Finding the Light

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She smiled to herself walking with him to the supermarket. She only needed some lettuce and bread crumbs.
He helped her get the groceries wjen tbey arrived, meeting her at the register.
She smiled, not having much, just the things she needed for dinner. She smiled at him as they got to the register.
He paid for everything, carrying the bags as they walked home.
She smiled at him, taking one of the bags and walking with him home. "Oh my god! Heather look! Ace?" she froze hearing some bullies from her class. "Hi... Heather... Brandy..." she said softly. "What is a hunk like him doing with a freak like you?" they asked, looking like classic blonde sluts. She looked down and gripped his hand.
He laced his fingers between hers, turning.
"Tell us freak? Who's the hot guy who has the displeasure of touching your grimy hands," the taller blonde asked her. She looked down, moving closer to him. She didn't say anything at all. "What? I can't hear you," the blonde said again walking closer to her.
"I'm her caretaker," he said, glaring coldly, "and if you want to harrass my Ace, you will be answeringto me."
"Oh? So your single? Thats a relief, for a second there I thought you two were dating, but no one would ever date a freak like her," the blonde continued, uncaring of the cold stare. Ace felt sad. "Arrow... can we just go home please," she asked softly.
He put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to his side and turning away.
She was glad that he listened to her plea and they both turned away from thee blondes and began walking home.
He held her close, notletting go until they got inside. He setdown the groceries, then turned and hugged her close before kissing her softly.
She felt tears in her eyes and once they were inside, she hugged him close and when he kissed her it made her happier. She hugged him and hid her face from him.
He held her to him, stroking her backnnd kissing her head.
"I'm sorry...." she murmured softly, hugging him. She always blamed herself when things like this happened. She felt like she embarrassed him.
He tilted her head up and kissed her tenderly."Don't be.... Would you like to be homeschooled from now on? I can teacj you."
She shook her head. "It's okay... I'm graduating any way remember," she said softly, smiling when he kissed her.
He sighed. "Yeah, I supposethat's true...."
She hugged him though, feeling sad. "I'm gonna go make lunch..." she murmured softly, pulling away.
He looked at her for a moment. "How about we order lunch instead?"