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No i didn't think Drakken was throwing a Tantrum, but Vergot did XD

yes, i really want to make a post now because of you Blue but i also want to wait for Nat to post before i do, which won't be until tomorrow >_<!!!
Eeeep I'm sorry D: Isabella always is a rather amusing addition to the situation
Its fine you innocent torturess you
I'm kind of confused because he's an Earth user but thinks he can move Obsidian, which isn't an earth material, it's Hypercooled Lava, which would make it a combination of Lava and Water, which aren't earth materials.
But water isn't part of earth, so he'd basically only have partly control over it right? >_<
water only cools it, there is not extractable form of h2o in obsidian, it is merely molten rock that has been cooled at a high rate by water
Aaaah okay, well that kinda pisses me off now...Vergots only power is pretty much useless against Drakken unless he gets the drop on him then... Wish I thought that out more TT^TT.
haha its all good XD but why would a demon attack another demon though?
Circustances, they may be the same race but they might still not like each other, besides vergot only threatened him cause Drakken annoyed him and he didn't want to drag Michelle into the fight yet.
haha true, Honestly, Drakken doesnt give a damn about any of the races. He is a demonic introvert who occasionally likes to raise hell XD
I-I Didn't do anything, D-Drakken started it >_>
Well when you start an earthquake near a party with an angel and their partner in it while also being right next to the house that has a demon and their partner living their while making it strong enough that the leader of the angels senses it, all because your bored... Shit tends to go down XD
You better not tell Vergot that he's protective though, or he'll do everything in his power to annoy the hell out of you xD
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