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It's still good. I know where the Twins are, and Unanun didn't specifically say that he saw them.
Still, we need to talk... communication is key in helping a GM weave his or her story together, so it goes smoothly.
I refuse to talk to anyone ever again.
Unless Asmo tells me I have to, because there's still a weird compulsion to listen to him.
I grew too many testicles; I have a total of five now.
While you crush them one at a time, I'll use the remaining four I have to say,

*Watches the next post render it a complete and total moot fucking point.*
I didn't though.
Waaaaaaait *hnng*

Before you crush the third one, consider this:

- I did read your post!
- I was told to grow testicles
- So I tried to think of a way to build plot into a post
- It should tie in somehow to what you wrote
- Their blindfolds are their most distinguishing feature. And what if they were hiding something magical, a branding, or maybe they were just lying?
- And it's open ended enough to have other people write off of it

The defense rests, your honour.
Yeah, everyone chill. I told you to be ballsy, and you did so. Pedantic communication was not required in this case. And Unanun's post did not fuck up Chaos's.

can I get a hug please
I'm still confused... also, just went through the OOC... and... I appear to have lost count of how many times I've talked about talking to each other so plots won't get tangled up... 0.o
I'm still confused... also, just went through the OOC... and... I appear to have lost count of how many times I've talked about talking to each other so plots won't get tangled up... 0.o

I'm claiming that what I wrote doesn't contradict what Chaos wrote. If you feel otherwise .. point out some specifics and I'll modify what I wrote to be more in line.
*starts beating everyone with It's all good signs*

Also... "cockshard runt". I invented that.
Asmo just tucking that shit all over the place now.

In other news, going to post sometime today while I'm not absorbed in Darksiders II.

*Suddenly Leon develops sickles, a scythe, a horse, and two brothers along with a sister*
You can have sickle-cell anaemia. No more.
honestly asmo, i thought that was a typo of Rockshard C.....erm, nevermind.
I think it refers to one who has broken their cock through excessive masturbation and thus has only a shard of it remaining.

*works on the Gotheheim Urban Dictionary*
*Grabs a pair of barbecue prongs*

This is my new poking stick. It has two prongs to penetrate your heart with when I'm forced to stab you for posting slower than a frozen corpse.
So you should be stabbing yourself then??
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