Guilty or Innocent

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I like being the sober one. You actually remember the party and get to see how messed up the others get. :P

Guilty, my record is 41.

Next person is guilty of staying up late for no reason other than that they could.
I like being the sober one. You actually remember the party and get to see how messed up the others get. :P
Try doing this when your friends are hooking up and you're left with the drunk sap who doesn't seem to understand that your bitchy, unfriendly glare is not a come hither look.


GUILTY. Stay up late, drink lots of tea at work the next day. xD

Next person is guilty of hiding from the adults under the guise of babysitting the young ones during family reunions.
Try doing this when your friends are hooking up and you're left with the drunk sap who doesn't seem to understand that your bitchy, unfriendly glare is not a come hither look.
You assume Girls are all over me!

Next person is guilty of hiding from the adults under the guise of babysitting the young ones during family reunions.
I'm not trying to hide from the Adults.
I just genuinely prefer spending time with my cousins.

Next person is guilty of being a virgin.
Guilty, though not often.

Next person is guilty of eating a weeks supply of chips or drinks in one day.
Innocent. My hat off to whoever has managed that. I can't imagine it. @.@

Next person is guilty of wanting to try a shawarma after watching the first Avengers movie.
Innocent. I had already had one by the time I saw the movie.

Next person is guilty of wanting to be a super hero as a kid.
Guilty. I wanted to be Kitty Pryde. I still would if I could. :P

Next person is guilty of playing Neopets (past or present).
Guilty, I dabbled as a kid. Couldn't figure out how to level them up though.

Next person is guilty of crying at Clannad.
Innocent. Other than knowing it's a manga slash game slash anime, I know nothing else about it.

Next person is guilty of dropping their phone on their face more than once.
Innocent, phone above head = awkward way to use phone.

Next person is guilty of spamming memes before.
Guilty. It was a meme war. Or rather a picture war that only devolved from there.

Next person is guilty of intimidating or awing the other players with their awesomesauce self in a game.

Next person is guilty of being a Heretic.

Next person is guilty of stealing food off other people's plates.
Guilty. :3

Next person is guilty of eating all you can eat Sushi.
Innocent. Surprisingly, I have not gone for one. This is something that needs to be rectified.

Next person is guilty of camping outside the kitchen / by the barbecue pit in anticipation of food.
Innocent. The kitchen is close, and I'm able to get my own food.

Next person is guilty of destroying their wallet in a steam sale.
Innocent. MY WALLET IS LIMITLESS. Jokes aside, when games I want go on sale, I get even choosier about what I'm willing to pay for so the bank remains safe.

Next person is guilty of being too honest.
Innocent. Although if I don't like you I will Honestly tell you what I think of you :3

Next person is guilty of losing money in a sports bet.
Guilty. I can't really feel sad though. It was the infamous Germany vs Brazil match last year.

Next person is guilty of leaving their dirty clothes on the bathroom floor instead of throwing them into the laundry hamper.
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