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I have to post but I have no muse AHHHHHHHHHH.

Happens to me all the time > < No worries, man.

I've decided to pull Kael out after passing on information. Being the clergyman he is, he wouldn't condone anymore piracy and would end up trying to kill everyone so he considers his 'debt' for being allowed passage paid off and leaves.

That sounds good, dude.
So XC, Are you going to post a final post for Kael? Just wondering.
Perhaps I'll kidnap Tabby and run about to meet Kaija's old crew?
If Harpy wants to be included, that is?
Are you guys starting to post again? Should I jump in yet? jw
oh~ I'm cool with that Kitti! 8D Kidnap me away!
Are you guys starting to post again? Should I jump in yet? jw

We are kinda at a slight stand still, just waiting on some scenes to get finished out, but feel free to jump in and introduce your character whenever you are ready.
October, does it sound all right to you, my idea?
And should I kidnap anyone else or shall it just be Tradewind and Tabby?
Yes! Sounds fantastic, Kitters! Go forth and re-recruit your crew! I will include 9Lives, too. If you want. He will follow Tradewind's lead : )
Welcome back October, I had posted but Desaecula never posted a reply we took it to private. I'll wait until you post a new scene to post again though unless you want to some how include me in something.
Clergy dude and pirates not mixing? Didn't see that coming.

Amilio is chillin with his dad and is pretty much feels capable of very little since his ability with swords and his confidence are gone. He's probably still useful though.
Man, duuude, man. Posting is hard after taking a few weeks off x_x

So we have the admiral approaching his last breath a little more with each post, good job on that guys.

I guess I will work with Kitti and Harps (With 9Lives) in re-recruiting the crew of the Tradewind, as we lost a lot of ours on the island of Kaymein. Eben is pretty much recovering, as much as he can, in the medical bay of the ship. I predict he will come out of this with a moderate opium addiction, other than that I have no immediate plans for him. Ramblerambleramble...
I hope to get a post up soon! My mind went blank when I went to post for this roleplay, so I'll need time to think of something. XD
Yeahhh, My post was less than adequate ^.^; I should get back in the swing of things soon. It is quite difficult to post after a break lol.
Wooooooo! -Happy Dance- I took ALL of my finals today so now I'm officially done with school for I don't know how long, I guess until I get the money for college courses so now I should have PLENTY of time to do more posts for you guys! Be prepared to be shocked and amazed. When I have alot of time on my hands I tend to either write super long posts or just come up with completely insane things for my characters to do to liven things up a bit. :]
Alright guys. We gotta wrap things up in West Hambrook. Mostly so we can get back to the ship and finish this chapter up. Gotta destroy that Hourglass!

So, DP and company: Try to get your scene done by this Monday, do whatever you gotta do to finish it. If it's not done by monday, I'll have to move the story along. Sorry if I am rushing ya'll, but since not everyone is involved we can't spend too much more time on it.

As for the recruitment of Tradewind's old crew, we are almost there. As far as the in game time line goes, we'll just pretend that it synchronizes perfectly with the assassination. Ahh, the beauty of RP!

Let's Do This!
I think Me and and anabel are gonna have to rush back on the boat at JUST the right moment.. hmmm how to work it... * ponders*

@Octy: Aye aye sir. As soon as Fluffy posts, I will be wrapping the scene up. Essentially She will post, I will conform Link's interactions with scar to whatever she posts, We'll go about our separate business and escape back to the ship. That's the plan. So our two posts should wrap it up.
Once Desaecula posts I will since I posted last between us in here. :]