Hate to Love You

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hade to ditch" she gos in her bag and remeberd she never told him about it. "Ken dont be mad at me lease" she said to herself then pulls out a smoke and lights it. "dont get pissed at me please" she said again to herself.
Jake sighed " Yeah thats a good idea." he starts heading to class.
Ken couldnt hear Terri since she was way down.
Ken sighed, at this moment he didnt care that Bella smoked in front of him... he didnt care about anything but Terri.
Terri sighed for god sake have i got to go up there and drag him down.
With that thought she run back into the school and up on to the roof.
Ken seen the roof door open but was surprised to see it was Terri.
"Terri?" he said sounding surprised.
Kat walked in to the class room, her teacher not seeing her enter early before so the teacher, as usual, thought that Kat was late again. Frowning at the thought, Kat took her normal seat and slouched while mumbling "I was on time..." Pulling out a note pad and pen she then reached in to her bag and pulled out another cookie and placed it in her mouth without a care if she was caught or not
Terri looked at him and smiled "I thought i saw you up here Jake was looking for you but i think he has stopped now." Then Terri noticed Bella "Oh have i interrupted something?" Terri couldn't help feeling hurt at seeing them together but she couldn't move at the same time.
Ken scowled a little at Bella, "Nope. She just came out her after I did. I had no idea she comes up here." he lets out a sigh and looks back at Terri, his expression softens and he walks up to her, "Come on we should get down from here." he gently grabs her wrist and leads her downstairs.
Jake couldnt pay attention in class... he was still surprised that Ken and Terri liked each other.
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"So i hear you blushed when Jake asked you about what happened? why did you run out of class?" Terri wanted to say more but stopped her self this was getting to mushy but she had to admit she was happy to hear Ken explain why the other girl was on the roof and when he had walked her away he hadn't given her a second glance.
Ken continues walking down the stairs with her, "I had to get out of the class room."
"Yeah i know the feeling" Terri said, walking with Ken "So then about the whole play are we still going to do it? If so are we going to mine after school this time?"
Ken stops walking to look at her. He smiles, "That sounds like a good idea. My house is a little noisy." he chuckled a little.
"Noisy yes but it's nice to have people around." Terri put her head down and continued to walk down the hall thinking to her self i really need to get out of here i'am turning in to one of them girls who has a major crush on some one and that really isn't me and not with Ken. "So do you want a lift on the back of my bike?" she said with the biggest smile ever.
He smiles, "Naw I can follow you with my truck. I wouldnt want to leave it here."
"I can understand that.... so what are you up to now" One day she would get him on the bike everyone who had been on it loved it, and so would Ken one day.
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Ken thinks then smiles. As soon as he was about to say something his cell phone rang. He looked down at his pant pocket.
Terri just stopped and watched Ken but moved slightly back to give him some space to answer his phone. She wasn't one for listening to other peoples conversations.
Half hour had passed and Terri still hadn't come in to class, looking over at Jake, she smiled wearly as she was taking down the notes she promised and then sighed. Taking out her phone while the teachers back was turned, she texted Terri
"Yo, what's happening Juliet? Are you expecting me to take notes all day while you share your tales of woe?" She put a few kisses and a cheeky wink face at the end of the text. She didn't mind taking notes, she just knew it wasn't like her friend to be out of class for so long, even if it was because of a guy she use to hate and now suddenly developed feelings for.
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((This part is sad XD. Just warning you. :P))
Ken grumbles under his breath. Great, he thought, just my luck. He answered his phone... it was his mother... "Hello?" Ken smile instantly turns into a frown, "Really?... Is he ok?... Alright I will be there shortly..." he hangs up still frowning.
Terri looked at Ken "Whats wrong whats happened" she couldn't help worrying. I hope its not Max please not Max she thought while waiting for Ken to answer her.
Ken looked at her with sad eyes, "My dad just had a heart attack."
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