From Scratch

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Jack, with a huge amount of willpower, morphed back into a human. He too collapsed with exhaustion, the shifting between the monster weirdly sapped Jacks energy. He writhed and screamed in his sleep, in deep fever with sweat running down his entire body
When the two twins got back to camp, they noticed that there was hardly any activity besides Shadow making a commotion. Jake and Ayas walked around the corner to find Geoff and Jack laying on the ground, unconscious.

"Jesus, looks like these two idiots bit off too big of a bite." Ayas mumbled as he stuck the orange, raggedy, quartz sword in his pants waistband.

Jake nodded and leaned over Jack, noting the heat that came from his body and the sweat pouring down his brow.
"I'll take Jack since he's lightest. You grab Geoff."

Ayas snorted as he lifted the Tamer off the ground and carried him to the hut. Jake followed suit with Jack.

After they had laid the two down, Jake placed his rough purple sword next to the single bed and unfurled his wings. He nodded at Ayas and laid down, allowing both of his wings to cover the two males as a sort of blanket.

Ayas shrugged and left the room as Jake drifted off to sleep.
Bones looked over and since no one was awake in the hut anymore he shrugged. He'd been falling in and out of sleep all day and didn't even know what time it was.
Ghost awoke in his shelter on a tree branch. He pulled up his hood, which completed his look of being invisible. His cloak enveloped his whole body, a mixture of black, dark blue and an array of greens and browns. These colours combined made him almost invisible in the forest. He hooked his bow over his shoulder and put his goggles on. He slowed his perception of time, and ran down the tree, looking like he was simply walking the tree to anyone else. He moved with the wind, sprinting through the forest and arrived at the camp he'd seen the new group make their home in. He kept to the shadows, watching, observing.
Bones is hallucinating, he must be. Because one of those thing that attacked him is slinking toward the hut from across the way out of the woods. He passes out before being able to say anything.
Geoff wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. He had overworked himself with construction and fishing. And to make it worse he still had a bad foot.

The books had fallen to the ground and on each one names were written in what looked to be juice or some such. 'Ayas' 'Jake' 'Bones' 'Geoff' 'Jack' were written on them. The same book he gave to Shadow. It would need to be updatednow of course.
"Stay here," she hissed to the new girl, and the newly woken Bones. Holding them inside the hut, she stood tense and ready at the door as the battle raged on outside. She ran outside as Jake and Ayas brought the fighting two inside. Hidden in her bag was the book Geoff had given her, and scattered on the ground. Shadow carefully glanced around, then put them in her bag, to make sure Ayas didn't do anything to them. She was yet to learn what the books held
Rowan nodded and did as she was told to stay the hut suddenly she heard a knock on the window and a scratch on the door she quickly blocked both the window and the door and went inside the closet and locked the door later her head was hurting again she touched it but this time found no blood it must be getting infected she thought
Ghost saw another of the creatures slinking toward the camp. He pulled out an arrow and knocked it. He pulled the string back to his cheek and let the deadly barb fly. It went straight through the side of the creatures exposed brain, taking some along with it and thunking into a tree. The monster dropped, dead instantly. Ghost knocked another arrow and stepped into the camp, ignoring the inhabitants and looking left right and centre for another monster.
Ayas had been sitting next to the river. This seemed to have become his favourite spot lately.

Having been a distance downstream, he didn't notice much of what was happening at camp. Unfortunately, he was confused, his thoughts were jumbled about the weird quartz they had found.

He idly rotated the scraggly sword in his hand. It wasn't too long, a bit longer than a dagger but not as long a sword usually would be. It was slightly translucent, it was foggy, so you couldn't see anything clearly if you were to look through it. It had an orange shade and it's sharpened edges were jagged and rough. Jakob's sword was the same, but it had a purple hue to it.

Ayas was confused about these artifacts, for they radiated an almost magical energy, each different colour let off a different amount and type of energy, giving off the sense that each colour had different effects and abilities.

And Ayas was itching to kill something to see if his theory was correct. Ayas sighed and stood before walking deeper into the forest, letting his demonic orange wings unfurl and taking flight. He flew around in large circles, sometimes passing over camp.

Someone was there.

Someone new.

Ayas dove for the ground and landed softly in front of a camouflaged male. He tucked his wings to his back and approached the man. "A new person? With a bow too, how frightening." He mumbled sarcastically. "Lower your bow, now."

@That Bear
Shadow had enough rest from yesterday's struggle. She left the others in the hut to sleep away while she could do some work. Moving away into the forest where she had previously started her snare. Inside it already, was a rabbit. "Your a very stupid rabbit," she mumbled to it, remembering she had never even covered it up. She glanced at the tracks the rabbit had made. It was running. From what? she asked herself. Skid marks showed where the rabbit finally realised it was running into a trap. Picking it out, she stuffed it in her bag and re furnished the snare, and built another nearby, then headed back to camp
Ghost swung his bow to the one who approached him. "This area is known to them. They will come, and more of them. I wouldn't suggest anyone to put down their weapon at a time like this, boy" he rasped from under the hood.
Ayas grinned at the archer before tthrowing his bow back at him. "Well, then you'll be helpful, hmmmm? Welcome to our camp, double-cross us and you'll be dead in an instant. Right now, everyone is either:
A. Mortally wounded.
B. Sick
C. Unconscious
or D. Sleeping.
So do as you please."

Ayas spread his wings and kicked off into the air, circling around once again. Eventually, he found a deer to test his new sword on.

Before the deer could react, Ayas swooped down and lifted it before dropping it from some height, breakimg it's legs.

Ayas landed and drew his orange, pulsating sword. He approached the creature and quickly swung the sword down onto it...

The weapon sank into it's flesh easily.

The deer squirmed, making noises.

Then burst into flames.

Ayas's eyes widened as he withdrew the flaming sword. The flames lingered on the blade for a moment before dissapearing.

Ayas turned on his heel and rushed back to camp.

What would Jake's sword do?
As Shadow arrived near the clearing, Ayas's wings glinted in the moonlight as he flew off. Movement flashed on the side of her eyes, and she stayed hidden. Shadow was named Shadow for a reason. She had her hands ready to conjure a knife if needed
Geoff woke up, still not fully rested. "Huh...What...Jack?" His vision was blurry as he sat up and attempted to stand, but couldn't move a muscle. "Ugh...What's going on here?"
Jack continued to moan and scream in his sleep, sweat covering his whole body. Ghost looked at the cabin where the noise was coming from. That'll attract the buggers. He slowly opened the door and saw the male just waking up. "Shut him up, and grab a weapon. They're coming" he rasped, with a grim expression on his wizened face. A bloodcurdling scream broke the night silence, and Ghost shut the door quietly and peeked through a hole in the woodwork.
Bones was awakened by all the noise, and with his sudden flash of panic, the room temperature dropped about 30%. "What's going on? Who are you?" He raised his head and leaned back against the wall, his power was keeping his body so cold he didn't feel any pain with that movement.
Shadow slowly approached him and grabbed the others neck, bringing him to the ground. Although she wasn't strong, she had small bursts of strength and took him by surprise. Swiftly, her hand was at his neck, a knife quickly materialising into her grip, and eyes flashing gold. "What," she started with a hint of anger in her casual voice. "are you doing, near my friends?" she said, holding the knife close, cold steel pressing on the intruders neck
Ghost lowered his neck, trapping the knife under his chin, and swung around. He tossed the knife back to her. "Protecting your group, you....." His eyes widened. "Shadow?" He whispered.
Bones just sat there ignored. He shrugged and decided to look over his body, he winced as he saw that his left arm was badly damaged, and the hand was entirely gone, he fainted at that and slumped back against the wall.
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