Getting to Know You 2.0

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A nice car. . . . . .?

Which one would you choice madness or unstable and why?
Dodge Charger, black with red racing stripes.

If you could change the weather, what would you make it into?
Madness! sounds sorta fun I guess unstable seems so the norm
Edited: I'd make it snow!

If you could have a strange birth defect what would it be? Example: 6th toe
I'd go with having a third nipple. =D

If you were in a circus, what would be your job?
I'd be that chick that dangles from the ceiling by her hair! (ouch gotta have respect))
If you could have a strange piercing where would it be?
The tip of my ear that seems pretty cool to have!
If you had a rainbow for 24 hours what would you do with it?
I would put the rainbow next to a pot of fool's gold. XDD

You're given the choice of being a rat, a goldfish, or a parrot as your next reincarnation. Keep in mind that you'll be someone's pet. Which one would you choose and why?
Parrot. Goldfish don't have any freedom and parrots can fly. Plus people will think I'm cute if I swear at them. :D

What body modification could you see yourself realistically doing?
hmm.... I have never thought about doing any body modification but if I were I would probably take away some fat on my stomach that is irritating me xD

if you got to travel for free to any country you choose which country would that be?
I'd go to Japan. I've always wanted to see Tokyo.

What is your favorite dessert?
What is your favorite pair of shoes you own and why?
My all-around useful shoes, my trusty black flats! I wear them all the time unless there's snow out. So much so that they get worn out and develop holes in them, so then I have to buy a new pair. Usually not the same pair since the styles change and all that, but always nice and fairly plain black ones.

How much time do you spend getting ready every day?
Less than five minutes, I'm like a guy.

Hot or cold?
Hot. I'm always more comfortable in a room with a higher temperature than practically any of my other friends. I'm comfortable, they sweat. They're comfortable, I shiver. (Maybe my friends are just polar bears)

Would you rather spend a day at the beach or at a top quality arcade parlor?

Beach. I love water sand and heat.
You forgot to give me a question to answer miss fox. That's okay though ^^; I can see how a day at the beach would be distracting.

Pie or cake?
So hard cakes if I want something really sweet and pie if I'm in a calmer mood.

For a guy or girl hot face or body and why?
Hmm that's difficult - I think face is probably best. They can work on their body.

What does your dream home look like?
Three story, built onto the side of a cliff, with an infinity pool w/ waterfall and a wrap around deck. Outside, in the back yard, above the pool, is a stationary brick BBQ and smoker. Lots of huge glass windows, crazy multiple ridge roof design. Combination redwood & brick siding...I could go on and on. I am gonna get this house someday.

What do you like on your pizza?
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