For things that go Bump in the night

  • Thread starter Adrias Summerset
  • Start date
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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
"N-no! It's fine! I've seen worst," she replied quickly, giving him a nervous giggle. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the paper.
"So... um. This belongs to you then?"
"you wouldn't believe how beautiful people thought i i cant touch it, keep hold of it for me. I wonder where my stuff went..this was my room, now all thats left is my book. why don't you have a circle ward on your book?"
"My... what? Oh. This?" she asked holding up her small, black notebook. "It isn't a spellbook, it's just a journal," she halfheartedly smiled. The pain in her head only increasing.
Monica headed down to the front doors cheerfully. She was a spirit. Kinda hyper and joyous. Opening the door to a wave of students, she smiled and headed to the main office, shoulder bag bouncing at her side. In the ocean of students she got kinda lost, jogging up and down stairs, roaming halls, her bare feet pit patting against the cold floor. She finally bent over, hands on her knees and sighed.

"I should really ask someone for help.​"
Kimu bursts through the doors excitedly. Her chipper and giddy attitude was a bit overwhelming at first. Her eyes were a light pastel pink and she was wearing her hair down with a small yellow bow to keep her longer hair back. She mumbles, "Class, class, class, class, class, class, class cl--" Then, she stops, skids, and stares down the hall at a cabinet filled with trophies and runs to it, face-hugging the glass with her hands up near her head, palm against the glass, and standing on her tip-toes, and staring at all the glorious shining items inside. "I wonder who all these belong too..."
Blood walked through the recently opened doors and immediately licked his lips. "HOLY!!!" he yelled out loud. He clenched his fists and took a deep breath. 'Sooooooo much...foood!' he thought to himself as he walked through the main hall. Blood swallowed every time he bumped into a person on accident. He had to close his eyes a few times. He was a vampanese. A more vicious version of the vampires. The ones who eat the people they feed on and not just drink they're blood, the ones that don't keep their prey alive, but they kill them viciously...he came here to try to suppress those feelings. He looked around for a front desk and he spotted it. He rushed over with his mail man bag, and his sunglasses still on, trying hard to cover his all black eye balls and iris. He told the person at the front desk his name, and he took his key. He then sped up to his room as fast as he could, and stayed there. He took off his shades and was breathing heavily. He sat down at the door and put his hand on his head. He took another deep breath and waited.
After Summerset left, June realized it was morning already. She changed out of her nightgown, grabbed her messenger bag, and opened the door to leave when she spotted her journal lying on the bed. Now more than ever it was mocking her. Her face remained calm but rage boiled up inside.
"What. I need to go to class," she spoke to it in an almost mono-toned voice. The black leather cased book didn't reply, only angering her more.
"I'm leaving you today, I need to learn how to focus without," she turned back to walk out the door, but even after a few steps her head began aching again. She sighed and returned, picking up the book. It immediately flipped open on it's own accord, stopping at a page that read:

'I've wasted too much emotion to continue.'

June's lips formed a tight line as she read the words she, herself had unconsciously written. She shoved the book in her bag and left her room, locking the door behind her.

Ignoring the book's warning.
Sofia walked lazily into the room, her head low and her mind lost in thoughts, and she barely noticed the random guy who left the place in a hurry. She lifted her gaze from the ground and stared blankly at her surroundings, without taking particular notice of them. The only thing she was sure of is that she didn't want to be there. She didn't ask to be a witch, and since the moment she found out her life flipped 180 degrees. Because of it she had to give up everything, her comfortable house, friends and everyday life, only to be thrown into this sort of... hell.
With a snapping sound of her tongue, she reverted back to reality. There was no point in acting so miserable now, she thought to herself. With a resigned sigh she walked up to one of the tables closest to the corner of the room and sat there.
She looked in her bag for her diary and checked her schedule, happy to notice she didn't have any classes until later that afternoon, then took a book out of the same bag and started flipping quickly through the pages.

"Ah god... life can be boring..." she muttered in a low voice, thinking of the cafes' and places she used to go to with her friends back home.
a girl comes in to the class room with black umbralle, black sunglasses, all back jeans and black top that said i bite on it just as a joke for her salf not having the unaform if there was . she was blind she couldn't see so she didn't care. she walked to a seat and sit down thinking why am i here oh ya i'm a stupid blind vampire that needs a life. she looked around and knew there was a girls and boy who left and no teacher "is this a class room?" she looked around still not seen any teacher she has her way of seeing. she see there souls. "i'm i late?"
June took off down the hallway, already six minutes late to her class. When she arrived, the teacher's back was facing away from the students. So she easily slipped in without notice. She sat in the middle, far left, away from the others. But, it wasn't long before her head began aching again.
She didn't feel hunger the same way others did. Fatigue didn't come with a moaning stomach or emptiness, it came as dizzyness, light-headedness, and blurred vision.
Her feeding instincts kicked in. She could feel all of the emotions in the room, most of them were bored, some actually interested, a few felt anxiety for their own reasons, and there were even two - a boy and a girl, who continuously glance at each other - who were stuck in a circle of affection. She shifted uncomfortably in her chair, trying to control herself. Isn't that why she enrolled? To learn how to resist and to be able to make social connections? She bit her lip.

So hungry.
raven wanted to try out her new powers. So she want in to the girls that justs came in head and said "hello, you hunger i can tell". she smiles and not even looks at her. "so the teacher is here I could not see her or him. oh and my name is raven." she giggles solfy in her head. "hope you have a nice school year."
June was a bit startled by the sudden voice in her head, but immediately found the girl who had spoken to her. Raven's emotions ranged, but were all surprisingly calm for her situation. She knows that i'm hungry, and still doesn't fell threatened? Odd. She thought to herself, before reminding herself none of the people there were human. I'm over-reacting. She distinctively reached in her bag and took out her book.
Every thought process that was tied to an emotion was written in dark ink. Sometimes she wrote it, sometimes it would write itself. Either way, it was necessary to keep her from wasting too much energy.
(two hours and 30 sec later ((jokes on me)) the bell rings) class is over and she watch everyone leave but she stayed sitted thinking. she sings solfy to her salf. gone there master, gone there son. dark to light and light to dark. three black carriages, three white carts. what bring us together is what pulls us apart. gone are brothers, gone are haerts. she hope no one heard her.
After the school bell had rang, A New Transfer student by the name of Frost Uchia had walked into the office to submit his transfer papers to the school and get his new class schedule for the next day to come. He Had white long-ish hair with blue bangs and pink eye's. he was from the Uchia Vampire Clan.
Raven sane there another vampires in the school but one scared her the most. there a clan here or is there just one man, maybe the son pr god this sucks i need to find him. she gets up and walks around to sening for this one vampire and when she turned her head around. she bumped into him and falls to the floor. "ow, um sorry i was not looking" she said. not looking you can't even see. then she knew she found him. i'm going to die i know it, just slowly get up and walk away. if you can. she slowly hets up.
June had gotten up to leave, taking a long time to put her things away. Once almost everyone was gone she took a deep breath and sighed in relief. She had made it through her class.
Barely. She grimaced in her mind, although her face showed no emotion. She took a few steps before seeing Raven bump into someone at the door. June froze. Raven's emotions suddenly shifting to a quiet fear... it seemed so strange since she was so calm before. She watched them both carefully, putting down her things on a desk and pretending she was looking for something (she had a lot of stalking practice).
she knew there was someone watching but she did not care she was nexts to a vampire like her salf. she started to walks away but stops half away to look behind her. she watching she saw my fear and so did he i'm doomed to this day. she did not move and did not say anything. god please kill me i should not ask you this but please.
As the girl's worry thickened, June's brain tingled.
A vampire, by the looks of it... Can I even feed off of something not mortal? She hadn't tasted fear yet either, the only emotion she was truly familiar with was content or pleased. She didn't know how a negative energy would effect her. Her hands were unconscionably opening her black book, and flipping to the last page. Finally, she glanced down at the words that appeared.

"Get out of here."
then she walked up to him (frost) "your from a vampire clan are you not" she smiles and wait for him to talk. what am I doing talking to a clan. i'm going to die. she says in the girl's (June) head. get out this may turn ugly. she was readly to fight even if she knew she was going to die.
June listened to the warnings from Raven and her book, yet heeded neither. Partially because they were right in the doorway, but mostly because of her overpowering curiosity. Something that controlled almost everything she did. Since it was obvious that they knew she wasn't just stalling, she sat down and watched out of the corner of her eyes.

"What are you doing, June? You want to get yourself kil-"
the words began appearing on her page, but she closed the notebook quickly. There's no way I'm going to get hurt. This is a school. Intelligent and well-mannered creatures have come here to learn, not to fight. They should know that possible enemies would be here. She thought to herself and the opposing book. Although a twinge of nervousness and hunger still rested in the back of her mind.