Farbe An Anti-Terror Magical RP

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Well whenever you lot wanna get to viewing the sites of Seattle, I'd love to start having writing to do again. XD
@Jerelin: I tried tagging you so you could respond in the RP. Wanna make sure everyone's here and we've got some semblance of an idea what we're all supposed to do before going in. :P Also haven't seen @Bebepiggles or @HelloBeautifulChild in this scene. You guys all right?
Oh, yeah, it's not a big deal. I just had that thought and figured I'd point it out. I've got no problem with it as is. :3
Also, just on this note. I was drawing with crayons the other day - yes, I still draw with crayons, but not just because or anything >_> - I noticed there's a light tan that's French/Spanish names are amarant/e (respectively). It was just kind of like, well, guess I was using this name either way! xP
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Im here! I haven't been doing much thanks to having no computer once again and kindles suck. Starting back to uni on Monday so i can take advantage of the library and catch up on everything. Thanks for tagging me! With everything going on irl, I had completely forgotten about this thing. D:
Sorry about computer stuff - that seriously sucks! We shall see you Monday then, m'dear, and wish you luck in the meantime. ^_^
Also, just on this note. I was drawing with crayons the other day - yes, I still draw with crayons, but not just because or anything >_> - I noticed there's a light tan that's French/Spanish names are amarant/e (respectively). It was just kind of like, well, guess I was using this name either way! xP
Oh, nice! XD
We'll go ahead and skip on Monday. Then we will get to the mission. Does everyone know their roles or have an idea of one?
That's a legitimate thing!? Sounds like something out of a bad comedy.

Yeah it does, and this new router sucks, like a lot. Idk how often I can post until this is resolved because it literally took 45 minutes to load the homepage of Iwaku
Bebe, no! That's so sad, I'm sorry. How's skype or other methods of communication working for your phone? If you need help, I can send you stuff that way or via email so you can stay up to date, and if you find your internet will just forever be dead, you can send me posts that way and I'll upload them or whatever. Just let us know if there's anything we can do. Good luck!
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It's okay for scarce posting. Thanks for letting me know
I don't know what White's role would be xD
Ahh! Sorry! Haven't been getting email notifications, gonna have to actually log in. But I'm back!
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Bebe, no! That's so sad, I'm sorry. How's skype or other methods of communication working for your phone? If you need help, I can send you stuff that way or via email so you can stay up to date, and if you find your internet will just forever be dead, you can send me posts that way and I'll upload them or whatever. Just let us know if there's anything we can do. Good luck!
It's okay for scarce posting. Thanks for letting me know

Thanks guys, we had someone come and check it out and everything seems to be working well for the time being so it'll be back to normal posting now. However could someone update me on what's gone on since I left?
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Gah! I didn't get any alerts for this thread! I'm thinking overwatch for crimson with purple guiding him telepathically.
Also just noticed crimson isn't in the character list yet, @RareSecret.
I'll start posting again once it changes to the mission, I figure I've missed to much of this scene to really recover
Fuck it I'm gonna make a post of Gray setting up his rifle and like watching the spaceneedle in preparation.
Hopefully this will keep the thread alive. We should start moving in. Has anyone tried contacting red?
Agreed. If I may, this is the set-up I was thinking of for the team:

team (A)
Yellow - waitress; assessing and memorizing both guests and staff; detain threat discreetly if possible, apply force if necessary
[BCOLOR=#ff0000]Red[/BCOLOR] - hostess; assessing guests at entrance and on floor for any emotional disturbances; discreet compulsion if possible, crowd control as required
[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Black[/BCOLOR] - dishwasher; assess staff in back, prevent poisoning etc; immediate fire power if necessary
Orange - Black's cousin who needed a sitter; wander the building to assess structure and backrooms; apply medical assistance as required.

teams will enter building at separate times for additional assistance undercover, excluding (D)
(B) [BCOLOR=#800080]Magenta[/BCOLOR] - shopping teenager; listen to external crowds (including surrounding buildings) for danger, maintain awareness of internal team for backup; discreet first response as required, apply force if necessary
(B) [BCOLOR=#000000]White[/BCOLOR] - shopping teenager; assess external crowds (including surrounding buildings) for danger; crowd control as required
(B) Green - shopping teenager; read external crowds (including surrounding buildings) for danger; apply medical assistance as required
(C) Blue - father, day out; assess external structure of building and structure of surrounding buildings; crowd control/shut down area as required, apply force if necessary
(C) [BCOLOR=#ff99cc]Amaranth[/BCOLOR] - son, day out; assess external structure of building and those surrounding; first response as required, apply force if necessary
(D) [BCOLOR=#800000]Crimson[/BCOLOR] and [BCOLOR=#ff00ff]Purple[/BCOLOR] - out of sight; Eyes and Ears, respectively; crowd control and back-up if necessary

Objective: Prevent terrorist threat and apprehend suspect(s)
Ideally discreet plan: Red recognizes single party threat, alerts teams; Magenta may enter to assist Yellow in apprehension and removal of suspect
Back-up: Red, Black, and Orange maintain internal situation until back-up arrives; Magenta and Amaranth first response
Crowd Control: Red, White, Purple, and Blue
Contingency: Crimson, eliminate targets with extreme prejudice

Lemme know what ya'll think or want for you character. I did have a thought, though, that Orange and White are both Japanese so maybe they should be cousins, but it made more sense to have Black in the back as a dishwasher and enforcer than as one of the girls on a shopping spree, so... xP
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