Ghost Zone Havoc

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Eh, not necessarily. He actually believed he was.
<_< >_>

So I just finished watching the last episode. Gave me ALL the feels. And also renews my frustration in television syndicates for killing shows in their prime. Sanctuary, Warehouse 13, and now Danny Phantom. Fucking seriously? This show is giving a 23 year old man the feels and they have the goddamned audacity to cancel it? Three seconds after it ended, I had an idea for how to reboot it. And it didn't even involve Clockwork. Though now that I think about it, I'm having another idea. The point is, I really enjoyed the nostalgia of such a good show and it totally put me in the mood for more RPTimez here. The problem is.... where is everybody? It went from three pages while I was gone for sleep and class to a crawl. Hell, if Kets is up for it, we'll keep this whole thing running with GM people. I'm not letting this be the final fantasy, let's keep it alive.

...I can't believe I made a final fantasy reference... but I did, so deal with it.
So like... we've not had a post in over a week. What's going on?
Personally, im waiting on someone in the hotel, Jakes group to do something. Both my characters are kinda waiting for other people
And i'm waiting on Kets still... Damn. I don't want this to die. I got all the feels.
I agree but... Ill be honest it doesnt look good :/ No one seems to be geting on...
Have you tried contacting everyone to see where they are? Looking back I saw one who posted that she would be gone for like 3 weeks.

And the alert system messes up sometimes. Some people may not even know they're waited on.
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