Fallout: A New Journey

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Well I made gateman post right away so I will just wait I guess, though idk how this rp will function if no one is posting or it takes weeks for someone to post when we have such fast responders :( Not that I'm made at the fast responders just annoyed at the ones taking forever
Well remember, their characters turn into NPC's after a week.
A this point I'm thinking about just ignoring them entirely, so the only ones at camp are Emil and Aiden.
Well yea, that's what happens when they turn into NPC's >_>.
I could make another guy to interact with her back at the base.
Name: Didary Dirrge

Nickname: very few can call him diddles

Age: 23

Race: caucasion

Role: Mercenary

Appearance: Basicly my profile pic minus the cat

Personality: He's mostly a kind and helping individual when not on the job. Once hired though he takes a more cold and porfessional mindset on. He has little to no morals, willing to do anything he needs to to get any job done.

Past: he's worked as a grave digger in the past, other than that he's done little of note aside from wandering the wastes and taking small Merc' jobs

Traits: He has sharp reflexes which has helped keep him alive despite having little combat training outside of his prefered weapon, A shovel he reinforced and made himself.


Strength: 10

Perception: 10

Endurance: 8

Charisma: 5

Intelligence: 7

Agility: 10

Luck: 10


Large Reinforced custom made Combat Shovel
.44 Magnum with spiraling desings (6 shots left)
250 caps
Light colored, layered leather armor
A shovel
A trowell
A military folding shovel
a "Jaskot's Big Book Of Shovels" hard cover.
an emptied out plasma gernade case
LOTS of obviously fake plastic gold coins (caduceus on one side, Sythe on the other)
So freaking sorry- I didn't see the notification in time, and I'll have a post up as quick as possible.
Nah, it's all fine man, that happens some times ^^.
I'm going to have to drop this, one it seems pretty dead on its own, and two I'm just to busy. I would say pause my person but with school coming right after my wedding I don't see my time opening up.
Yea, alright, sad to see you go though.
Yeap, feel free. Won't kill off her char since she's NPCing it.
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