Hate to Love You

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"Ken you need to get there quick let me give you a lift on my bike it will be quicker then your truck." Right now Terri didn't care what people thought she just wanted to get Ken to the hospital as quick as possible she would of done this for any one well apart from her own father.
Ken sighs, "Yeah...ok. Alright. But we need to hurry."
With out another thought Terri grabbed Kens hand and started to walk fast to the school car park "Kenny every thing will be fine I'am sure" she said trying to reassure him once out side she cocked her leg over the bike and handed Ken the extra helmet she always kept with her "Put this on i wont be going slow." she said with a smile.
Her phone buzzed, grabbing out of her pocket she saw a text from Kat with out really paying attention she sent one back saying I'll text you later i need to get out of here fast xx She put the phone back in her pocket "Are you ready, hold on to me too" she said as she turned the key and revved the bike
Ken looks at her and put it on, "I know. I have been on these things before."
Once Ken got on she flew out of the car park and headed down the road to the local hospital "Oh just so you know don't scream i have internal mic and i can hear everything you say." she said with a smile even if he couldn't see.
Once Terri took off Ken didnt have any problems... surprisingly he dirtbikes on the weekends.
Terri guessed he hadn't spoken to her because he was to worried about his father. She took the left turn that led into the hospital the ride was over to quick but at least she got him here in one piece.
Parking the bike she got off and took her helmet off "Here you, If you need a lift back here's my number text me and I'll come and get you." Terri handed him a card with her number on it. She kind of wanted to stay with him to see if she could do anything but didn't want to say anything. She would leave it down to Ken.
Ken hoped of the bike, took of the helmet and grabbed the card. He looked at her, "Your not going to stay?" without meaning to, sadness came from his voice.
Terri looked at him shocked "If you want me to I will stay, but only if you want." She couldn't believe he had asked her her heartbeat and pulse quickened.
Ken could feel the fimiliar heat in his cheeks. Yup, he was blushing again, the same deep color red, "Um... of course I do." he smiles at her still blushing.
Terri smiled she liked it when Ken blushed it kind of suited him. Shaking her head she held out her hand "come on then let's go and see how your Dad is"
He nodded,snapped out of it and took her hand. He walked into the hospital with her. He didnt even realized he grabbed her hand.
As they walked in to the hospital together holding hand's Terri couldn't help but wonder what the hell had happened in such a short time. "Maybe we should go to reception to find out where he is Kenny" As much as she knew he probably hated to be called Kenny she liked to call him it, yes even if it had started as a joke. It now felt like the right thing to call him when they where on there own at least.
Now Ken didnt mind that she was calling him Kenny... he actually liked it that she called him that now. Ken then decided to let his accent flow freely, "Yeah. Thats probably a good idea." he headed to the receptionist.
Terri smiled as his accsent came out as he spoke wondering if it was because he was worried or was it because he had started to trust her. Rather then say anything about it she just nodded her head "So do you think Max will be here?"
Terri hoped he was Ok she liked the little one.
It wasnt because he was worried... it was because he was starting to trust her. As he gets t the reception counter he says to Terri, "Maybe." then he asks the receptionist. The receptionist eyed them suspiciously but then said, "Second floor. Room 302."
Ken gave her a small smile, "Thank you." he went to the elevator.
Terri knew the second floor was for people who were going to be ok so she started to relax, she hadn't recognized the woman at the reception but when they got to the elevator one of the doctors whom she had worked with in the children's ward was waiting.
"Hey Terri, I didn't know you were working today the kid's will be so happy.Wait a minute shouldn't you still be in school?"
"Hi Doctor Bush, Yeah I'am not here to work I have come with my.... my friend here his Father has been admitted, but don't worry i will be here on Sunday to see everyone."
Terri blushed slightly knowing only Kat really knew about her helping out on the children's ward.
Ken looked between the two surprised. He had no clue, it definatly surprised him.
"You work here?" he said sounding both interested and surprised.
As the elevator door opened she looked at Ken "Yeah I Kind of help out in the children's ward, I never really talk about it and the only person who know's is Kat and well you now." She said with a smile. then looked down and realized they where still holding hands. Doctor Bush kept quite but he did smirk watching the two interact with each other.
The elevator doors closed as soon as they got in, Terri pressed the button for the second floor.
Ken smiles, "Thats cool." it took him a second to realized that she called him her friend. Then he realized he was holding her hand. He slowly realases there hand. How long have I been holding her hand?... truth was he stillwanted to hold her hand but her figured she wouldnt like that. He blushed pink.
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