Eureka Academy: First Semester [RP]

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Orin's plan sounded solid. And even if was risky, it was the best they had to go on.

"Sounds good to me," Ashling said quietly to her leader. "That gives us the chance to see what they're doing, and we have a plan in case it isn't the most ideal situation."

Ashling could tell Orin was uncomfortable making the decisions. Could she blame him? At first it seemed like this would be no problem, but the deeper we go, the more perilous the mission gets.

"So, we know what to do if they are awake and waiting for us," she added. "But what will we do if they are asleep? Are we going to try to kill them all? Do we try to trap them and make them forfeit the supplies?"

Ashling was nervous to hear the answer, hoping to hear the latter option confirmed. But how in the world do you make goblins forfeit?

"Maybe they would respond to a hostage? If so, then that would mean we wouldn't have to go into a huge battle outnumbered.. We could just get our supplies back, take the hostage all the way to the entrance, then make a run for it. What do you guys think?"

That... actually might just work. It wasn't the most elegant tactic, but given the situation it seemed to be the most sensible role. Marco wasn't exactly thrilled at the prospect of having the white student lead the charge so to speak, especially with her being a girl. But she was almost ten years his senior and a dominus student, she probably had more combat training that he did so she should be alright. When she asked what they should do if the goblins were asleep, he couldn't help but sigh at her suggestion to kill them. "If your first suggestion is to kill, You'd probably feel more at home in Arma than Dominus. Didn't you hear me when I said my weapons could use knockout gas? If they're asleep then I just need to use that gas to make sure that they stay asleep while we look for the tools. Goblins are sentient creatures you know, not mindless vermin. If you're willing to kill one of that's alseep and of no threat to you just because they're in your way then that's no different from killing a student back at the academy so that you can get a higher ranking in class. I'll never understand why so many people at eureka see murder as the first solution instead of the last."

He sighed again and shook his head to clear his mind. He knew, of course, that his pacifist opinion wasn't the most popular at Eureka, it was a combat academy after all. But this new student was new and she seemed well intentioned enough. He wouldn't have said anything if she was one of those brutes who seemed to live for their blood lust, but considering the personality he saw in her so far, he hoped that she'd be the kind to listen to reason and go into her future training thinking about more that just what the most efficient way to kill her enemies was.

"Anyways, we're wasting enough time talking here and the more time passes without us hearing anything, the more anxious I get. We know our roles so we should get this operation under way."


The Golem made the trip quietly, having little difficulty keeping up with the organics as he did not need to worry about things like stamina. When they got to the crater he noted his leader's advice for him to descend the cliff face by a small dug out passage to the side, but calculated that this would be a needlessly inefficient means of travel for himself. He looked down as hibiki effortlessly hoped and skipped down to the bottom of the crater, somewhat impressed. Despite the strength, agility and precision he had as a golem, his frame was too heavy for him to attempt that kind of acrobatics without access to his combat protocols. However that didn't stop him from jumping down as well once he saw that hibiki had made it down to the bottom. He couldn't replicate hibiki's acrobatics, no, but he had his own advantages the kitsune did not. He skipped off the rockface that was sticking out of the cliff wall and landed on anotehr part of the depression that had a slight but noticable inclination, using it to slide down most of the way in a manner mildly resembling the form of a snowboarder. a little bit more that halfway down the slope ended however and became a complete vertical drop. At the edge of this drop bobby jumped up as vertially as he could, rolling into a back flip to minimize the 'launch' he got from the jump and let himself fall the rest of the way, landing in a crouched position with a loud thud near where hibiki had himself set down only a few seconds prior.

the golem was mildly dismayed that the leader hadn't waited for his arrival or even seemingly bothered to check if anyone else had taken the quick way down before going off to the end of the small trail he had pointed the others towards. He was seriously begining to wonder how efficient a leader the kitsune would be considering his impulsive actions so far. Still, it was by no means hard for bobby to follow his trail, knowing which direction he was supposed to be going in anyways, and quickly caught up to the waiting kitsune. "I chose a more direct approach down. It is usually protocol that when teams are divided during search and capture missions, the groups are divided evenly and the lowest ranking members are paired with the highest so as to minimize holes in the groups' defenses. Such I chose to accompany you, Leader Hibiki." he said, addressing the impatient looking man beside him


The elemental stared quietly while the elf captured some more elementals with his sanguinemancy. It wasn't that he was impressed mind you, it was just a reflex of his to focus all his attention on any new magic that he came across and attempt to analyze it. On the surface the technique that Soren was using seemed almost like a racial trait, something that grimm wouldnt be expected to copy, but Grimm knew better. In the two years grimm had spent at this academy, the teachers he had mentor him had deduced that his ability to absorb magical information was as advanced as it could likely get, at least for now. What they had tasked him to focus on, however, was to look at spells like complex mathematics equations. It was very rare that a complex spell existed by itself, only formed to serve its purpose. It took a very powerful magician to tailor spells like that, either that or they were a biologically developed natural power of a species or particular lifeform. Generally speaking a large spell was built on teh foundations of several smaller spells.The way it was explained to him was that If C=D, and A+B=C, it was often easier to apply a spell of increased voltage(A) to a spell of thunder shock(B) to create a spell lighthning strike(C) than it was to create an entirely new spell to have that lightning strike (D). As such, his studies over the past two years had trained him to not 'scan' a spell as a whole, but rather identify its individual components and how they are combined to create the desired effect, having him learn many small spells simultaneously as opposed to just one large spell at a time*.

Because of this, he was able to look at the sanguinemancy practiced by the elf and saw the components behind his sigils. The altered form of hydromancy he was using to control his blood, the symbolmancy he was channeling through the formation of his blood. The spells were complex, indeed, but not un-learnable, certainly not for someone like him. He just needed to see it a few more times.... or...

while the elf had his back turned, Grimm charged a low level lightning spell in his hand. Nothing that would put him out of commission, but it would get his attention.

Then the normies started flapping their gums, one of them even coming to him to ask for help.

Grimm looked at the knight and the... lizard girl, with disdain, dispelling the lightning spell before teh elf turned around and noticed. Why the hell did they chose to sign up for this mission if they didn't know anything about magic in the first place? People in this academy were all the same. Selfish, caring only about themselves and their goals, and expecting everyone around to help when they bit off more than they could chew. Grimm just wanted to be left alone, but at the beginning of the year there always seemed to be some idiots who couldn't figure out that the guy who looked like a living shadow and growled at everyone who came close wasn't going to be your best buddy.

He just growled at walther, only chosing him specifically because he was teh one who talked to him, but aiming his message at both the white students. "I'm not a babysitter. If you can't help, stay out of the way until you figure it out alone."

He then walked off by himself, heading deeper into the facility without waiting for anyone to follow him. He was growing anxious, and restless, he was impatient to finish this mission and move onto the next thing, and being around so many people who couldn't keep quiet was making him claustrophobic. He'd complete the mission himself if he had to. Actually that sounded a lot better than the alternative.

*: that is, if a spell's value is 10 and its formula is A+B=C, he is being trained not only to look at the spell as A=3 and B=7 (thus rendering the spell as 3+7=10, setting him learn the spells with the values of 3 and 7), but even to dig further deeper into mechanics and view the spell as A=(1+2) and B=(3+4) (rendering the spell as (1+2)+(3+4)=10, which lets him learn 4 minor spells while looking at one large one.) The end of his training will be when he manages to look at even the most complex spell and analyze it down to its most basic components and turn all of its values to an addition of 1)
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Soren Valstrom:

The runecaster wasn't all that surprised to see the Manu snap at the two White students - he didn't seem to want to be around anyone. He also didn't make any movement to stop Grimm from going off on his own, instead waving a hand aimlessly towards the two white students.

"Don't worry about him. He's a big boy - he can handle himself. We're not all self-centered but many of us are jealous of our secrets and keep them well guarded. You two though... You're both White students so it's likely, and now proven, that the two of you are relatively inexperienced. Well, that's why you're here. It's my job as an upperclassman to show you the ropes and help you get started on where you want to go. The Manu is right though. A lot of your learning will come on your own.

"We're all different and we all think differently. Just because I control blood in the way I do doesn't mean anyone else can copy it and do it exactly the same. Your professors will teach you theory and proven basics when it comes to magic and in a lot of cases, you'll find that any natural magic you have will follow along the same lines to a point, maybe more than others. However, you need to keep in mind that natural magic and academic magic are different. If you'll look over here...."

The elf walked to one of the paralyzed elementals and crouched down beside it to point at one of the symbols.

"Sigils are a form of academic magic and even if you don't have natural magic, you can learn to cast them. This is your basic Elemental Bind sigil with one exception. The base is mean to bind conjured elementals, not natural. The symbol here is the one you use to bind a natural one. Also note the shift in scrollwork towards the outer and the change in lettering here."

He pointed to a different section of the sigil where the symbols meandered towards the outer ring and grew sharper.

"The Elemental Bind sigil can be expanded upon and used to bind more powerful elementals but the size of the completed sigil is proportional to the elemental. These infants only need small sigils but when you deal with man-sized elementals, you need a sigil about three feet in diameter. The two of you, even if you have no experience with using magic, should be able to copy my sigil and bind..."

Soren pointed off towards the infant dark elemental who was trying to sneak off, a dart of blood firing from his finger to impact just before it, startling it back into it's corner.

"That feisty little one. Don't worry if you mess up. I'm here to take care of things. And if things go really bad... well, you'll only get a small about of mana burn. At least I think. I've become so desensitized, I can't tell if I'm struck by lightning or static electricity. Either way, I can help. So take a good look at my sigils, ask questions, and when you feel ready, try drawing a sigil."
"Did you not hear a word I just said?" Ashling was annoyed. This kid was higher than her in school, but she wasn't going to tolerate people putting words into her mouth. Especially when it came to her morals as a diplomatic person. She was the last of the three to jump into battle mode.

"I'm trying to think of every option besides killing them. I wasn't the one insisting it's going to be violent. Don't you dare imply that I want to kill these creatures, or anyone else." Ashling realized her voice was becoming too loud for the crowded tunnel walls. She paused and took a slow breathe. Anger wasn't flattering on anyone.

"I had a hard enough time shooting one in the foot. Let alone purposefully killing a sentient being. Did you not just hear me suggest another plan that would involve hurting exactly nobody? I was trying to appeal to your guys' logical side, because the last thing I want to do is kill them. But it doesn't seem like you guys would have reacted to that 'inhumane' argument. I guess I was wrong. But do not, ever, imply that I enjoy killing." She stepped a few steps back toward the curve in the tunnel, and looked around the bend. She saw nothing but darkness ahead.

"Now that you mention it, I remember you talking about the knockout gas. Why didn't you remind us? We've been sitting here arguing about what we're going to do if they're awake, if they're asleep.. Wouldn't that work on them either way? I mean, really, if you felt so strongly about this, why have you let us keep on about fighting them when you could have just been like 'guys, remember? knockout gas?'?" Ashling was, among other things, relieved. It seemed, for now, that there would be no reason for any more injury to come to the goblins. Though a retrieval of the tools without talking to the goblins about why they took them seemed like a temporary fix, it was much better than the alternative: a battle in which many would get hurt, and some would die.

"Anyway, none of that matters. Seems like we have our plan now. When we find them, knockout gas, right? I assume we could just cover our mouths, retreat until they're all asleep, then return to search when the air clears? Obviously I don't exactly know how it works." Ashling waited for a response. It all seemed so simple now.
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As the group approached the forest, his face lit up with glee when he noticed the slope down. He had forgotten about this entirely, and it made him so happy because he loved to have fun with these. However, as the golem dropped down after Hibiki, Rever felt as though it would be inappropriate to drop down like he originally planned since he'd be leaving the last member behind. The brightened glee faded as he glanced over to Isamu, still smiling but not as bright, and he spoke, "So, are we taking the quick way, or do you want to take a stroll down? I'm game for either, but I'd feel more comfortable if we stay together." Rever wasn't sure what to think of this person, not only did he not know him, but he was awful quiet. Rever assumed if there were to be discussion, he would have to start it.

"How kind, Rever. I know you would rather go right down." Kiku said silently inside Revers mind.

"Yeah, yeah, I don't want to let him go alone." He spoke under his breath, trying to be silent enough to not be heard. Spiking a friendly smile once more, "I manipulate friction at my hands and feet, so sliding down a cliff wouldn't be difficult, but leaving eachother alone isn't a brilliant idea, so if you can't, I'll stick with you. Besides, if we're to be in the same classes, it would be nice to get to know one another!" Rever roared a laugh with the last line, he was trying to use friendly humor, but he was no good at it.
He studied Soren's work carefully, trying to recreate the image in his mind even as he stared down on it. Certainly, this was an ability that he could use for his lack of magic, he thought. The moment he offered to let the two white students have a try at it, he sprang up first, getting up from his little nook in the corner.

"I'll have a go at it." He said as he tried to suppress his eagerness in favor of modesty.

He walked over towards the elemental in the corner, footsteps growing more tentative and uncertain. As he reached to what he felt was a close enough distance, he quickly began scrawling the sigil that Soren had made, while keeping another hand with it's palm facing towards the elemental. If it were to move or do anything dangerous, he would try making a jutting movement of some sort to make it flinch or ward it away until he was done in general. Walther still did not take a particular liking to the idea of science based around magic; a concept that is meant to defy logic itself. Yet still, people decide to try and build boundaries of more logic around it. From where he saw magic, it is a vague concept at best. His mind began to wander, and he quickly came to a small conclusion that after this 'lesson' he'd pocket a few elementals especially the one that he's binding right now and leave. It seemed rather abrupt, but he had a sense of ennui when it came to being around people who didnt want him around.

He quickly finished making the sigil that he kept clear in his mind, and waited for something to happen.
"Wait his name is not Manu?" Turning her head in the direction the other person had walked of to and then back again towards Soren. Alyssa was surprised. Hadn't he responded Manu before at that question.
"i have to ask if he is a, Manu then what does that term mean? My people knows very little about magic. So my knowledge is more than lacking in the area" she quickly added right after as to clear up any confusions quickly. Or well her people wasn't even from around so many things where unknown.

She didn't pay much attention to Walter but once she noted he had already started she figured it was best to just let him do it first. Two beginners attempting something potentially dangerous with only a senior to instruct and guide? Not a good idea. At least not in her opinion. Since she knew what tended to happen when she lost control over the powers she had. She then noted that he was finished and raised a curious question.
"doesn't the sigil require some kind of activation?"
Isamu Masami

Masami watched as their group leader leaped down the cliffside and as the golem just jumped down. Well... He could have made it down the wall face like that, but it would take him time. He looked over to Rever when the other began speaking. His ears flattened against his head. It was easy to see how Rever had forced that smile. He wasn't sure what to do... He nibbled on his lip lightly as he thought.

Masami went over and looked down at the steep slope that made up the wall. His eyes danced all over the rock, but he didn't see anything he could properly get footing on and still make it down quickly. It seemed as though they would be taking the long way down. Masami sighed and drooped his head as he realized this. He could tel the other had wanted to gow down the side and he felt bad for not letting him... His already down mood seemed to dropp more as he stepped away from the edge.
"I can't go down... Sorry..."

Head still drooped and eyes aimed down at the ground, Masami decided to walk down the slope. Because of him they'd have to wait down at the bottom. He actually walked quickly, well, quicker than he was. He didn't liket aht Rever had to be stuck with him and the leader was already pissed at him for who knows what reason, so he wanted to get down there as quickly as he possibly could.


Orin Sylvari

Orin stayed siletna s he listened to the others argue. "Enough. No more arguing. We try to go in without violence. If they are awake, Marco, throw some knock-out gas and Ashling and I will go to retrive the tools. Uhm... If that sounds okay..." Orin startred to sound sure, but his tone slightly faltered towards the end. "Let's just... Get this going. None of us wantto get caugt up with a horde of goblins, so let's do this swiftly and silently, okay?" He asked as he stepped behind the both of them.

"Okay, when you're ready, Ashling, Marco." He said. He wasn't very ready for this, he was still very nervous about being the leader, but he knew they had to have one and he was the most experienced, so he tried to hide it. "We can do this." He said, mainly to himself, but to the others as well.
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Clearly Isamu wasn't thrilled with having Rever take the long way, but it really wasn't much of a bother to him. "Hey, I wouldn't have offered if it bothered me that much! Loosen up and pick up than neck of yours!" He spoke enthusiastically, and pretty loud, louder than he needed to. With Isamu picking up the pace, Rever simply slid with him, sidestepping when he needed to. "Besides, now I can ask what's eatin' ya, maybe I can help," he said, this time much more silently with a more personal tone. It was actually slightly surprising that Kiku didn't say anything at this, but Rever chose not to think on that.

"And if you don't wanna talk about it, that's fun, but I enjoy helping out when I can,"
Rever saidtrying to comfort Isamu while making it clear that it wouldn't be a bother for him to help if he could while they scaled the cliff.
Isamu Masami

Masami glanced up and fought off the slight smirk that threatened to spread on his face when he listened to the loud behaviour from Rever. He was contemplating answering his question, but he wasn't sure. It wasn't anything personal about Rever, he just didn't like to talk about himself very much to people. He sighed silently as he figured he might as well.. It would be pretty awkward if they walked in complete silence. "My life was threatened for unknown reasons this morning... Make anyone feel likethis..." He said quietly. He wasn't one for normal conversation, so this was different forhim. He hadn't really talked to anyone very much aside from the occassional talk with a professor while he was at Eureka.

Masami slightly picked his head up to watch where he was going, stepping on and over and around a few scattered rocks here and there. He was barefoot and he could take a lot, but he would be useless if he got a lot of cuts, so he would try to stay careful.
Soren Valstrom:

"The Manu are a race native to this moon," Soren answered offhandedly, watching Walther's sigil as he drew it. "They're connected to the elements and are somewhat of a closed-off race knowledge-wise, mostly because they're always searching for something and this takes up much of their lives and attention; you won't find many here - they're usually flighty.

"Sigils activate on their own which is what makes them great as traps, provided you have to time to inscribe them. However, they're only activated in certain ways; in this case when their boundary is crossed by an elemental of about three feet in volume. For the types without any natural magic, they don't have as many options. In my case since I can control blood, I can form a sigil anywhere almost instantly so long as I know what I'm doing in the first place. You can make a sigil out of anything and if you're particularly imaginative you can even see sigils in nature. In the bark of a tree, lines of sand, cracks in the earth. Sometimes you might find them half made by nature. My way isn't the best way but I am... uniquely equipped to handle it."

As Walther finished his sigil, Soren sent a controlled flurry of blood darts at the elemental who ran trying to dodge the missiles until it ran over the sigil. The runes shone bright blue for a second before they fizzled and crackled with mana discharge. It wasn't a whole lot but it was audible and probably wouldn't hurt much more than a light shock.

With another controlled burst of darts, Soren sent the elemental back into it's corner to cower before walking over to where Walther and the sigil were, waiting for the student to recover before explaining.

"Not bad for a first attempt. I've seen worse and I've seen better but you're in the upper echelon. And someone taught you lettering well, most of your strokes are precise but you need to watch how you draw it. This smear right here turned the 'nyeh' rune into a 'fuuu' rune which renders the sigil useless in this instance. You also failed to match up the trailing tail and the head - it had to pass a rune to get there which dilutes the power. If you hadn't of smeared it, you probably would have held it for awhile but it would have died eventually.

"Your turn if you're up to it," he invited Alyssa.

Nogitsune Hibiki:

Hibiki glanced off from the corner of his eye to look at the golem.

"We're not splitting up. This place is too dangerous for us to go in pairs, even if I am Black rank. Staying as a group is the best option considering some things in here. Not to mention how easy it is to get separated. If we go in pairs and one group splits up, we have two lost people and then the other pair has to split up to find them and now we have four lost people. That and four of a kind always beats a pair."

The kitsune looked up at the path the others were following. He had the distinct feeling that Rever could have made his way down as well but that pitiful little Isamu bitch probably tugged on the kid's heartstrings a little too well. Oh yes, they were deceitful little bastards. 'We didn't do anything.' 'We didn't kill Akira.' Hibiki knew, just as he always knew. It didn't matter if they played a part or not - he was Isamu and he was guilty.

A sneer crossed his face. He was goign to have to babysit the little chickenshit wasn't he? In theory he wouldn't be blue if he didn't have the capabilities but the traitor had been scared shitless by a little show of force. So much so that a professor had to step in.

Hibiki scowled. Mishra had no right to step in. This was a blood feud and he wasn't Nogitsune, Isamu or Kohaku and had no place in it. He'd kill the little bastard. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not on 'purpose', but he would. And he'd make it hurt. He would make the blood traitor pay with his own blood.[/hr]
She walked up next to Walter. Alyssa had one edge in this and that was her visor that could create a 3D hologram guide to shape the sigile before she drew it. Though still since her homeworld was in shambles and worked hard for survival. No one had ever really had the chance to use such old traditional methods of drawing or writing even in education it was rarely used.

"Oh i see does this mean many of them use conjuration magic a lot then?" It was the first question that poped up in her mind.
And having that said Alyssa backed of from her finished sigil. Leaving it open for Soren to watch and the elemental to run in the direction. "lets see how this goes. I don't think i have manualy drawn anything since i was a little kid" Turning her head towards Soren. "I have an magical ability im here to learn to control but this seems interesting to" Then there was a low sound from the rune and the little elemental was sent flying backwards from it. Alyssa turned and looked realising she had forgoten to check the sigil an extra time for mistakes.
He stepped back as the other girl decided to give it a try. For some reason or another, he felt the urge to leave, despite the introduction to such ambiguous and enthralling types of magic that even he can grasp. However another side of him tugged away, as if trying to warn him. He stood for a brief second, his eyes darting between the sigil and the exit, after a moment he simply thought it best to leave, and maybe return another time. But for now, he grabbed a jar and scooped up one or two of the elementals inconspicuously, each in one jar and left. As he did so, he tried to burn the image of the sigil into his mind, as well as the advice he was given by the rather learned mage.

He dropped the two jars into his pack and head back into what he thought was the main campus of the academy. She spied a strange looking figure peering into one of the classrooms, upon closer inspection he could infer it was some sort of nonhuman character, but vaguely familiar in a sense, possibly a female. It was unlike Walther to go about inquiring things, especially regarding the entities in this academy, but he did come here for a reason. He put on his helmet, just in-case.

"Well hello there, you seem a bit uh..lost. Do you need anything in particular?"
Soren Valstrom:

"Like I said, they're a very closed off race. Some of them probably do - it stands to logic that some would. Does that one? I'm not sure. Today has been the first time I've been in close contact with him. But they're an old race so they probably have a lot of experience with runes. You would be surprised how useful they are. The runes that comprise the language are echoed across both worlds and this moon. Historically, they might have been connected at points long ago. It wouldn't surprise me if someone made a portal between both worlds and technology and magic crossed over for a time. But it's more of a historical and linguistics point of view than anything. If you're into that, there are several rune classes around here. It's more of an elective than anything but it's a magic that anyone with the proper training and discipline can do but it's usually Magis and Ultris students who do since they're best able to use it for more than just esoterics. It's more a curiosity to most but it's a good introduction for new students."

He watched as Alyssa drew the rune. It was a little shaky at first, probably a result of her not using her skill in a while, but it started to even out the more she did. There weren't as many crucial mistakes other than a need for more precision to prevent mislettering but there was one very important mistake. It was careless and at the very beginning, so he couldn't really fault her there. Still it proved a good segue. As he sent the elemental into it, he watched it rebound off the rune's boundaries.

"And it looks like you made a circle of protection instead. If you keep going in runic magic, you'll find that the circles deviate from each other only slightly. Many of the runes are for setting parameters of what it goes against, where the power comes from, how far it extends, that sort of thing. Depending on what you do, there may be a few runes that are different in the base seal. For instance, here you connected a pair of runes at the very beginning. On their own they translate to bind and stun but the connection you made turned it into the more benevolent rune 'ulik' meaning guard. Whatever is inside of that circle will be protected from elementals of this size. If you ever decide to go into summoning, you'll find that that the summoning labs have this rune built into the floors and all around the entire building."

"Again, it's all if the two of you..." he stood up and looked around for Walther. "Where did your friend go?"

True, having a death threat just might ruin someones day, but Rever instead chose to attempt making him feel better. "Well today it's his job to keep you alive. Besides, there's always the chance of it blowing over, and if it doesn't, I got your back," Spoke Rever with a smile. He didn't really think it would blow over, Hibiki wasn't exactly famous for his stability, but he wouldn't say that out loud. Removing his abilities, he started to take actual steps, walking his way down. It wasn't too long of a walk down to the rest of the group as they quickly wound up at the base. "Well, let's hop to this" he spoke to the whole group. "I don't know where to find this stuff, so I'll just play follower."


Today was a slow day. Many students seemed to be on a mission and Arukab wasn't hosting any classes at the moment. For now, he strolled along the halls, catching the eye of many students. As a new teacher, he was quite easy to recognize due to his old skin. His attire made it apparent that he was a combat professor rather than a few others. Some might mistaken him for a mage, but that was far from true, he was the epitome of physical combat, rivaled by few. Of course, magic had him beat many times, as it was his polar opposite. Glancing around, he had noticed no students chose to speak with him as he wandered through the halls. Perhaps they thought he was busy? Maybe intimidating? Unlikely, he probably just looked like an old man to them.

The blond haired youth gave a heavy sigh at his teammate's flustered rantings but didn't say anything about how it wasn't his job to constantly remind teammates of their available resources, or how using knock-out gas in a place with NO ventilation could be just as dangerous for them as it would be for the goblins if they weren't careful, or how it was a stupid, rookie mistake to use up all your special items early on in a fight if you don't need to, potentially leaving yourself exposed should something bigger and nastier rear its head later. He didn't mention any of this because after spending a year here already, he'd had more than enough time to learn that most women weren't like his sister. They were emotional and irrational and cared more about 'winning' arguments than actually sharing information, ad tended to get flustered, embarrassed, and more angry when they were proven wrong, rather than relent and admit their logic was flawed. He'd gotten his head bitten off more than once when he wasn't in the wrong before, and had learned to just shut up, nod, and let the girls say what they wanted within his first few months at the academy.

He was happy when the monomeric boy stepped in and ended the argument, nodding at his leader's orders. "You got it team captain, I'll take point then."

He moved forward in front of ashing, staying in a low, crouched position as he shuffled across the dank tunnel floor, making as little noise as possible. He scanned the floor carefully as he proceeded, the complete silence in the burrow's tunnels making him very anxious. Despite the increasingly low light he quickly found what he was keeping an eye out for, thought not in the state that he thought he would. There was a small, rudimentary tripwire set up as he had expected, but he found the cord had already been snapped. He crouched lower and picked up one severed end of the cord and brought it close to his face, shifting down his tinkerer's goggles to get a better look at it. As he suspected there was evidence that the small cord had been rather recently cut, and by something rather big as the fibers showed tension damage over a wide area, suggesting something with a rather stocky leg had tripped the wire. However nothing with such a large leg should have been small enough to fit in the burrow. Maybe it was damaged when a goblin fell down on it? It was a possibility, the goblin they'd shot had an injured leg after all, he could have stumbled over and fell on the tripwire. Marco glanced around and couldn't see any trap mechanism, activated or not, that this wire could be attached to, instead it just disappeared into the dirt wall. So this was an alarm system, likely connected to some rudimentary bells and loud metal things that would make a very loud noise if this thing was tripped by any would-be intruder. But then that still left the question, where the hell WAS everyone? All marco could think of was that the goblin from earlier had mistaken their group for some sort of goblin extermination squad, rushed back to the burrow, warned everybody, and had the whole tribe evacuate before the three got there. Considering how they had earlier lost track of the goblin and spent some time searching for the burrow, it wasn't entirely impossible, but goblins tended to be cowards only when outnumbered. In large groups they were usually more known to be vicious and aggressive. A typical burrow could house anywhere from 5-8 gray goblins at any given time, so unless they'd been victims of a major raid before, the goblins would have no reason to find their party of three a real threat.

Marco didn't like this. The numbers weren't adding up in his head and the possibility of all this being an elaborate (a little TOO elaborate for what goblins usually pull off) trap for their party kept lingering in the back of his head. Done with his examination of the tripwire mechanism and, determining it was relatively safe to proceed, marco gave a silent signal to his two teammates that it was safe to proceed and waited for them to catch up to him before slowly continuing forward. Thankfully for him Goblins were adapted to low-light visibility, but were still blind in total darkness, so there were a few small torches mounted sparingly across the tunnel wall that prevented Marco from completely loosing sight of where he was going. Not like there was anywhere but forward to go mind you, but he still kept his eyes peeled for traps and was thankful for the small amount of light that made this possible.

Soon they came across the entrance to a small alcove. Judging from the musky scent coming from within and the small fire pit in the middle this was likely the goblin's 'meal hall' where they would keep and prepare whatever animal meat they were going to feast on that night, as well as a few rudimentary cooking utensils and what passed for goblin tableware (as with 90% of goblin equipment, the majority of these would just be crude instruments carved from rock, save for what metalware they could steal from the academy students and staff). This meant that this would be the largest 'room' in the burrow and, predictably, the light from teh fire pit did not even reach the walls of the meal hall, leaving a wide band of darkness where enemies could potentially be waiting in ambush.

Leaning out of his peek inside the alcove, marco then turned to his two teammates and whispered to them. "Right, so it looks like we've found their meal hall. This room is usually the largest in a goblin tribe's burrow and is the likeliest place for them to stage an ambush, I'm not liking how that fie pit's burning with no one tending it either. That being said, it's possible we could find some of the gardening tools we need in here since the goblins might have improvised them for cooking or eating, it wouldn't be the first time they used a watering can as a kettle for example. If the tools aren't here, then we'll know that they'll be found in the stockpile, a smaller room where goblins hoard all their 'treasures' as well as whatever surplus resources they might have that is usually situated in the deepest part of the burrow. It'd be smart for us to check this place before moving on, but again: the whole 'ambush' thing. Goblins are adapted to low light visibility, so if we go in there now and they are waiting for us, we'll be at a disadvantage, however we can use that to our advantage. If either of you two know any techniques that produce a large amount of light, preferably one that doesn't generate a lot of noise to go with it, we could knock two birds with one stone. First we'd illuminate the meal hall and be able to see if there's anything in there we need, secondly if the goblins are there the light would temporarily blind them and allow us to rush them before they recover. I could use my flashbangs for this, but the problem is with the 'bang' part of its name. I'd rather not alert anything that could still be waiting farther down the burrow, so if either of you two have any more silent alternatives like I ask, i would suggest using those now."

He looked up to Orin with a calm but focused expression. "Does that sound acceptable captain?"


The construct bowed lightly in response to Hibiki's correction "Apologies for my lack of clarity commander, I was referring only to the temporary separation brought by our variant choices in how to descend the slope. It was not my intention to imply that our group was going to undergo a more permanent separation for the purposes of the mission."

when the two others caught up with himself and the team leader bobby greeted them both cordially. The human then suggested that they get the mission underway, but confessed he had no idea of how to actually find the items they needed. "I will be capable of identifying the components once we come across them, however the knowledge I have on how to go about finding these specific reagents in the wild is very limited," he added. "Perhaps our commander, who has the most years of experience at this academy, can provide us with more information on how to proceed?"
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Orin Sylvari, grey
Orin felt something... And it wasn't good. He stepped forward and looked into the shadows. Having grown accustomed to looking in the dark, he noticed nothing in the closest shadows as he moved closer to the entrance to the mess hall. "There's... There's no one here. They shouldhave known we would be here... The wounded one must have gotten back before us. Goblins are smart enough to mount an ambush... But they wouldn't be smart enough to think to station themselves at multiple places. They'd all charge out and try to just overcome us with their numbers."

Orin stepped forward again, feeling alot less more comfortable then he already had when walking in here. He glanced down at the ground and his fear was confirmed. "Look... There is no blood onthe ground. The wound wouldn't have stopped bleeding with the arrow still in it... and there should be at least a single drop of blood, but there is nothing here." Orin looked thoughtful for a moment before he told the other two to stay where they were for the time bing.

Orin stepped out into the mess hall and drew his scythe. Something was incredibly wrong here and Orin quickly became more uncomfortable as he steopped farther into the large room. He glanced around and he noticed the gardening tools in question were actually being used as cooking and cutting tools. They were all laid out on the floor near the hole in the wall for the pot in a nice row. He stepped closer, but stopped dead in his tracks. In front of the table where the tools were, there seemed to be an out of place pile of rocks.

It was only out of place because the rest of the room consisted of two tables and chairs on both sides. There was nothing else on the floor so... why would they leave a pile of rocks here? Orin decided to not pay it any mind and he began to reach for the tools but soon stopped.

Did... Did it just... Move?

Orin looked incredulously down at the 'rock pile.' He tentatively reached again, but pulled back and stepped away when he noticed the rocks move. He knew they moved that time. Red eyes widened as the rocks looked to be like they were uncoiling. Orin stood, frozen for a moment. He swore he had read something similar to this. As it continued to twist and turn, a head with piercing yellow eyes with diamond pupils looked at him. Orin gasped and backed away.


Orin turned and ran back to where Marco and Ashling were. There was no way they could kill it here. It was too dark and this thing practically blended in with the ground.

"Run! Back to the entrance, now!!"
From the edge of the hall, Ashling heard Orin call out a warning, though she couldn't see a thing. He sounded serious, and she didn't want to take any chances.

She turned and ran.

The light grew as she continued down the tunnel toward the entrance, but the path seemed endless.

Between labored breaths, she managed to call out, "Anyone wanna tell me what's chasing us?" She was scared, and she didn't know what to do. She couldn't think of anything unless she knew what they were running from. But she knew one thing, it was much more dangerous than a few goblins. She drew her bow and arrow, but she couldn't look back. She didn't know what was chasing her, so even though her weapon was her first line of defense, she reminded herself it was still her last resort. Could be another sentient being, and after that monologue the last thing I want to do is make them think I'm a killer and a liar.

She resented Marco for everything he had said about her, and for not recanting it when she corrected him. She'd been civil enough. Of course none of that really mattered, since they were now running for their lives from an unknown creature down a long and winding tunnel.

I'm sure his humane weapons would really come in handy now.

Ashling put her bow and arrow away. They made it more difficult to run.

The light grew in intensity as she reached the mouth of the tunnel, and climbed up into the outside world. She ran a few feet farther, then turned to face her attacker. A giant snake creature with stone-like skin emerged from the tunnel, poised to strike. I've heard of these things before... But what were they called? And how do you survive against one?

She hoped Orin had a plan. Or that Marco had a device that could save them all. She could guess that her first choice, negotiation, would be lost on this being. So, she grabbed for her bow again, and waited ever-lasting milliseconds for instructions.
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Matthew Riker

When Matthew saw the giant floating airship, he already knew this "Eureka Academy" was a dream come true. He longed to meet all the professors who were going to teach him everything. Now, sitting on the airship was getting boring. He walked around the airship, examining everything. He looked at the design of the ship, wondering what made the ship fly. What powers this thing? He wondered. It felt like flying on an airplane, yet it didn't. He walked back to his seat. He gazed out the window, wondering where he was going and why it was taking so long.

A bunch a students started screaming an yelling. A huge stampede of students ran up to the front of the ship. "We're here!" They screamed. Yes! Finally! He thought. The academy was an amazing sight. How hard was it to make such a beautiful structure? He watched as the airship pulled up on the docking station. He followed the rest of the students.

As he followed the rest of the students, he couldn't help but admire the structure of the academy. A group of adults were walking around and talking to the students. Those must be the staff.
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Nogitsune Hibiki:

The kitsune watched with a sneer as the other two members of the party joined them, having taken the long way down. He knew Rever could have left the Isamu bitch behind but the human was just too caring - that would get him killed one day. And Hibiki liked Rever as much as he could stand another so that just wouldn't do. As soon as they approached, Hibiki took the notebook and began flipping through it. Alongside the sketches of what they were looking for were notes on how to handle them, particularly the orange lotus nectar and the yelktenk venom. It was easy enough though and the iron phials that had been given to them would be able to contain the venom, if Professor Ayrie's calculations were correct. Out of everything though, there was only one thing that Hibiki knew the absolute location of.

"So like I said to this golem, we are not splitting up. That's right Isamu coward, I'm not sending you off to die cold and alone just yet. This crater is teeming with life and a majourity of it will want to kill us. Keep your eyes around you and stay vigilant. Out of all the things we need to get, there is only one thing that I know the whereabouts of: the orange lotus. You might have seen a change in the trees from the rim that sidewinds through. That is the river that flows through and along it are pools where we will find the lotuses. We might not find it right off, but when we do, we'll know that the Alfickon tigers frequent the pool and we can set up an ambush to kill one or two and collect their blood. If we're lucky we'll find one or two of the other reagents along the way to the pools and that will cut down on the search time.

"A few precautions. Always look up. Wanderthread spiders and yelktenks can and do travel through the trees and keeping a eye up means that we can save ourself from having to carry one of your asses because your legs got paralyzed. That's the second thing - according to Mishra, yelktenks are poisonous if they bite and it will paralyze you. Avoid it at all costs. Third, if you see a plant walking, call for a halt. Those are probably Burulfa - once they've killed the tree they've fed on, they travel to the next target by shifting around on their root systems. THe sketches of this are... actually pretty interesting. Did not know there were things that could do that.

"That's really everything to look out for especially besides giant horned beast coming at you, tigers popping from the undergrowth. Any other questions?"
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