Euphoria [M]

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
That's Laurence Fishbourne's wife! D: She's also in Firefly and Alias and 24... >_>; And trust me, Monet WILL lay a smack down on people if they get in her way
All right so Zypher's post is good! I'm just waiting for the other's to post before I go again. :P
Is anyone else gonna post?
I know Torsty will be on vacation until May 12. I'm swamped with work, projects, and finals...I don't know what's going on with the others.

So it looks like Euphoria is going to slow down for about a week, though, I'm hoping things will pick up right up after.
I don't want to monopolize but I can post if you'd like
My last day of finals is tomorrow and then after that I think it's safe to bring this show back on the road.

I'll post something soon to get the RP bumped.
YOU GOT ME AND NINO! We're playing sisters, and I hope this lil set miniplot thinger thing is okay! .____.; With all of the tragic drug and sex addicted characters I thought I would bring in one that HASN'T gotten there... yet! So we can see how street life, Euphoria and this bad nasty world corrupts, or how people want to NOT-corrupt... depending on their agenda. That's my idea, anyway? t__t

NAME: Megan West
AGE: 18 Barely.
APPEARANCE: Megan is about 4'2" with a stick-thin, narrow body. Even when circumstances were better, she doesn't always look healthy. The occasional dark circles and pale features. Her tiny stature and frame makes her look several years younger than she actually is. Added insult to injury, she barely has any boobs at all. Megan tries to hide her figure through wearing lots of layers of clothing and drawing attention back up to her face. She considers herself "cute" and likes to spend time fluffing up or coloring her hair. Her eyes are light greyish sort of blue. Long wavy hair, dirtybrown/light blond. With her own added hot pink streaks.
OCCUPATION: None. She didn't have to work, and didn't care to think about it. Now, she doesn't now how to do anything and doesn't know what to do.
IF YES, WHAT IS IT? A keychain with a small spray bottle of mace and tiny little switch knife. It also has a lighter, a flashlight, her old house keys, and tiny camera.
SO TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF: Megan was a "miracle child". At the time, having kids wasn't easy and it wasn't that great of an idea. The pregnancy with Megan was rough, and there was a huge chance she was going to die before even being born. Afterwords, she almost did. Spending the first two years or so of her life being in and out of the doctor's office for various reasons. As she got older, she got healthier, but all of the illnesses still stunted her growth.

Megan spent most of her life being kept away from anything that her family thought might kill her. Anything. She was home-schooled, home entertained, home everything. Sometimes Big Sister would sneak her out for a little fun somewhere, but it was always well supervised. Megan is educated in what the world is "like" but she never has experienced/seen/heard it all in person.

Presently, some really fucked up shit happened! One day life was just fine and the next, a bunch of people broke in to the house and shot the place up. Both her parents were shot and killed in the fray while Megan was hiding under a bed. Calliope showed up in time before her sister was killed too, shot the guys and now both sisters are running.
Ohh, well this is interesting for sure! You're accepted :D

Thank you for joining ^___^
NAME:Calliope West
AGE: 27
APPEARANCE: .Unlike her sister, Calliope has dark, long hair and (just like her little sister) is skinny as a rail. Covered with tats and obviously rough- she is pretty if she takes the time to do it. Always wearing black, she tries to keep low-profile because of her sister. The only thing that identifies her with Megan is a birthmark: the only thing other than tats, is the birthmark on her cheek. Hard-drinking and mean, she would do ANYTHING to keep her sister from the real world.
DO YOU USE A WEAPON? Y/N: Yes. Many, if possible.
IF YES, WHAT IS IT? Desert Eagle, .50
SO TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF: Calliope always has been a free spirit. After she left the house, she handled her things on her own-- to try and make things better for her troubled parents.She knew about her little sister's sickness, but STILL kept trying to find things that made her feel better. Even though she moved out of the house years ago, she even still tried to be there for Megan. After a while though, someone found out about her secret weed stash and tried to invest.

Calliope answered with blazing guns.

However, her parents and Megan weren't safe. The night Calliope killed the men, their boss sent them to the home. In the aftermath-- it only left one option:KILL the people who took their parents away and protect Megan- the ONLY living witness of the crime.
Looking good. You're accepted!

Sorry it took me awhile. We had our senior formal dance yesterday and I just got back to the campus XD


Added both characters to the list. A post from me will be up sometime tonight so we can get things moving.
woah...someone has been killing my colleagues?

Yay for more profit!

I'll post sometime in the next three days. Probably sooner rather than later.
Sweet! ^_^ I'm kinda curious what he's gonna do XD
NAME: Stephen Carpenter
AGE: 21
After everything hit the fan, my hair turned Jet black, and I haven't been bothered to do anything with it for a few years, I usually wear a black denim jacket over a t-shirt of some band I used to listen to before everything got fucked up, bluejeans and steel toe construction boots. I've got a couple of knives concealed in varous placed on my body, ranging anywhere from a tiny throwing dagger to my combat knives.

OCCUPATION: Unemployed officially, works different jobs for the right price, usually if he can't take the item by force
IF YES, WHAT IS IT? an assortment of different knives, tools, or anything remotely sharp or heavy I can get my hands on
SO TELL US ABOUT YOURSELF: When the war hit, everything changed, I went from barely scraping a living with my mother, my father nowhere in sight. to being an orphan at age 16. After watching them cut up everyone I know one by one, I just stopped caring, about everything, every one. I've been on every drug known to man, Angel Dust, X, Smack, Flatliners, Blow, name it I've smoked snorted or shot it.

What do I do, shit, whatever the fuck I want to. Need something delivered gimmie some blow, someone dead, Angel Dust, and maybe a gun 'n some bullets. Other than that, Drugs and somthin' for the munchies. everything else I need, I take.
Hehe, I like this character. Accepted and will be added to the list!
Yeaaahh....*sniffs hand* I haven't done any of the harder shit.

I have never even heard of "Flatliners" or "Beast"

Nice Bio, man.
So will there be posts? I really can't post since I'm waiting for Myrn. >_>
I can post. I'll try to get to it tonight.

I know I said I was gonna post, but I gotta Catch Zyph before I do so I can go over some things with him.
Posted, Just intro and an assassination. nothing big.