Gods of Blood (Closed Signups)

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IKR!? I've taken up reading the light novel even though it's not very good writing quality and as such hard to read just to see what happens.
I resisted reading that because I want to know what happens through the good quality anime rather than the bad quality writing.
My room is a cave! Except I'm not allowed to have food in it because the roaches in this area are narsty (and yes that is a word in my vocabulary).
And I prefer the term 'Pillow Kingdom' to cave.

Though my mother calls it a cave, or a pig sty, or despicable, depending on the day.
I don't know what she's talking about, it isn't that messy, it's just... cluttered. And... chaotic.
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It doesn't bother me. I watch most good series 8 or 9 times even after reading the manga several times too. But then, i'm more concerned with characters than plot, so I don't really care what happens as long as my favourite characters dont die after it.
And I'm off to bed, because I kinda forgot that tomorrow is Sunday and my parents will be home. And they prefer me to get up before 10, which is cruel and unusual punishment.

I am calling child protection services first thing.

Toodles, and good night, and don't let the giant scorpions bite :D
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My room is a cave! Except I'm not allowed to have food in it because the roaches in this area are narsty (and yes that is a word in my vocabulary).
And I prefer the term 'Pillow Kingdom' to cave.

Though my mother calls it a cave, or a pig sty, or despicable, depending on the day.
I don't know what she's talking about, it isn't that messy, it's just... cluttered. And... chaotic.
My room is 99% clutter. I use it only for sleeping in nowadays. I moved all of the stuff I use regularly into the spare room which is now unofficially my gaming room just because it doesn't get stupendously messy in here.
It doesn't bother me. I watch most good series 8 or 9 times even after reading the manga several times too. But then, i'm more concerned with characters than plot, so I don't really care what happens as long as my favourite characters dont die after it.
Well, any spoilers and I will use everything within my power to kill you in rp -.-
You really think you could overpower ME? HAHAHAHAHAAAA. Yeah I wont spoil. That's mean.
You really think you could overpower ME? HAHAHAHAHAAAA. Yeah I wont spoil. That's mean.
I could try with my non combat based characters! One's pretty good at assassinations...ish.
Yeah but she'd just summon her dark silencing mist though. Then you couldn't even get the aetherial guy to change forms or use fragments.
Whenever I get a call and leave the r.p for an hour or two I return to find at least two pages full of anime discussions.
But he has knives, stabby knives of stabbyness which when plunged into someone's neck would kill them instantly, fragmented or not o-o
Heh Koreha Zombie Desuka is awesome :D The protagonist is a cross-dressing zombie masou shoujo who saves the world on a regular basis. And apparently his classmates don't think something's up when he gets chopped in half and sewn back together.
That could not have been a better closing line. "I see dead people" "I see naked people."
@Slamdeiru that writing style is pretty interesting. It's fast paced but still quite mysterious. I like it!
Oh jeez I forgot to watch the IC! *Flails frantically* read mode activate!
You only got as far as the first part of the OP in all that time? WOW.
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