Harry Potter: The Next Generation

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@EchoRun, I play a C flute, thats awesome that I'm not alone in instruments. So what do you say for the telepathic convo that @Mglo and I had?
Wow its great that we have some musicians in this RP! It kind of gets me thinking about adding an extra curricular class for it (though I think that would be more for the choir :p)

On another note, there's one more day before the train leaves so get those posts in if you can ^^
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sorry for this but Choir*
I knew I was spelling it wrong!! I always have to google the correct spelling for it but using my iphone right now so I was a bit lazy to open another tab ^^" So yes a CHOIR, I think that hogwarts had one? In the Goblet of Fire if my memory serves me right.
I remember one as well as a band..... this will be interesting.......
A magical rock band would be interesting to say the least~ Plus it would be a great way to get some 'followers' ;P
Just popped by to tell you guys I might post this evening depending on how late it will be when I get home. Sorry I haven't been able to be active for the last few days, I've had a lot on my plate. (Which is fully my own fault since I just have to leave everything for the last minute. *Slaps self*) Anyway, I should have more time to RP starting from tomorrow. ^^;
I always thought it would be fun to play a woodwind or brass instrument. Growing up, I was in orchestra (violin). Do the books ever talk about popular wizard bands/music? I know Lorcan d'Eath was a singer. On another note, Ade was the little girl Ashlyn approached. Would it help to write @(person's name) when I'm talking about another member's character?
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Weird sisters was a popular band and then there was the singer molly loved and listened to on Christmas. I can't remember her name
@OddShot you played the violin? thats awesome! Growing up, I loved music, so I played the Violin for half a year, Viola for four, and the Cello for half. Then this year im on my second year of flute, so this is going to be fun if we incorporate it correctly
@Demonic: Nice, one of my best friends from high school plays cello well. I've always wanted to play flute or saxophone. I have a sibling who plays alto sax and it sounds really cool.
@Kirah: I think anyone can play an instrument. It takes a lot of practice to be decent, and a whole lot more to be good. Dedication is key to playing music.
@OddShot I'm tone deaf...It's bad. Very bad. I also have no rhythm...

I'm fine at the language of music but ask me to translate that to sound and I'm a dying whale
Lol, it took me over 6 years before I really sat down to learn music, and I still suck. Don't give up hope, because there are 4 people in my band that are barely able to hear, and they are tone deaf, and they sound the best XD
I'm 26. I was in a music thing of one kind or another from 8 until I was 15 or so....And then a couple tries in college. All bad.
I've know tone deaf people who play well. They learn techniques because it's mechanical. Though, having no rhythm is bad. I've been playing violin for around 9 years.
Wow I missed a lot of conversation. (I blame school) It's pretty cool how there are a lot of people who play instruments. Unfortunately, all I play is clarinet, but I really want to learn violin and piano, and maybe bass clarinet.
Sits alone in the corner because hes the only one that doesn't play an instrument.
Finally done with my post. :D I've been working on it since the thread was started, and I would've had it posted yesterday, if I didn't suddenly get smacked in the face with writer's block. Specifically about the good-by part of it. v-v
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