From Scratch

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Safia huffed, standing from where she was and scanning the wilderness around her. She held the pencil and book under her armpit and cupped her hands around her mouth. "Yo-ho! Anyone out there?" she called, squeaking when she almost dropped her stuff. "Damn!" she muttered, readjusting her grip and walking away from where she had appeared. Perhaps she could find someone soon enough.
Zam heard the call and instantly looked around. "Something the matter...?" Geoff stood on Zams back and kept his blowgun in his hands. "Is someone around?",he muttered.
"Geoff! Geoff!" She yelled after him.
When she arrived the creature was jerking around in spastic movements, Gemini nearby. She conjured a sword just in case
Geoff rode Zam over and looked at the creature. "Good. You didn't kill it. Should I try to tame it?" He crouched down near it to see if it was injured to badly.
Shadow stifled an insult, refusing to let her mean mouth say obviously. "We were just trying to defend ourselves. It might be in a lot of pain but you should try to tame it," she said calmly. She removed her cloth from her arm, and moved forward to wipe away the blood off the creature.
"These new... Whatever they are know where the base is. And they are getting more dangerous everyday, I stabbed it in the ankle, and it got up pretty much straight away. We should plan on moving, unless your gonna stay here"
"Like I said...You all are too loud. You could learn a thing or too. Have you ever heard Zam roar after I tamed him?" He looked into the creatures eyes and rubbed it stomach. A mark formed as the creatures eyes grew softer. "I have yet to have any of these to come into my area." He looked at te creature. "She will be called Cenise." He shook his head and said " You guys are welcome to stay with me, if you are willing to learn. This goes against common sense but...I'm offering anyways." He closed his eyes and turned to Zam. "Do you want Cenise?"
The beast was not very injured, other than the ankle stabbing. But it didn't seem to have done much damage.

There were twenty poison spikes in it's neck, but that didn't seem too bad. they weren't de enough to cause much bleeding- just deep enough to get the paralysis poison into its bloodstream

"I tried to keep injuries minimal, but it was an emergency, after all." Gemini stood on zir crutches. "Tame it if you can- that's why I made sure it wouldn't be killed. I figure if we can tame it... It would make great defense, and maybe we could learn more about the monsters by studying it... Hurry though, I don't know how long the poison will last on such a large creature."
Cenise was still paralyzed for the moment, but Gemini assured them that the poison would quickly wear off.

Now that Cenise was tame, they looked more scared than angry. That made sense at the moment, considering they couldn't move. They would probably calm down once the poison wore off.
Shadow grimly smiled and added no comment. She just wanted to go home. 'I guess everyone does though,' she thought to herself.
He gave Cenise an antidote, and looked at Shadow and Gemini. "I'm going back. Next time, just lead it to me." He hopped onto Zam, and started walking away. "Good luck with Cenise. Just touch the mark on her, and she'll be yours."
Gemini cautiously went up and touched Cenise's Mark once Cenise stood.

Cenise gave what sounded like a loud growl- but may have been a purr- and nuzzled Gemini, knocking zir over. "Okay, ow. Enough of that." Gemini picked up zir crutches. "I guess we should head back and move camp?"
Back at his own shack, he saw a girl stumbling around with a notebook and pencil. "Not another one...You've got to be kidding me." He got off of Zam and called to her. "Hey you!"
Shadow felt bad for attacking the creature after that playful gesture, it was just an animal. "Like us," she muttered to herself. After arriving at the camp, she pretended to sit down in a low light area, so Gemini could think she was there. Moments after Gemini turned towards the creature, Shadow snuck out towards Geoff's hut. Stopping, she saw yet another person now stuck in this god forsaken place, this time another girl. She was gingerly holding a pencil and cradling a book under her arm. This was no place for a writer. Interest sparked in her as she saw Geoff step off the friendly bear and yelled out, "Hey you!"
Safia huffed, crossing her arms in front of her, her book tight to her chest. She had already broken her pencil and was looking for a rock that would be able to sharpen it for her. Hearing a voice, she jumped back slightly, squinting her eyes to see a bit better. Another person it seemed. Smiling and glad that she wasn't alone here, she waved. "Hey-oh!" she called back, step onto a fallen tree and walking along it for a bit.
Geoff walked over to her and asked "You're lucky I didn't kill you. Who are you, and whats your ability?" He looked her in the eye as Zam sniffed her, and nuzzled her.
Safia flinched slightly, taking a step back and blinking. "Excuse me?"she whispered, tilting her head. "Kill me? What, are you a murderer or something?" She shook her head. "My name is Safia and what the hell do you mean by ability?"
"Oh...You're a newbie. Let me give you the run down. This place we're in? We're not leaving anytime soon. There are people other than you and I, some friendly, some murdeous." Ayas comes to mind... "When we came here, or rather, after we were brought here, we recieved an ability. For instance, I can tame any creature here. It may seem complicated but it isn't. Just survive." He crossed his arms and nodded. "Since you're new, you can stay at my shack for a while. There's another group nearby, but they're friendly." He hopped onto Zam and smiled. "Welcome to Hell!"
"Not leaving..." Safia repeated to herself. "Interesting..." she paused, staring up at Geoff. "An animal tamer? That's so cool!" she chirped, clapping her hands together then freezing. "Wait, I-I'm sure I can look after myself. I'd just be a burden anyway."
"It's fine. I have a steady food source and my shack is big enough. And you wouldn't want to join them...They're loud and so far have attracted three creatures." Zam started nuzzling Safia to get on his back. "Ah...What's with the pencil and notebook?"
Safia lowered her eyes, not used to people being so kind. "W-well... I-if you insist..." she blinked, staring at Zam for a moment before climbing on. "These? I write and play music, and I was writing some ideas down when I got here. But, I doubt there are any instruments here to play. Perhaps I can make a pan flute or something?"
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