Friends of Harmonica Town

((it cut me off))

"Oh?" she looked up at him. She wasn't sure what he was doing but she was curious.
((OOC: That's weird...Oh well. S'okay xD))

"Staring at the ground can lead to you falling down. You should always look up." He grinned, adding, "From what I can see...Even when you seem like you're looking up, sometimes you're looking down secretly."
Kieara didn't quite understand what he meant but she was glad he was talking to her. She just stayed the way she was.
He could tell he wasn't getting his point across, and instead of festering over it decided to let it go. "Well, for now, let's do something productive. My blabbing nonsense isn't going to help with anything. Ah...By the way..." He smiled at her a bit. "If you ever have some crops you don't plan to use, I'll buy some before shipping the rest possibly. Is that alright? I'm...actually from a family of farmers originally...So I rather likes crops...Sort of..." He scratched his cheek, lightly red as he looked away slightly, somehow unsettled by his own explanation. "Sometimes, when I see you work, I wonder if you do too...Because you're a natural..."
Kieara smiled. She liked when he opened up like that. "I don't mind at all. And who knows. Maybe I am." She smiled and giggled.
Her giggling relieved him, as he looked at the sky for a moment. "It's getting late. It's best not to stay up too late or you'll wake up sleepy."
He smiled a bit as well, patting her shoulder cheerfully. "Night. Get some good dreaming in, okay? And tell me about them tomorrow." He waved as he walked off to head to the inn, seemingly more at ease than usual. Oddly enough to him, talking with her made him feel rather good!
Kieara watched him leave them got up and headed inside. She was tired and turned in early.
Rory went to bed and had an odd dream- or one he felt was odd. It included a voice in his head telling him to work harder, and otherwise just a spec of light. When he woke, he groaned and wondered what it was about. "I wonder what it wants me to work on...But the voice was nice..." Shaking it off, he went to start his usual rounds in the area, starting with Kieara's home. "Morning!"
Kieara smiled. "Morning Rory." she said to him and smiled. "Would you like any vegetables?" she asked offering him any from her shipping bin.
Her question lead him to curiously look at the shipping bin- she already had a nice amount already, and some of it definitely looked tasty. "I'd definitely like some. You got a good haul I see...What should I pay for them?"
She waved a dismissive hand. "Don't worry about it. Take what you like." She felt wrong taking money from rory. And her other friends for that matter. But it felt especially wrong with rory.