Forging New Paths

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Luca made a thoughtful face, trying to remember as he settled cross-legged near the newspaper on the ground. He was still thinking about it when Watson came over, and just worked around him once he'd settled in the cradle of his legs, unbothered by the obstacle.

". . . I made a mess." He murmured finally, almost as if worried he would be in trouble for that even though it was so many days ago. He'd cleaned it up. "What does the dust do?" There had been no instructions on Garrett's, he thought, but some of his first day fully conscious again was very fuzzy in his memory still.
"Yes, that's right," Garrett said, just as cheerfully as before. "You made a mess with dust. The dust settles into the spaces between the grease and other residue our fingers leave behind. Here, let me demonstrate." He put his finger against the glass. Then he sprinkled a bit of dust on and blew, spreading much of it onto the newspaper but leaving behind a visible print. He smiled and held the cup out. "See? There's my fingerprint. And Watson batted the cup on the other side. How about you dust Watson's print?"

He was glad that Luca had linked making a mess to the fingerprinting kit; maybe it would help him start associating messes as normal parts of daily life, and not events that would get him in trouble.
Luca made a thoughtful sound at the idea of his hands leaving 'residue', despite seeing evidence in shiny surfaces before. He watched with interest as the dust settled into the shape of the swirls and lines one could see if they squinted at their own hands closely enough, and was careful when he opened the bottle with the dust in it. He was also very careful to shake just a little bit out, enough so that it took him longer than it might have some else, but eventually he was able see it starting to cling already and followed Garrett's example in blowing on it very softly so the excess slid away and left behind part of a little paw.

"Fingerprints . . . are different," he said after a pause, curious still but remembering things he'd learned a long time ago. He looked at his own hand, as if he could tell the difference between the two. "Mine wouldn't be the same?" That was right, wasn't it? He thought he'd learned it, somewhere.
Garrett's eyes sparkled in delight. He didn't remember telling Luca that, which meant that maybe he was remembering things from before. "Yes," he replied. "That's right. Why don't you and Evelyn make your prints and dust them, and then we can look at them close up with your magnifying glass?" he offered.

While it had been a stressful day, he could already feel himself relaxing more as the night went on. Everyone was safe now. And even better, Anthony had the chance to rest and heal, and he could be friends with him again. The small hole that had been left in his heart was quickly being sewn back together.

He glanced up and smiled at Evelyn to check how she was doing. She'd had the hardest day out of everyone, as far as he could tell.
Evelyn considered making them bring the glass to her, but after seeing Watson curled up nice and cozy she did get up and come press the pad of one finger to the glass so they could have a distinct print to look at. Luca made his own print as she settled back in, and went about carefully putting dust on them again until there were three fingerprints and one paw left behind.

"You can put tape over them, if you're worried they might get smudged," she advised as she started to look through her phone again, tired but determined. If she was going to have to be around people, and thus couldn't relax quite as much as she would in her own home, she could at least make use of her time and finish researching Luca's therapist.

When Garrett smiled at her, she only noticed the motion after a moment, and as she glanced up and saw him looking at her she at least managed a small, weary smile in response. She was glad he was happy with how their lesson was progressing, at least, even if she didn't feel very well herself.
She looked so, so tired. Garrett's smile faded, though only slightly. "Evelyn," he said gently, "If you'd like to have a nap or fall asleep, you can use the guest room. You both could even sleep over. I can text Anthony and let him know I'll stop by tomorrow instead of tonight. He'd probably going to sleep until then, anyway. And there's plenty of food for him to eat at the office for breakfast."

It was a blessing, having a friend who was so independent that plans could change on almost a dime and he'd be fine.

He turned back to Luca and beamed. "Oh! And for the fingerprints, we could put tape on and then stick them to paper and label them. Then we could keep them," he added. "Would you like to go get some paper and tape and a pen, or would you like me to?"
Evelyn blinked in surprise both at Garrett's tone, and at the sudden offer, and thought that she must look exhausted if he was reacting that way. She certainly felt exhausted. "No, no, we shouldn't keep you from him." She said softly, with a little shake of her head. "I'll be all right for a little while. Take your time." She didn't want to take him away from Luca, either, and she didn't want to nap because if she did she knew she would sleep through the night. She could use some of Luca's extra clothes to sleep in but she didn't have any of her own things with her other than that, like a toothbrush, or makeup remover. She would be fine for a few more hours.

Luca looked between them, intrigued by the idea of sleeping over but not wanting to ask Evelyn to stay if she wanted to be home. She wasn't feeling well, after all, and he wanted to do what he could to help with that, but was distracted when Garrett asked him a question after, looking down at his lap almost guiltily. "Watson is sleeping. . ." He'd been hunching awkwardly over the cat as it was to keep from accidentally squishing him by bending forward. He didn't want to get up and disturb Watson's nap. He liked the idea of keeping their fingerprints, though. Like a photo of their time learning together.
"Well, I also shouldn't wake him up. He needs the rest. Especially since he's clearly been out on patrols instead of resting his leg like he should have been," Garrett pointed out. "I think in any case, I'll tell him to text or call if he needs me before tomorrow." Then he glanced at Luca and chuckled at the way Watson was curled up against him. "Awww. So he is. I'll go get the supplies, Luca, and then you can take the fingerprints if you'd like."

He strolled off to gather supplies, texting Evelyn as he went. Would you like it if I stayed over at your and Luca's house tonight? Anthony's not going to wake any time soon, and I'll be up a good long while. I'd be happy to come over with you all so you can get some good sleep in.

He suspected that maybe she'd prefer her own home, both for extra security and for extra beds, and he was determined to help her get some sleep one way or another.
Evelyn glanced at Luca briefly to be sure he was occupied enough, petting Watson in his lap, and considered Garrett's text. Part of her still felt a bit like crying by herself, but those stronger emotions had subsided enough to function as normal, and if Garrett was there maybe it wouldn't bother her so much if Luca was awake since he would have more options if he wanted to wake someone up. As much as she wanted to be alone, she knew she should let Garrett stay while he had a night free. If Anthony needed him later on it would be harder for her to give Luca their time together.

If you're sure its all right for you to be away. She sent back, sighing softly to herself at the prospect of asking for help, yet again. For Luca, she reminded herself, and perhaps for her as well. Luca really likes sitting with you at night. They didn't even have to watch the stars, or a movie, or much of anything. He just liked having Garrett's company.
Garrett smiled and nodded. I'm sure, he texted back. And if you'd like, you're both welcome to come with me to check on Anthony tomorrow. I know he'd love to get to know you both. And then I can spend time with all of you!

It had been far too long since Garrett had had this type of delightful problem. He had too many friends, at least for the moment. Maybe in the future, the pair would trust Anthony enough to let him come along on group excursions, and then time management would be much easier.

He grabbed the supplies for the fingerprinting kit and returned to the living room, sitting down near Luca. "All right. Now, to lift a print, you want to flatten the tape over the top, like so . . ." He lifted his print and taped it to the paper, smiling and writing his name below it. "Would you like to try next?"
One thing after another after another. While she was tired planning new things to do felt too taxing, even when it was as simple as getting ready to leave her house again in the morning. That sounds nice. We can pick up breakfast or coffee for him on the way. After some sleep, she knew it would be better. In the morning she would be able to stomach doing Things again.

Luca was petting very gently at Watson's ears when Garrett came back, watching how they twitched at touches that were just a little too light and trying to learn what were the best and worst ways to pet him. He returned his attention to the task at hand, though, when new instructions were clearly being given to him, and watched very carefully as Garrett saved the dusty fingerprint for later, only nodding when asked if he wanted to do the same as if sparing the energy for words would wipe it from his short term memory.

Careful of putting more fingerprints on the tape itself, Luca held it by the smallest corners possible, stuck it to the glass and gently smoothed his thumb over the tape to make sure everything stuck and nothing smudged. He was equally careful to make sure the paper was flat and the tape stuck down with no wrinkles, and diligently wrote out Evelyn beneath it. He had learned her name in writing first, after all, and hadn't heard it spoken aloud until his first time coming to Garrett's house.

Luca paused then, looking to Garrett and holding the tape out to him so he could go again. "Mine next?" There were four sets, if they counted Watson's, so they could each do two.
Garrett's eyes twinkled. He would never get over how generous Luca was, with even the smallest gestures. The boy was always willing to share. "I'd love to, Luca. Thank you. And then you can do Watson's after!" For once, it was the detective who mirrored Luca's actions. Luca had been far more meticulous and gentle with the prints, and frankly Garrett was a bit rusty at it. So he copied the way Luca had held the tape by the corners, very carefully smoothed it over Luca's print, and then taped the print to the paper and wrote Luca's name below it. "Marvelous."

He held the tape out to Luca and smiled. "When Watson wakes up, we can show him how his finger prints turned out. I bet he'd like to sniff at it. I like to pretend he's examining things like a detective when he sniffs them," he admitted.

He texted Evelyn back and nodded. Excellent. I was thinking I could bring a few books along to read, or maybe some art supplies. Or maybe just some sleeping bags so we can all take a nap.
Luca was just as pleased watching Garrett collect the fingerprints as he had been to do it himself. Whatever they were doing, the fact that they did it together was enough to keep him happy. He was even more careful taking Watson's print from the glass and setting it on the paper, and even went so far as to doodle a little paw print next to his name because it didn't look like a full paw on its own.

"He investigates by sniffing," Luca agreed with a little nod, holding the paper up to see them all and then gently setting it aside so it wouldn't get stepped on. "He smells better than we do." Though he'd never had pets, he did watch a lot of tv shows about animals when he wasn't allowed to leave his room. If he could just focus enough to tap into the information, he knew a decent amount about their abilities, though not their personalities.

I'm sure he'll be happy with the rest. Evelyn sent back a bit neutrally, smiling softly at the way they interacted with each other so peacefully. I charge for portraits. It was a jest, but it had been a while since she'd drawn anything just for fun. Maybe she would draw Luca again, looking happier than he had the last time she'd drawn him.
"You know what I think?" Garrett asked, glancing over to the fingerprints. "I think we should frame this and hang it up somewhere. It's just like a family portrait! Of sorts," he added with a light chuckle. "In fact - half a moment, I might have a frame we can use."

He headed off to his office, and then returned with a black picture frame and a smile. He carefully slid the paper into the frame and nodded. "Now, would you both like to hang this up at your home, or here at the apartment? I don't mind either way."

The detective glanced at the text Evelyn had sent, and he smiled and nodded. I'll bring all of those, then. And some spare cash to commission you :)
Evelyn followed Garrett with her eyes as he hurried off and came back with a picture frame, and for a moment debated with herself about who it would mean more to. "Why don't you keep it here." She said finally. "I'll take a photocopy of it later on if we want a copy. Is that all right, Luca? You can look at it when you come over."

Luca was thoughtful as she spoke, but nodded agreeably enough. "Okay." He liked that Garrett liked it, and it was something they'd both made together so it belonged to them equally.

She smiled a little, both at his willingness and at the text Garrett sent, but left the text there without a response. She would decide after she'd slept whether she felt like drawing a person that was right in front of her. It had been a long time since she'd had a live model, rather than a photo or her own memories.
"That's very kind of you both. Thank you," Garrett said with a gentle smile. He knew right where he'd put it; the middle of the shelf just above the fireplace. It would make a perfect centerpiece.

He planned to ask Evelyn for a picture of Luca, herself, and Watson on the following day. They were such an adorable group, and he'd love to have a drawing of them together.

For now, he figured Evelyn might want to get some rest in. "Evelyn? Would you like to go to bed while Luca and I think of something else to do? We'll make sure we stay quiet so you can sleep," he added with a smile.
Evelyn had to admit that she had drifted off into space a bit while looking at her phone and wasn't really paying attention to what Garrett was doing as he moved to find a place for the photo. It was only when he said her name that she came back to reality, and gave a soft hm? in response as her brain caught up and heard the words.

"No, that's all right," she said with a small, dismissive wave of her hand, even though there was nothing more that she wanted to do except curl up in bed knowing Luca was safely at Garrett's side. "I'll sleep when I'm home. I still have some more research to do."

She knew therapy would be an uphill battle, but if she could say definitively that the woman she had finally picked out would be good enough for Luca, it would at least be one small weight off her shoulders for now. Besides, when she thought of curling up in bed, it was her bed, not Garrett's guest bedroom.
"Ah, right! I'd completely forgotten you both needed to get home first," Garrett said with a soft chuckle. He thought of both his apartment and Evelyn's house as home now, and sometimes got the two mixed up. Once the fingerprints were carefully placed on the mantle, he scooped Watson up and set him in a pet carrier. "I can drive, if you'd like," he offered.

Evelyn already seemed to be nodding off. It was just as well he planned on sleeping over that night to help out; he wouldn't have felt right making her drive home while she was that tired.

Watson meowed from inside the carrier, purring loudly. He knew the carrier meant he'd be going to Evelyn and Luca's house, which was always fun for him.
The independent part of her wanted to say that she didn't need him to drive, and that she could get home on her own. It wasn't wrong, per say. She was sure, if she absolutely had to, she could wake herself up enough to make it the relatively short drive home, but if given the option not to it was best if she was cautious and let Garrett help them.

"If you don't mind," she said with a little sigh, resigned. "That's probably for the best. I can come back for my car tomorrow."

Luca had carefully packed away his fingerprinting kit as Garrett retrieved Watson, and tucked it into his bag to take with him as they got ready to go. "Watson is happy." He observed, bending down a bit to look at him in the carrier and following Garrett and Evelyn out of the apartment afterwards. "He likes . . . his cage?" The word 'carrier' escaped him, but he could hear Watson purring.
Garrett smiled and nodded. "Of course I don't mind. It's the least I could do; you're letting me sleep over, after all." He chuckled at Luca's observation, lifting the carrier up a bit so Luca could see inside. "His carrier, it's called. But yes. I think it's because the carrier usually means we're coming to visit you and Evelyn. He loves coming to visit you both," he added warmly.

He locked the apartment door, led the way out to the car, and started it up while everyone piled in. "So, Luca. What would you like to do once we reach your house? Evelyn is probably going to sleep soon after we get there," he added.