Forieri di Tarocchi - Harbingers of Tarot

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Jackson liked the diner, it was a simple enough place. The menu was diverse, and seemed to have all the standard fare. He waved to Iphie as he walked in, taking the seat directly across from her, and began glancing over the menu. "Food at these places is always tough to choose from, I'm a sucker for grilled cheese I think I'll go with that." Jackson shrugged, not really caring what he ate as long as it filled up his stomach and kept him well fed. Homely food like grilled cheese was something Jackson hadn't had much of with his troubled past, so he loved to eat it whenever he could.

"I wonder, are these passes good for everything or just a limited menu?" He frowned, examining the ticket for any details, but was unable to find any. "We're just going to have to hope for the best, if we end up having to pay that'll be awkward, or at the very least it'd make it awakward on my part." Jackons shrugged. "Ah well, even if it is limited Grilled Cheese is simple enough, I'm sure it'd be on the free ticket menu."

With that, Jackson looked to the others, and after the waitress had left decided to start the conversation. "For those who missed it earlier, my Name is Jackson. What'd you all think of that woman? It was...weird." He looked to Iphie with a frown on his face. "Was it just me or did she take a bit longer to start talking? I can't think of why either, we just called our name and card out."
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Day 2 : Morning (7:30 am): Field Trip
At Trinity Institute, the second day of the semester was traditionally known for an academic event that brought students to various research facilities across the campus. It was a day intended for scholastic entertainment before the dredge of classes officially began on the next morning. As such, the general populace of the dorms was met with the sound of buses arriving across the expanse of parking lots. The means of transportation were organized by ascension of floor; however, to make recognition easier for the mass of students, each floor's homeroom teacher was present at their appropriate bus where they were in the progress of supervising the preparation of breakfast. Tables were stretched along the length of each bus, and on their tops, a standard expectation of orange juice, cereal, pancakes, and an offering of protein. Such convenience was a means to consolidate time by eliminating the necessity of students walking to and from the campus dining halls. That being said, there was no rush in regards to student arrival as the time of departure wasn't for another hour and a half.

In the case of Dr. Moon, the man was busy shaking his head in response to Dr. Mu who was sprawled across a beach chair and dressed in an ever-tacky sundress and visor. Initially, he opened his mouth with the intention of commenting on his colleague's display of unprofessional attire; however, it was after short consideration that he thought better of the idea and instead began examining the trip's schedule. Select classes were grouped based on the capacity of their destination, yet in the case of the present, the itinerary was blank; an observation which wholly confused the man at hand.

"Dr. Mu, did you bring the wrong folder?
Our itinerary is blank."

Dr. Mu lightly yawned in response to the question; her attention no more focused than it was before. Yet it was after what felt like an eternity that she snapped her fingers and spoke with a sudden that was in direct, unintentional response to Dr. Moon's earlier declaration.

"That reminds me.
Our group was chosen for the mystery exploration.
I got an email from the vice provost. He stated that our trip would be a surprise, so don't bother looking at the itinerary. It's probably blank.
I don't even know where on campus we are going!"

A loud, heavy sigh exhaled from Dr. Moon as he fell into the nearest chair and began rubbing his temples. A curious, confused expression soon encompassed Dr. Mu's face; however, such emotion was short lived as she quickly shrugged her shoulders and returned to her state of ignorant sunbathing.

It's gonna be a long day...
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After a hearty burger (not the healthiest choice but she could afford to cheat on the first day of school) and some enjoyable conversation with the other five members of her class she had met so far, Kaede headed back to the dorm. The rest of her day was packed with activities. As soon as she got back she went for another run, this time a more casual jog rather than a race. If Liz was amicable she would extend an invitation for the other girl to join her. After that she retired to her room to shower then spend the rest of the afternoon and evening drawing as much as she could. Then an early night's sleep to be ready for the start tomorrow.


Normally an early riser Kaede had no problem getting up with plenty of time to spare for the bus. She took a quick shower and went about packing a bag for the trip while she waited for her hair to dry. When that was done she left the dorm and began the walk down to the meeting place. Today she'd chosen a light blue shirt and black skirt as her outfit, not expecting to be doing much running around on the field trip.

Having left so early she was one of the first to arrive at the bus altogether and the first of her class. She found the two adults in charge lounging about in chairs in front of the bus, Dr Moon looking a bit frustrated. She grabbed a glass of orange juice from the table along with a bowl of cereal before approaching the pair. "Good morning." she said with a bright smile, then added, "Glad to see you in normal clothing today Dr Mu. I think you weirded out some of the class yesterday." The mystique that had surrounded the doctor yesterday while hidden away in the Ravenwood building's concealed room.

She turned her attention onto the male, "Where are we headed today Dr Moon?"
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Kent was perturbed. He looked at the menu, but couldn't find the one thing he was certain almost all diners and eating establishments had... Chicken fingers. It was a safe choice. A generally delicious choice. Yet, to his dismay, this abysmal "Yurich Diner" didn't have his premier choice. He began to examine the menu furiously, a little closer to his face than it should be, and only when everybody else get to ordering did he decide on a whim. "T-teriyaki burger and a coffee please..."

With that struggle done with, he delved into his bag and brought out the book he had been reading all day. He wasn't being rude, he just felt better having the paper divider in between him and the rest of the group. When Jackson stared to converse with them, Kent offered up his own responses.

"They should... And I'll pay for you if they don't.

"Weird, yes." A smirk spread across Kent's face at remembering her minor annoyance from earlier. "She started talking about the High Priestess, Empress and Tower. Our card was Temperance... Weird, yes..." Kent would continue to hide himself away behind his book and offer similar responses throughout the rest of the meal. When the time came to pay, and they all learned their food vouchers were good, Kent would still leave enough money to tip their waitress, if anybody was careless enough not to think of it.


The next day came, and Kent found himself up at an early hour. He would shower, then dress; though not much different from yesterday, his shirt was in a salmon color, and his pants were cargo shorts, instead. With that done, he figured some sort of kit was in order for wherever this class trip of theirs was headed. He didn't have an exact location, or even what it was they would exactly be doing, but loaded up for the worst. Bug spray, sunscreen -- both of which Kent applied generously to himself -- a travel-size first aid kit, a few granola bars he had lying around, a notebook, a pen, and finally, the book he had been reading yesterday.

With that done, and with the slightly bulging bag hanging over his shoulder, Kent made his way down to the Institute buses waiting in the front. There, he would find Kaede gathered around Dr. Moon, and the woman from Ravenwood, as well as other students gathering around their teachers. Kent raised a hand in greeting as he approached. "So you're a teacher?" The man meant nothing by it, but his tone gave the impression that he was in disbelief; as if he didn't think her qualified to be one. With this statement came the next, this time directed at Dr. Moon. "Where are we going?"
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Despite her rather privileged upbringing, Iphigenia was actually not a particularly picky eater. Sure, she could certainly appreciate luxuries of finer dining, but at the same time, she could be content with a £1 hamburger from McDonald's. Whatever it was though, she was really feeling having some good old steak at the moment. "Are they really? Although they have so many choices, diners usually have a few staples that they make very well that you stick with. I've actually found places with small menus the hardest to choose an entrée from. That said, I'll have the steak and eggs and a cream soda."

Flipping her card over a couple of times after ordering, she looked back and forth between Jackson and Kent, although she raised a slight eyebrow at the book-reading kid. "I'd assume it was a blanket meal. If not, don't worry about it, I'll do something about it." She gave them both a sincere smile, but it might have made them question whether it was simply picking up the tab or something more sinister.

"About Dr. Mu, though, you're right. She stared at you the whole time, Jackson." Glancing at her partner again, she continued "'Long' is an understatement. I was looking at my watch; we stared each other down for over three minutes."

The food came a short while later. Having an interesting enough conversation, the rest of the meal and day was uneventful. Iphigenia retired early, knowing that she would be waking up very early next morning for whatever the school orientation had in mind for a field trip.


Iphigenia rose early the next day. It was not often that she woke upthis early, and was thus rather tired when she jumped into the shower and got ready for the day. She was refreshed and awake after the shower though, and went ahead at brewing a pot of green tea. Being aware that there was free food to be served that morning, she skipped making breakfast and only had a morning cup of tea before getting dressed. Her attire for today was barely different from yesterday, consisting again of a black blazer and pleated skirt over a white button down. Instead of a tie of solid red, however, she wore a patterned navy-blue one. The remaining tea in the pot was emptied into a tall metal thermos that went into her messenger bag. After gathering her phone and bag, she was ready for the day.

At the tables, Iphigenia chowed down on a healthy serving of sausages, eggs, and beans over toast. Helping herself to some coffee at the end, she was content enough with the food before making her way over to some familiar faces and her professor with a "Good morning everybody." The way things were organized left her a bit ambivalent, though; Dr. Moon felt exceedingly like a high school homeroom teacher, and the presence of long school buses, likely with uncomfortable, cramped seats, did little to shake the fact that Trinity felt like an extended secondary school experience. She had half a mind to just get into the car and drive herself if she could.

"So, what's the itinerary for today, Dr. Moon?"

  • Keyring, with three keys and a usb stick
    A wallet, containing a pair of IDs, $285, a £10 note, a debit card, an Oyster card, and a credit card
    Nexus 5X Smartphone
    Swiss Army Knife
    Bluetooth Headphones
    A roll of gummy Lifesavers
    Hertz rental car keys
    Clicky Pilot Fountain pen
    Grand Seiko Wristwatch

  • Thinkpad laptop
    USB C charging cable
    A4 size Campus notebook
    Set of generic #2 pencils
    Pack of yuzu gummy candies
    Aluminium thermos with hot green tea
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Sunny. Almost uncomfortably so. Ezekiel had his campus map in hand from a print out from the school website with his laptop case slung over his shoulder held by his other hand. The campus was large and intimidating, not kind to new students or in his case; a transfer. Underneath his fold creased map, a second paper describing the second day field trip. He hadn't glanced over the finer details noting the purpose of the trip, he hadn't cared. He felt he would find out when he embarks. He came upon the dorm quarter, buses lined back to back. Students enjoying a decent breakfast on clean tables. The spontaneous roar of conversation between dozens of students. Ezekiel had kept his dark hood up over his caramel tanned face, shielding him from the bright days rays. His hazel eyes sticking out from the shade. He didn't want to bring too much attention to himself. His embarrassment of showing up late due to a rough moving process had him flustered. He aimed to try and make an impressionable introduction, in lieu of the university's high professional profile. Ironically, he himself screamed in contrast. His black hoodie, white tee-shirt, green cargoes, and timberland's gave off a more street vibe than he could've afforded to.

With him having made it, he folded up his papers together and stuffed them into his back pocket. He buried his hands into his side pockets, his posture slightly slouched forward as he gazed towards the ground. He ambled his way over towards the buses, eyeing the teachers in front of each, looking for the face of his homeroom teacher. Should the pictures on the school site have been up to date, he should find a "Mr. Moon". Before continuing his search, he looked around the campus quarter, taking in all the students that dotted the area. So many age and grade ranges. He appreciated the diversity, but couldn't help but feel out of place. He began to wonder if any of the students here needed as many scholarships and federal aid as he and his family did. He quickly felt like this scene was above him, a plate he couldn't stomach. Already self-doubt was clouding his thoughts. Anyone perceptive or highly empathetic could see the self-indulging toxicity he was emanating. Ezekiel shut his eyes for a moment, let the cloud pass and shake the thoughts off. He focused back on finding his bus and his teacher. He recalled back to the teacher profiles on the school site, he was assigned with Mr. Moon. Someone who Ezekiel felt looked comically disinterested with everything. Part of him feared that his disinterest would be a root for a snarky attitude, making the year spent possibly unpleasant. He hadn't expected anything enjoyable from such a high profile university, but a refreshing circle of peers would be more than welcome. Shooting quick glances at each teacher he roamed by, he kept a mental tally of each face for future reference. He slowly crept up on Mr. Moon, that cross fixation plastered on his face was unmistakable. Ezekiel felt a little nervous making an attempt to strike up conversation with the man. He seemed impatient at the moment. "Mr. Moon?" Ezekiel began, his voice was low but smooth; "You're to be my homeroom teacher? My name is Ezekiel, if you can recall that name. Lannister, Ezekiel."

  • Samsung Galaxy S5(On vibrate)
    Black leather wallet holding an ID, HEMA club card, credit card, medical card, chipotle gift card, selective service card, $82.76
    House keys
    Laser pointer
  • Asus Laptop
    Blank copybook
    Packet of loose leaf
    Opened packet of mechanical pencils
    Small journal
    Case of pencil leads
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Day 2 : Morning : Dr. Magus' Lab
For Dr. Moon, it came as no surprise when the question of the day became an inquiry towards the trip's itinerary. If the chaperons knew nothing of the trip's agenda then there was little chance that the students knew anything at all. Regardless, one by one, the masses arrived, each taking the time to not only say hello but also ask the fateful question that he had no answer for. An apologetic smile encompassed his face as a shrug of his shoulders followed by a quick "I'm not sure," was all that he could offer to those who asked. Overall, time passed with little change; the gradual come and go of students acquiring their breakfast, asking their questions, and eventually making their way onto the bus. Nonetheless, it was only Dr. Moon who seemed to be experiencing particular levels of headache and stress. All aspects of management had been thrown his way all while his colleague, chatting happily with a group of girls, continued to enjoy her sun-filled morning.

As expected, heavy sighs filled the air over the course of the morning, and it wasn't until just before the time of departure that Dr. Moon was given a small change of pace through the arrival of a new face. The subsequent introduction was basic; however, it was more than enough to distract the professor from his suffering.

"Of course, its good of you to finally join us, Ezekiel.
You missed yesterday's assignment; however, I believe we can look past such minor elements.
Enjoy yourself on today's trip."

Dr. Moon's tone of voice was neutral as he accepted Ezekiel's introduction with a quick handshake and nod. Nonetheless, the moment was short-lived as he turned his attention towards the remaining students and clapped his hands to garner their attention.

"It is about time we load onto the bus.
The time of departure is at hand."


The length of the trip was short and familiar as the final destination was hardly a surprising location...The Academic Tower. Across the bus, numerous groans erupted from the crowd; however, they were quickly silenced by Dr. Moon's surprisingly booming announcement of "Quiet." Being the only bus present, it took little time before the class of twenty students were ushered into the lobby where a feminine figure dressed in a lab coat was waiting for their arrival.

"Hello, class of Dr. Moon and Mu.
My name is Dr. Valinheym, and I will be your escort for today's field trip.
As many of you are probably unaware, your class was chosen for the lucky opportunity of experiencing Dr. Magus' research first hand. For any new students in the crowd, Dr. Magus is Provost of Trinity Institute, and one of the world's leading professionals in the research and development of virtual technology.
As we make our way to the upper floors, please prepare for the deposit of any loose technology on your person. This includes cameras, cell phones, even watches or pagers.
This way now."

The group of students were directed past the usual student elevators and down an unfamiliar hall which led to a grouping of service elevators. Larger in size and capacity, these elevators were capable of transporting the entirety of the class, in addition to their capability of reaching the upper, out-of-bound floors. With a swipe of Dr. Valinheym's card key and a press of twenty-five, the class was soon on its way to an upper lobby which resembled an airport security check more than an academic lounge. In line with the escort's previous announcement, the group of students were directed into a single file line from which each individual was required to relinquish any claim of technology. Soon after, academic identification was confirmed from each individual as they were one-by-one ushered into the room thereafter.

Inside, technological advancement was the only way to describe the futuristic-nature that defined the expansive room. Components of numerous supercomputers stretched the distance of every wall, and from the output of those components, countless wires ran towards the center of the room where a large, silicon cube stood with a single glass door facing the entrance of the room. Surrounding the cube and spread across the entirety of the room, numerous scientists and researchers were busy scrambling about; however, most striking was a single, robe-clad man who stood with a confident grin plastered across his face.

"Greetins, ladies and gentlemen of Trinity Institute.
It's about time we get started with my show.
We got a lot to do and all day to do it, but to start...Who's my first volunteer?"
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So they didn't know. That was... not reassuring. Not very reassuring at all. Some sort of ruse, perhaps? Potentially, though he didn't see what good it did to keep the students in the dark. The man held bad about for Mr. Moon who was left with the tedium while the woman -- who, in Kent's mind, was definitely not a teacher -- lounged about like she were on vacation. "An actual witch, yep," he said to no one in particular while staring at Dr. Mu.

He continued to eat the disposable bowl of cereal as he waited for the rest of his class to arrive, and for them to eventually depart.


There was an audible disappointment from nearly everybody as they rolled up to the school. Was that why they were blank? To ensure as many stuck around as possible while only delaying the inevitable washout of having a trip to your own school? Seemed plausible, though Kent figured he would have come even if it had been known.

Dr. Moon was quick to quiet the dismay of the many students, and had began to usher them all to the lobby. They were met by a Dr. Valinheym. She seemed unremarkable, outside of of she was undoubtedly a woman. He could see some of the older, male students in front of him snicker and jab at each other. Kent simply drew out his book as the woman went on with her explanation, listening all the while.

With the doctor's words out of the way, they were led to the elevator which would fit the entirety of the class. "Wonder what these are usually for..." Kent said as he flipped a page and they slowly ascended. They arrived to the screening room, and Kent relinquished all which was considered "tech" from his person. He flashed his student ID when asked for it, and proceeded with the rest into the next room.

There the answer to the man's previous question had been answered. Huge machines lined the walls, all of them seemingly connected to a cubical room of glass through the myriad wires about the room. It was rather... ominous, though such feelings were above Kent's head at the current time. At their arrival, the man one could only presume to be Dr. Magus began to speak. He needed a volunteer, that much was stated plain, though for what was still kept a mystery from the group. Without much hesitation on the matter, or even much thought, Kent found his hand shot far above his head, like a kid still in elementary school. Whatever it was Magus needed them for, it sounded like it was going to be a lot of fun.
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Iphigenia was probably not the only one to be raising her eyebrows in apprehension at their professor's reply. The answer of "I don't know" was rarely a good one coming from a professional of any type, and the well-dressed girl found herself mildly irritated that her instructor simply did not know where they were going. Of course, her plans to meet the group at the destination in the relative comfort of a rental Camry was dashed by the fact that she was in the dark, and following a column of yellow school buses was not exactly a pastime of hers, either.

In the end, she helped herself to another offering of tea and a morning greeting to her new partner before being shuffled onto the bus for departure. Iphigenia was not amused, however, when the vehicle simply turned onto the plaza several meters away, proudly letting off a burst of steam as its doors opened… to the main campus building. Drinking her tea furiously, she was ready to demand what kind of games Dr. Moon was playing at while the other buses roared away into the horizon. Even if the ultimate destination was some on-campus event, she found herself growing increasingly irate. After all, she expected to be treated like an adult in university, not given the run around with games like boarding and disembarking buses unnecessarily.

Soon enough though, they were all clued in on what the business was, although she was still unhappy about the unprofessionalism in the manner it was conducted. Some of that annoyed attention was replaced by mild curiosity as a lab coated doctor heavily implied the subject manner of their visit. With a shoe in the tech industry herself, she was intrigued about what their provost had to offer. Quickly enough though, she had another mild bout of annoyance when she was subjected to a security screening that was seemingly more rigorous than that of customs at an international airport. She was understanding though; corporate espionage was a real thing, and Iphie was well acquainted with the security of the high-tech facilities that her family's company ran. While she found room to make a casual joke about their definition of technology, upon light inquiry, it was clarified that it was more for the protection of their own electronics. She wasn't fond of relinquishing her devices, but ended up leaving behind even her mechanical watch, unsure of exactly what sort of magnetic or radiological interference (hopefully not) that they would experience ahead.

Taking a sip from her thermos, the technology minded girl was mildly impressed as she looked around the room they entered. Granted, the environment was rather messy for her taste; wires ran sloppily from the center of the room to a vast expanse of rack-mounted server equipment that seemed to make up the bulk of an in-house supercomputer. Her eyes finally drawing to the center of the room, she gazed over the cube shaped curiosity, seemingly appraising it before her attention was taken by an anachronistic looking old man in a robe. He had a rather smug, confident smile drawn across his face, an expression that was not unfamiliar to her at all.

She didn't know what the rather nerdy man had to show, but whatever it was, it was likely going to be interesting or related to her career. Not about to pass up the opportunity to experience whatever secretive technology he had, Iphigenia was more vocal in her offer to volunteer. She stepped forward.

"I'd certainly like to."

  • Keyring, with three keys and a usb stick
    A wallet, containing a pair of IDs, $285, a £10 note, a debit card, an Oyster card, and a credit card
    Swiss Army Knife
    A roll of gummy Lifesavers
    Hertz rental car keys
    Clicky Pilot Fountain pen

  • USB C charging cable
    A4 size Campus notebook
    Set of generic #2 pencils
    Pack of yuzu gummy candies
    Aluminium thermos with hot green tea
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Ezekiel found himself a little taken aback. He almost didn't expect a fair reception from Moon, let alone a handshake. He felt Moon would take the roll of the irate. Judging from the visage he wore prior to Ezekiel approaching him, he almost felt now was a bad time for introductions. It made no difference now. The shaky start was out of the way, though the process went a lot smoother; and faster than Ezekiel felt it would. He almost felt underwhelmed. He returned a firm handshake and gave Moon a single nod. "I have the time to make up that first assignment, if you want. I'll ask you about it after the trip." He released Moon's hand and entered the high maintenance bus, pulling his hood back down behind his neck. Soon after a late realization sprung into the back of his mind. "I.. Forgot to remove my hood. Damn, I was so dead set on making an impression and I'm walking up to my professor thugging it." Ezekiel blew through his teeth and took the nearest seat on the bus. Lounging back lazily at the corner of the seat, peering out the window.

The bus was nearing its end route. The students arrived at a large, clean tower. Something that Ezekiel only read from science fiction. The facility was impressive. A far cry from the concrete and brick he's used to seeing from his hometown. He took the parking sequence to pry at his surroundings once more. The bus was orderly, the students well dressed, built in devices and catering lined the insides. It was a wealthy, exclusive environment. He's not ignorant to the finer elements of living, but he always felt like it wasn't his scene. He was down to Earth. Okay with just being comfortable. He began to wonder if being exposed to such luxury will change that idealism. Ezekiel knows he's prone to changing ideas and opinions. On one hand, he understands the importance of being aware in a constantly shifting technological era. On the other, he feels he's going to outrun himself following the allure of the future. His thoughts were derailed by Moon's outburst. The shout mildly startling him, then devolving into brief aggravation from the noise. "The fuck?" Ezekiel muttered angrily. He rose from his seat as the rest of the students and teachers poured from the bus. Dragging his laptop case up with him, stuffing his free hand into his pocket. He followed the group of twenty into the large towering facility. His curiosity growing the closer he came to the doors.

Inside, the group was greeted by a woman. A Dr. Valinheym. Her labcoat made her stick out to other professors of the University, signifying a change in authority. Truthfully, Ezekiel had been far too enamored by his own thoughts than to pay attention to what the context of the situation was. The woman mentioned having to let go of any devices before continuing the tour, to that Ezekiel was unaffected. As long as his things were kept safe. As they group continued, he pulled his laptop case over in front of his chest and stuffed his phone inside. They all entered an abnormally large elevator, a size Ezekiel had never guessed an elevator would need to be. The Doctor had swiped her card and punched in a number combination on the keypad, Ezekiel had glanced at the process idly. The elevator escalated to an upper lobby area, where the group was introduced to a prestigious member of the University, Dr. Magus. Any and all tech the students had on them was asked to be released before entering the lab. Ezekiel had given up his laptop case and admired all of the equipment. The room felt like he was in a scientific lair, he could only make comparisons to fiction in his head about what he has seen. It was all an experience in its own right. Dr. Magus had called out to the group, asking if anyone would like to participate. Ezekiel thought about it, but he was still hoping to not bring attention to himself and instead opt out to observe instead.
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Jackson was disappointed to say the least, when the bus pulled less than a block away to their "Exotic location" of the day. He had been one of the latest students on to the bus, and had in fact only just managed to hop on before it started to roll away. He hadn't meant to sleep in, but he had trouble falling asleep, he was worried about getting along with people in this new school, he needed friends after all. He'd managed to eat dinner with some nice enough people, and they seemed friendly enough, but the stare that Dr. Moon had given him was worrying, did she know about his past? it was likely given how prestigious the school was. How would the others treat him then? The idea had him on edge. Fortunately he had managed to get on the bus just in time, but breakfast had eluded him.

Jackson, unlike many of the other students wasn't carrying anything that needed to be removed when the electronics purge come by, he wasn't quite sure how to feel, but he never did have a cell phone, and he left pretty much everything else at home when he came to school anyway. The large elevator was kind of neat, if a bit over-sized, and his group seemed to be in relatively good spirits. He himself wasn't sure how much he'd understand the tech aspect of the trip, but a part of him hoped that he could follow along.

When the group was asked for Volunteers, Jackson felt torn. On one hand he probably should go up with his partner in case it was some kind of test, but Jackson felt he'd drawn more than enough attention to himself for the next couple days, so instead he stood still, praying they didn't ask for more volunteers. He would let Iphie take the stage, and hopefully attract a lot less stares, still...he should support his teammate.

"Hey, Iphie." He said as she walked past him. "Good luck."
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Well that's weird, Kaede thought as the bus arrived at its destination. They hadn't even left the school grounds. She wondered if they were being punished for something that had happened yesterday, had people completely failed to fulfil the Ravenwood exercise? It was clear from the groans of her fellow students they were not pleased and she shared the sentiment. This was the exact opposite of what she had been hoping for. Dr Moon acted quickly to quiet them all and she guessed he too wasn't happy with what was going on, being left in the dark and all.

She followed the group off the bus into the lobby where their guide awaited them. 'Experiencing' Dr Magus's research seemed like an odd choice of words, until she heard what field he was working in. But what was up with the names of everyone here she asked herself. Moon being part of the Tarot set, Mu being the twelfth Greek letter of the alphabet and possibly a numeric relation to the Tarot, Valinheym being a very odd sounding one and now a Magus doing research. Everyone had some weird connection to what they did.

Following the guide, after the elevator ride up, she dropped off her watch and phone and entered the next room. Which looked like it had been pulled directly out of star trek or a similar sci-fi movie. Every bit of available wall space appeared to be used and any gaps were filled by the wires connecting everything. It gave her pause and she spent some time slowly sweeping her gaze over everything until a man spoke up. Dressed in a robe rather than a lab coat, maybe it was because she'd been studying the cards yesterday, he looked more like a hermit than a scientist.

Two other students stepped forward as volunteers, both of them from the group yesterday. She hadn't been planning on volunteering at first but changed her mind and stepped forward next to Iphigenia.
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Arc 1: Afternoon : Dr. Magus' Lab
Overall, the class seemed hesitant in response to the announcement made by the mysterious researcher, yet gradually, hands began to raise as interested souls braved the unknown and made their step forward. Open arms welcomed their approach as Dr. Magus directed the volunteers towards the interior of the silicone cube before turning his attention back to the students who remained on the outside. On his face, a small scowl was present; however, his cheeky tone of voice gave evidence that his current disposition was entirely comical and benign in nature.

"You need balls ladies and gentlemen.
Life isn't so kind that you can expect to cruise without a strong expression of self. I was hoping for a larger selection of testers, but I guess this will do. Everyone's gonna experience what's coming anyways.
Sooo, without further ado, take it away crew."

At Dr. Magus' cue, preparation began to occur across the entirety of the room. Assistants rushed to confirm the validity of the system's stability; others began the start-up procedure for the demonstration; and Dr. Magus made his way into the cube where he and the volunteers were subsequently locked within. After several minutes of preparation passed, Dr. Valinheym walked to the front of the class where she began a quick debriefing for the event to come.

"As previously stated, all technology must have been relinquished back in the lobby. If you failed to heed this warning, Trinity Institute is no longer responsible for the inevitable destruction of your property. If you choose to step outside at this moment, you will not be allowed re-admittance, and your professor will then provide a make-up assignment of his or her choosing.
We ask that each and every one of you remain calm and civil for the duration of the event. Furthermore, we ask that you please remember everything you experience today is entirely virtual. In no way, can any element harm your physical body as they fail to truly exist within our realm.
None of you are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement; however, we ask that public conversation be minimal until our official release in the upcoming week.
With all this being said, the demonstration will begin momentarily, and I hope everyone enjoys our show."

Immediately at conclusion, Dr. Valinheym turned to walk towards a particular side of the room where a large monitor was displaying a slew of foreign symbols and numbers. There, she returned to her original job of monitoring the system's stability and ensuring a successful run for the first public test of a lifetime's worth of research. For the students, time continued to pass with little change to the environment apart from the sound of numerous whirring fans as the system began to boot. Within the cube, Dr. Magus, who was giddily grinning, displayed an obvious, shared anticipation for the momentous event at hand.


All in all, it was very sudden; an unexpected descent into absolute darkness followed by a sudden flash of light which revealed the new environment within the room. From a perspective within the cube, everything was anew. As far as the eyes could reach, lush grass and crystal clear lakes now encompassed the expansive terrain which seemed to be enclosed by a range of mountains at its max distance. In the sky, large floating islands existed all while slowly trudging along varying paths of trajectory. In terms of immersion, every aspect of the world felt real to the senses; the gentle, cool breeze; the softness of the grass; even the sounds of rushing water from waterfalls which fell in the distance. That being said, interaction with the world was somewhat limited as the range of movement was restrained to the area of the silicon cube. In terms of virtual reality, this included several feet of grass in every direction apart from the north-facing side which bordered a lake.

"Welcome to my world, ladies and gentlemen.
For everyone outside, it sucks you ain't experiencing what these guys are cause lemme tell ya.
It's nothing less than straight bad-ass up in here."

The words of Dr. Magus were spoken for all to hear; however, anything said by those outside was unable to be heard by those inside. As a whole, the students who were not within the cube were experiencing an entirely different setting; one that was without a doubt lackluster, yet still somewhat engaging. A virtual 3D rendition of the interior's setting was projected across the entirety of the room, and while the setting was not as realistic as it could be, the senses were still lightly stimulated by the experience. Students or assistants who stood in an area of rendered water still felt the light chill of its temperature, and those who stood upon the ground, felt a light softness under their feet. Overall, the climate of the room seemed to have changed, and a light breeze occasionally passed for all to feel.

"This is the pinnacle of virtual technology that will change the world!
Right now, my stuff is very limited by the sheer power required to render this environment, and as a whole, there isn't much to do, but damn, is it awesome.
Of course, many of you are probably thinking, 'Sure this is cool, but how does it apply to our future to come?'
Well...the answer to that is unlimited.
Check this out."

Reaching into his robe, Dr. Magus retrieved several cards which he tossed in the direction of the volunteers all while leaving one in his hand. On the front face of the card was a simple illustration of a particular object; while, on the rear face, a circuit-like pattern stretched the length of the card. Immediately, Dr. Magus traced this circuit pattern with his finger causing the card to seemingly dissolve into pixels and instead become replaced with an object of the illustration. In the case of Dr. Magus' card, he was now holding a wooden staff embedded with the same circuit pattern in his hands.

"Selfish design out of my own interests; however, these cards can be used to generate anything within my world space. The applications are limitless...military simulation...educational simulation...the list goes on. If it exists in our world, it can be represented as data in mine.
Of course, that's all these cards are. They're made from thinly pressed circuit board which stores the data of the objects you wish to render. Running your finger along the pattern, triggers a signal for the cube to render the appropriate object. Furthermore, the same technology that has rendered this space, continues to trick your brain and makes the card, quote-on-quote, invisible. If you trigger the object's despawn by tracing the object's circuit, the reverse of this event occurs.
Now just how awesome is that, ladies and gentlemen? The future is coming and you guys are grasping it first.
But for now let's let our volunteers play around for a bit, then afterword, we might be able to run one more simulation for some more lucky volunteers."

Click This: A golden scepter
Doughguy: A green, blue, and red marble (3 total)
Voltin: A withering white seed and a vibrant black rose petal.

To add some extra clarification, anyone outside is still experiencing a scene. Imagine a giant hologram encompassing the entirety of the room. Furthermore, the hologram is still stimulating the senses to a small level. If your standing in water, its gonna lightly feel like it, but not entirely. A sorta half-assed realism.
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Kent was taken aback. The darkness, immediately followed by light, only to reveal a world-space within the confines of the cube. A light breeze graced his neck, shaking him from his shock. A fan blowing from within? The man could have sworn there to be nothing inside the cube besides the group prior to the transition, and the box seemed put together well enough for such a pleasant breeze to be flowing through it.

The three testing students listened as Dr. Magus gave the entire class an introduction. Kent fell unceremoniously onto his back, testing the limit to his senses only to feel the light tickle of grass grace the back of his neck. The good doctor continued to talk, even as Kent went pale. Everything within this box felt real, yet obviously wasn't it; a conflict of sensation and knowing was causing the ever most lurch he had ever felt within his stomach, and would have vomited in the lake were it not for his knowing.

Not paying attention, Kent was taken by surprise as the card Dr. Magus threw at him landed on the top of his head. Kent had stopped listening somewhere during his disassociation, but tried focusing on the older man's words for nothing more than to benefit his own nerves. As he finished his speech, Kent traced the pattern of his own card; a soothing motion, a feeling which was not replaced even as the card was replaced by two separate objects. White and black, the color of his objects were what he had noticed at first. Both were associated with death. Why was that the first thing his mind came upon? Was he really so negatively affected by this unreal place?

Kent decided not to think about it. Instead, he got up, and decided to play around in the simulation like the doctor had said. The first thing that came to mind was the altering of his senses. Insofar, his sight, hearing, touch and smell had been tricked by the VR. He decided, perhaps carelessly or recklessly, to test taste as well. He popped the seed in his mouth and chewed. The texture seemed right, though it wasn't as if Kent made the habit of eating seeds. As for the taste itself, well, it was a seed; the man wasn't quite sure what he had expected.

Furthering his test, Kent approached the lake, and cupped the water to his mouth. He tasted it, and it tasted clean. He felt his thirst sated, yet knew continued occupation of this room would eventually kill a person. Overall, this room had him feel uneasy. "This is weird..." he said to no one in particular, and loud enough for everybody to hear, yet his tone belayed an obvious distaste instead of the confusion associated with the phrase.
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Iphigenia was, well, fairly impressed. Although she had no hand in VR, she was well up-to-date on the VR industry, and she'd never seen anything like what Dr. Magus was demonstrating here. Even a layperson would know such technology would be groundbreaking. She had found herself, after stepping into the cubed room, in what appeared like another world entirely. The dim darkness of the room was replaced by a fantastic scene. Twisting around, she was surrounded by an expanse of lush grass and water, with a brilliant sun overhead. In the distance were mountains and floating islands. It felt like stepping into a studio Ghibli film. Even the other senses seemed to simulated; she could feel the breeze on her skin, hear the ambient sounds of the landscape, and, kneeling down towards the grass, smell the freshness of the plants. It really was quite amazing.

"A holodeck. Somebody's done it; you've done it. A bloody holodeck!"

Being of the technically minded sort, after Iphie had her moment of reverie in the simulation, she wanted to experiment. She picked at the grass, walked to the limited of the cube, even jumping and nibbling on a blade of grass. The tech being demonstrated was beyond futuristic, but she knew that there had to be some underlying concept that could allow for this technology. Sensory feel was easy to simulate, but smell and sight without goggles was not. Had Dr. Magus mastered messing around with brainwaves? It would certainly explain all the electronic precautions and didn't seem all too… safe, but she noted that none of them were required to sign anything, even NDAs. Odd.

These thoughts were interrupted by the words of Dr. Magus. She found little to dispute in his words, even nodding knowingly as she made an educated guess as to what sort of processing power would be needed to render something like this. And indeed, the possibilities for applications were limitless. Her mind somehow fell back to holodecks.

Iphie was surprised by the card sent flying towards her, but managed to catch the curious looking object between two fingers, courtesy of hand-eye coordination through several years of fencing practice in secondary school. Flipping the card over several times, she followed the man's instruction, tracing her finger along the pattern etched into the card. Doing so, the card seemed to digitally fade away before being replaced by a golden scepter in her hands. Intrigued, she twirled the pole several times before looking at it in several directions, curiously looking at its ornamentation and wondering if it actually was accurately simulated. She rapped the orb several times with her knuckles before actually carefully biting down own a metal piece, curious if it would deform.

Regardless of the result, she was thoroughly entertained and done a full 360 in her earlier disappointment. After all, it was not like there was much else to see in Maine besides lobsters, fish, and national parks.
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The last thing Jackson had been expecting was Virtual reality when he walked in through the giant elevator, so he was decently surprised. He figured that whatever tech was required to even comprehend this was far beyond what Jackson was even able to comprehend, so the boy only said, "Cool..." Kneeling down he reached over to a stream curious at it's cold and chilled feel. It was as if they had stepped into a new biome, or some kind of alternate world. Jackson attempted to pull some water up to see if he could, but unfortunately the water remained, a reminder of ow fake it truly was. Jackson didn't pay much attention to what was going on for those "inside", although he briefly chuckled at Iphie's scepter when he glanced up for a moment. He hadn't known the girl long, but it seemed to be at least somewhat fitting.

Turning his attention back to the stream, Jackson frowned, it was interesting and all, but it seemed to have a rather small impact range. The volunteers had it better? Then why not make it in a larger area, or why create a weaker area around it? Jackson was a bit skeptical of it. He understood that it was a pretty amazing technological feat, but how readily available would it be to people like him or his family who couldn't afford much? Jackson shook his head, he wasn't here to be a skeptic, he should enjoy what he could get, which was pretty cool.

The Doctor said there were potentially a chance for more Volunteers? Jackson figured that maybe he'd get a chance to see what it was really like in true VR before seeing if he could form a true opinion.
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Darkness … to light, and the reveal that boggled the mind. Kaede found herself standing in a field of grass with the other volunteers. She immediately put her hand out in front of herself and took a few steps forward until she felt the wall of the cube on her palm. It only amazed her more. This was beyond what you saw in sci-fi. They weren't laying down trapped in headsets as their mind received the information of a new world. This was physical, overlaid on top of true reality. She looked upward to the islands floating above them. She could hear the waterfalls pouring off them, feel the breeze blowing through the air, the movement of the grass underfoot.

It was so real she wished it was bigger. The temptation to run off into the distance testing as much as she could pulled at her mind, no matter how irrational it was with the cube's limits. Listening to Dr Magus she couldn't help but agree with his words as boasting as they were. A grin took over her face and her previous suspicions were temporarily forgotten. For a moment it occurred to her being in the cube might be a bit dangerous, given that it had the capability to destroy any technology they held. She turned to Dr Magus and assumed he wouldn't be in it unless it was.

She caught the card as it was thrown to her and examined both sides. On the front were a trio of marbles in differing colours while the back had a line pattern. She watched how the doctor handled his and replicated his actions. Where the card had once been now three marbles were pinched between her fingers. She almost dropped them immediately but managed to roll then back into her palm where they were safer. She ran her hands over them, trying her hardest to feel the invisible card. She split the marbles into individuals but the illusion remained. It was amazing.

Walking over to the lake she held out the blue marble and over its surface and dropped it, watching the splash and ripples roll outwards from the point of impact. Standing near the water she heard Kent's distaste with the simulation. "You've never dreamed of this?" she asked him, "It's like a sneak preview of the future that books and movies have been promising for decades." She dropped the green marble onto the grass and rolled it around with her foot. She left the red marble in her grip and squeezed and rolled it around, trying to find any weakness in the simulation.
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"Balls, he says. I've got stones, but I'm not willing to crack them. Not on some freak experiment." Ezekiel sneered in thought. He crossed his arms and narrowed his glare towards the adventurous handful of students willing to brave the main event. They all gathered together inside the silicone cube, the whole scene reminded Ezekiel of Charley and the Chocolate Factory. Curious tourists trying at a mystical attraction, though the unfortunate turn-around was yet to be seen. If one were to take place, Ezekiel couldn't help but feel he'd laugh to himself about it later. The mechanism whirled and hummed as the system had boot online, the cube locked in place and the eccentric host couldn't wipe this unconstrained grin off his face. Soon, the room was blanketed by a three dimensional holographic image of the world the students were inside.

"Something out of a fantasy. I didn't think we were this far into VR... I thought we were still at the obnoxious headgear and cables. Now we have actual chambers?" Ezekiel was amazed. He almost regret not having raised his hand, but took comfort in being in the backseat and witnessing it all from a more secure distance. The world was crisp, bright, and felt strangely alive for being unnatural. "But... What of the psychological affects? Something to this scale wouldn't sit well with some people, wouldn't it? I should ask that, if someone else doesn't." Ezekiel returned to the demonstration. His attention returned just in time to see Dr. Magus summon a modest wooden staff. Ezekiel couldn't help but strike a small grin in amusement. He wished to spawn in arms and play around with a data sword and shield. "I could spar with someone... Nah... I doubt people share that sort of interest anymore."
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Arc 1: Late Afternoon : Dr. Magus' Lab
Out of all the reactions to the VR system, it was Iphigenia's elated response which stirred Dr. Magus' equally ecstatic outburst. Booming laughter first spread throughout the room before the eccentric elder soon began to announce the plans he held for the future of his creation.

"A bloody holodeck?...That's only the start, my dear.
My vision spans far past the integration of a simple 'holodeck.'
There's a world out there. Physical it may not be, yet physical it will become.
Earth is a brilliant atmosphere that has developed alongside of our kind's evolution for countless centuries. Yet even in this day and age of endless innovation, we kind those who struggle to find their place. Outliers whose ideals or lifestyles cannot conform to the expectations of our society. You could say, it is for these individuals...myself included...that this research has spanned a decade of this academy's recent past.
Perhaps, society calls it the internet...the web; however, in my eyes...It is nothing more than a reality waiting to be merged into our own."

As Dr. Magus spoke, his tone became gradually more grandiose; a culmination of his inspiration and love for the project which had become a literal child to the kin-less man. To many, the implications of his words might have seemed nothing more than a pipe dream fantasized from a senile elder, yet a single glimpse into his eyes told all that needed to be said. Whether unfeasible or not, it was pure conviction which fueled the project's development, and from the perspective of an outsider, perhaps just maybe, there was potential sense lying veiled in the words of his speech. Regardless, his emotional presentation of self was somewhat short-lived as his usual confident demeanor shortly returned with a zealous grin upon his face.

The remainder of the demonstration was left for the volunteers to continue to explore. In this time, Dr. Magus simply stood in observation of the student's experiments with the world and their tools; however, his attention was subtly diverted to a particular phenomena off to the side. No obvious actions were performed by the man apart from a simple inspection of distant terrain. Were any student, inside or out, standing by or gazing towards the same direction, they might have noticed a gradual change in the environment. Slowly, grass began to wilt along an ever-growing path, while alongside of it, obsidian flowers began to rapidly bloom. However as time passed, what might have started as an insignificant feature, soon developed into a noticeable transition as the rate of decay and bloom soon began to overtake the distant fields surrounding the location of the cube.

"Who has called upon our name~?
What little boy has summoned our game?"

Two gentle voices whispered a singsong tone; their faint words carried along an ever-soft breeze which solely caressed the ears of those who stood within the cube. Reaction was immediate. Dr. Magus began rapidly clapping his hands as a signal for the demonstration to be cut. In a matter of seconds, the outer holographic projection and the inner VR display faded to black and gradually returned to the original lighting of the room. Hearty laughter boomed from the elder who began quickly began addressing the reason for their sudden commencement.

"It seems not every bug was ironed out.
Can't have everyone seeing the cool features meant for our public conference prior to the event, now can we?
Unfortunately, it seems we will have to dismiss today's fun, early.
Perhaps in the future, we can arrange another opportunity for additional volunteers, and if that opportunity arises, I will personally coordinate the event with Dr. Moon.
Until then, study hard, innovate for the future, and lead Trinity Institute to a greater future."

Dr. Magus' conclusion was immediately followed with a move of departure from the room. However, it was after he had walked half the distance that the elder came to a quick stop, turned his attention back to the class, and procured another card from his robe.

"As an apology for cutting today's event short.
A memento, free of charge."

On the card, an illustration of an ornate dagger was present among what appeared to be a pile of sand. Shortly after his explanation, the card was tossed towards the crowd of students where its trajectory left it bound to land at the position where Ezekiel stood. With one final wave, Dr. Magus departed from the room, leaving the control of the disappointed class in the hands of Dr. Moon. Apart from the eventual return back to the dorms, nothing further occurred for the remainder of the afternoon which was left in the hands of the students; however, upon immediately stepping out of the VR cube, Iphegenia might have experienced a lingering metallic aftertaste, and Kent might have noticed lingering pieces of the seed that he ate stuck in his mouth.

Notes (AKA everything I forgot to write since distraction op):
1) Ihpie and Dough's Girl have their items reverted back to cards.
2) Kent does not have a card anymore.
3) Ezekiel just has a card.
4) ONLY the people INSIDE the cube heard the faint whisper...if they even did.
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Kent, in the glory of the realistic virtual simulation, was busy playing with his teeth. Rather, he was gently flicking his tongue against the piece of shell stuck between his teeth. It was odd, he thought sitting on the space's grass, how real it felt yet knowing it wasn't. Like a dream where you suddenly become lucid, he was trying to make sense of the world around him, yet couldn't.

"Books and movies are always grounds for conflict..." he said lazily to Kaede without sparing her a glance, instead opting to simply stare out in front of him.

Not soon after did the doctor start his rant, through which did the college student discern a sense of self importance, and perhaps fanaticism from the man. Sane, yet crazed, was how Kent thought to describe him. Then, Kent noticed, things had started to change.

Obsidian death. It had started small, almost unnoticeable were you not looking for it, but Kent saw it just the same. It spread, slowly at first, but as it covered more of an area the faster it seemed to encompass its surroundings. A stray thought. How would this transition feel while here... Then, whispers, followed by a clap. The simulation was over, yet Kent could feel his ears ringing, his heart rate slightly elevated from the deviation. Exiting the cube, Kent looked back and had a single thought. What was that...?

The class had been dismissed, probably much earlier than had been intended as the other groups of students were likely not back yet. There was mild disappointment as he saw the other two volunteers with their reassembled cards, but it was only a brief sensation. He strolled down the hall towards the elevators which would bring the class back to ground level, but stopped before the metal detectors. It had been a casual flick of the tongue, a lingering motion from his short time in the simulation. Inside his teeth, was the splinter of white from his earlier snack. He picked it out, and simply looked at it. "It's still here."
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