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Malwin IS only blind during the day.... so... two and a half blind mice?

*Waits for someone to get the joke*
I see what you did there.

- I've never had reason to distrust Aloysius. He's a great scout and a better investigator. I need to be careful around him…I think he might suspect me of taint, but has never said so much to me before. All I know is that much time in a library makes me nervous.

- I worked under Eric once, before the accident. That man knew how to lead, had some sort of spark that made us all strive to be better, be stronger. I know it must be hard now, thanked for his service with suspicion. We may not speak much, but we hold more in common than he may think. I fear he may blame himself for my attack and curse.

- Atlas relies on his mind and magic to aid him, and I can't fault him that. I fear his priorities are sometimes misplaced but talking to him is always light. He's one of the few who give me the time of day when I'm blind. For that I am grateful.

-Corben is a man I am expected to respect, but our relationship is at arm's length…even professionally. The work he has done so far is laudable, but I am not confident that the blacksmith has what it takes to really lead us…in truth, I would be more confident in the decisions of his wife.

- Leonardo is my half-brother and a self-righteous prick. If he wants to blame me for the sins of my father, I'll have to remind him that it is an ancestor we both share. Personally I wouldn't feel so terrible if we lost him on patrol…Things may improve for me when he isn't around to spread rumors behind my back.

- Arkavenn- A waste of time. He is a brute of poor habits less dependability. When I see him fight I can see the savagery of other monsters mirrored in his tactics. One day he will turn on us…I hope Corben is prepared, because I am.

- Derek is being groomed for leadership. I trust him as much as Corben. A good man, but not leadership material. He does not inspire me and when we speak, we court around real topics like polite women, not real men. I think he may consider me a liability and if the monsters attacked by day as well, I would almost certainly not be a part of Fateguard in his unit.

- Erilyn is a good person. I have no doubt to her conviction although sometimes wonder if I am not too placating. On the night I was injured, I should have been there to protect her parents. I don't know if she blames me or not, but I would do almost anything to right my wrong.

- Riktor reminds me of fear and superstition. Too much religion and not enough science. The spirit that follows him is no doubt assisting his efforts, but I am wary of the undead…Perhaps he should be as well.

- Ferrick is a loner. Why he joins us to fight is beyond me. I've spoken little to him and received little back. That big house of his must be lonely without many there to keep him company. I understand his darkness a little and am willing to overlook it. I wonder if he overlooks mine.

- Alexander is a mixed blessing. He is invaluable on the front lines and polite to a fault, but his insistence on the honor of women is annoying. I dueled him once over a thief, also a woman, and found first hand that he is the most respected swordsman for a reason. He is fated to die, that much is known…and I have a feeling it will be a woman to bring his downfall. Still, we can share a brew cordially…but I feel distant from him.

- Alyss is like me. We are both different from the others. Perhaps that is why I am so drawn to her. I pray that no one finds out about us, but I cannot tear myself away from her intoxication…She makes my blood boil even while her skin is cold.

- Elayna is another woman who excites me. I keep her at arm's length because I doubt she understands, but oh the things I could show her…

- The twins are fair trackers, but their masks are unsettling. More than once I have nearly hurled a dagger at them in the heat of battle. I pray my control remains the same and we do not face an unfortunate accident for their play of dress up. In conversation one is not far from the other. I wonder sometimes if I am talking to one person with two faces or two different people.

- I do not know Tahan…he reeks of corruption and yet is somehow an asset. I feel we can both learn a great deal from each other…if only I could get him out of my half brother's care…



And by the way, can I get more information on how the Magic of the Eldritch Guilds work?
Malwin as Charlie Sheen. Cannot unsee.

The Eldritch Guild use elemental and druidic power. Every spell is a modification of one of the 4 elements.

Stepping back so that anyone who wished to exist could do so,
Kitti. This power is not on your character sheet. Please edit.
So .. They throw fireballs around?
*Hurls a Chlorine elemental spell*
*Hurls a wave of sodium to react with the chlorine, counteracting it by making sodium chloride!*
After all the crap Leonardo gets for not liking Malwin. . . it gets revealed he is getting alleyway luvins. So what if Leonardo doesn't know about this exact thing and still intensely dislikes his half-brother? >.>

Meanwhile his sick wife & child try not to die in bed at his home.
Come again?

And no, the mages do not hurl fireballs willy-nilly. A fireball requires manipulation of fire into a spherical form, air into a method of propulsion and earth into an extended-burn fuel. This would count as a very high-level spell. They manipulate elements subtly, like changing the course of a water, inciting a strong breeze, making fire jump, cracking a clay vase, etc. It's nothing over the top. Magic is not conclusively proven to exist in this setting. The mages are like weird scientists who most people think are crazy. No one is sure if they actually DO anything (except the FateGuard of course).

The arcane and divine magic in this roleplay is a force of chance and slightness. It gives you a temporary upper hand. It cause coincidences. It plays on superstition and human faith. It is not D&D.
Well, Leonardo would get homicidal. Purge the unclean and whatever. I think. I'm not Leonardo.

Also, I feel like a voyeur.
Hey, we're all human, Malwin has needs!

.... I'm not sure on Alyss, but MALWIN HAS NEEDS DAMMIT!
I like how ole Granny is telling this story to her children.

They get the sex talk and a ludicrously long bedtime story all at once.

Crazy ole grandma.
I'm sure Granny worded it differently. The full story just goes into all the good stuff.
"And then Malwin... well... you see, children, had a rather improper relationship with Alyss- I don't want either of you getting inot that or you'll get your hides tanned! No grandchild of mine is gonna be some hussy!"

"Granny, what's a hussy?"

"Sandra Fluke."

What with all the monster senses and such, Asmo, it seemed only fair that my secret power be the inability of others to exist without my permission.
Double standards. >:[
And for all the holy and magic blessings at our disposal the old man has the one power we only wish we had.

A hammer space for bottles of booze. Clearly fate is trying to test Derek's patience in any way it can.
Hammer space for bottles of booze? Are those bottles empty, or full? Or is it a hammer space for booze in general?
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