn't even be a part of the League. If not because he doesn't for a moment fit the character of Hyde, but because he's ISCARIOT. WE'RE ALL MONSTERS! We're literally his anathema!
I respectfully disagree. Mr Hyde was a mass murderer, much like Anderson, and against the protestant church. Although, mr Hyde was against God in general. But he was still a killer wanted by the queen for murder. Anderson is the Hellsing equivalent of mr Hyde. True, he's a member of Iscariot. Mr Hyde was not a member of any church. And the ninja post was directed at @Comedy.
I respectfully disagree. Mr Hyde was a mass murderer, much like Anderson, and against the protestant church. Although, mr Hyde was against God in general. But he was still a killer wanted by the queen for murder. Anderson is the Hellsing equivalent of mr Hyde. True, he's a member of Iscariot. Mr Hyde was not a member of any church. And the ninja post was directed at @Comedy.

Anderson is still a holy warrior, transformed only to the extent of being able to heal rapidly. Hyde is a monster, the living embodiment of Jekyll's psychosis.
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