Fighting the Losing Battle

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"Fear not, I am most definitely a friend," Cordel assured Alex. "I am not a violent or wicked being. Though I do understand your concern, an unseen enemy is not something I'd wish on anyone. Well, except maybe for those bothersome humans..." His body coiled and uncoiled raphidly in what could be seen as unease or perhaps even frustration. "I assume they are the race you are referring to."
Alex nodded in approval, "Then welcome. And yes, it is the humans that are against us as we are against them. You are actually talking to the remains of our branch of the resistance.-"

It was then that Evelyn had a great idea causing her face to light up and she gasped, standing up and looked toward Cordel happily, "You should join us! There's not much of us left and we're planning an attack so you could help!" She was practically bouncing with excitement where she stood. "Wouldn't that be great?" She said, looking toward Pandora and the Captain.
Rachael shrugged, "I'm not quite sure. However, I am certain that it wasn't our enemy. If it was it would have already done something." When she entered the room again she stopped and sighed. She had forgotten that she had needed to speak to the captain about her letters and realized she would need to go back.


Rin chuckled a bit a Blue talked and when she finally found the microphone and brought it over she was a little amazed at how it changed color. Then again it makes sense if it is magical in the first place..."Hm, I think light blue? I like that color, reminds me of home." She smiled and then grinned at her next thoughts. In her mind she was thinking about what Blue said it could do. Maybe she could mess with Alex a bit, she wouldn't know what was going on and it would be pretty fun. It would hep pass time a bit too.
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Pandora looked down at Evelyn and the at Alex "We could use all the help we can get Alex, but it is your choice" Pandora thought it was a good idea after all an unseen enemy would be a wonderful ally against the humans. Looking over to Scrubzy to see what he thought but she was sure he would think the same.
"What remains of it..." Cordel considered asking what happened to cause the resistance to shrink, but he thought better of it and didn't finish his thought. He didn't think it would be wise to discuss what is most likely a very sensitive topic when he just met them, he could always find out about it later on. Cordel couldn't help but laugh at Evelyn's excitement as he replied, "Alright, alright. Since you're so eager for my assistance I guess I have no choice but offer to help. I believe when I first arrived I caught the tail end of your plans. I would be more than happy to act as a scout, infiltrator, or something of the like. A position in which the advantage of my invisibility can be exploited to its full potential. That is, if your leader would like me to join." Admittedly, Cordel was a bit surprised at himself by how quickly he had agreed to helping these people in a task during which he would more than likely be risking his life. He was fairly certain it was because of how much Evelyn reminded him of a younger version of one of his old friends from the Amazon. That and he felt somewhat obligated to helping his fellow creatures. It seemed his days of solitude were finally over.
Evelyn's smile grew when Pandora and Cordel both agreed that he should join, "Yay! Can he Alex? He'll be a really really big help!" She begged the older girl.

Alex looked to Pandora then to the space where Cordel's voice came from. She sighed and thought for a moment, they knew very little about this creature but from what she knew he too hated the humans and agreed to help, his invisibility proving to be a large reason for him to also be great help. "All right, thank you for offering your help and welcome to the ranks, Cordel. I hope you to prove this decision to be a good one and you will be a large help. You can aid Evelyn and Rachael in scouting and then you shall be another attacker along with Scrubz, Rachael and me."
Juvo sighed as the door opened. It was good to be back in this room, he didn't really create it, he left all that up to Rachael considering he could never remember a time where he had even seen a room before... so all the imagining was left to her. "Its good that he isn't bad... I don't really think it would be good considering we can't really see him other than his heat waves." He said not realizing that everyone couldn't see the small heat waves given off of the new comer. Still he sounded unsure of himself, as if he wasn't convinced of something, what ever it may be. He sighed and sat in the chair she was sitting in earlier and looked up at her again, waiting for her to say something.
Scrubz nodded in approval of the idea and when she accepted Cordel to her ranks he thought that he would make the same move. "Well Cordel, looks like you'll be stopping here on my ship. We Have plenty of spare rooms on board". He turned to Alex "When you thinking about sending the scouts out".


"Light Blue it is then, such a pretty colour" and Blue handed Rin the microphone. "Right I have my Daily tasks to do but at least we can still chat" Blue gave Rin a big hug and left with a Big wave "See you later Rinny, Call me" she called out with a wink and left the Captain's Cabin.
Rin took the microphone from Blue's hand and was a bit excited. "Thanks Blue, I shall make sure to call you later on." With that she smiled as Blue left and when the door closed she glanced at the human to make sure that he was still asleep. It would be a bit odd to have to explain what she was doing. Taking the microphone she focused on the name Alex and spoke into it in a quiet and calm voice. "Hello Alex. Your concious here. Thought I would talk to you. Leaving me alone with your feelings and thoughts isn't good for me all the time. I could go crazy...I now understand why people say being a concious for anyone isn't easy. Jeez...Oh by the way! I have been looking through your subconscious thoughts and I agree. Changing your hair color is quite a great plan. Before you say you don't think you should, be aware that these are thoughts you have and don't know! Sheesh. Do not shoot the messenger of your inner-self." Rin then set the microphone down. Blue said it was a one way mic, therefore she wouldn't be able to hear Alex. So she decided that she would just say something a bit later when she thought Alex would be done yelling in her head or something like that.


Rachael nodded as Juvo spoke. "I agree. It would be bad since only a few of us can see him. By the way, would you be okay here for a little bit? Or would you like to come with me really quick? I need to go talk to the Captain about something important." She knew that he probably wouldn't want to go out again but she still had to say so that the poor boy did freak out.
Evelyn was jumping in excitement because Cordel could join the group, "Yay! You get to be part of the revelation with us and you get to scout with me!" She exclaimed happily


Alex turned to Scrubz when he addressed her, "I was actually thinking later today. I would like to get this done as soon as possible. I-" She immediately stopped when she suddenly heard an oddly familiar voice… saying it was her conscious. Her eyebrows furrows in confusion and she looked away from the others, utterly confused. "What the hell…?" She whispered. She had no idea what was going on and looked all around to see if she could spot where that voice was coming from.
Scrubz looked at Alex and noticed something wrong, he took the initiative just in case. He crouched down to Evelyn gave a wide smile "Hey Evelyn since we have a few moments why don't you quickly show Cordel a room be back in an hour". Scrubz nodded his head to Pandora in the direction to go with them. If she did or not he didn't mind but he thought about how did alex transform but he didn't know anything, he had to tread carefully.
"Thank you for granting permission for me to join Alex." He shook himself a little, still not quite used to addressing her by that name. "And thank you Captain for your hospitality." He chuckled at Evelyn's gleeful reaction and told her, "It will be a pleasure to work with you." He dipped his head courteously, since he knew she was the only one who could see him do it. At the Captain's suggestion Cordel added, "I would greatly appreciate it."
"I um... I um..." he said unsure if he would go with her or not. He didn't want her to leave but he didn't want to leave either! "I uh." his voice was getting even quieter. One could only here slight bits of sound coming from his voice. Finally he look up then back down, "I would like to go with you... n-no. I will stay here." he scampered off to his bed and laid down. While she was gone maybe he could learn something new... For a while he had been trying to make a sort of camo barrier that would make him easier to lose in the woods. Of course right now he didn't need that but maybe he could make the heat ball visible... Maybe...
Evelyn looked to the Captain when he came over to her and nodded, "Ok! Good idea, I will!" She told him with a grin of her own then turned to Cordel, "Come on, you're going to love the rooms!" She said, waving toward the door to go below deck and the cabins as she started toward them herself.


Alex didn't even notice Scrubz walking to Evelyn and speaking to her, she was too wrapped up in figuring out what had just happened.
Rachael nodded, "Alright. I will be back." With that she exited once again and went back to the deck. She noticed Scrubz and walked over to him. She waited until he had finished talking to the invisible one, Cordel as he had introduced himself apparently, and Evelyn. While she waited she quickly pulled out her two letters.


Rin decided she had waited enough and picked up the mic again, "Alright, so you can stop freaking out now. I told you, I am your concious. So you should stop looking around before you come off as crazy or something. Isn't quite good for personal image. You know? I mean being grouchy isn't either, but I can kind of understand. I guess. I mean I do see all of your thoughts so...Anyways! Gotta hand it to you. Nice planning."
Pandora was just watching everyone on deck and could see Alex was having something going on Oh dear what's going on now she thought but it was of no concern to her she was sure she could cope with it whatever it was. "I'm going back down to my room if anyone needs me" she said to no one in particular and walked away she needed some time to rest before they went after the humans.
"Alright, lead the way." Cordel drifted after Evelyn. As he did so he glanced over his shoulder at Alex. The girl seemed troubled. Though it was understandable, considering she was about to lead all these creatures into a highly dangerous and perhaps even deadly situation.
Scrubz watched as everyone departed, but Rachael came back holding some letters. He glanced over at Alex but she seemed alright for now. Turning to Rachael "Rachael" he said with a smile. He walked over to her and round Rachael so he can still she Alex while talking to her "What can I do you for, I'm guessing you're after me"
Rachael nodded and her voice seemed serious as she spoke, "Indeed I am. I was hoping you could help me out here." She motioned to the letters. "I need to get these to my original leader so that he knows what will be going on. Don't want them thinking I have died or anything dramatic like that. However, as you could probably guess. I don't fly or do anything fancy of that sort so I can't actually take them myself without taking quite a while. Time isn't exactly in surplus due to our plans."
Evelyn looked up at Cordel curiously as they walked, "Why did you seem disappointed when Alex walked over? It seemed like you were expecting someone else…" She asked as they walked, honestly curious.


Alex's face went from confused to just angry and annoyed. She still glanced around to see if she did in fact attract any unwanted attention, seeing that nobody seemed to reacting too much about her she just walked off the deck and down below to her room. All right, who the hell are you? You say you're my conscious and some garbage like that but I haven't heard from you ever before so I doubt that's true. Just get out of my head and leave me alone. She thought to whatever it was that was speaking to her in her own head. She passed Evelyn and heard her speak, obviously not to Alex so she assumed it was that Cordel creature. She didn't dwell much on it, simply walking on and not sparing them a second glance. She had to deal with her own problem first.
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