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Grail war day 1 = December 21.
I know Einstein was disgusted, but he was one of the major parts in the creation of it. SO THUS, HE SHALL HAVE THE NUKE AS HIS NP. Or, he could make a blackhole xD
Nah man, that'd be an insult to Einstein XD basically what happened was that he wanted to find a new energy source, but then some other guys were all like, "Oh, that's cool, but we totally could make a bomb out of this." Einstein and all of those who helped him didn't want that at all. Wait, why a blackhole?
A black hole because...I don't know.
General Patton as the Rider Class! His Noble Phantasm would be a Reality Marble brought into a barren land, the enemy is surrounded by M4A1 Tanks!
Sounds pretty like Patton.
^^ it's easier to make servants out of heroes from myths and legends.
I think Killala just shrunk to the size of a lady bug XD
Julius Caeser as either the Saber Class or the Rider Class!
Crocea Mors IS the prototype of Caliburn.

Though obviously this means Julius will end up being Julia and a Saber clone.
Leonidas as the Lancer Class! Noble Phantasm could be some major ass shield bash OR a Reality Marble of the 'Hell Gates' with the 300 Spartans.
Robin Hood would be good for the Archer class! xD
I would have made a genderbent Li Mochou for an Assassin or Archimedes of Syracuse as a Caster if I was able to reserve those slots.
William Wallace for the Saber Class!
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Robin Hood is actually multiple people in Nasuland.

This furthers my hypothesis that each class has a 'hero' that is multiple people. Two down - three if you count the Sabers - five to go.
Vlad the Impaler! As...probably a Rider class
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