Experiments Reborn

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Did he look okay? Maybe. Standing there, half naked, studying a pendant with hands that were definitely not clawed, he looked normal. But okay... that was something else entirely.

"...No." He didn't look at her, but after a moment, he released the pendant and shook his head. Without the horns, his hair felt free. Well, as free as hair could get covered in dirt and dried blood. His back was able to be touched or held onto since he had no spikes. Everything felt so wrong. "I feel... odd. Weak. Like I cannot do anything." Not having the surefire strength to rip a hole in a building or jump farther than anything known to man was strange. He wasn't capable of those things while he was a human.

"The... short one told me to wash myself. I smelled 'weird' to her" He snapped the last statement, and he could almost feel his tail lashing in irritation. However, the appendage was missing, and he didn't like missing the weight on his back. He felt tired. And Kain was one of the few people not to feel exhaustion, but the act of changing back into a human, the pain he'd felt with his extra parts shrinking and disappearing, it seemed to have dispelled the energy from his body.
Jami nodded in understanding and for the first time in...well, ever, she was the stronger of the two...in every physical and knowledgeable way. It was strange. She didn't like it. Sighing at the thought, the blond made her way over to where he stood and she was somewhat comforted that he was still able to tower over her. A shorter Kain would have just been...more wrong than this already was. She ducked her head a little until she met his eyes and Jami's expression was as reassuring as she could make it as she moved her hand slowly to touch his own. Her fingers curled gently around his own and she brought his hand up, looking down at it with some fascination as her thumb brushed over his palm.

She'd never paid so much attention to a human hand, but that was just it...she shouldn't have been holding a human hand right now.

"I understand what it's like to be human. It's weaker, fragile in many ways and frustrating, but...there is a strength in you, too. I know you don't know how that is possible yet, but there is. Out of every species that has dwelled on this earth, humans have survived the longest and that....is not because they're weak." Her eyes finally came back up and Jami's hand let his own go, knowing she'd probably overstepped boundaries as it was.

"Your dragon side is gone...or dormant or something, but you were half-human all this time anyway, Kain. Part of who you are, part of your inner strength and what makes you who you are is bound up in that. You haven't lost it. You just need to understand it now."

The female hybrid stepped back then and smiled a little. "Come on, I'll show you how to use the bathroom. Pixie-girl is right, you do smell." she teased before disappearing into the smaller room.
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Kain's hand flinched as she took it, but he didn't pull away. She was looking at his hand, and her touch didn't burn like Tanya's had earlier in the day. He forced himself to relax the muscles in his fingers, even if the rest of his body was tense. Humans were weak... there were just a lot of them. If Kain was a real dragon, he imagined he would be just like every other dragon he heard of: powerful and malicious, but defending of their own kind. Except there was no one like him. He sighed as Jami released his hand but he looked up as she moved toward the bathroom. He growled as Jami agreed with Tanya. He didn't smell. Not that he could tell anymore, but he didn't think he did.

Still, he followed her into the bathroom, finding it was even smaller than the bedroom. He felt like he was crouching and he ran into Jami's back since there wasn't anywhere else to go. He hooked one finger into the back of her shirt to keep her from falling over and straightened up as much as he could. The bathroom was plain, with tan walls and a white countered sink. The only thing tall about the space was the shower, and there was no way Kain was going to be able to stand up properly. He didn't like it. He felt like the walls were shrinking and he was contained, just like in the facility. He breathed a frustrated breath, but he stayed behind Jami.
Jami yelped - okay, more like squeaked - when Kain hit her back and she lurched forward, only saved from crashing into the shower by his finger slipping into the back of her red shirt, keeping her semi-upright. She glanced back at him with a grateful look and then focused on showing him how to work the hot water, the cold water and the shower lever that made the water switch from the spout down below for a bath to the spray up above for a shower. She didn't know if she needed to or not, but Jami showed him the soap that was for the body and the one that was for his hair and then gave the male a pointed look.

"Klae astahi."

Jami straightened then and turned around before it registered to her that Kain had not moved, like, at all. She had to crane her neck up to look at him and the female hybrid felt an uncharacteristic blush spread across her face.

"Uh..I'll, um..leave you to it. Oh, and I, um, have clothes for you." she said in a half-stuttering, half-confident way before slipping past him and hurrying out the door. Jami left the room completely then and headed through the house without a word, thoroughly distracted as she went out to the truck and grabbed the bag of things she'd bought. She did't move then for a long moment, staring at nothing as her heart hammered in a way that confused her.

What....had that been about?
The fact that she used the dragon language to make sure he used the hygiene products made him realize she would probably know if he didn't. And for some reason, he didn't want to be snapped at someone who he knew was stronger than him. She whipped around them, nearly hitting him in the process. He watched the color change her face and she moved past him too quickly and shut the door behind her. He watched the doorway for a long moment before took off the tattered pants he'd been wearing for the past week, finding he only was able to sit in the tub. He would have crashed through the ceiling with his head if he stood.

He turned the water on as hot as it would go, but it was comforting. It was nice to know he'd retained his ability to handle extremely hot temperatures and severe burns. He flicked the lever and turned the shower head on, watching as the water turned dark beneath him from the dirt and blood covering his hair and body. Popping open the cap to the hair product, finding it smelled strange. Sighing, he put it in his hair anyway, rubbing the soap all the way to his scalp and feeling the hair loosen. After he was done with that, he found the body soap smelled even worse. Huffing again, he washed his arms legs and every other inch of his body. The hot water pounding on his back released tension he didn't even know he had, and he let the soap fall away and sat there for a few minutes, closing his eyes and letting the water run along his body.

Finally, he flicked the shower off and snatched a towel off the wall rack. He shook his head, droplets flying from his black locks. He dried his body off before he wrapped the towel around his waist and opened the door. Steam poured out into the bedroom and he saw the mirror was fogged. All he could make out of his form was his dark hair. He left the room, holding the small towel around him and making poor attempts to untangle his hair. At least it was clean.
Oh good grief that did NOT help!

Jami had looked up as Kain exited the bathroom and she couldn't help but stare, her green-hazel eyes tracing over the muscles and strength in his abdomen, lingering over his legs and arms before she focused on his face. A very good-looking face with wet black hair brushing at his eyes and trailing down his neck. Jami knew she shouldn't be studying him quite so intently, but she was female and he...was not at all bad looking. It happened. She felt the heat come to her face again as her logical mind came back to her and willed her stupid heart to stop racing AGAIN. Damn, what was wrong with her? This was KAIN for star's sake! The blond frowned at her own reactions to someone she shouldn't have been reacting to at all and she decided to ignore it and keep on as if nothing had changed.

Wait. Nothing HAS changed. Stop thinking like that!

Stupid brain.

Jami got off the bed and tossed Kain the clothing she'd bought. There were two kinds of underwear because...well, she didn't know what he usually wore. She'd never asked and she was pretty sure she never would. Just...no. The other items of clothing were a pair of jean shorts, the longest pair she could find - she hadn't even attempted pants because, hello, seven feet tall - and a dark red shirt. He'd said it was his favorite color.

"Ofilnari shafaer vur hak confn tenpiswo vur stharl. Vur tir ti witani, tagoa si geou lemeb wux halkvri wux majak persvek." Jami smiled just a little, almost daring him to try her on her word.
Jami was staring at him. Why was she staring? Did she not like that he still wasn't a dragon? No... that wasn't it. Judging by the she moved quickly and threw his clothes at him, not wanting to come closer, there was something else going on her head. Kain seemed to leave it at that, catching the clothes with one hand and retreating into the bathroom, her words following him. It was a challenge, he noticed. He could do challenges.

He disliked the underclothes, but she'd bought them for a reason, so he used them. However, he would refuse to wear the jean shorts. The material was odd and he didn't like it. No matter what she might say, he wouldn't. He put the new shirt on and his old pants. They weren't that bad, at least to him, there was no hole in the back for his tail because of the way it had grown from his lower back. Only the bottoms were ripped from the running, and there might have been a few stains of red on them, but they were black, and he didn't care.

Putting the towel back where he found it, albeit haphazardly and unfolded, he opened the door again, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorway.

"Wux siofme ekess relekihl ve? Si ornla hefoc ekess ocuir wux xoal. Mobi ui ehis wux shilta tir ekess ve." There were hints of a grin on his face. Kain couldn't pass up someone challenging him, even if it was Jami while he was human.
Jami eyed the black pants but in the end she didn't comment and instead focused on Kain's words, her brow raising in a look that was clearly growing into a grin at seeing the one on his face. "Ui batobot zyak? Algbo, sia danthe darastrix, wux nishka itrewic dout huven." She moved with a rather quick and graceful speed from the bed then and didn't give herself time to think of what might result if she followed through on her spur of the moment plan. She really didn't want to think about it, she just wanted to act and so Jami did.

She gave a half-leap as she drew close to Kain and such was her momentum and speed that when she plowed into him, the male managed to stay upright for a moment or two before gravity took over and he was sent to the side, falling away from the doorway and then down to the floor. Jami managed to hang on to him and ended up landing on his waist, her legs on either side of his body and her hands on both sides of his chest before she giggled and sat back, tilting her head.

"Algbo, batobot jahus ti svabol si siofmea ornla shinalt."

A daredevil grin worked its way across her face then and Jami flexed her fingers in a playful way, eyes gleaming. "Jaka, re wux gethrisjir ekess tir svabol si tuor usv mi si gethrisjir ekess tepoha ekess tickle vin ' si majak svern ' ekik di wux?"

Okay, so there was no dragon word for 'tickle' but Jami didn't really care.
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My dear dragon...

He'd never heard anyone call him 'dragon' much less 'dear.'That's what threw him the most, and it certainly didn't prepare him for her playful attack. He caught the doorway, feeling the wood weaken with his grip, so eventually he had to let go. They toppled to the ground, but Jami was the one upright in the end. She was perched on his waist, laughing and speaking. She hadn't expected to take him down. Had he been at full strength, she would have hit him and hurt herself in the process. He wouldn't be taken down by her, even though he just had been.

Kain didn't know what she wanted to do so bad, but he didn't think she could tickle anything out of him. Plus, it wasn't in him to surrender for anything. It was why when she wiggled her fingers at him, Kain whipped his hands up and snatched her by the wrists. At the same time, he curled up so they were face to face for only a second until he pushed her on her back and he pinned her hands to the ground. He was on his knees over her, since his weight was greater than hers.

"Si tir ti majak svern ekess tikilvi. jinthil dout goawy. Wux nomag clax ve vhira, shar si geou agantal qe versel." There was a soft growl in his voice, but he wasn't intent on intimidation. He simply wanted to remind her where they stood on the scale of power.

Despite his words about not surrendering, he released her wrists and pushed himself off his knees. Strangely enough, he'd enjoyed the scuffle. It hadn't hurt either of them, but it was almost a fight. Kain needed a fight every now and then, even though he also wanted the bloodshed. As a human, he didn't have that urge. He missed it, even if it normally was a dormant feeling.

Kain found he could sit on the bed and sit up straight without having to worry about a ceiling above him. So that's what he did. Jami had wanted him to, and while he would comply with her wishes for the most part, he would always remind her where they stood.
Jami really hadn't been startled by his move. Perhaps she should have been, perhaps even a part of her was, but it certainly wasn't the werewolf part OR the elven part of her. They knew better. They knew Kain and they knew the power and the strength, the pride that exuded from him. They understood it and accepted it in a way her human side still struggled with from time to time. No, he'd not surprised her, but even so, Jami found the breath escaping from her lungs in a gasp when their faces came close and then she could hardly breathe at all as he pinned her.

She didn't smile up at him, not even daring to, but she wasn't unhappy in the least as she listened to his softly growled words. He was right and she didn't mind that. He wouldn't surrender to anyone. He wouldn't even think of it and he would always be more powerful than she even if her strength was technically greater than his. It had nothing to do with physical prowess, Jami was learning, but had more to do with the strength of will in both of them and Kain's was far more powerful even if she liked to challenge it on occasion. She knew her place, had always known her place, even at day one and Jami hadn't forgotten it.

It was why she didn't struggle against him and why when he rose, she let him get to the bed before rising herself.

When Jami finally did approach the bed, it was to face Kain and the smile she gave him was without fear, warm and happy, accepting. She spoke softly, meeting his eyes, but fully prepared to look away submissively should he wish it. "Vucoti sia goawy. Vucoti batobot persvek hesi svihelen, wux re maekrix, Kain. Si tepoha agantal vucat batobot vur si agantal geou. Si tira ti vur nurti geou tuor wux ekess majak svern ekess tikilvi, tangis ve. Vucoti wux re versel... vur jaka wux vucot coi kiri, filki hefoc si renthisja wux ornla."

With that said, the female hybrid moved to the bed and moved behind him, grabbing the brush she'd laid out already and speaking before she did anything. "Si tuor ekess tawura shafaer dout nures. Coi janik ouith vi moxt. Ui batobot kruth?"
He was taller than her even while sitting, but he still looked down at her when she spoke. She knew her place, and she'd never forgotten it. Instead of reminding her again, he nodded. He could respect that she knew and would never forget. In fact, she'd helped him remember the power in everything he did, though he was missing the dragon part of himself.

His golden eyes studied her as she went around and moved onto the bed to sit behind him. She wanted to do something to his hair, but he nodded. He didn't care about pain. When she started, he winced, but she was slowly beginning to untangle each lock as she encountered it. The brush didn't really massage his head, but it was... relaxing. His eyes closed and a low, rumbling growl emanated from his throat. It wasn't to tell her to stop. He was just... almost enjoying what she was doing. It made him want to lay down and go to sleep.
Jami was patient as she started untangling the black mass of mats and tangles she'd wanted to get her hands on for a while. The fact that he was LETTING her do this was still a source of amazement for the blond, but she wasn't about to question it and instead focused on her work. And it was work at first because despite Kain's tolerance for pain, she didn't want to hurt him and she did everything she could to unravel the knots in his hair without pulling, completing her task slowly.

When the deep growl came from Kain's throat - sounding almost like a purr, though she would not mention such thoughts aloud - Jami smiled and continued at her designated pace. Soon enough she was able to run the brush smoothly through his black hair and at that point, Jami slowly put the brush down before she ran her fingers through Kain's hair. At first it really was to make sure she'd gotten all the tangles, but after a time it was just because she found the action soothing, nice and the female hybrid smiled again faintly as her nails ran over his scalp gently.

She was unsure if or when he'd move away or tell her to stop as this was the first time she'd touched him for such a prolonged amount of time, but Jami wouldn't stop until he made it known that he wanted her to and she spoke softly.

"Shilta si makaid coi vi moxt usv tir wux tuor ve ekess jaseve coi lae coi ui?"
Kain could feel the difference when she changed from the brush to her fingers, but somehow, it made it better. He didn't snap at her to stop or try to pull her away. He only continued to emit the purr-like rumble. It was not a noise he'd ever made before, but he had no reason to before this. Never in his time at the facility had someone cared for him, and his life on the outside, before Greenwater... it was still a mystery to him. But now Jami was with him, and she was going to help him. They would find a place far enough away from people but close enough to still be near them.

"Jaseve coi," he said, though his voice was soft. Dragons weren't known to be hairy, and after Kain had changed, his hair grew in short spurts before it stopped completely. He didn't think it would ever grow again.

The purring growl picked up after he spoke, and it stayed that way for a few minutes before the door burst open and Tanya bounced into the room. Kain's eyes snapped open and he leaped from the bed to the small girl in the room. "What are you doing in here?" he snapped, but Tanya wasn't bothered. "I'm wondering what you and her are doing. Are you guys together or something?"


"Hey, you didn't answer my question!"

"I said out! Go talk to your damned dog!"

Tanya bolted and Kain slammed the door behind her, nearly knocking it from the hinges. He was awake and any calm he'd felt during Jami's grooming session was now gone due to the immense amount of anger he had for that little girl. He growled, one hand still on the door, but he knew Tanya hadn't gone just yet.
A peace had settled over the room and over Jami as Kain stayed, as he accepted her touch and she felt the fondness she had for him curl even more tightly around her heart. She decided then that the purring growl that echoed around the room was her new favorite sound and she hoped to hear it again after today. No, she was determined to hear it and the thought made the blond smile happily and her hands continued to work through the thick black hair before her. She felt she'd be willing to do this for hours if it would make him this calm and relaxed, this happy the entire time.

It was something that didn't even get a chance to move past the thinking stage as the door burst open and Jami jumped, startled, but she didn't leap nearly like Kain did. He was gone in a flash and the werewolf-hybrid watched as he ordered Tanya out. When the pixie-girl had gone, Jami found that she was growling, angry. No, no, she was furious and if Kain had not already driven the other female out, Jami would have done it herself....with blood as a resulting consequence. Lots of blood.

Kain was tense and seething and the peace they'd shared was gone. It was gone completely and Jami had little hope that it would come back. It made her want to scream in rage and yet burst into tears at the same time and she forced herself to do neither as her head went into her hands and Jami also forced herself to breathe past the anger she felt.

Why? Why had she agreed to stay and subject them to this? Why did everything always start to go wrong when it felt like she and Kain were finally making some progress?

Whatever the reason, it sucked. Big time.
Kain finally heard Tanya's quiet footsteps retreat from the door, and his hand slid from the door. No one was to enter again, otherwise he would have hurt them. He sighed before he stood up and moved near the bed again, but he sat against it with his back to the end of the mattress. He was quiet as he tried to relinquish the hold he had on his anger, but it was difficult.

"Gethrisj ekess vdri... Jami. Jaciv geou ti qe tenpiswo ekess ocuir udoka tenamalo. Si mi... Bivai. Nomagqe coi jahus ti nao ekess zexenuma tenpiswo."

Not only was it the first time he'd used her name, but it was the second time he'd apologized for something he hadn't really done. His head rested against the mattress, the wet and dark locks sticking to his face and parts of his neck. He was still tall enough to where he could lean his head all the way back so it rested flat on top of the mattress, but he remained lowered so only part of his head was visible. His eyes closed, and even though he didn't feel like it was very late in the evening, he fell asleep. He didn't think he was going to be able to wake himself back up on command, but Jami would be in the room with him.

The thought was strangely comforting as he slipped into his normal, dreamless sleep.
He was sweet and more gentle than he seemed to know and Jami's mood softened as she watched Kain, his voice, his words rolling around in her head slowly. She liked the way her name sounded on his tongue, the fact that he'd spoken it for the first time since they'd met and when he went to sleep, the female hybrid moved from the bed quietly, grabbing both a pillow and the blanket at the end of the bed before coming around to face the male.

She smiled softly as she watched him and then reached forward, lightly brushing his dark hair away from his face. He looked so incredibly young then and Jami laid the pillow on the ground before she worked on gently coaxing his body down to the floor. At some points she was afraid she might wake him, that he might lash out, but she hoped that maybe his body was still accustomed to her touch at the moment and he'd stay asleep.

Once she got his head on the pillow, Jami spread the blanket over Kain and she touched the backs of her fingers to his face softly. "Wux tepoha ehis ekess qe bivai ihk, sia darastrix. Vdri algbo, Kain."

The words were whispered before she moved away and back toward the bed. Jami laid down, sighing as she curled under the covers and let her mind drift off.
Kain was aware of movement, but he only aided her by shifting down so she could rest his head on the pillow. One arm shot out toward her, but it was to take the pillow and shove it tighter under his head like he had the night in the hotel. He felt the blanket over him and he left it there.

The last thing he heard was a perfectly translated version of her words in his head, but all he got was 'My dragon....' He didn't know why Jami was referring to him that way, but he had no time to think about it as he fell asleep. He didn't wake up again for the rest of the night, but morning found him crying out in pain and waking up nearly instantly and in a very violent manner.

Kain could feel his body twisting, and it was the first day of his thirteen years in the facility all over again. He snapped the shirt over his head so he wouldn't rip it and the lower body clothes followed. He dashed into the bathroom, snatching the towel from the rack before he came back out again. He would have stayed in there but he needed a bigger room. He knew how his wings would manifest and it wasn't pretty.

The first thing to show back up was the set of sharp teeth, ripping open his mouth and coughing as traces of blood spilled down his throat. The transformation traveled down his neck, the random patches of black scales reappearing but in different places. The claws came back next, elongating his fingernails and curling them into deadly talons. The wings followed, sprouting from his back and springing out, one hitting the wall and the other stiffening in the air toward the bed. The pain was so sporadic and intense, it dropped him to his knees, and he used one hand to hold himself up while the other kept a death grip on the towel. There was no way Jami wasn't awake after this.

He felt his tail begin to grow as well as the spikes lining his spine, but after his wings, everything else seemed dull and dark. Scales showed up on his legs and arms again, but a random patch appeared on his shoulder blade. He couldn't think about it as he panted, his elbow and knees the only thing propping him up to keep him from collapsing to the ground. He was shaking with the remnants of pain, and somewhere, he heard a door knock. He couldn't tell who it was, but he didn't want to know. In fact, the only thing he did know was that he wanted to roar, and roar he did. The sound threatened to shake the paint from the walls and shingles to slide from the roof.

Kain hated pain.
Jami had woken with the first cry of pain from Kain and her first inclination had been to attack an intruder. So it was that she was looking around for danger and only managed to catch a glimpse of Kain disappearing into the bathroom. She had started to get off the bed, incredibly confused and worried when he emerged again and she understood instantly what was happening. She felt horror come over her as she watched the male suffer through his transformation back into dragon and she wanted more than anything to make it stop for him, to help him somehow.

The rage and hate she felt for Tanya in that moment probably wasn't very rational, but Jami didn't care what was logical and fair at the moment. Not when she was watching Kain shake and try to breathe past the pain, not when she was listening to him roar and she cursed the pixie-girl inwardly as she moved quickly from the bed and to the floor. She didn't think then, she didn't care if this was stupid, she didn't care about the stupid knock at the door or even if Kain lashed out at her for her next actions.

She'd heal and she was not just going to sit back as he suffered. She wasn't going to let him be alone anymore. There'd been enough of that over the last thirteen years for Kain and Jami was determined that it would end with her.

So it was that Jami grabbed the male hybrid's face firmly, not intending to hurt him as she brought his face down to be level with her own, her green-hazel eyes searing into his slightly unfocused gold ones. "Kain! Kain, nymuer ve. Frahr! Wux re ti loaw. Coi geou dolruth, si inglata. Ifpesp, sia darastrix, coi geou dolruth."

Please calm. Please believe her. Please...
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Someone was touching him. Kain vaguely recalled that he hated being touched above anything else, and that was what prompted his next action. The one hand holding him up shoved him up from Jami's grip and his hand came around her throat and slammed her into the carpet floor. He was aware that she'd spoken to him in the dragon language. He knew this person in front of him wanted him to be calm and that what he was feeling would pass. Instead of believing her, he roared and snarled at her. Memories flooded his head and he screeched, hearing the door open. He saw the girl standing there, fearful of him for once. The wolf-man probably wasn't far behind her, if Kain's roar hadn't woken the entire neighborhood.

He went over Jami's words again in his head and something caught him as he did. She called him her dragon again. It seemed to bring him down from the pain, and he released the choke hold he had on Jami's throat. Swiping the clothes from the ground, he pulled his wings in and closed the door. The shirt wasn't wearable now because of his wings and spikes, but he managed to get the underclothes and the tattered pants on again. His claws scraped the counter as he looked at himself in the mirror, realizing he hadn't even felt his horns come back. They were now the same length and even a little longer than before. His wings were longer and wider, and his claws were sharper and had more of an arc to them. His muscles were more defined, and overall, he appeared more powerful, but he felt weaker. He credited it to Tanya's presence, but still, he made himself exit and come back into the room.

He'd tried to kill Jami again. He'd lost his sanity due to the pain, but still, he had tried to choke the life out of her. The thought made him silent, but Tanya took one step toward him and the snarl that escaped his lips was enough to make her flee. He was back to being a dragon, and with that returned the growling and roaring and overall mean attitude.
Jami had felt instant alarm, panic when she felt Kain's clawed hand come around her throat and her vision went black, spots floating before her eyes when her head hit the floor as he roared and growled savagely above her. She couldn't speak, could barely move but to grasp weakly at his wrist as the oxygen her lungs so desperately needed was cut off. Her struggles became weaker and then she was released and Jami's body kick-started after a moment of hesitation, air flooding her starved lungs as she gasped and wheezed, rolling to her side and coughing as the pain in her throat registered. Bruises were already forming on her skin and then fading again as fast as they came.

Something warm and damp on the back of her head became apparent to Jami slowly, but by that point, Mark had come into the room and he approached her, looking truly worried. When the male werewolf reached out to help her, though, Jami snarled and her voice came out in a hoarse scream as she scrambled away from him.

"Don't touch me!"

Jami stumbled to her feet then, the only thought in her head being to flee and that's what she did as Kain exited the bathroom, bypassing Tanya and Mark both.

Her heart beat wildly in her chest and Jami realized she'd found her way into a modest-sized backyard in an absent way, her mind still not working clearly. No, she was scared and shaken and hurt, and the werewolf-hybrid slowly lowered herself to the ground in a back corner against the wood fence, surrounded by a variety of plants and let the sobs shake her body as she curled tightly in on herself. Her head throbbed, the blood in her blond hair giving testament to how hard she'd hit the floor and Jami wasn't thinking right now at all, she was just reacting.


Back in the room, Mark was staring after the way Tanya had gone and the male werewolf looked back at Kain, his brown-amber eyes hard and vicious. "Tanya was only worried for you. You don't need to scare her like that." His voice took on a snarl, looking thunderous. "And what the hell did you do to the she-wolf?"
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