Gijinka High

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"Lana... Beautiful name. Reminds of back home in goldenrod. Anyways, what's you're name?" Cinder asked while holding the little rabbit in his arms scratching right in between her ears.
"Alexandria but most call me Alex...some call me Alex or Lexie...I have a lot of nicknames," she admitted softly as a slight blush came to her face. She smiled as she watched him pet her bunny and giggled softly seeing her nose twitch happily.
"Well then, Alexandria I am Cinder from Goldenrod city. I'm new here." Cinder replied. Now chuckling quietly seeing as Lana fell asleep in his arms.
"Cinder... I like that's unique," Alex said with a smile as she sat back against the wall, giggling softly. "She doesn't normally fall asleep with other people," she said as she motioned to Lana, a smile forming on her face.
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"Well one of the only few compliments my parents gave me was that I was good with animals." Blushing slightly and hair glowing just a bit ,because of his attitude, warming Lana."Well Lexie where are you from?" Cinder asked.
"Lavender Town," Alex said with a smile as she noticed his hair. She found herself blushing for no reason and looked down.
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"Lavender Town. I've heard of about it but never actually been there. Well I see you're feeling better." Cinder said noticing Lexie blush.
Alex smiled though she was sure she was crimson red by now. "I am but I like your company," she said truthfully as she hugged her knees close to her before frowning. "But I'm sure my sister thinks I hate her," she added with a sadness in her voice.
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Sasha had made her way into the forest where she could be alone. She climbed a tree and settled in on a branch. She began to sing as tears started streaming down her face. Her voice was beautiful, but was filled with sadness.
"She would think I hate her. Mainly because she knows I feel like she shadows over me but it's like that with all of my brothers and sisters," Alex said with a small sigh as she laid her chin on her knees.
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"Well to be honest I was shadowed by literally everyone in my family. But if there's one thing I know for sure it's that I don't see a girl that's easy to hate. I see a beautiful girl that's just misunderstood." Cinder said, when suddenly his hair flared up and the AC didn't turn on. Cinder was now blushing just as bad as Lexie. Surprisingly all Lana did was snuggle even more into Cinder's arms.
Alex blushed even brighter to the point that it almost hurt. Well you've got the misunderstood part right," she said quietly as she managed to look at him, then at her bunny.
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"Well you don't need to whisper. Besides how did I only get misunderstood right, I mean you are beautiful. And at least you don't have hair that goes off randomly by mood and environment." Cinder said, trying to hide his blushing by chuckling.
"Far from it in my opinion. And not to mention if I had to be honest, I like your hair," Alex said truthfully as a smile crossed her face. She finally looked back at him and shrugged her shoulders. "But that's just my opinion," she said with a small sigh. "I've always been the odd one out so whereas my siblings fit into the beautiful and handsome categories, there's just me."
Woah woah woah hold on, I like my hair too but there have been some burning incidents. And with my honest opinion I think you're one of the prettiest and if not pretty than most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I don't understand why you don't agree with me. And this little one is one of the cutest I've ever seen too." Cinder said gesturing towards Lexie and Lana. His blushing and attitude was now fueling his fiery hair even more.
"Just insecurities I guess," Alex guessed before smiling widely. "You're blushing," she pointed out as she looked at him. "I could say the same thing to you...I mean not that that you're a girl..because you're not...I mean you're pretty...uh...I me a not pretty...I mean it's not that I don't find you attractive...because I's just...I'm gonna be quiet now," she finally said as she looked down, her hair falling in her face and hiding her blush.
"Okay..." Cinder replied eyes wide open no one ever told Cinder this before."Well try dealing with my hair in the morning let me tell you. It ain't pretty. Looks like a wildfire happened over night." Cinder said laughing at himself.
"Well I guess I could say the same thing about you when it comes to looks, I mean ummm... How do I put it. Well, dark types. Just something about them attracts me." Cinder said blushing wildly he shrugged."it's just I don't how to put it either." Cinder was stunned at what Lexie said he couldn't think straight or talk.
Alex was truly stunned not only at his words but at her relatively calm composure. "Not many would agree. Most would automatically got for my sister," she had truthfully though her look was far off as if she were lost in her thoughts. She remembered how she and her sister would fight over guys but they would ultimately pick the espeon. Shaking the thought from her head, she smiled a bit at Cinder as she reached over and pet Lana gently. "But thank you," she said with honesty as well as a blush.
"I'm just saying what I think is true, not what other guys think." As Lexie petted Lana the little rabbit got fidgety eventually breaking away from Cinder's arms and straight to Lexie's. Well I think it's about time we got off the floor. Here I'll walk you to you're room if you want. Cinder got up and offered to help Lexie up. Cinder of course still smiling.