Grey times after school

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Liam was crouching in front of the yellow line of the train, he didn't look like he was going to do anything, but he rose up and looked
around, coming in way with Riley's sight, he didn't say anything at all, he just went to stand in front of Liam like he was actually expecting
him to say something.
"I brought you coffee," Riley said, handing the other boy the extra cup. "Er, you liked it black, right?" RIley took a sip of his own cup and rocked back and forth on his heels. "Ah, are you? Er, I mean..." He scratched the back of his head. "You really worried me..."
He blinked with a blank expression on his face, he took the cup and had a sip on it "I don't want to talk about that" he simply said,
the bandages on his right hand were gone, they were just on his left hand, and the bruises on the right one were very catchy to the
eye to ignore "Have you had dinner yet?"
"Oh...Uh, no, I haven't. Do you...want to get something? I'm sure we can find a place to grab a snack. It's not that late." Riley smiled, and gestured for Liam to follow. "C'mon. We can get burgers and fries...or do you want something else?"
He just led his hands to the base of his stomach, obviously he felt sick by only thinking about "Ins't there any way that you let me invite you?"
he asked, shrugging a little "I'm not fond of fattening food..."
"Well, it doesn't matter, we can get whatever you like. Come on." He grabbed Liam's hand slowly and lead him out of the subway. "Alright, Sir, where to?" Riley smiled.
Liam didn't have much of a reaction for this but he didn't retire his hand from Riley, it didn't matter to him the looks they were getting from
the adults that were around the place and the park, it didn't really feel relevant to the young man, he simply wanted to walk by the hand
of someone who didn't have dire wishes agaisn't him, so he led him trough a few streets and they reached a dark little restaurant, he walked
inside with Riley and went to the farthest table he could find "I really like this place" he shrugged when he sat down on his chair.
Riley followed Liam cheerfully enough, sipping his coffee thoughtfully. He wondered idly where he was going. Finally, they reached the resturaunt, and Riley followed Liam inside. "It's pretty dark," he said thoughtfully, looking around. He sat across from Liam. "Well, I didn't even know this place existed. What does it serve?" He asked innocently. He didn't see any menus.
A waiter came and stood by the side of Liam, who ordered something to eat for both of them, literally he simply said "I want something to eat
and for him too" the waiter nodded and walked away, he was a very tall man with the looks of a gentleman, a strong looking one but also had
the looks a father or a mellow person would have on his face, gentle and smooth, like an understanding person, but he didn't reply a single word
"I often come here when the kitchen is open, they usually just give random dinners" he replied to Riley's question. "It's a bar tough"
Well now, that was peculiar. But, Riley didn't question it. "Alright then. I don't mind it being a bar." He gave Liam a friendly smile. This was fun! A little strange, but fun! Riley'd never done this before, and wondered idly what they'd have. "So, ah, what's up?" he asked sheepishly. "I mean, how are you, what've you been doing?"
"Nothing out of the usual" he simply responded, not willing to say anything else, or maybe he didn't mean to sound like that
"I heard you went back to school, I'm glad"
"I did," Riley confirmed. "I had a job, or rather, I still have one, but I had to cut my hours so I could go to school." Riley leaned on the table. "I don't mind though. I think I forgot how much I actually enjoy learning." He tilted his head to the side. "So, I'm glad to see you're...better?" Riley wasn't too sure if Liam was feeling better, or if his situation was better.
Liam only looked at him blank for a moment before he smiled gently "I'm just glad you went back to school, I was worried that because
of me you'd quit school. I don't want something like that in my conscience" he shrugged and then ooked over at him again "Somehow the
one looking different is you"