Fangs And Fur

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"Money?" Ileana scoffed. "You know nothing. Old money runs deep back home, along with the split blood of friends and family. There's three families in a constant state of war for this crown, and murder is second nature. A union here would put an end to that fighting and save countless lives..."

She turned around, eying the silver-haired girl. "I mean your prince no harm, girl; I never did. On the contrary, he was the one who threatened me harm and even inflicted it upon another girl. I ask you, kindly, that you not accuse me of things I never intended to put into practice when all I seek is to do my duty as a royal."

That done, Ileana pushed past the others and into the bathing chambers. Once gone, she wiped a single red-tear from her cheeks. No, they couldn't see her like this...she had to be strong.

Why couldn't Mishka have been older?
she wondered, and began to strip down. She could deal with these shrill-voiced harpies, and I could go home.


That exchange sounded rough.

The magic stood outside the door, shaking his head. The idea that three different girls had seen him with her was bothersome, but not too worrisome. Who would the prince belief? The servants he treated with loving respect, or the woman whose very presence made him twitch?

Still.... he decided it best to scan their heads, see which one was keen on running to the prince. Shouldn't have been too hard to convince them not to.
Ren, purple
"I never said you were going to case him harm. And you don't need to marry him for a Union. I think your forgetting some things. The fact is this royal family is the highest in the vampire world." Ren says.

"Go home. You can take that servant boy with you since you love him so dearly. And you have no right to say that about him. You don't know him. That garden you walked into today was the garden of the Queen. He doesn't go in and damage things that have value to you so why do the same to him." Ren says "Also Luka is unstable."

"Princess Ren!" A maid called out " Someone has snuck into the caste" She panted. Ren looked up and narrowed her eyes. "Then it looks like I get to go on a killing spree then." Ren smirks before running off.

Suitor, white
"I have noticed since we arrived I have vet to see the royal guard" one said. "I heard their royal guard consist of only one skilled member." "I heard they didn't need one or didn't have one." "Only guards you see are outside the caste. You haven't seen any around the royal family." "Yeah I wonder why."
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Nicole, purple
Nicole looked at the girls for a moment. "We are all in the same situation, some of you may be here for other reasons, but that doesn't mean you have to gang up on any one person." Nicole didn't like these petty fights and had done what she could to avoid them back home. "So what if she was with someone else? Does it really matter that much?" She asked before a maid came running in and Ren bolted off out of their room.

She watched as the red haired princess had gone to bathe before turning to the other girls. "You really shouldn't spread rumors even if it is true. You don't know the situations behind what you have seen and shouldn't talk of it." She said clearly not happy with being stuck with such a female. "Would you like it if someone did that to you?" She said after a moment shaking her head before she decided she would get ready for bed.
Servant boy? Adrian scrunched his face. Didn't think I had that bad of a baby face...

He heard the girl get ready to leave. Turning to shadow, he melted into the wall and vanished, letting her run by. There would be chaos tonight; would be a good time to keep an eye on things.

He checked on Ileana with a mental connection. The girl's last few words didn't have too much of an effect it seemed, though it insulted her pride just slightly. Ren's ignorance would get her in the end, it hardly mattered. Realizing she was changing, he blushed and broke the connection. I need sleep, before I do something I'll regret.
Luka, purple
Getting out of the tub and drying of he heard a few maids scream. Yelling came from the halls. He pulled on his shorts and grabbed his sword. Stepping out. "Intruder!" Yelled a maid.

Ren, white
"Stupid! Stupid people! Learn your fucking lesson already!" She yelled pissed that she finally arrived home and had to put up with this shit. Ren nearly ran into Luka. "Shit." She mutters moving around him attacking the intruder.

Suitor, pink
"Why are you here then Nicole?" Asked one. "We all have our reason but it doesn't matter if you come here for money or anything else you should leave. I think you should only be here because you want to be." Says a smaller girl in a corner. All looked to her as she walked over. "All of you are petty bitches wanting him to use. Whether wealth, sex, or because you don't wanna fix your county yourself all stupid reasons to be here."
Indie, green
((im going to guess the intruder is Indie?))

Indie heard the yelling herself and her ears went back as she got out of the bath herself finding a towel to at least cover up slightly as someone rushed into the room. She recognized Ren but didn't say anything as the female only really saw her in her wolf form.

Indie moved away from the woman before she opened her mouth. "I am not an intruder." She said looking at Luka even as she avoided the woman that had run in.

Nicole, purple
"I am here because my parents sent me. I will remain here until he picks a bride and just inform them that I wasn't someone he was interested in. I am not using him nor do I intend to do such. I would return home if I could, but that isn't a possibility at the moment. Im sure you understand the pressure being put on you to represent your family here." She said after a moment before letting out a sigh. "Anyways, I really am not in the mood for such conversation and will retire to bed."
Ileana let herself dry off, hearing a commotion outside. She slid on her shift and peeked out the window, swearing she saw some dark shadow somewhere. She gasped, and put a finger to her lips.


She quickly put her nightdress back on, along with a dark cloak. Frowning at the woman still there, she slipped her hood on and moved past them all. They were all petty...except for one. One seemed to be eying her with something akin to friendship. Ileana gave her a thankful smile, and moved back to find her room.

"Hang on-"

No one could see him; he knew that without a shadow of a doubt. His mind was on full alert, and he didn't ready anyone nearby. He pushed her back into her room and locked the door.

"You alright?" he asked, turning his head. "I mean, beyond the girls practically ganging up on you."

Ileana shock her head. "I'm fine."

He didn't believe it somehow. Opening that mental connection, he saw the hurt in her heart. Feeling it himself, he drew her back against his chest, resting his chin on her head.

"They ought to just send you home," he said. "Let Mishka come and handle this."

"I can't..." the girl whined, crying against his chest. "My parents...they'll hurt you for it, I know they will. They expect results when I come home, not failure."
(Its not Indie. Its an actual intruder xD))

Luka, white
Luka watched as Ren sliced at the man who was standing before them. The king and queen walked out of their rooms. "When did Ren get back?" Was all they really questioned. The intruder feel to the ground a man with red eyes and blonde hair. Luka pushed Ren to the side. "Hold up." He says pulling him up. "Who are you?" He asks. The man looked away. "I'm not telling." Ren went to move but saw stopped by Luka. "Let me repeat myself. Who are you and what are you doing here." Against the mans will he spoke. "I'm Ace from the kingdom of Romania. I was hired to kill the hire to the throne so they could rule all vampires. Not only that but to kill the failing Princess Ileana." He says. The mans eyes were wide and not red but yellow now. After answering the question he covered his mouth and luka throw the man out the door. "Die." Was all he said before the man exploded. "Gather everyone. Ren. What do you know about these suitors?" He says. Ren walks behind Luka and wraps her arms around his neck.

"Let's see. Liza, Marina, Roxie and Iris plan to marry you then kill you. Taking over they will send the world into war. Luna, Stella, Izzy, Melina, Treasure, Maggie, Toddie, Mishelle, and Trish want you for pretty much bragging rights. Steph, Tracy, Jasmine, Kelsey, Caiti, Gena, Victoria, Macy, Dannielle, Nellie, and Bailey all want to fall in love with you. Ileana because she wants to protect people so no more Innocent people dying. Also she doesnt want her belived who is the stable man to die because of her family's threat and Nicole because her parents sent her." Ren says thinking about the information she collected before hand.

Luka sighs. "What ever. I don't wanna deal with things I'm going to bed. Don't wake me." He mutters ignoring the info because he would remember it all anyways.
Indie, green
((Ah okay didn't know... >.<))
Indie watched as the woman took care of the male that had come into the prince's room. She lowered her ears slightly ashamed that she hadn't noticed the intruder. She looked at Luka for a moment before looking away as Ren put her arms around his neck. She never really understood the relationship the two had but when Luka said he was going to bed she followed behind him.

"I should have sensed that male. Forgive me..." She said as she stood beside the bed looking at Luka for a moment. "I will be sure to pay attention to the other suitors as well, make sure none of them have any more surprises planned." After a few moments of silence she turned away thinking she would sleep in her wolf form tonight. "Goodnight Luka."
"Than they should have sent Mishka," he said, holding her tightly. "She's apt at this kind of thing already. "

Ileana sniffed, and moved away. "He's behaving like a fool," she said. "He thinks people of our kind are allowed to marry for love, that we can shirk off our duties out of spite and anger. Why if I could behave so blatantly I...I would have..."

Adrian waited, feeling his chest tightened. "...would have what?"

She smiled, a real one this time, and turned it back on him. "You already know how I feel about you, my illusionist," she said. "If I had the choice I would have made you king so long ago."

"Ileana...please," he sighed, sitting beside her. "I'm already being selfish in pursuing you in the first place. With my memory leaving...I'm just going to hurt you one day."

"And I told you it didn't matter," she said. "I love you, Adrian, I always will. But I can't give you the open relationship you deserve."
Luka, white
Luka patted Indie on the head. "Its all fine. Its Ren's job to protect me as my Knight. She may be weird about it but she truly loves the life here. She love you too of course. Your family to her as I am." He says giving Indie a smile. Curling up into his sheets. "There is a snow storm outside. I'm going to say by a few hours it will block most doors outside." He mutters before falling asleep.

A week later was the night all the suitors got to talk and hang out with Luka. It was a ball of course were even more ladies came in hopes of winning over his heart. Luka was in his room getting ready. Ren was in her room putting Indie in a nice dress. He pulled on his red button up shirt, which was buttoned to show some chest, black pants and leather combat boots. Around his shoulders he wore a black cloak with silver lining. Connecting the two sides of the cloak was a chain with the family seal.
Indie, green
Indie might have known that it wasn't really her job to protect Luka, but she still felt like she let him down some. Looking at Luka she listened to what he said about the storm and nodded. If it snowed that much, then it would be much harder for would be assassins to get in or out.

As the week of the ball came up Indie became nervous wanting to make sure Luka was happy, but at the same time her heart wished he would notice her above all the other women.

when the actual ball came ren helped her into an elegant red gown doing up her hair and making her presentable for such an event. "Do... Do you think he will notice me?" She asked a bit nervous knowing that tonight he would dance with so many beautiful women he might forget she was even there.

Nicole, purple
Nicole didn't mind snow, so when the snow storm arrived she didn't worry. It would make it difficult for people to come and go, even to just look at the snow covered gardens.

The week of the ball arrived and Nicole was being helped into a gown by maid. She was put in her mother's jewels and a little tiara as her hair was put up to frame her face.
Ren, white
"He might. But I honestly don't know Indie. Your always by his side so I wouldn't see how he wouldn't notice you. After his dance with me he wanted to dance with you. Be carful and follow his lead okay." Ren smiles at Indie knowing the girl wants to make him happy. Ren only wanted to see her younger brother happy. After fixing Indie up she told her to enter with the rest of the suitors and that she be in ball room waiting.

Luka, Purple
A few maids came in and out of the ball room as he walked to the balcony within the ball room. This was normally were Noble's were escorted down and wear the orchestra played with the king and queen sitting on the thrones in front. He sat down in the kings throne. Ren came to sit next to him in the queens throne.
You can do this....

For her own sake, Ileana had given up on trying to woo the prince. It was clear that he wasn't listening, be it out of sheer stubbornness or naivety, he wasn't even going to entertain the idea of a suitor. So the goal was simply to survive, be available in the eyes of the king and queen. Surely they'd see the benefit of putting the new kingdom with the old....

Hence, she'd told Adrian to stay back. For their own good, she couldn't be suspected of infidelity. So, standing by the corner, waving a black lace fan, she kept her face the picture of propriety and patience. She wondered if anyone really knew how empty her heart felt.

Still, it didn't stop her illusionist from mixing in with the crowd. Wearing a mask, hair tucked under a hat to keep himself hidden, he mixed about the crowd, serving drinks, keeping his head down, and offering directions when necessary. He couldn't stop his eyes from gliding over to his princess once or twice. He knew her too well, knew the broken look on her face, even behind that scarlet red mask.
Indie, green
((Uh.... ususally a knight would stand behind their charge, not sit next to them in a seat of power... In this case it seems like Ren was chosen as his queen...and could therefor give others the wrong impression since she was with the other suitors.))

Indie followed Ren into the ballroom and soon spotted Luka. He looked as handsome as ever and her heart leapt in her chest. She looked around the ballroom at all of the beautiful women and wondered if she even had a chance here. Yes, he would dance with her, at least that was what Ren said, but was it just to include her? She was thinking about these things when someone spoke behind her.

May I have a dance?

The wolf turned around then and while she wasn't sure about this, she couldn't just stand there and do nothing so she nodded and gave the man her hand. "Im not the best dancer though."

Its alright, just follow my lead. You look like you could use some fun anyways.

Nicole, purple
Nicole was currently watching the crowd of dancers a drink in her hand which she sipped every so often until it was empty. She saw the prince sitting next to a woman in the kings and queens chairs and wondered if this woman was to be his queen or if she was his favorite here. She recognized her as the woman that spoke with the others and herself yesterday before the intruder arrived. Which was surprising, wouldn't he have the woman that was in his room last night be sitting in a place of honor next to him like that? She really didn't understand some of the politics going on in such courts.
Indie, green
((Uh.... ususally a knight would stand behind their charge, not sit next to them in a seat of power... In this case it seems like Ren was chosen as his queen...and could therefor give others the wrong impression since she was with the other suitors.))

Nicole, purple
Nicole was currently watching the crowd of dancers a drink in her hand which she sipped every so often until it was empty. She saw the prince sitting next to a woman in the kings and queens chairs and wondered if this woman was to be his queen or if she was his favorite here. She recognized her as the woman that spoke with the others and herself yesterday before the intruder arrived. Which was surprising, wouldn't he have the woman that was in his room last night be sitting in a place of honor next to him like that? She really didn't understand some of the politics going on in such courts.
Indie, green
(I don't think you read my post correctly. She said to go in with the suitors. Also she was only sitting their until things started which they have not done. Plus everyone who has ever been to this kingdom has meet Ren. She was his sister after all.)
Luka, white
Once things had started Ren stood next to Luka. "Ladies and Gentlemen I give you Prince Luka Crosszeria and his escort for the night Lady Ren Crosszeria." Said an announcer. Luka stood and held out his arm. Ren took hold and they walked down the stairs. "Don't forget to dance with Indie." She whispered. He nods. ""Welcome! I hope every last on of you enjoys the festivities we have in store for you." Luka says with a smile as Ren takes his hand and littarly pulls him to the floor. The two of them danced and hated their chat which consist of laughing and giggling.

Ren bows and leaves to keep guard.
I thought that by entering with the suitors the ball had started.. my bad. and I have been kind of foggy today so I probably didn't read it all correctly fighting off being sick. I can fix the post if you wish

No its fine just keep in mind everything I do I do have a reason for it or an explanation .
Indie, green
Indie followed Ren into the ballroom and soon spotted Luka. He looked as handsome as ever and her heart leapt in her chest. She looked around the ballroom at all of the beautiful women and wondered if she even had a chance here. Yes, he would dance with her, at least that was what Ren said, but was it just to include her? She was thinking about these things when someone spoke behind her.

May I have a dance?

The wolf turned around then and while she wasn't sure about this, she couldn't just stand there and do nothing so she nodded and gave the man her hand. "Im not the best dancer though."

Its alright, just follow my lead. You look like you could use some fun anyways.

((reposting her reply.... for plot sake I guess?)) (changed her dress... her hair is done the same as in the picture, minus the little tiara)
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Indie, green
(I don't think you read my post correctly. She said to go in with the suitors. Also she was only sitting their until things started which they have not done. Plus everyone who has ever been to this kingdom has meet Ren. She was his sister after all.)
I thought ren was his childhood friend since that is what you stated in a previous post.

"Ren had know Luka since they were children their mothers were great friends and Ren had just returned to the castle that night."

which is why I was confused.... so unless Ren's mother married the king, or the king had an affair I don't really understand how their mothers could be friends then end up siblings.
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