For things that go Bump in the night

  • Thread starter Adrias Summerset
  • Start date
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
she looks at him and wonder. with a snap she stopped time and carryed him to a differnt room just for that fun of it and locked the door. for someone blind like i'm good. she walked back to the class room and want in frount of her (June). she unstopped time and said "hello, there you where here at the wrong time and wrong place." she smiles not looking right at her. she grabbed her white cane and walked way.
I stay quiet with no reaction's to raven's question and just look at her then look up and down at her then turn my head and look out the window not even aknowlegding her. i think to myself "i need to be ready if she try's something funny"so i turn my head a little bit more so she cant see my face as my fags start to grow but soon see her walk out the class with another girl and i retract my fangs and just continoue reading my book.
she smiles. he hears a voice in his head saying vampire then laugher. she walked with the girl but stops "ahhhhh i left one of my books in class" she turns around and stopped half way hoping he won't know that she was the one that said mean things to him. you have to do it raven it you favoreit. ((OOC:i'm not the worlds best wrtier so don't push me i will fixs it don't fixs it for me))
i look at her as she walks back into class and say's in my head "it was her", then gets up and walks by her out of the class but stealthly brushes up against you and gets your scent and realizes what she is and before the girl could look back i was gone.
(O_O I'm COMPLETELY lost as to what has just happened...)
June continued to sit there, feeling the emotions that were silently passed back and forth between the two vampires. Then the bell rang again. A few students entered the class...
I'd better get out of here and back to my dorm. I need some time to regain control. ​She breathed in, her head was pounding now, but she had been so caught up with the events around her that she had been able to ignore it. She stood from her seat and walked out, hugging her book close to her chest.
(me too lol ^^) she blushed alittle then got angry.she got her book and left. i'm so die. the bell rings she goes to her nexts class. wondering if she will see well not see but senes him again (and people i'm blind don't forget -3-). she sat down in the back. opingher book that had no words in it. waiting for the teacher. i'm gone in the wind and gone in the sky fly high sky.
I am sitting down in a chair staring off out the window, My clothes are a bit dusty and it appears not to long ago i got into a fight. The man in the desk across from me is looking at my folder for my application. He nods his head every once in a while then stops. He closes the folder and smiles shaking my hand and talking about how much i will enjoy being here. I put on a smile and nod my thank you's as my black hair falls over my eyes. I look at the schedule among other things. I raise a single eyebrow. "What do I do now.........." I sigh as I look through out the halls a little lost in all the commotion.
June made a dash for the stairway, ignoring (almost) the people she passed. Their emotions whirled around her, making her headache worsen. She clung onto her books in front of her chest, holding them up to cover her mouth a nose. She scurried down the hallway, glancing at the numbers on the doors while looking for hers.
Damn. Where is my dorm-
She came to a halt, blinking a few times. She had stopped at room 135.
I'm... not even on the right floor? She mentally kicked herself. How did I not notice before?
She spun around to go back, colliding into another student. She fell backwards, dropping her books.
"I- I am so sorry," she stuttered. He had longish black hair and his clothes were rugged, like he had just fought off a small pack of wolves.
Hunter staggered then regaining his balance he looked up. He kept his face down again for almost three seconds. Was he blushing? He looks back up and with a gentle smile he simply said "It's fine. It was just an accident." He leans down to pick up the books. Who was this girl? She felt, strange. He felt a tingling sensation go down his neck. But he did not let this register on his face. He kept a smile while picking up the books. He stacked them onto of each other neatly and then held out a hand. " Do you need help up?"

His clothing, at present was slightly ripped. Everything about him seemed like a person who could snap in an instant. But his eyes were friendly and his jesters were warm hearted. He looked at her curiously. "What are you?" He asked blatantly. he blinked waiting for an answer still holding out his hand.
Her vision blurred slightly, the world around her seemed to lean to the side. She ignored his offer and slowly stood up, almost afraid touching him. Worried that she would accidentally do something she'd regret.
"I have to... get to my dorm," she breathed quietly, just loud enough for him to hear. He asked her a question, but she didn't understand it, her mind falling to shambles.
You're too hungry and weak, I'm sorry June. A voice spoke to her in her head. Her eyesight faded to black and she fainted.
He saw her falling and took a step and slid sideways holding out hide arms catching her The first the he felt was dread. This woman feeds off of emotions.... He shuddered. He was glad he was able to have no emotion. He could thank his "friend" For that. He stood there holding her. He didn't know what to do, just watched her, out cold. After a few minutes he picked her up. His mind went blank. He instantly forgot how to have emotions. He didn't even know how to smile. Nor frown. Just a blank face. He picked her up focusing on one thing. The nurse's office. He ran. He ran and jumped down flights off stairs. He looked and stopped having an idea. He leaned in close catching her scent. He then focused on it, He ran again following it, He kicked open a door and ran into the room laying her on the bed.

After a while of slow breathing and calming down, He realized something. He was in someone else's dorm, a girls dorm, his face turn red then quickly shut the door hoping not to get spotted and then fell down in front of the door, slid down to sitting in front of the door letting his head rest on it waiting for her to wake up. " Well this school is better than any other I've been too."

June awoke in her room,
What the hell happened? She sat up, gasped from the pain in her head, then slowly laid back down. How did I get back he-
Her eyes widened. The boy she had run into in the hall, came to her mind. She carefully sat up again, still weak from her hunger, but less so.
She used the wall for support as she walked to her desk. Glancing around for her black notebook.
"Where's my book?" she breathed to herself. She looked more frantically before remembering that she had dropped all of her things.
Does... that kid have it?
Hunter was actually asleep in the corner of the girls room. When she had fainted he had stayed there until he was sure she was ok. The only thing was, He couldn't tell if she got better. He sat in the corner and fell asleep waiting for her to wake up. He felt stupid, Before he fell asleep he was sure he was going to get slapped in the face. He didn't know why, but that's how it usually turns out. he had the books stacked neatly next to him from biggest to smallest. He was pretty hungry his self. But he new his limits and it was a long time before those were reached. In his area he was sitting in a meadow. A child he was. He was rolling around and laughing. Suddenly everything turned red as the sun did. It was like it was raining. It actually felt like it too. He was scared. a dark figure was walking to him glowing red eyes. He ran. He ran very quickly in the dream but no matter how far he got the figure was still right behind him.

He slightly turned, knocking the books over. Eyes darting around quickly in his sleep sweat slowly starting to come out of his forehead. His fear was actually visible. Even in his sleep. It was as if a dark aura was coming off of him. His fists were clenching and unclenching, He was still asleep but barely.
June heard the books fall before she saw them. She turned around to see the same boy from the hallway, curled up in the corner of her room. He was asleep and several different emotions spinning around him. He must be having a bad dream, strange he doesn't show it...
She walked over and picked up the smallest, black book off the floor and hugged it tightly to her chest. She sat down in front of him.
He's sort of like me in that way I guess, nothing on the outside but certain something within.
She leaned closer to him, watching him struggle slightly. She could smell the feelings... making her mind go hazy.

Her notebook dropped from her hands, flipping open. In red, it angrily wrote itself.
"You're far too close to him! Danger! Juniper! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

June didn't even notice it.
A dark shadow cloud comes into existence a few yards away from the high school in the midst of the near by forest. A tall figure steps out wearing a thin black robe which covered the fit body underneath. The hood too was covering up the facial features except of the dark green eyes that pierced through the dark. The figure step forward while the dark cloud dissipated behind. Two pale hands rose to the tip of the black hood and pushed it back as a very fair face appeared underneath, a face of a young man. Short brown hair fell down into place as the man surveyed the near by area. Cost is clear, he thought as he was sure no one had seen his entrance. He leaped down towards the entrance of the school and strode in like an average student would. But i am on a mission he thought as he tricked the faculty that strolled by. A group of young girls were pointing and staring. A bad side to his attractiveness but was sure it wasn't anything to worry about getting his cover blown. He stumbled upon a near by men's room and proceeded inside a stall. He listened around and noticed he was the only one there. He reached into his robe and switched on his radio and stuck the microphone into his ear. He breathed in and spoke clearly.
"I made it inside with out detection. Commencing mission operations now. Markus out." With that he placed the device away and peaked out the stall door to see that the coast was still clear and continued out the bathroom back into the hallway. Now he thought, how do i get to the cafeteria? High school can be difficult to find the way and Markus was no exception to the rule. He searched for an hour and was led right back to where he started before scratching his forehead and realized that this may be a hopeless first mission.
In his dream he was terrified. He tripped and del down the hill. He saw his hands covered in blood. his leg was twisted at a bad angle. The figure was now upon him. His black hat and brown leather cloak shaded his features. "You poor, poor being. To experience all that pain.... Here. Let me end it for you." He flashed a fanged white smile. It was horrible. Hunter couldn't move. The being flew down and sank his fangs in. Hunter was in horrible pain. He could actually feel it in real life. It felt like he was being bitten. And then it skipped ahead. He was about thirteen. His red eyes glowed. He had just arrived home from school. He ran to where his parents usually were. "Mom, dad I'm Ho-" He stopped himself and looked in horror. His parents. His human parents Had hung themselves. They had a picture of him in front of them. It was burned. He looked at it in horror. The message was clear. They had wanted nothing to do with him. he ran out of the house. He ran till he couldn't anymore. He quite out of the school he was in. For weeks he was barely alive. Feeding off of small animals he killed. He was torn and mentally damaged. He did not smile much. He did not cry much. He just was a blank face. 'The perfect poker face' As they call it. It then skipped ahead to when he was found. They raised him. saved his life. And they adopted him. "This is your new home.... son." And after that. It was just darkness. Hunter was floating in darkness. He heard roars, screams and shouts of rage. But that was it.
June crept closer and closer until she was basically sitting in his lap. A voice in the back of her mind was yelling at her to stop, but she knew she wasn't in control anymore. One of her hands was pressed against the wall behind him, the other resting on his shoulder. She lowered her head to his neck, as if she was about to bite him. Then she inhaled through her mouth.
A rush of energy went through her nervous system. She could taste his emotions. Saddness, fear, disgust... it was all so wonderful. Her senses began returning to her, but it was at a cost. Her eye closed, she knew she was draining his energy, yet she couldn't get herself to stop.
If she continued much longer, even a powerful creature like him could die.
He was standing t=i the darkness for a while. He felt like his body was getting older till he was nothing but skin and bone. He watched himself through a mirror in the darkness. He let out something that was like a shout except dusty and muffled. His eyes snapped open. His arms instinctively pushed out shoving her away. He felt the tingling at his throat. It was an old reaction. He was standing up back pressed to the wall. He was breathing heavily. He felt as if he could barely stand for a few minutes. He slowly began to regain his strength. He looked at her. He felt as if he had done something wrong. "U-Um... I'm sorry.. Did I hurt you?" He had no idea that she fed on him.
This was beginning to become hopeless and Markus was on a deadline. If i fail they'll just bring someone else in to finish the job and maybe even me, he thought. He tried to get that out of his head as he crossed one hallway and landed at the entrance of the cafeteria. There stood a dozen or so food lines. Students and faculty members chatting away waiting for their turn to order. There were lines for blood and fresh meat, other lines were for plain human food. Disgusting, thought Markus as he looked around. He hated the smell of human food. He never understood why they would eat such garbage anyway.
He began his search for the person of interest and in a short time realized that it was easier finding a needle in a hay stack. So he sat down at an open table and pulled out the file. Read it over a few times before placing it away under his robe. Alright, if Hes not here in the cafeteria he usually is in the study hall. Ah, this is becoming a huge bummer, he thought standing back up to continue his quest but then something terrible had begin to turn in his stomach, he was hungry. He now too was waiting in line for his chance to get a nice treat of red fresh meat. when it was his turn at the counter he spoke loud and clear. "One please, and bloody." When he got his lamb leg he tore into it immediately with his sharp canines. In a quick moment it was all gone. He belched large to show his stomach was full. 'Now that I'm full...time to continue."
He threw the bone away in the nearest trash can and proceeded on towards the study on the far left side of the campus. Man this place is so huge he thought. I wonder what the organization even wants with this guy, hes just a kid for crying out loud. He conjured up the time his superior gave him this task..He wasn't sure what his superior name was because he was only in the D.A.R.K organization for over a month now. The fast to rise in all of the organizations past to make it this far. His mission was clear, locate the child and bring him back here for questioning. If there are any problems or someone else wants custody of the child he must be eliminated and with that they sent me off here, he thought, this kid has it really rough. With that he was focus on finding him before someone else did. I just hope its not to late..
June sat on the floor, her hands clasped over her mouth for several moments. Other than that, her face remained neutral.
Why the hell is he apologizing to me!? I could have killed h- She stopped mid-thought, stood up and brushed herself off.
"It's alright, I ran into you earlier anyway. We can be even now," she gave him a slight smile. She had never felt so alive before. Smiling seemed like an easy task, now. Anything felt like an easy task.
I could show any emotion if I wanted to, couldn't I..? She glanced down at her black book, that was once again writing in itself. She kicked it close, so the boy wouldn't notice it.
"I was just checking to see if you were awake or not. Thanks for returning my books."