Happily ever after

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As they arrived, Sadai simply looked around with a large grin on his face. These people really seemed like they were having a great time, and that this commotion actually brought everyone together. It was like... They were showing that they were a community, and that they are being proud of it.

As he was being talked to, he simply smiled and nodded. "Yeah! It seems like they are having a great time here! I have to say... I'm pretty glad to be here, myself!"
Xera smiled at Sadao. "I am happy you're enjoying it as well, this is like the personality and heart of the city, and you get to experience it yourself!", she said, while still clapping her hands to the music. She looked towards those dancing, they were all couples dancing with each other...

"Sadao," she asked, "would you like to dance with me?"
He smiled even wider at her explaination, as it'd mean that her kingdom always was this friendly and nice. He had really loved his stay this far, and it could only get better, right?

Like Xera's sudden dance proposal. Even though Sadao was admittedly a bit nervous, he could simply not justify denying her this dance. He nodded at her. "Sure, I'd love to!"
"Great!" Xera smiled, and she took his hand and led him to where everyone else was dancing.! "I'll let you lead, my dear Prince!"

She was very excited about this, she missed the festival for years, and she returned with a guy friend.
Sadao swallowed and nodded before setting up the appropriate starting position, and then slowly taking a few steps in every which way, being extra careful not to step on Xera's feet. That was one mistake that he never wanted to redo. Ever.
Xera went step in step with Sadao's lead. It wasn't the most graceful or coordinated, she'd danced with other princes before. But the story they had up to this point, plus the fact that she was at the festival for the first time in years, made this one the best in her heart. She smiled, and her heart felt so full, enjoying the dance and when she was a bit breathless from the fast dancing, she was filled with joy.

Then, all of the sudden, the music turned... slow. It was a romantic type of song, and the others in the dance area with them were split, some couples left because they didn't want to dance to this, and the ones that remained, got closer and danced in a somewhat romantic fashion. She looked at Sadao. "Do you want to continue with this kind of dance?" she asked.
As Sadao noticed that everyone else were slowing down, he hesitated for a moment before trying to copy them. "N-No, this is okay. I promise."
Xera looked at him funny. "So you're saying you want to continue, or not?" she asked.
"I... I want to continue." He said a bit shyly. Did her question mean that she wasn't interested in continuing? That was what it currently sounded like to him, anyway. He kept going for now, waiting to see if she'd object.
"Okay" Xera said, with a shy smile. This felt different to her, slower of course, and more adult-like. She wondered, what the others see when they would see them dancing slowly. Did they look like a nice couple, a cute couple, or awkward couple?

"Are you having fun, Sadao?" she asked.
"Oh, y-yeah." He said with a smile of his own. "I really enjoy this little festival... And I'm glad that I can share it with you." Wow, that sounded a bit cheesy. Still, it was what was on his heart, and he usually said what was on his heart.
Xera then put her head against his chest as they danced, the left side of her face pressed lightly against his chest. "Is it okay if I do this, Sadao?" she asked, and she closed her eyes.
"Oh, well... I-I suppose that it's okay." He said as he rested his own head on hers. "I-Is this alright with you?" He asked as they kept dancing.
"Yes, Sadao," Xera said as she closed her eyes. "Is this a dream?" she asked as they continue their steps in rhythm with the music. "This is all so nice."
"If it is... I don't want to wake up." He half mumbled as he closed his own eyes. The steps just seemed to come naturally at this point, leaving no need for him to watch where he was even going.
"Me too", Xera said. But she opened her eyes, and saw some of the others dancing with each other. They started kissing each other! She had forgotten how that happens here, but she saw it. She thought of saying something to Sadao, but for now she would just enjoy his company. "I can feel your heart beat, Sadao," she said, "I wonder what it beats for. What it wants in its life."
"I'm willing to bet that it's searching for a soulmate..." He said as he smiled at her. "Isn't that the purpose of life, really? To find someone to love?"
Xera smiled back at him. "It's not all about that," she said, "but it can be quite important. Have you found someone you love?"
"Well, yes, actually." Sadao said with a little smile on his face as he looked at Xera. "And she's right here with me."
Xera blushed at his answer? "Really?" she asked. Then, sort of jokingly, she asked, "would your father be okay with that? I'm probably not of the Este royalty standards, you know."
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