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WHOOT WE'RE TOUGH! Wait, stop, we need to frolick in the flowers I got from outside the wall and get wasted!
Kitti, to foot note Tahan is present unarmoured and I have not explicitly revealed the connection between him and the suit yet. I'll do it pretty soon though, just waiting for a good opportunity. Right now he's just some guy, that as Corben said, is being forced onto them by a higher authority.
Did someone say storm the house? Does that mean it's time for Arkavenn to show?
(throws Algebra books out the window)

Okay, I'm ready to post.

Oh and Panda, Aloysius went to go fetch Arkavenn. So I guess so, yeah.
Wait, the therewulf is being irrational?

Note to self, when hiding from the authorities, light the house in the most conspicuous way possible.

We're tough Norsemen

There are a couple tough norsewimmin' as well.
Dw guys the tank is here.
Oookay... so I'm guessing your parents died in some horrible fashion which Corben is unaware of and his well-meaning attempt to bolster camaraderie has backfired!

I actually did say they died serving the FateGuard. Take a second look at Corben's section on the relations thing I did for Derek. I figured you'd have seen it. I just haven't gotten a chance to bring it up in story yet besides Ann's words dropping a hint that their father isn't around anymore.
I'd post up a relations thing but I think I'll wait till we're a tad more involved and I myself get a better view of the characters. Also it was touched on, Asmo sent me a message telling me where he wanted the twins scent and hearing to lead. I hope what I brought to the table was to his liking ^.^
And as for the werewolf not acting like a beast. Were wolves are usually a man being transformed into a hideous creature. Yes they are usually full of evil, and beast like qualities but in the end they are a man confused about his transformation. So the fact that Asmo wanted the house nearby the killing could just mean that the man turning into the wolf isn't an evil mastermind and though it probably has the instinct to survive probably wouldn't or couldn't take the time to think about hiding himself. He probably thought the dragon attack was enough to cover up the body and didn't realize the abilities the fateguard could use to track it. And the light... I'm not sure on the legend of that but he could've thought that'd keep out evil? If it's just a shapeshifter though I'm not sure why the house was supposed to be lit up so much or why it was so close. That's up to Asmo to reveal and let be discovered ^.^ this is just what I thought of with the information i was given for tracking XD
Tahan, small concern.

Why can you sense the monster and what it's about to do?

*Relooks at his sheet* I thought I had that power :(


Why can the TWINS find the monster that I can't sense? Not to derail plot discussion again, but Malwin's thing is sensing the monsters and where they're coming from. People know this. If the monster is all loose and causing a hubub, you put me in the awkward position of having said nothing while sensing it...but the plot has moved far enough already. I'll have to make something up for werewolf magic or make Malwin evil.

*Sighs and erases the post he was working on*

I'll respond later when I figure out what's going on.

*Returns with the book to find everything taken care of*
*Comforts Malwin while trying to keep her skin from touching him, so he won't get frightened of her cold skin*

I think something's in order... It seems like while people are trying to be respectful of each other in posts- we're not talking enough to each other- telling each other our plans and such.

*Pokes at the Unanunna/Malwin/Twins/Ect mess*

Asmo, might it help to get a group up and running? It might help. Everyone could have their own little discussion thread to explain their character, or any events that have happened in a post- reminders or just drawing attention to something they did, and one centralized discussion to actually CONVERSE with each other. Help organize some things and make it a little easier in some ways.

*Huggles Asmo*

Just seems like after every post, there's a post or two in reaction- good or bad, confusion or certainty, perhaps something can aide this?
Or we write summaries for all our posts and make sure everyone reads them.
I hope my IC post clears things up.

This is what I sent to BulletVixen and Deathrillz:
Aidan will hear laboured breathing coming from inside, along with the crackle of fire and possibly the whisper of other candles/lanterns.

Nadia will smell sweat and urine and damp clothes. Also some alcohol and spoilt food. There will also be a slight smell of animals - like a dog's fur.

It's not my fault you all interpreted that as "There's a werewolf in the house!" >:)

And can everyone please stop stealing Jack's characteristics. It's not fair on him. Unanun, if you are going to embellish your character sheet with a sudden ability to locate monsters, please let me know. Because now, in chapters like this, I will have to send you constant updates on where the monster is just so it doesn't cause a plothole. If know you're a free spirit and all that crap, but the creature is NOT "on the move to the north". Which means Tahan must be sensing something else which needs explaining. With awesum meta powah comes the responsibility to communicate.

Right, I think TK has the right idea about that group.
Yeah, I was just writing something to fill in the empty space.

Feel free to ignore him. I can easily chalk it up to him being incomplete. Also, it's totally ominous forshadowing - he's your replacement, woo!

In response to the latest twist, not sure what to say.
*Had gone to sleep worried about Asmo's response and woke up screaming*


Wait... Wait... *Looks at the group, looks at Asmo*


Yeah! All those other lame-o RPs need to be RP of the Whatever-the-fuck time span it is!

We're awesome enough to have one regardless!
Is the old man the werewolf?Because if he isn't I've got an idea for comic relief moment; dude turns out to ne Old Jim, man who taught Arkavenn how to drink!
He wouldn't be throwing stuff at you and screaming about werewolves if he was the werewolf.

He's just a smelly old guy and his dog.
LEAVE THE SMELLY OLD GUY ALONE! *Sobs with mascara running down her cheeks*

Lol i'm sorry with what you had given me I figured SOMETHING was supposed to be in the house. I also never said the werewolf was IN the house, Aidan and Nadia simply said there was something in the house and it wasn't human. Aidan could've said that cuz he heard the dog breathing.... He's not always right! ^.^ But forgive me if i went to far with the details Asmo. Try to let me know what not to find also next time and i will try to not push it too far. ^^ -is joining group now hehehehe- thanx and sorry
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