Fairy Tail: The Crystal Owl [In Character]

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Syrenei Kazuran

Her attention snapped back to reality when Phyllis scolded her for spacing out. In reply, Syrenei gave a small nod and said, " I apologize for that. I was just thinking about something. I'll be sure not to do that anymore." She let out a soft sigh, slightly embarrassed that she had made such an error in front of the guild master. If she had done that at any other critical time, surely the guilds reputation would go down, and she wouldn't want that. She continued on walking with her head held high and renewed concentration for the task at hand. "And Meer, you needn't worry. If an enemy comes to you, I'll use my magic to protect you," she said reassuringly, giving him a small nod.

@Clyde @Rauzi

Mizura Kazuran

The guild was certainly rowdy today. There were injured and angry guild mates today, making Mizura reluctant to associate with either party. With a small sigh, he walked over to Roderick, Eiji, and Alexander, just to see if they required any help. "How did this happen? Is there anyway I can help?" He asked, bringing a hand up to conjure a ball of water within his palm. He couldn't heal or anything, but he could at least clean out wounds. The Water Dragon Slayer glanced at the others around the room, not really interested, but taking small notes of them.

The more David thought about it, the more it seemed like a good idea, but he wasn't sure he wanted to do it. He sighed, it wasn't a choice, it was his responsibility as a guild member to do this. David goes back inside and looks at each of the members. He scrunched his eyes then, sighing with annoyance at not acting sooner, with such able bodied but bored comerades. When he opened them, he stood and took out the pencil (another artifact) he had used on the notebook, to write a message in the air. Those who wish to accompany me, I shall be leaving to earn more money for the guild. Now that there are enough members to spare, I wouldn't mind the company. David went back to the door to stand by it and wait for anyone's reply.
Terra glanced up and noticed the writing in the air. 'A job, huh?' She thought. 'Beats sitting here.' With that, Terra rose from her seat and crossed to where David stood at the door. "I accept your offer and am willing to accompany you on whatever job you have undertaken." She said. "The Crystal Owl needs all the funds it can garner."
Eiji awoke in a burst of dark energy, he had gone a little comatose as living ink was healing his internal wounds from being struck with that black lightning from that dark guildmaster. Although he woke up he was disorientated as the ink was seeping from his body now and grabbed everyone in the vicinity except for alexander as long as they were in the guild hall with him...

"SON OF A BITCH" he called out as he still assumed that he was around his enemies... The living Ink mimicked fists and gripped everyone within the guild hall...."There are no... weak members" he said as he calmed down a bit and dropped to one knee...
"What... how.. did I get back" he said outloud as he noticed his guildmates and realized what he was doing and he made the ink recede back into him... "Damn must have been more hurt then I realized" he says collapsing to the ground

Roderick Hulben

He was taken by surprise as Eiji woke up and the ink gripped on him. But before he could even say anything really he was already catching Eiji as he collapsed. Not saying anything, he picks Eiji up and begins to carry him upstairs to lay him down to rest. "I'll take care of Eiji, you guys go ahead and have fun, i'll be looking after the guild with Lisanna, Mizura come with me and give me hand" he calls out before disappearing into the staircase with Eiji on his shoulder. Upon reaching the second floor, he walks up to closest bed and lays Eiji down. "You sure took a good hit" he comments.

@Iroh @CynderTheDragoness @Necropolis @Reanimator Bob @RaineSensei
David makes no move as the ink grabs him, seeming to be void of emotion as he seems to look through the ink at Eiji. David looks at his state of health, and seeing it made him furious. Oh yes, he knew exactly what they would be doing now. He had been planning on taking down a weaker dark guild, since he wanted to scope the abilities of his allies. However, as one the first members of the guild besides Master Phyllis, he knew that he could not let something like this go unpunished. He made a move to catch Eiji, reaching for the energy of a nearby school of fish to make a cushion for him to land upon, but Roderick (Rod) had already reached him, so he stopped the task. Even though Rod wasn't paying attention to the rest of them, David nodded, knowing the wisdom of his words, and the foolishness of the task that stopping David would be. He leans back against the door frame again, waiting to see if anyone else was going to join them. Oh yes, he knew exactly what they would do, and judging by the fact that it was black lightning, he knew exactly which dark guild it was.
"Well this is a most unfortunate circumstance." Currently Frederick had kept mainly to his own person as he didn't feel the need to speak up for himself at this point and time. The sudden appearance of these dark mages were a bit of a sullied surprise as they didn't know the meaning of keeping of the phrase "silence is golden", but its whatever as the main issue now would be getting out of their trap. Backing them up into a corner where escape was near impossible was a highly effective strategy one of which he would scold himself for not anticipating later as for right now he needed a counter. He began to think as he went into his own center of being to find the answer...until he heard a rustling behind him.

Upon turning around he spotted a small little squirrel hanging off the branch of the apple that Onna had previously wanted. The thought hit him instantly as he took out his violin and began to play as he staredup at the squirrel that now focused purly upon him. "I'm a bit rusty with this score but hopefully he gets the full message." Not having to wait long for his answer he sprinted after the furry creature as it made its way through the trees leading him away from the group. "The only way to fight is to get into those woods...at the very least then we'll both be prey ro whatever lies within this forest."

Terra gritted her teeth and clenched her jaw as Eiji's ink struck her. She knew her Guildmate did not mean to attack her and the others. He had woken, confused, and struck out. Terra knew the feeling. It happened to her a week before, when she became a member of the Crystal Owl Guild. She still couldn't remember how she ended up here, but she was glad for it nonetheless. They had taken her in when she needed a home, a family. It enraged the Earth Dragon Slayer to see her Guildmates in such condition. She would make whoever harmed them pay for thier actions.
All this talk of how they shouldn't be fighting only managed to make her more pissed, and more willing to fight. But whats wrong with throwing a few punches? It was what family did wasn't it? Families fight, and by fighting they get closer. I mean, Christ! It was all she wanted! Was that too much to ask for? A little bit of stress-relieving pummeling?!

"Fine... I need to punch something soon if I can. Everything's got me riled up. So lets get going already."

Petra walked out of the hall waiting for everyone to follow. But from outside she yelled to everyone in the hall to hear. Man these walls were like, paper thin. Paper.

"But if I have to get dressed as a maid and clean some old perverts apartment, I just want you all to know, I will burn that place to the ground. Household chores are not something that wizards should be doing. Especially when Dark Guilds are out there, hurting our members. That's my job! So lets get going."
Seeing that Petra wouldn't wait any longer, David turns away and walks toward the old lady's house, where the way would be easier to find. Plus, maybe Terra and Petra could settle their differences on the road and throw a few punches at each other along the way, since the main reason he didn't want them fighting in the guild hall was when they were near civilization. He didn't want the Crystal Owl to glean the reputation of a rowdy guild, and if the guild hall made that much ruckus, then to hell if he was going to let it continue.
The path David had chosen to take was a bit longer than if they had walked in a straight line to Magnolia, but that would go straight through the Neutral Grounds, and he wanted to avoid bandits or petty common thieves. They traveled along the shore to Hargeon, another city that sits on the shore, and then took a train from there to Magnolia, and the dark guild that had struck out against them. The voyage could have taken 4 hours if they had crossed that planes, as sometimes David decided that they should run to save time, but with the slight backtracking as the land curved inwards a bit, it took a whole two extra hours.

~6 hours later~

Terra, Petra, and David arrived at the old lady's house, and saw where the previous damage had been done, though it wasn't so obvious that anyone would realize that a dark guild had destroyed her home. By now, the sun had made it's own celestial journey through the sky, and with where it was at now, David could venture to guess that it was 3 or 4 o'clock.
Terra followed David out after Petra. It seemed it would be only the three of them on this job. Terra thought it best to save her energy for traveling and fighting whatever enemy they encountered. She left Petra alone, at least for the time being. When they arrived at the train station, Terra argued until finally giving in, knowing it was faster than walking. The Earth Dragon Slayer spent the duration of the train ride trying to keep her breakfast down. It wasn't as bad as some other Dragon Slayers describe thier motion sickness. She figured it would only get worse as she grew in strength. Once at thier destination, she managed to stagger off the train just before it pulled away.

Alice walked into Cedar town with high hopes. In the pass month, she has been rejected from 5 guilds all because they thought she was not mage material. It was not her fault her body could not produce magic on its own. Her eyes glowed blue upon entering the area, giving her a jolt of excitement. "Lucky sign! I wonder if their is a guild here?" With an unshaken resolve she continued her search for a guild which would accept her, even with her magic disability.

After speaking to a few people, she learned of Crystal Owl. Supposedly they were a new guild that has yet to really make a name for themselves. That did not stop Alice as she was not looking for fame. Okay, she was but she did not need to join a big guild to get it. She knew that if she tried her hardest and was in the right place at the right time, she would get praised and become famous. Then all though other people who made fun of her would coward in her greatness. Still, first she has to get into a guild!

After a few hours of searching, she finally found the stone building. It was no where as pretty or well designed as the other guild houses. Nor was it as big. Still, it existed and was an opportunity she longed for. After taking a deep breath she walked up to the door.

*Knock Knock Knock*

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