HAPPY RAVE Your Buns Off #287620

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One week! One more week! Seven days!!!!! The closer it gets, the harder it is for me not to think about it, and the longer time seems to stretch. It sucks because I know how quick time is going to fly once he's down here. I'll be on cloud nine until it's time for him to go back up north and then I'll be depressed again. I wish I could just sleep through the next week and wake up when he calls to tell me he's in his car on the way down. I just need to get myself through this week, that's all, and then enjoy the time I have with him.
I learned about philosophy today! The Buddhism perspective of life really intrigued me! :D
MY BROTHER KYLE (Well, nicknamed Kyote as in Coyote) MADE FLIPPING POPTARTS!!!!!!!!!!!! Gracias a los dioses por el maravilloso sabor de tartas pop!!!!!
While it's still too early to know for certain yet if my roommate is going to move back in with his father or not, at least I'll have a plan if he does
I have two more performances to look forward to before the fall musical is over ~
After four days of crippling anxiety about the whole thing, I finally managed to work past it and asked my Aunt if it was okay if I could go to the family Christmas on the 29th and she said it was perfectly fine and that she'd pick me up Friday. I haven't seen or really talked to any of them since my Uncle's funeral in '11 and I was worried she was gonna hate me for some unknown reason (hence my hesitation and anxiety) so this will be nice.
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After a year of living together, my roommate's cat has decided she likes me enough to curl up on the couch next to me and fall asleep either pressed against me or on top of my bag.

Also, might crawl into bed early tonight and watch Disney movies.


Tangled is on the list, along with my personal favourites of the Lion King and Beauty and the Beast
i just had the biggest poop in like a month

it felt amazing afterward

just letting you all know

People on this site are amazing.

Iwaku is amazing.

It made my day happier even with all this crap in my life.

I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines
In case I need it when I'm older!!!!​
I've had a pretty bad day today.

But I am grateful for what I do have; roof over my head, a cat, food. I have a lot others don't have, and it is all a matter of attitude. So, today hasn't been as bad as my mind makes it out to be.
I finally figured out that fucking HTML embed code bug for our website.
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