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"I'm not a big eater Gregory. But I'll eat allittle with you." Griffin went back to the kitchen. He made himself a small plate then he returned to the living room. He sat on a stool not far from the recliner where his fiancée was sitting. He loved being with Gregory. He was glad to have the younger man home. He didn't like being alone so he had practically lived at the hospital with the other man. Now they could be home together. It made him feel better. He felt safe again. Gregory always made him feel safe. It wasn't a feeling that he knew very well but it was one that he treasured. He picked at the food on his plate.
Gregory laughed and patted the older man heartily. "You gotta eat, so you would always be healthy," he remarked. He watched Griffin as the man went to the kitchen to fix himself a small plate and picked at the food on his plate. His lips quirked upwards in a small smile, his chest felt warm and comfortable near Griffin. He didn't know why, but he enjoyed the feeling. He would like to know more about this man, the man he once loved dearly.
"I eat. Just not much or often." he had never been allowed to eat much or often so he never had much of an appetite. He tried for Gregory though. When the younger man eat he tried to do the same. The other man use to cox him to eat. He knew it would be awhile before he got that again. He missed the easy relationship.he missed knowing that someone cared or him.he was scared that Gregory wouldn't be able to love him again. What if the coma changed the younger man. He didn't think he could take Gregories rejection.the younger man was the only person who had seen and treated him like a human. He couldn't go back to what he had been before Gregory. He had worked hard to get this far. "is it ok?"
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