Friends of Harmonica Town

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
((Did you have a bachelor you tended to prefer why you play? I'm not really much on canons either, so they tend to be pretty AU so to speak. That's why I didn't bother going into details about the people as they came up xD And what point in the plot should they be at by then in terms of the game story? Any bells already done and whatnot? If you have a preference.))

He sighed as she spoke. "It's amazing how we can't even find any iron yet.... Iron's usually easier to find than copper. Maybe today's just not our day?" He looked at her curiously, his hand wiping sweat off his brow. "We shouldn't do too much in a day, and you've done far more work than I have so far today with your ranch."
((I don't really have a preference and not before the bells are done.))

Kieara was trying to pace herself and it was working wonders. It was helping her a lot. She was still tired but not as bad as the day before.
((I'm confused. So they should be done at that point? Or the shouldn't be? And...I'll go with Luke or something. Because he's so cheery I can see it making sense. And he's randomly entertaining. So it'd have to be when he's in the area I think.))

Rory sighed as he put down his hammer. "This is enough for today. We've found one of the ores...We'll find more tomorrow. If we work too hard today, it'll be hard to work tomorrow."
((that works and it should happen before the bells are done because I think we can still milk the bells thing a bit more))

Kieara nodded to him and collected ehr things to take to the jewelry store with them and get made into copper.
((Okay. Uhm...So we'll go ahead and say that they're working on the green bell or something?))

"Don't get all of it processed by the accessory shop. Some of it needs to remain ore- at least one. Okay?" He smiled, adding, "I'll keep mine as is for now. Let's get going."

He worked with her after that regularly until they were able to complete the task of retrieving the red bell, restoring fire to the land. It had taken time, but water and land were restored to the island as well, soon after. However, the power of spirit and wind still lacked quite a bit. The wind didn't blow, making hot days quite troublesome- and the spirit of the land itself was in decay. He'd come to her like on any normal day so far, knocking on her door. "Morning. I got some hints. Wanna go get some lumber?"
Kieara smiled. She'd gotten well into the swing of things by now. She nodded to him grabbing her axe. "Let's go then." she smiled.
He followed her, smiling. There was rumor of a witch in the forest, which somewhat concerned him- but then again, they'd met a wizard, who seemed nice enough. "I hear there's a witch in the forest. We need to find her to ask about the bell's whereabouts." He noted it softly, walking towards the fields to head to the forest. "Fugue Forest is easy to get lost in though, so let's be careful not to get separated. Got it?" He gave a soft smile to her- he'd started warming up a bit, but was still a bit on the distant side. However, he seemed to be more at ease with her, and for that even he was thankful.
Kieara smiled to him and nodded. He was always so cold to her. Even now. He was friendly yes, but otherwise distant. It made her sad. She longed for his attention. She longed for his love. And she couldn't get it. She still felt the same, but she'd given up on trying to win it over long ago.
He made sure she was with him, his natural insecurity keeping him at his usual pace when it came to emotionally devoting himself to others. Rory seemed to be very unsettled when it came to opening up about himself. No one knew about his past since coming to the island, and no one knew why he kept it that way. It was almost like he was afraid of people knowing him properly. "Oh yeah. Mind if I tell you a story on the way? Lately I've been thinking about my childhood...It's sort of weird, really. I never think about it anymore. Do you?"
"I do occasionally. I'd love tto hear." She spoke to him with a smile.
"The other day, I remembered when I was a kid and was sure I'd met a harvest sprite. Since we've met some lately, it's been reminding me of that time." He noted. "When I was a kid, a harvest sprite took one of our turnips...I don't know why, but I tried to follow him into a tree- and hurt my head by walking into it." He seemed nervous as he spoke- he'd never spoken about himself in a long time. "Was I foolish to try? And do you think I should try giving turnips to the sprites at the pond? I don't remember much besides it being a sprite...So it could have been one from the Goddess Pond...What do you think?"
Kieara smiled at the story. It was cute. She spoke. "No not at all. You were only a kid." She smiled to him. "And perhaps. It would be better than nothing."
He smiled in response- normally, he hated talking about himself, but it was a relief to get that one in the open, somehow. Her response seemed to help. "I might give it a try one of these days. Looks like you know your next customer for turnips, doesn't it?"
Kieara giggled and spoke. "I've got some at the house I just haven't gotten to put in the shipping bin yet. You can have them if you like."
"Weren't you saving them if they're not in the shipping bin?" He looked at her curiously. "And I would like them...But I'll pay for them properly. Unless it's my birthday, it feels strange taking a gift- by the way, when's yours?"
Kieara spoke. "no, I just got them this morning." she smield. "And it's fine you don't have to. And my birthday is in feburary."
"Ah, I see. I was born in December myself. Right when Winter starts. For some reason, I tend to celebrate it in summer though..." He chuckled to her, adding, "Looks like we're on opposite ends of the same season."
"i love snow. I think it's so pretty." She smiled.
"I don't dislike it, but I don't like that it tends to be bad for business." He laughed nervously, adding, "And work will be harder for you during the snowy season. There are crops that grow in winter, but it's harder. And it's bad to take the animals out too much at that point."
Kieara listened to his advice and nodded. "alright."