Genes of a Goddess

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Sounds good! :3 Take your time! It's off to a very fun start! And, should we keep an updating summary of what's happened? Just something short and brief so it's easy for others to hop in? I know you're pretty busy BluePenguin, but I'm sure some or one of us could do it? ^_^

Also, Amelia looks blond in her pics, so if her hair is white, I can edit my post, Zozo! XD Just lemme know!
I probably should've elaborated on my appearance, since my characters M.E.S. colors are opposites of what she looks like without it, her eyes should be dark blue.
Sounds good! :3 Take your time! It's off to a very fun start! And, should we keep an updating summary of what's happened? Just something short and brief so it's easy for others to hop in? I know you're pretty busy BluePenguin, but I'm sure some or one of us could do it? ^_^
You can if you want to.
I was never very good at summerizing. In school my summeries were short stories in their own right. Lulz
Also, Amelia looks blond in her pics, so if her hair is white, I can edit my post, Zozo! XD Just lemme know!

My word, you're right! She does look a bit like a blonde doesn't she? O-O I didn't notice until just now.
No, no, though. I shall keep her like that XD
The almost bleached white, yet still blond, colored haired girl, hehe.
Lol! Sounds good! X3 Platinum is really pretty anyhow! <33
Platinum hair color. That's interesting.

The bad guys (well, girls) were going to have hair color similar to that, but due to a lot of us having white (or close to it) hair, I might edit the hair color of the enemy to something else, but what do you guys think?
I don't think the color of their hair matters that much as long as they have different uniforms, maybe some kind of tattoo or other marking.
Being Caucasian could help identify them as well. I would say it would be cool of they had red hair, but then having the bad guys all with red hair wouldn't be politically correct.
Lol bad guys with red hair, sounds like the Vikings!
Hair colour shouldn't matter than much. It might make for an interesting spot of narrative when someone notices the similarities and suspicions get raised among those NPCs supporting the main cast.
To work best it should be a color rare among the good guy places so they assume they're from the bad guy place if they have that hair color. Discrimination will obviously backfire and bad things would happen.
Why hair color? I think eye color would be better, remembering the Ishvalins from FMA. >...>
I'm drawing a picture both them and us in the standard M.E.S. amplifier outfits.
Oh. Well I love my M.E.S. so, if it's okay with you, can I keep it?