GenderBend! - Info, Sign-Ups, and OCC

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Stray Shinku

Certified VRChat Menace!
Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
  2. 1-3 posts per week
  3. One post per week
Online Availability
It varies a lot due to my work schedule.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. No Preferences
I'm really not picky about the genres, but you will see me a lot on Romance, Comedy, Slice of Life, Action and Fantasy roleplays.
GenderBend! IC
Welcome to the official Info, Sign-Ups and OCC thread of the upcoming roleplay GenderBend! Before you ask, yes, this is the new version of the original roleplay that sadly died like 2 years or so ago by an unfortunate event. Anywho, thank you for passing by and let me cut to the chase. If you have any questions related to the following information, don't be shy and let me know. After all, I don't bite (at least not that hard...).

  • 1. Don't be afraid to shoot me with all of your questions, doubts or whatever you want to say about the information you're about to read. You can also use this thread to chat with the others roleplayers, as well.
    2. Even when it's obvious, if you're interested in joining this roleplay, please read all of its information. It's there for a reason after all.
    3. No drama around here, alright? That's something only allowed in the IC. If you want to beat the crap out of somebody for real, please, bring that to the Staff. I'm not here to be involved in your pity arguments. I'm too old for that, FFS. (23 years is not that old, though ;c)
    4. Shit, ass, fuck… If you don't like those words, well, I'm sorry, but get used to them because you may encounter them. However, an unnecessary use of blasphemy is kind of unpleasant, though. So, please, use it at the right moment, at the right time.
    IC Thread
    1. Keep your posts above 2 paragraphs, although the more the merrier. Yes, I also believe in that saying, "Quality before Quantity", but I want to see more about your character development and a single paragraph won't be enough. If you post less than 2, you'll be warned and I'm going to lose my shit. Give us something we can all work with is what I'm asking and stop being a lazy potato.
    2. Only 1 character per roleplayer, although you may bring in your own NPCs if you wish.
    3. No OOC talk inside the IC. Simple as that, no explanation needed.
    4. Again, you can swear all you want, no need to censor your words. Still, don't overuse that power and use it at the right time, at the right moment. In other words, avoid being a dick.
    5. The least allowed posting expectation is Intermediate. That means your posts need to be at least two paragraphs. Remember to start with a capital letter and end with a period (you're not in kindergarten, so I'm expecting you to know the basics of punctuation and grammar). Nobody's perfect and I know that from experience, so I'm not telling you to be like a professional writer. Just make sure that what you wrote can be understood without the need of a translator. Txt chat, m8? NOPE. Just don't do it. Also, Engish only, please. It's okay to put something in Spanish or Korean or whatever your character can speak once in a while or in specific situations, but make sure to include a translation. After all, this roleplay is mainly in English.
    6. I'll give you the freedom to post on the IC once a week (if you can post more than once, that'll be awesome!). If you go for more than a week without announcing it, I'll PM you to check what's going on. If you don't reply that within 3 days, I will assume something happened to you or you simply dropped out without a warning, so I'll take control over your character. Here's my advice to you: if you think or know that you won't be able to commit to this roleplay, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT JOIN. You could take a spot that a committed roleplayer would like and I don't think you want to see him or her sad, do you?
    7. Remember to follow the posting order and be sure to check in the Sticky Post if the cycle changed.
  • An odd Romantic Comedy story is about to unfold among a group of 8 typical teenagers that assist the prestigious Ryoo High School. However, even when they all belong to the same grade and class group, they hate each other due to a feud between their clubs: the Music Club, owned by the boys, and the Art Club, owned by the girls. So, yes, Ryoo High is most of the time a "battleground" for these clubs, which fights includes: hardcore competitions to prove which club is best, and loud arguments every time they cross paths, in which both parts try to shout the most offensive statements, containing words not suitable for a scholar environment.
    Because of this childish behavior, all these teenagers earned an infamous reputation around the school, putting in risk the existence of their clubs a couple of times. However, their leaders, Ryunosuke Brooks and Michelle Dubois, always manage to come up with a savior plan. They are afraid that one day, that won't be enough, though.
    Later, a mischievous entity named Perseus, an outcast among other famous gods and which is quite the fan of Human culture, especially the Japanese, decides to make a divine intervention, believing that both Ryunosuke and Michelle's squads are meant to be together. However, Perseus is going to try to fix things up his way: swapping their bodies with his magic staff!
    What will everyone do after realizing they are inside the bodies of their enemies?
    Will Perseus be able to make them fall in love with each other, just as he planned?
    And so, the story of this catastrophic romantic comedy begins.
  • The story is going to be starred by 8 teenagers (4 girls and 4 boys, and which I'll be controlling the Music Club's leader: Ryunosuke) that assist the Ryoo High School. They're split into two clubs, the Music and Art clubs. By one or another reason, these teens don't get along at all, maybe for their differences or because of an unpleasant encounter. I'm going to give you the power of deciding that, so I encourage you to pick a partner and create a story about your characters that will develop through the course of the roleplay. Through the story, Perseus is going to see them as "Potential Couples", believing that they are destined to be together.
    The only thing I'm asking is that, please, the couples need to be of opposite genders (Male + Female).
    What is a "Potential Couple" and "Fated Couples"?
    Being 8 protagonists, the main objective is to create 4 couples. In the beginning, none of the girls will tag along with the boys and vice-versa, for some reason or another. However, each of the boys has a specific girl that they simply detest the most. For example, "Ryunosuke don't like anyone from the Art Club, but Michelle is the one he detests the most because..." This same thing applies to the girls as well.
    Now, the duos that hate each other Perseus named them "Potential Couples" because, according to a "research" he made, they are destined to be together. That's why he swaps their bodies, "encouraging them" to get to know each other. These couples can be decided in two ways:
    by everyone planning it right here or through PM (make sure to let me know, though!)
    by myself, assigning the characters numbers from 1 to 6 before throwing two dices and let its numbers decide.
    Perseus final intention is to make these "Potential Couples" into "Fated Couples", proving to everyone that doubted him that he was right since the beginning.
  • This roleplay is focused mainly on the interactions between each character, especially the "Potential Couples" and how they handle the bodies switch. They're going to be moments where the characters will argue due to their differences and more drama stuff that's going to spice up the story. Of course, most of the situations are meant for the "Potential Couples" to get closer and get to know each other.
    The main goal of the story is for everyone to end up as a "Fated Couples", proving that Perseus was right the whole time. However, knowing that there's not always a happy ending, I will also give you the option to decide the final fate of your "Potential Couple". Do they end up being just friends? Do they still hate each other for not being able to really solve their differences? Frenemies maybe? The fate of these characters is in your and your roleplay partner hands.
  • As excepted and kind of obvious, my interaction in the roleplay is going to be huge, but, of course, I'm going to follow the posting order. That way, I'll avoid interrupting the roleplay course. I'll be roleplaying as the leader of the Music Club, Ryunosuke, also Perseus, the Omega God, and other NPCs that will give a big contribution to the roleplay story. Also, not everything is going to be focused on them. That'll be lame AF. I'll try to always make you and everyone else characters more important than mine. After all, they're also a big part of the roleplay.
  • I'm a person that enjoys and loves to see everything flows in order, so, of course, there's going to be posting rounds that are going to be based on the Characters Approval. However, this posting order could change during the course of the story or according to every roleplayers' needs.
    This roleplay is meant to be from 12 to 13 chapters long, with a Prologue and Epilogue (this last one if we decide to not make a sequel), but more can be added. Again, it all depends on what happens through the story. Also, the chapters will include a plot that will help to develop the whole GenderBend! Story. Nevertheless, the chapters don't need to go exactly like that. Some things can change as everyone begins to develop their characters stories, but I'll make sure that those changes don't affect the whole roleplay drastically. So, please, if you're bringing something up, make sure it is relevant.
  • It may sound kind of tricky and confusing, so I'm going to explain it right here. When Perseus uses his "genderbending" powers on your character and another one, he will take the souls and put them inside the opposite bodies (Lucas ending in Maya's body and vice-versa, for example). In consequence, your character won't be able to do pretty much anything as it did when it was on its true body. Take the following as another example:
    Ryunosuke is a musician that sings and plays different instruments, mainly the piano, and Andrea is an artist that loves to create breathtaking paintings but can also do some sketches on her sketch pad.
    While being under the effects of the "genderbend", Ryunosuke won't be able to sing gracefully or play the guitar or any instrument correctly, as his body and brain are of Andrea's. However, Ryunosuke will now be able to draw beautiful paintings and other abilities that Andrea can do, like cooking or swimming. For Andrea, she won't be able to do her usual stuff but will gain Ryunosuke musical and physical abilities. Nevertheless, Ryunosuke and Andrea will keep their attitudes.
    Now, you can't control your partner's character even when it's using your body, but because I want to make things interesting, if your character still being on the effects of "genderbending", your partner will be able to put you in unexpected situations.
    Let me explain myself: let's say that your male character, still in the body of a female, is walking through the Lockers Area, upset about everything that is happening and hoping to not have the need to go to the restroom. Here's when your chosen roleplayer partner can be evil and make a handsome male approach your character, smiling widely while holding a bouquet of flowers. He follows up by reminding you of that date both planned for after school. What will your character do?
    This different way of roleplaying will put your character to the test, as well as yourself as you need to think of a proper reaction to that surprise situation. Don't worry, you can have your revenge afterward. However, before posting something like this, make sure to discuss it with your roleplay partner. You don't have to explain everything, though. Just by letting him or she know that something unexpected is about to happen to its character is enough, but make sure your partner gives you a green light to proceed to avoid confusions.
    Also, here's a reminder: don't forget to put somewhere or however you want in your CS "Love Will Always Find a Way". Remeber this because it's important.
  • This is an American-Japanese high school founded by a Japanese man that wished for a place where teenagers from around the world could learn and socialize at the same time. Therefore, it's not a surprise to see students from different ethnicities and languages, all of them eager to share their roots, but also to learn from others. Located somewhere in the middle zone of United States of America, Ryoo High School is extremely popular and gained enough prestige to earn a spot in the Top 10 High School of USA and in the Top 50 High School of the World.

Congratulations! You finally finished the most tedious part of looking for a roleplay: reading A LOT of information. Treat yourself with a pat on your back, my friend. Now, if this roleplay really caught your attention, I'm glad it did and let me welcome you to the last step to get a role in the story: your Character Creation. Coming up, there's the CS skeleton with simple instructions on how to fill it for your own sake. You're all welcome, by the way.

  • |INSERT A PICTURE| (Only anime related).
    Name: (Make this a Full Name, please).
    Age: (From 16 to 17).
    Gender: (Male or Female. That's it.)
    Nationality and Mother Tongue: (From which part of the world is your character and what is it's mother tongue?)

    Physical Description: (Even when you included a picture of your character, writing something more specific is better. At least a paragraph or you can make a list (eyes color, hair color, height, etc.) ).

    Personality: (Tell us how's your character in at least one paragraph or you can make a list).

    Backstory: (Tell us a bit about the past of your character in at least two paragraphs).

    Likes and Dislikes: (make a list, but you can choose to make a paragraph if that's how you do this).

    Hobbies: (tells us what your character loves to do in the free time).

    The One from the Art/Music Club you dislike the most: (Example: if you're from the Art Club, put the name of the guy you hate from the Music Club. Remember that you need to first consult this with the roleplayer of that character)

    Nationality and Mother Tongue:
    Physical Description:

    Likes and Dislikes:
    The One from the Art/Music Club You dislike the most:

  • Music Club
    1. Akiyuki Brooks - roleplayed by @Shinku⭐Kun
    2. Hiro Assaragi - roleplayed by @Kurogane86
    3. August C. Elliot - roleplayed by @Iceydaze
    4. Lucifer Marlo Lestrange - roleplayed by @Lulunopia
    Art Club
    1. Michelle Dubois - roleplayed by @DANAsaur
    2. Alice Chiba - roleplayed by @Karyra
    3. Naomi Kyoya - roleplayed by @xLarius
    4. Penelope Larson - roleplayed by @ScarletNova

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Yikes, knowing Michelle's personality and knowing that she's currently not in a good mood, I bet she will shot back at Hiro with a lot of force. Do I have to bring my LVL.50 armor?
Yikes, knowing Michelle's personality and knowing that she's currently not in a good mood, I bet she will shot back at Hiro with a lot of force. Do I have to bring my LVL.50 armor?
You might because I think the great macaron theft might start something.
Just to let everyone know, I know it's my turn now, I'm just trying to decide how I want to have Nelly respond back to everything.
  • Like
Reactions: xLarius
*slides in a nuke* This solves mostly every problem. EXCESSIVE BRUTE FORCE AT ITS FINEST.
*slides in a nuke* This solves mostly every problem. EXCESSIVE BRUTE FORCE AT ITS FINEST.
By the time that teacher walks in this classroom, it's probably going to look like a nuke went off.
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Iceydaze
I think the whole school will blow up through the skies... Mmh... I think I should put this thing away.
  • Haha
Reactions: ScarletNova
I totally hope I responded to everything. There was a lot happening.
  • Haha
Reactions: xLarius
That Penelope is so darn cute even when she's mad. LMAO! How can I be mad at her!?
  • Love
Reactions: ScarletNova
I'm really low on internet data so I won't be on very much this week until it resets. Just letting you guys know in case my turn comes up again before I can return regularly.
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Stray Shinku
Okay @ScarletNova , I understand. Thanks for letting us now. O vO b
I look forward to when the teacher walks in.

I also feel sorry for them and all innocent npc bystanders.

Whichever school staff member that brought up the Idea to put both clubs in the same homeroom should get fired.
Too bad for them that their Home Teacher is like their worst nightmare. She isn't called the "White-haired Demon" for nothing, you know?
  • Sympathy & Compassion
Reactions: Iceydaze
Just to let you all know, I'm back now.
Okay, if @Lulunopia don't make a reply by tomorrow, I will skip her and post for Akiyuki. This is taking way too long and I don't like it.
@Kurogane86 @Iceydaze @ScarletNova @DANAsaur @Karyra @xLarius

Lulu just contacted me today to inform me that she will sadly drop from the roleplay because she's currently too busy. I'm willing to move and take over her character (after asking her permission, of course) because I don't want this to die so quick. However, I want to know if you guys still interested in being part of this as well.
@Kurogane86 @Iceydaze @ScarletNova @DANAsaur @Karyra @xLarius

Lulu just contacted me today to inform me that she will sadly drop from the roleplay because she's currently too busy. I'm willing to move and take over her character (after asking her permission, of course) because I don't want this to die so quick. However, I want to know if you guys still interested in being part of this as well.
I'm still 100% in this although I'm unable to post until around Thursday time if I'm required to post soon, due to family issues. ^^"